Article: "Democrats debate themselves: Why do we suck?"

Neither do republicans magaturds, you fucking retard. You are hucking the same populist bullshit 'solutions' to problems that don't exist, like CRT, that kids are becoming trans at some alarming rate, 'grooming', replacement theory horseshit and ignorant hayseed god botherers running for local school boards in flyover country because they believe they know education better than tenored educators. Do magaturds have any fleshed out policies to address the economy? No, just more lip service, like their leftist counterparts.

GTFO of here with that non-starter nonsense.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, you fucking retard, 70% of Americans say the country is going in the wrong direction and Democrats are running on a campaign theme of, "Let's keep on going in the same direction". That's what the democrats are running on. Republicans don't even need to run on anything at all when the other side is running on keeping the country going in the wrong direction. And, it's totally amazing that the Dimwhits are so stupid that they are actually purposely doing that.

"Republicans aren't running on anything but vote for us because at least we are running on going in the same direction that everyone thinks is the wrong direction".
You really think repeating propaganda, and wink and nod's to Gobbels from the 1930s is the way forward for your rhetoric? Shameful.
You'd make Goebbels proud.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, you fucking retard, 70% of Americans say the country is going in the wrong direction and Democrats are running on a campaign theme of, "Let's keep on going in the same direction". That's what the democrats are running on. Republicans don't even need to run on anything at all when the other side is running on keeping the country going in the wrong direction. And, it's totally amazing that the Dimwhits are so stupid that they are actually purposely doing that.

"Republicans aren't running on anything but vote for us because at least we are running on going in the same direction that everyone thinks is the wrong direction".
'Wrong direction '. Superficial bullshit. Magaturds are running on populism, plain and simple. They stand for zilch.
'Wrong direction '. Superficial bullshit. Magaturds are running on populism, plain and simple. They stand for zilch.
Wrong....Democrats had the chance to be the bigger party, do great things for America, and usher us out of the Trump era. What did they do? They went batshit crazy, and embraced every lunatic theory, and tried to shove their entire bag of crazy down America's throats....Now their going to pay at the polls....Enjoy, I know I
Democrats had the chance to be the bigger party, do great things for America, and usher us out of the Trump era.
They did? Democrats had a chance to be 'the bigger party', huh? With 30+% off magaturds promoting the lie the election was stolen, the Democrats were the bigger party. Couple that with the Jan. 6th magaturd tantrum on the Capitol steps (AKA the shitty insurrection), and rational folks see magaturd sympathizers are just gaslighting and have nothing positive to run on.
They did? Democrats had a chance to be 'the bigger party', huh? With 30+% off magaturds promoting the lie the election was stolen, the Democrats were the bigger party. Couple that with the Jan. 6th magaturd tantrum on the Capitol steps (AKA the shitty insurrection), and rational folks see magaturd sympathizers are just gaslighting and have nothing positive to run on.
I see...So, MAGA republicans made you destroy the economy? Ignore crime? and the rest of the dumb assed shit you people have done in the past two years? I think not.
So, MAGA republicans made you destroy the economy? Ignore crime? and the rest of the dumb assed shit you people have done in the past two years?
I destroyed the economy? No. I ignore crime? No. The dumbassed shit you magaturds do is make your worthless arguments personal, like the Orange shit heel and his family did. Monkey see, monkey do, I suppose. :dunno: What is the magaturd policy for counteracting inflation? Oh, that's right. they don't have one. Well, they might have a majority soon, so they better figure it out pretty fucking sooner than later. But I know they won't. because ignorant, cock Asians in flyover country have a cultural grievance agenda that's apparently more important than, you know, actually fixing things. That's why magaturds need to be fucking deported from this country by force, if necessary.

I think not.
You apparently don't think very deeply.
'Wrong direction '. Superficial bullshit. Magaturds are running on populism, plain and simple. They stand for zilch.
Ignore the polls at your own risk. After you lose big at the midterms then you can say, "Well, the majority party historically loses seats in the midterms". You can also question the election results, just like you always do and you can start the big lie of vote suppression and gerrrymandering, even as you lose a bunch of elections that can't even be gerrymandered, including in California, Oregon, Washington, and New York. Of course that kind of conflicts with "Well, the majority party historically loses seats in the midterms". How do you plan on squaring that up?
Ignore the polls at your own risk. After you lose big at the midterms then you can say, "Well, the majority party historically loses seats in the midterms". You can also question the election results, just like you always do and you can start the big lie of vote suppression and gerrrymandering, even as you lose a bunch of elections that can't even be gerrymandered, including in California, Oregon, Washington, and New York. Of course that kind of conflicts with "Well, the majority party historically loses seats in the midterms". How do you plan on squaring that up?
I voted a week ago.
I'm part of that 70% and I blame BOTH parties.

