Article: "Democrats debate themselves: Why do we suck?"

Not that I disagree with the point on the Dem's going too far with political correctness but........

......there is a historically high correlation between voting patterns and the price of gas. Moreover, this election cycle is going to be about the largely ignorant belief Biden is responsible for inflation. Would there be a red wave if not for inflation? No.

/-----/ " largely ignorant belief Biden is responsible for inflation"
If democrats admitted Dementia Joe's policies are responsible for inflation, then they would have to give Trump credit for low inflation. Even worse they have to avoid giving Obama credit for low inflation as well. Kind of poetic justice.

BTW, there have been three massive spending bills flushed into the economy this year – already -- and mostly financed with debt: the $1.9 trillion blue state bailout bill back in the spring and the $1.2 trillion infrastructure/green energy bill. this simple and inviolable law of economics and finance explains in one sentence why the Biden government spending bills have accelerated the rise in consumer prices to their highest rates in nearly 30 years.
No pride in your country

Pride in one’s country means loving her, warts and all. It means acknowledging the wrongs and trying to right them, and celebrating what makes our country exceptional and worth fighting for. Republicans act like they have the copyright on patriotism, turning it into a cheap bumper sticker slogan defined by such things as where you put your hand during the Pledge of Allegiance, what you wear on your lapel, what religion you follow. To Republicans, pride in your country allows for no dissent, however respectful. That isn’t pride, which seeks to be inclusive. It’s pride cheapened into a set gestures, words and symbols that have turned patriotism into a commodity that can only be attained through a zero sum game.

Ostracization of political opponents
Demonizing the left, defining them as the enemy of the people instead of political opponents (thank you Mr. Gingrich), calling them pedophiles and pedo supporters, exiling those who refuse fealty into RINOdom

No exchange of ideas, just unquestioning followers
The Cult of Trump. The banishing of those who refuse to endorse the Big Lie. The acceptance of anything and everything Trump does as right and just, even now, when he is out of office. What exchange of ideas in a party where compromise is associated with appeasement?
/----/ "makes our country exceptional "
Your fellow libtards disagree:
Here's the thing. My problem with the Republicans are less their ideology and more their general incompetence.
well ok, that's many folks take on a party Joe, but there's no metric for anyone who is beyond being accountable for their actions you see....
but please go back into thinking we just need to let Commie Bernie fix everything.
on pleeeease.....i wish he would just go back to being Burlington's mayor....
Okay. I'll take the blame.
welp, you'd be a lousy politician Mac ......
It will come out to some aspect of these concerns:
gun violence

Those seem to consistently come in voter surveys.



1. Raise frozen Minimum WageYESNO
2. Strengthen gun safety lawsYESNO
3. Tax wealthiest firms and the SuperRichYESNO
4. Guarantee Freedom for Women – RoeYESNO
crime/gun violence
If democrats admitted Dementia Joe's policies are responsible for inflation, then they would have to give Trump credit for low inflation. Even worse they have to avoid giving Obama credit for low inflation as well. Kind of poetic justice.

Not really. Inflation has been low since Ronald Reagan destroyed the middle class by busting the unions.

If anything, Trump is probably at least partially to blame for inflation for not raising interest rates in 2017.

The problem with inflation is that we are suffering from a labor shortage. We have 360,000 baby Boomers retiring out of the system every month, with not enough millenials to replace them. Trump's anti-immigrant policies have probably made THAT worse in that he made it harder for people to get green cards.

Then Covid came along, and changed everyone's attitudes towards work. People realized that working a minimum wage job and then giving that money to a day-care provider was more trouble than just staying home and taking care of your own kids. People found they liked working at home. And employers that dug in their heals at paying people living wages now found themselves offering $16.00/hr. for a burger flipper and we still don't have enough burger flippers.

Obviously, the labor shortage isn't the only problem, so is the world wide increase of demand in commodities such as petroleum, steel, food, etc.

My concern is that we may end up wrecking certain aspects of the economy and not bringing inflation down because the underlying problems won't be solved.
If he's breaking a law.

