As a Black voter, I find this offensive: ‘What about 9/11?’ Twitter furious after Biden calls Capitol storming ‘worst attack since Civil War"

It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?

Do you argue that they could not physically have killed Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez or any of the other elected officials for whom they were hunting?

They could have started killing the cops they were getting past and they didn't. They didn't kill the media people recording them.

And your question is goalpost moving. Even detaining congress wouldn't have overthrown the government.

The only person who died in the capitol was an unarmed woman, and you guys jerk off to images of that.

The Capitol police were not the targets of their attack. If they had tried to kill them, the police would have started shooting - and probably have thrown the crowd into a stampede.

Stopping Congress from performing their constitutional duty IS overthrowing the government.

And BTW - you're a really disgusting pervert. Keep it to yourself PERV!!!
Congress isn't required to certify the vote, moron.

Sorry, I meant the electoral college - but you knew that.
Neither is the electoral college, moron. They are required to perform the process, but not to arrive at a specific conclusion.

They are required to certify the electoral vote count.

Are you truly that stupid or are you just pretending?
No, they are not required to say the result is correct, asshole.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?
They could have taken lawmakers as hostages and held them for ransom unless they declared Trump as president. That would have failed anyway but they weren't the brightest bulbs.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?

Do you argue that they could not physically have killed Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez or any of the other elected officials for whom they were hunting?

They could have started killing the cops they were getting past and they didn't. They didn't kill the media people recording them.

And your question is goalpost moving. Even detaining congress wouldn't have overthrown the government.

The only person who died in the capitol was an unarmed woman, and you guys jerk off to images of that.

The Capitol police were not the targets of their attack. If they had tried to kill them, the police would have started shooting - and probably have thrown the crowd into a stampede.

Stopping Congress from performing their constitutional duty IS overthrowing the government.

And BTW - you're a really disgusting pervert. Keep it to yourself PERV!!!
Congress isn't required to certify the vote, moron.
They count the electoral votes.........

"The date for counting the electoral votes is fixed by law as January 6 following each presidential election (3 U.S.C. §15)"

Maybe it was a coincidence that these insurrectionists picked that date to storm the Capitol....
Where does it say they are required to accept each state's results as valid?

Do we really have to review the Constitution for you?

Go read it by yourself (if you're capable)
In other words, you can't quote the text that says "they are required to accept each state's results as valid."
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?

Do you argue that they could not physically have killed Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez or any of the other elected officials for whom they were hunting?

They could have started killing the cops they were getting past and they didn't. They didn't kill the media people recording them.

And your question is goalpost moving. Even detaining congress wouldn't have overthrown the government.

The only person who died in the capitol was an unarmed woman, and you guys jerk off to images of that.

The Capitol police were not the targets of their attack. If they had tried to kill them, the police would have started shooting - and probably have thrown the crowd into a stampede.

Stopping Congress from performing their constitutional duty IS overthrowing the government.

And BTW - you're a really disgusting pervert. Keep it to yourself PERV!!!

No, it isn't. The government was still in place, and the change of government wasn't delayed at all. What was delayed was the vote on the winner of the change of government, and that only for a few hours.

You can't prove anyone was trying to kill anyone in congress.

No. Thanks to the bravery of the Capitol police, the attempt to overthrow Democracy was stopped.

Many of the attackers very clearly stated that they wanted to hang Mike Pence and others said that they wanted to kill Pelosi. So cut the BULLSHIT!

GWB burned in effigy during is Presidency:


Trump hung in effigy


But evidently saying stuff like that is 100% real only when the other side does it......
They had no guns, moron. That's what "unarmed" means. It doesn't mean a few of them had hollow aluminum flag poles that wouldn't even make a bump on your head.
See that, fucking moron? It is once again you who's proving you're a fucking moron, no one else needs to.

Fucking moron, "armed" does not mean "guns." It means any weapon which can include guns but doesn't need to.

furnished with weapons

In our society when you call someone armed, it is assumed it's with a firearm.

usually when it's a melee weapon it's referred to as wielding.
Words have meaning, even if you don't know what that is. "Armed" means being in possession of a weapon. That mob was armed.

Words have meanings that are also interpreted by most people, and most people think "gun" when you call a person armed.
Your ignorance of the meaning doesn't change it.

Sorry for your luck.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?
They could have taken lawmakers as hostages and held them for ransom unless they declared Trump as president.
Apparently a few dozen unarmed trespassers really has the Leftards shaken up. Uncle Joe especially. A drunk unarmed guy in a Viking hat almost took control of our government.
Aside from the fact that we are not a democracy but a representative constitutional republic - or at least we were - and that the "attack" was carried out by agents provocateurs of the Democrats in the form of BLM/Antifa confederates dressed as MAGA rally goers and police who with malice aforethought were either were kept away from the Capitol building or allowed the aforementioned BlaM-tifarians to enter the building and in one case assassinated an unarmed rally goer Ashli Babbitt, the absolute ludicrousness of the statement would be laughable were it not for the fact that a large percentage of our population think 9/11 is a convenience store, Pearl Harbor is a grunge band from Seattle and have no idea what the Civil War is.

