Article: "Democrats debate themselves: Why do we suck?"

Andrew Sullivan has a good article about this subject, just dropped yesterday...

Hard to argue with anything he wrote here.
Another shallow Sullivan piece. His articles typically read like he was born a year ago. Or an hour ago.

Homeless tent cities? Yes, let's vote nmfor the party that stands in the way of mental health and housing programs for the homeless. Because hey, I saw a tent city today and then saw a Democrat say we should have shorter mandatory sentences. And that's all my lizard brain stimulus-response reflex needs to know!

Crime is on the rise, so clearly locking up more people for longer is what we should do. Sure, the prisons are full, so every extra person we lock up means an early release for someone else. Every person held on cash bail means bail waived for someone else. And despite kmprisoning eye-popping, world beating numbers of people, crime is still rising. But understanding all of that that requires at least TWO RELATED THOUGHTS IN A ROW, and Sullivan just isn't getting paid enough for that sort of effort.

Crime is up in your city. Clearly handing the federal government to the GOP will fix that... except that's nonsense even a 15 year old could understand is nonsense.

And if Sullivan believed such a thing, where is his push for DC statehood and representation?

As one might be able to tell... I have never been a fan of his shallow, emotional fluff pieces.

In this one, he pretends to be a shallow, ignorant person who doesn't live in a 7 figure apartment in a tower, presumably to teach us all a lesson about the "common people".
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Let's be honest here, shall we?

Trump go elected because he punched back at people punching us for decades.

He is an idiot. He has no business being an elected official. But, that's what We the People do when you try to shove the establishment down our throats over and over while telling us it will be different this time.

The CRT, PC, and other Critical Theory and Alinsky tactics along with the left completely ignoring the "summer of love" (all communists) just add fuel to the fire.
How do you explain every GOP power broker from Lindsey Graham down to the lowest of them all, Lyin Ted hating Trump's guts & calling him a conman etc then lining up to suck his ass in the end & contiuing to do so? Trump's not establishment? Coulda fooled me considering they let him off the hook twice in the impeachments knowing he was guilty & even Cruz said so. Gee, one could beg the question why the Republican Party fucked over Mike Pence in favor of Trump who they could have been rid of for good. I'm not a big fan of Pence but at least he's not a neo fascist lying criminal conman.

So why does your party continue to suck up to Trump who's a degenerate?
How do you explain every GOP power broker from Lindsey Graham down to the lowest of them all, Lyin Ted hating Trump's guts & calling him a conman etc then lining up to suck his ass in the end & contiuing to do so? Trump's not establishment? Coulda fooled me considering they let him off the hook twice in the impeachments knowing he was guilty & even Cruz said so. Gee, one could beg the question why the Republican Party fucked over Mike Pence in favor of Trump who they could have been rid of for good. I'm not a big fan of Pence but at least he's not a neo fascist lying criminal conman.

So why does your party continue to suck up to Trump who's a degenerate?
You're making my point for me.
Who told you that independents don't have strong opinions, Trumpster?

Oh yeah. The opposite, alternate universe. 180 degrees off.

When those opinions happen to match the leftard talking points in every way, we don't call them independents anymore.
You said it yourself. For you, it's Trumpies against the rest of the world. And that's a leftard talking point, not reality.
So it's not about the actual issues, it's about that. I've hurt your feelings.

Good. That's what I thought. I appreciate your confirming my suspicions.
So it's not about the actual issues, it's about that. I've hurt your feelings.

Good. That's what I thought. I appreciate your confirming my suspicions.
Asswipe, your fundamental political assumption is a delusion.

It ain't about me, stupid leftist fucktard.
Asswipe, your fundamental political assumption is a delusion.

It ain't about me, stupid leftist fucktard.
Aw, I hurt your feelings again.

I would call someone an independent based on their positions on issues, policies and ideas.

All you care about is whether they obediently bend over for the Orange High Hard One™.

You're weak, and you're boring.
White privilege means I can get a job and not be pulled over by the cops on a whim. It hardly means that I should be cool with the fact that within my lifetime, my rights as a worker have largely been stripped. I guess the Republicans will be happy when we acheive "equality" by making the white working class just as poor as minorities. They get a bit closer with every recession they inflict on us.

LOL…yeah, black people can’t get jobs just becuase they are black. Is that what you have been told?

The coming recession in on this administration you fool. Workers with average to below average salaries like you were, overall, doing better under Trump pre-COVID than they had been in years. This administration tels you everything is fine and you believe them because you are part of the gullible, less intelligent, less successful, fully-indoctrinated class.

Except she's well regarded, while Trump, not so much.

Sure by globalists and climate change nuts. Just like the average Democrat, she was idealistic and short-sighted. Europe wants to enjoy the spoils of being “free” without paying the price. They rely on their big brother, the US, to have their backs when the tough gets going. They prefer to spend their money on the equivalent of rainbows and butterflies instead of defense. What they don’t realize, is that their politics are seaping into US culture in the form of Democrats who are just as spoiled as they are. Once the US because as idealistic as them, there won’t be anybody left to protect them.
Quite the contrary... My side business dropped by 70% during the worst of the plague, and I found myself out of my day job for about three months. That was after they made me work from home for three months at reduced salary. I can say I didn't get anywhere near the riots (mostly because the riots were actually kind of overhyped, and most of the demonstrations were peaceful, but people still saw angry black people and wet themselves.)

Fortunately, I was ready for the Trump Fuckup, because when he got into office, I said, 'Well, you know he's going to fuck it up, what do I need to do to weather the storm".

So I got rid of all my excess debt, made sure my assets were secure, and prepared.

COVID messed everything up, not Trump. It was very convenient timing for it to “escape” from a lab just as Trump was running for election and was all but assured of a victory. Democrats proceeded to shutdown the economy and then blame job losses and and economic downturn on Trump. Mindless drones like yourself fell for it. Today, they blame inflation on COVID, not Biden’s idiotic policies. Democrats can’t be this stupid, but indoctrination from grade-school onward is a very hard thing to overcome.
COVID messed everything up, not Trump. It was very convenient timing for it to “escape” from a lab just as Trump was running for election and was all but assured of a victory. Democrats proceeded to shutdown the economy and then blame job losses and and economic downturn on Trump. Mindless drones like yourself fell for it. Today, they blame inflation on COVID, not Biden’s idiotic policies. Democrats can’t be this stupid, but indoctrination from grade-school onward is a very hard thing to overcome.
Haha, it was only a matter of time before the squealing cultist conspiracy horseshit got pinched off.
Haha, it was only a matter of time before the squealing cultist conspiracy horseshit got pinched off.

Ok genius, it was just convenient timing. The point remains, COVID and Democrats killed the US economy, not Trump.
Um, I should be entitled to them keeping their word... which they didn't.

Point was, when we had unions and workers rights, they wouldn't have tried this shit.

Actually, every workplace with more than 10 employees should have a union.

No, what's happening is the result of all our bad policies over the last 170 years. .

Jesse James Sandi5 minutes ago
I saw a black senior enlisted guy overseas throw out my ballot during the Obama years. Literally, while he thought my back was turned, he threw it out. Because of my skin color, he figured he knew I was not voting his way.
That is the same type of attitude I saw at Detroit voting centers in 2020. Another time, I called my local election place while I was overseas. They said they could not find my ballot. I'm guessing it was tossed.
They screen your votes, and they have been for decades. If there is no transparency, they can do whatever they want. And that is exactly what they are doing now.

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