Therein lies the problem. Because of leftist policies, in some places a man who professes to be a woman can legally be in a woman’s locker room. This is just one of many examples of why voting for Democrats is harmful to the very fabric of our country.
Therein lies the problem. Because of leftist policies, in some places a man who professes to be a woman can legally be in a woman’s locker room. This is just one of many examples of why voting for Democrats is harmful to the very fabric of our country.

If this is the worst thing you have to worry about in your life, your life is pretty good.
If this is the worst thing you have to worry about in your life, your life is pretty good.

Obviously, it is the one of many wacko things the left has to worry about, thus why they are continually pushing these types of laws. At some point, the cumulative effect of the insanity starts to become a real problem. We are at that point.
They are not a minority in many state houses and federal government is not the only source of legislation.

You (as I suspected) failed to post ANY legislation that you believe was or is an attack on free speech...

Legislation banning, even in non sexual ways, talking of non-hetero people and families, book bannings that target books far beyond those that are inappropriately graphic and target primarily black and lgbtq authors and characters; laws that impose restrictions on what can discussed or taught in higher e and private business’s. Sounds like attemting to erase them from the public sphere and redefine them as abnormal and dangerous. If they are just 1% of the population why are Republicans spending so energy on legislating against them and ginning up hate?

It was Democrats that made a decision to abandon standard curriculum in public schools, K-12, NOT just in higher ed, as you assert...Then had the gaul to tell parents that were concerned, that their kids didn't belong to them....The only ones "ginning up hate" are those of you in the Democrat sphere that are constantly looking for ways to label your political opponents as bigots, and homophobes...Most are like me. For example, I couldn't care less what people decide they want to do with their lives sexually or anything else, but when you involve children that 1. Don't understand, and 2. Can't form the requisite informed opinion of the decisions that some in the primary education system want to push them toward, then I have a BIG problem with it, especially when parents of these children aren't involved in even knowing what is going on when they send their kids to school. It's evil.

How is anything “forced” on you?
I have confidence you've heard the reports across the country of this push in primary education....And I am sure you know that the position of these "teachers" that push this, don't believe the parents have a say at all....So, 'the only thing evil needs to win, is for good men not to stand'....

Top 4 issues:

2022 Midterm Elections Tracker

See the latest data on voter enthusiasm, voter trust, approval ratings, and top issues driving voter decisions leading up to the midterms.

Gun Policy
With education and immigration following.

Abortion remains in the top tier but economy is by far the important. Your items fall below or are not even mentioned.

Good people can disagree, and the sources you wish to believe, I think, are overblowing the importance of abortion through the media...

One thing is for sure, the Democrats under Joe Biden have supremely screwed up this country in record time. And the voters walking into the polls right now hate it when they go to the Grocery store, the Gas station, have to buy nearly anything that life requires. And THAT is what is going to drive this midterm...It is going to be a clear message to Washington, the problem is, will Democrats listen?
To show you how you don't understand virtually anything I say, here we go:

No pride in your country
Reality: Plenty of pride in my country, which is why I'm so concerned right now.

No religious grounding
Reality: I fully support freedom of religion. Just don't force your ersatz, supposed religious views on others. I'd say the same thing to a Muslim.

Ostracization of political opponents
Reality: Since my political opponents exist on both ends of the spectrum, I have disagreements with both ends. An obedient sheep like you wouldn't understand. And most of your posts are ostracization of political opponents, with plenty of personal insults. Talk about projection. Talk about self-unaware.

No exchange of ideas, just unquestioning followers
Reality: I think what we need is for both ends of our spectrum to get over themselves, and practice communication, collaboration, cooperation and innovation. Ideas coming from everywhere, the imagination flowing. Just like our Founders did. Exactly the opposite your post. Again, a sheep like you wouldn't understand. Because you're self-unaware.

So, four lies by you. You just make shit up about me to fit your twisted, ignorant view of me. This is why I don't bother.

Sorry it took so long to get back to you on this...

Look Mac, I'm tough on you because I don't think you are being honest from the jump...

You may believe that you are being independent on the issues, when I would gauge that 95% of your offerings in here track directly with the far left. I don't.

You come in here on a daily basis and speak the worst of the worst of anyone who doesn't believe as you do, and have an unhealthy obsession (as many dems do) with Trump...