They were not "rally goers"
they were not "protestors"
they were not "drunken partiers"
the were not "rowdy college kids"

They were violent insurgents bent on overthrowing our government in favor of their fascist dictator tRump.

Stop trying to minimize this.

By what mechanism with the numbers and tools they had on them would the government been overthrown?

Stop trying to exploit this.

The crazy thing is left wing/commie rioters have actually taken over areas of cities and prevented lawful governments from enforcing laws and regulations for weeks or even months, yet that somehow doesn't count, right?
The commies tried to burn down a federal courthouse, and these NAZIs are crying about a few protesters taking a tour of the capitol?

I'll admit some of them went way too far, and should be charged. anyone who laid a hand on a cop should be charged. anyone who forced their way past a barrier should be charged.

But with things like assault or accessing an area without permission.

Actual crimes, not political crimes.
It was a politically motivated insurgency. sorry for your luck.

One day of a protest that got out of hand that resulted in only 1 death, that of an unarmed protester.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?

Do you argue that they could not physically have killed Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez or any of the other elected officials for whom they were hunting?

They could have started killing the cops they were getting past and they didn't. They didn't kill the media people recording them.

And your question is goalpost moving. Even detaining congress wouldn't have overthrown the government.

The only person who died in the capitol was an unarmed woman, and you guys jerk off to images of that.

The Capitol police were not the targets of their attack. If they had tried to kill them, the police would have started shooting - and probably have thrown the crowd into a stampede.

Stopping Congress from performing their constitutional duty IS overthrowing the government.

And BTW - you're a really disgusting pervert. Keep it to yourself PERV!!!
Congress isn't required to certify the vote, moron.

Sorry, I meant the electoral college - but you knew that.
Neither is the electoral college, moron. They are required to perform the process, but not to arrive at a specific conclusion.

They are required to certify the electoral vote count.

Are you truly that stupid or are you just pretending?
No, they are not required to say the result is correct, asshole.
You're truly a fucking moron. They have one of two choices ... accept the slates provided by the states or reject them. They accepted them. That's tantamount as accepting them as correct.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?

Do you argue that they could not physically have killed Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez or any of the other elected officials for whom they were hunting?

They could have started killing the cops they were getting past and they didn't. They didn't kill the media people recording them.

And your question is goalpost moving. Even detaining congress wouldn't have overthrown the government.

The only person who died in the capitol was an unarmed woman, and you guys jerk off to images of that.

The Capitol police were not the targets of their attack. If they had tried to kill them, the police would have started shooting - and probably have thrown the crowd into a stampede.

Stopping Congress from performing their constitutional duty IS overthrowing the government.

And BTW - you're a really disgusting pervert. Keep it to yourself PERV!!!
Congress isn't required to certify the vote, moron.
They count the electoral votes.........

"The date for counting the electoral votes is fixed by law as January 6 following each presidential election (3 U.S.C. §15)"

Maybe it was a coincidence that these insurrectionists picked that date to storm the Capitol....
Where does it say they are required to accept each state's results as valid?
So what you are saying is that all of the provisions governing federal elections in the Constitution and federal legislation in general is just for shits and giggles -- and if the person you want doesn't win -- you can just overturn the whole election and just put that guy in as president??

No wonder you cucks get so worked up when we say this country is a representative folks clearly don't believe in just want your brand of fascism instead while paying lip service to democracy
Apparently a few dozen unarmed trespassers really has the Leftards shaken up. Uncle Joe especially. A drunk unarmed guy in a Viking hat almost took control of our government.
Aside from the fact that we are not a democracy but a representative constitutional republic - or at least we were - and that the "attack" was carried out by agents provocateurs of the Democrats in the form of BLM/Antifa confederates dressed as MAGA rally goers and police who with malice aforethought were either were kept away from the Capitol building or allowed the aforementioned BlaM-tifarians to enter the building and in one case assassinated an unarmed rally goer Ashli Babbitt, the absolute ludicrousness of the statement would be laughable were it not for the fact that a large percentage of our population think 9/11 is a convenience store, Pearl Harbor is a grunge band from Seattle and have no idea what the Civil War is.

They were not "rally goers"
they were not "protestors"
they were not "drunken partiers"
the were not "rowdy college kids"

They were violent insurgents bent on overthrowing our government in favor of their fascist dictator tRump.

Stop trying to minimize this.
If they were "bent on overthrowing our government", they wouldn't have stormed the castle. That's stupid. They were out to disrupt a proceeding, and I can guarantee not a one of them had any intention of forming a government.