Things were just fine under Trump. He might have been a crazy motherfucker but everyone was employed and prices were low.

A lot of Americans can see that, even if the party sheep can't.

I don't give a fuck about personalities, and I "barely" care about a little graft.

This sheep wants to eat and feed his family.

The Democrats are totally fucking INCOMPETENT that way.

Totally. Completely.
How are Dems supposed to combat the irrational, reactionary response by some to move towards christian nationalism? How do they change the dishonest narrative the party has abandoned the working class even as the Repubs fight against unions, minimum wage increases, fair labor practices, and the ability to restrict companies from offshoring jobs?
Tell you what, you start treating Christians like respectable human beings and maybe they won't crawl up your ass.
I’m going to agree with you that the Dems focus on fringe issues is costing them, and they have left behind a large proportion of their support by excluding many.

How about Republicans legislating against free speech, disappearing lgbtq people in culture and education, also focusing on fringe causes? Opposing allow abortion even in the case of rape, severe fetal anomalies and unless the mothers life is in imminent danger?

Dems have two things against them in the midterms. The party in power always loses seats and the economy sucks. That sunk Trump as well. They running some good candidates as well and the Republicans are running some horrible ones.

It will come out to some aspect of these concerns:
gun violence

Those seem to consistently come in voter surveys.
You think this is about issues.

Yeah, I suppose a lot of people think that way.

I don't.

I know what this stuff is, I've seen it before.

Words like revulsion and disgust come to mind.

I don't expect that the Republicans will do a better job with "issues".

But I'll probably vote for them anyway.
So, you believe you read minds. Such superior poppycock intellect.

Actually, I based that on what Mac has written here over the last 10 years...

He used to be a pretty sensible liberal. Then something happened to him when he got on the anti-PC kick, where he really thinks that there's a PC Police hunting down people like him for expressing the "wrong" opinions.

He also tried to attribute this anti-PC backlash to Trump's win... but I kind of ruined his day by pointing out that Trump did less well with the electorate at large and white people in particular than Mitt Romney did. Or that the GOP has gotten the same percentage of the white vote since Richard Nixon. (less the two elections where Ross Perot split the white vote with Bush and Dole)

Mac's entire premise in his posts is that the Democrats don't spend enough time pandering to white, straight males by advocating for marginalized groups.

You don't win elections by ignoring your friends by trying to pander to your enemies.

But no doubt, he will take the usual midterm shift that always happens as "Proof" that he is right.
You guys said that 10 years ago about Gay marriage..

Now we have Gay Marriage, and the world has not come to an end.

No, but the US continues on a downward spiral thanks to stuff like this. The world hasn’t ended due to climate change either despite multiple claims over the years, but that doesn’t stop the left from banging that drum ad nauseum.
I destroyed the economy? No. I ignore crime? No. The dumbassed shit you magaturds do is make your worthless arguments personal, like the Orange shit heel and his family did. Monkey see, monkey do, I suppose. :dunno: What is the magaturd policy for counteracting inflation? Oh, that's right. they don't have one. Well, they might have a majority soon, so they better figure it out pretty fucking sooner than later. But I know they won't. because ignorant, cock Asians in flyover country have a cultural grievance agenda that's apparently more important than, you know, actually fixing things. That's why magaturds need to be fucking deported from this country by force, if necessary.

You apparently don't think very deeply.

They do have a plan. Stop unnessary spending and bailouts/handouts. Spending more money doesn’t help inflation. Remove energy regulations that are hurting our energy sector, thus bringing down energy cost. That is a major cause of inflation. The problem is, Biden won’t sign off on any of this. He is the king idiot/traitor of all the peons that are too stupid to see what is going on.

If all the Republicans left his country you would starve. We are the givers not the takers. The takers vote HEAVILY Democratic. I know, because I live in a red state where our state takes more than it gives due to the taker class which votes lock-step Democrat every election. 95% of successful people in my state vote Republican and 95% of the losers vote Democrat.

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