So, don't don the halo just yet Mac...Get better and you will have better discussions.
No pride in your country

Pride in one’s country means loving her, warts and all. It means acknowledging the wrongs and trying to right them, and celebrating what makes our country exceptional and worth fighting for.

And what exactly would you know about it? You have in the past railed against this country, said the country is NOT exceptional, as Obama said "no more so than Germany, England, or Sweeden believes they're exceptional".... So, don't you dare try to co opt belief in the greatness of America as you work to tear it down, and "transform" it.

Republicans act like they have the copyright on patriotism, turning it into a cheap bumper sticker slogan defined by such things as where you put your hand during the Pledge of Allegiance, what you wear on your lapel, what religion you follow.

That is such bs right there....I have NEVER heard a conservative politician say that one must be a Catholic, Baptist, or Christian to be an American....It is but one of the lies that the Democrats have perpetuated against Republican's for quite some time, as they then scoff at religion and mock it....For Republican's like myself who wore the uniform of this country, it's NOT just a bumper sticker, that is YOUR characterization to smear your opponents, and it's wrong....Now, as a Democrat can you love America? Sure, but as of late I don't see it.

To Republicans, pride in your country allows for no dissent, however respectful. That isn’t pride, which seeks to be inclusive. It’s pride cheapened into a set gestures, words and symbols that have turned patriotism into a commodity that can only be attained through a zero sum game.

Zero sum is how progressive liberals have approached politics for decades. But, it is only now when the Republican's are starting to play the "game" in politics as the progressive liberals have for those decades...Thanks to Trump who showed that we could be every bit as rigid as Democrats have been to us and make it work...Libs like you HATE that....Because libs can dish it, but can't take it.

Ostracization of political opponents
Demonizing the left, defining them as the enemy of the people instead of political opponents (thank you Mr. Gingrich), calling them pedophiles and pedo supporters, exiling those who refuse fealty into RINOdom

This is exactly how the Democrats have rolled for decades...And while they did it, they did so while constantly poking the finger in the chest of Republican's....You can only poke that finger so many times before the one getting poked punches you in the face. Metaphorically speaking of course....

No exchange of ideas, just unquestioning followers
The Cult of Trump. The banishing of those who refuse to endorse the Big Lie. The acceptance of anything and everything Trump does as right and just, even now, when he is out of office. What exchange of ideas in a party where compromise is associated with appeasement?

That's not true and you know it...Right now within the Republican party, just as withing the Democrat party there is a fight going on....In the Republican party there is a faction that is pro Trump, vs. those that want to distance themselves from Trump, and within the Democrat party there are those that want to return to more moderate issues of traditional democrats, vs. those who want the progressive wing to bulldoze the whole thing....

We have to get back to fundamentals of the constitution, and stop all of this cherry picking of it....
*cough*. Your horde of RINO’s keeps expanding with each new refusal to offer fealty toTrump and The Big Lie, which has become the determiner of what is and is not a Republican. :lol:
You really think repeating propaganda, and wink and nod's to Gobbels from the 1930s is the way forward for your rhetoric? Shameful.
The bottom line is Democrats don't have anything to run on.
Neither do republicans magaturds, you fucking retard. You are hucking the same populist bullshit 'solutions' to problems that don't exist, like CRT, that kids are becoming trans at some alarming rate, 'grooming', replacement theory horseshit and ignorant hayseed god botherers running for local school boards in flyover country because they believe they know education better than tenored educators. Do magaturds have any fleshed out policies to address the economy? No, just more lip service, like their leftist counterparts.

GTFO of here with that non-starter nonsense.
Obviously, it is the one of many wacko things the left has to worry about, thus why they are continually pushing these types of laws. At some point, the cumulative effect of the insanity starts to become a real problem. We are at that point.

You guys said that 10 years ago about Gay marriage..

Now we have Gay Marriage, and the world has not come to an end.
What you call tribes, I would call legitimate interest groups.
Good for you.
The problem you have is being part of the investor parasite class, you really want to vote Republican, but you just can't stand the icky religious nuttery.

So you want to feel better about yourself by voting Democratic, but you don't want to do that, either, because they want to address racism and homophobia as social ills.
So, you believe you read minds. Such superior poppycock intellect. :itsok:

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