Stopping the electoral count, the certification of the freely and legally elected President, and forcing their preferred President is effectively overthrowing the government.
How were they going to force their preferred President? States represenatives are allowed to contest the electoral count, moron. You're whining that they wanted to follow the process outlined in the Constitution.

You're a fucking NAZI moron.

Are you really stupid enough to blatantly ignore the attack on the Capitol, really?

Play your games elsewhere IDIOT!
You are a brainwashed minion if you believe anyone was trying to overthrow the government. out of over 100,000 people, a few dozen got out of control. That's all. All this hyperventilating about it is hysteria promoted by NAZIs.

Your attempted Gaslighting FAILS!!!
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?
They could have taken lawmakers as hostages and held them for ransom unless they declared Trump as president. That would have failed anyway but they weren't the brightest bulbs.

Then they could have been charged with kidnapping, and the government would still have not fallen.

And there was no mechanism for Trump to be declared the winner anyway.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?

Do you argue that they could not physically have killed Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez or any of the other elected officials for whom they were hunting?

They could have started killing the cops they were getting past and they didn't. They didn't kill the media people recording them.

And your question is goalpost moving. Even detaining congress wouldn't have overthrown the government.

The only person who died in the capitol was an unarmed woman, and you guys jerk off to images of that.

The Capitol police were not the targets of their attack. If they had tried to kill them, the police would have started shooting - and probably have thrown the crowd into a stampede.

Stopping Congress from performing their constitutional duty IS overthrowing the government.

And BTW - you're a really disgusting pervert. Keep it to yourself PERV!!!
Congress isn't required to certify the vote, moron.

Sorry, I meant the electoral college - but you knew that.
Neither is the electoral college, moron. They are required to perform the process, but not to arrive at a specific conclusion.

They are required to certify the electoral vote count.

Are you truly that stupid or are you just pretending?
No, they are not required to say the result is correct, asshole.
You're truly a fucking moron. They have one of two choices ... accept the slates provided by the states or reject them. They accepted them. That's tantamount as accepting them as correct.
All the protesters wanted is for the results from some states to be rejected. That's perfectly inline with what you just posted.
y what mechanism with the numbers and tools they had on them would the government been overthrown?
A reasonable chance of success is not a requirement for the label.

Stop being such a hack, admit it was what it was, and disavow the people who participated and precipitated it.

I am not asking for that, I am asking you to explain what pathway could possibly led to our government being taken over, or even actually disrupted beyond a vote being delayed a few hours. If you want to call it an attempted takeover, you need to describe how in could have actually happened.

This isn't about chance of success, it's about an actual mechanism. If you can't describe it, you can't call it an attempted overthrow/takeover without being a fucking liar.
I don't care what ignorant deflection attempt you're getting at, I'm not answering your dumb-ass questions. I'm stating facts. Deal with it.

Run away little girl, run away.
Run away? I just bitch-slapped your ass and you're too stupid to notice.
Apparently a few dozen unarmed trespassers really has the Leftards shaken up. Uncle Joe especially. A drunk unarmed guy in a Viking hat almost took control of our government.
Aside from the fact that we are not a democracy but a representative constitutional republic - or at least we were - and that the "attack" was carried out by agents provocateurs of the Democrats in the form of BLM/Antifa confederates dressed as MAGA rally goers and police who with malice aforethought were either were kept away from the Capitol building or allowed the aforementioned BlaM-tifarians to enter the building and in one case assassinated an unarmed rally goer Ashli Babbitt, the absolute ludicrousness of the statement would be laughable were it not for the fact that a large percentage of our population think 9/11 is a convenience store, Pearl Harbor is a grunge band from Seattle and have no idea what the Civil War is.

They were not "rally goers"
they were not "protestors"
they were not "drunken partiers"
the were not "rowdy college kids"

They were violent insurgents bent on overthrowing our government in favor of their fascist dictator tRump.

Stop trying to minimize this.
If they were "bent on overthrowing our government", they wouldn't have stormed the castle. That's stupid. They were out to disrupt a proceeding, and I can guarantee not a one of them had any intention of forming a government.

Stopping the electoral count, the certification of the freely and legally elected President, and forcing their preferred President is effectively overthrowing the government.
How were they going to force their preferred President? States represenatives are allowed to contest the electoral count, moron. You're whining that they wanted to follow the process outlined in the Constitution.

You're a fucking NAZI moron.

Are you really stupid enough to blatantly ignore the attack on the Capitol, really?

Play your games elsewhere IDIOT!
You are a brainwashed minion if you believe anyone was trying to overthrow the government. out of over 100,000 people, a few dozen got out of control. That's all. All this hyperventilating about it is hysteria promoted by NAZIs.

Your attempted Gaslighting FAILS!!!
You're the one who is gaslighting, shit for brains. This entire meme about the "insurrection" is nothing but gaslighting.
Claiming something is a Constitutional Republic isn't mutually exclusive from being a do understand that right??
They can't stomach the word democracy for the same obvious reason that they love the word republic.

A pure democracy would be one of the worst forms of government ever. 50.00001% of the people deciding to kill you would result in you ending up dead.
You sound frightened. Have you really pissed off that many people?
They had no guns, moron. That's what "unarmed" means. It doesn't mean a few of them had hollow aluminum flag poles that wouldn't even make a bump on your head.
See that, fucking moron? It is once again you who's proving you're a fucking moron, no one else needs to.

Fucking moron, "armed" does not mean "guns." It means any weapon which can include guns but doesn't need to.

furnished with weapons

In our society when you call someone armed, it is assumed it's with a firearm.

usually when it's a melee weapon it's referred to as wielding.
Words have meaning, even if you don't know what that is. "Armed" means being in possession of a weapon. That mob was armed.

Words have meanings that are also interpreted by most people, and most people think "gun" when you call a person armed.
Your ignorance of the meaning doesn't change it.

Sorry for your luck.

Your attempt to imply an actual armed insurrection (meaning with firearms) when it clearly was a protest that got out of control (not even a riot, at most a mass trespass) doesn't mean that reality folds to make it an actual insurrection.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?

Do you argue that they could not physically have killed Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez or any of the other elected officials for whom they were hunting?

They could have started killing the cops they were getting past and they didn't. They didn't kill the media people recording them.

And your question is goalpost moving. Even detaining congress wouldn't have overthrown the government.

The only person who died in the capitol was an unarmed woman, and you guys jerk off to images of that.

The Capitol police were not the targets of their attack. If they had tried to kill them, the police would have started shooting - and probably have thrown the crowd into a stampede.

Stopping Congress from performing their constitutional duty IS overthrowing the government.

And BTW - you're a really disgusting pervert. Keep it to yourself PERV!!!
Congress isn't required to certify the vote, moron.

Sorry, I meant the electoral college - but you knew that.
Neither is the electoral college, moron. They are required to perform the process, but not to arrive at a specific conclusion.

They are required to certify the electoral vote count.

Are you truly that stupid or are you just pretending?
No, they are not required to say the result is correct, asshole.
You're truly a fucking moron. They have one of two choices ... accept the slates provided by the states or reject them. They accepted them. That's tantamount as accepting them as correct.
All the protesters wanted is for the results from some states to be rejected. That's perfectly inline with what you just posted.
Would you have kept that same energy if a bunch of "muslims" or some other group of scary brown people stormed the Capitol because of their objections to voting results from some states??

It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?

Do you argue that they could not physically have killed Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez or any of the other elected officials for whom they were hunting?

They could have started killing the cops they were getting past and they didn't. They didn't kill the media people recording them.

And your question is goalpost moving. Even detaining congress wouldn't have overthrown the government.

The only person who died in the capitol was an unarmed woman, and you guys jerk off to images of that.

The Capitol police were not the targets of their attack. If they had tried to kill them, the police would have started shooting - and probably have thrown the crowd into a stampede.

Stopping Congress from performing their constitutional duty IS overthrowing the government.

And BTW - you're a really disgusting pervert. Keep it to yourself PERV!!!
Congress isn't required to certify the vote, moron.
They count the electoral votes.........

"The date for counting the electoral votes is fixed by law as January 6 following each presidential election (3 U.S.C. §15)"

Maybe it was a coincidence that these insurrectionists picked that date to storm the Capitol....
Where does it say they are required to accept each state's results as valid?
So what you are saying is that all of the provisions governing federal elections in the Constitution and federal legislation in general is just for shits and giggles -- and if the person you want doesn't win -- you can just overturn the whole election and just put that guy in as president??

No wonder you cucks get so worked up when we say this country is a representative folks clearly don't believe in just want your brand of fascism instead while paying lip service to democracy
That isn't what I said, NAZI.
y what mechanism with the numbers and tools they had on them would the government been overthrown?
A reasonable chance of success is not a requirement for the label.

Stop being such a hack, admit it was what it was, and disavow the people who participated and precipitated it.

I am not asking for that, I am asking you to explain what pathway could possibly led to our government being taken over, or even actually disrupted beyond a vote being delayed a few hours. If you want to call it an attempted takeover, you need to describe how in could have actually happened.

This isn't about chance of success, it's about an actual mechanism. If you can't describe it, you can't call it an attempted overthrow/takeover without being a fucking liar.
I don't care what ignorant deflection attempt you're getting at, I'm not answering your dumb-ass questions. I'm stating facts. Deal with it.

Run away little girl, run away.
Run away? I just bitch-slapped your ass and you're too stupid to notice.

You ran away from actually replying, like the gutless sitting while peeing coward you are.

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