As a Black voter, I find this offensive: ‘What about 9/11?’ Twitter furious after Biden calls Capitol storming ‘worst attack since Civil War"

Claiming something is a Constitutional Republic isn't mutually exclusive from being a do understand that right??
They can't stomach the word democracy for the same obvious reason that they love the word republic.

A pure democracy would be one of the worst forms of government ever. 50.00001% of the people deciding to kill you would result in you ending up dead.
You sound frightened. Have you really pissed off that many people?

If that concept doesn't frighten you, you are an idiot.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?

Do you argue that they could not physically have killed Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez or any of the other elected officials for whom they were hunting?

They could have started killing the cops they were getting past and they didn't. They didn't kill the media people recording them.

And your question is goalpost moving. Even detaining congress wouldn't have overthrown the government.

The only person who died in the capitol was an unarmed woman, and you guys jerk off to images of that.

The Capitol police were not the targets of their attack. If they had tried to kill them, the police would have started shooting - and probably have thrown the crowd into a stampede.

Stopping Congress from performing their constitutional duty IS overthrowing the government.

And BTW - you're a really disgusting pervert. Keep it to yourself PERV!!!
Congress isn't required to certify the vote, moron.

Sorry, I meant the electoral college - but you knew that.
Neither is the electoral college, moron. They are required to perform the process, but not to arrive at a specific conclusion.

They are required to certify the electoral vote count.

Are you truly that stupid or are you just pretending?
No, they are not required to say the result is correct, asshole.
You're truly a fucking moron. They have one of two choices ... accept the slates provided by the states or reject them. They accepted them. That's tantamount as accepting them as correct.
All the protesters wanted is for the results from some states to be rejected. That's perfectly inline with what you just posted.
Would you have kept that same energy if a bunch of "muslims" or some other group of scary brown people stormed the Capitol because of their objections to voting results from some states??

Your sleazy insinuation that I'm a racist only fools gullible morons like you.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?
Didn't you folks claim this country would be ruled by Sharia law by now??

Even tho you couldn't tell us the "tools and mechanisms" they could have applied to do that

No, your side is trying to rule it via your religion, "wokism" , which is far worse.

And you didn't answer my question.
That's because you ask stupid leading questions in an attempt to deflect the topic.
Claiming something is a Constitutional Republic isn't mutually exclusive from being a do understand that right??
They can't stomach the word democracy for the same obvious reason that they love the word republic.
You Leftards are soooooo stupid.
So you still trying to avoid the fact that you are too stupid to know that a Democracy and a Republic isn't the distinction you think it is??

"Both a democracy and a republic were popular forms of government: Each drew its legitimacy from the people and depended on rule by the people. The crucial difference was that a republic relied on representation, while in a “pure” democracy, the people represented themselves."

A Republic and Democracy are two different and distinct forms of government, shitforbrains.
Not really...which is why you morons are having such a hard time answering the question.......

How is a Republic not a democracy??

I'll wait.....
I thought you were joking. You really are that stupid.
Nothing says LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT like hiding behind piles of razor wire and 30,000 troops you don’t trust.
It's amazing and almost humorous that these wingnuts think that they're going to gaslight the world into believing that the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow democracy was just a harmless group of people that did nothing more than trespass.

It's not going to work. We know what we saw:

An extremely violent mob of several thousand people attempting to stop the certification of the freely and legally elected President in order to force the continuation of Trump's Presidency. It was an insurrection against Democracy and against America.

The fact that they did not have any firearms does not change the lethal nature of their attack. We CAN assume that if they had succeeded in getting to Congress they would have murdered at several Congresspeople and the vice-President. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

All those who participated deserve a minimum of 5 years in prison, and the worst of them should get at least 25 years.

Again, what mechanism that they could have applied with the tools and numbers on hand could have led to an overthrow of the government?
Didn't you folks claim this country would be ruled by Sharia law by now??

Even tho you couldn't tell us the "tools and mechanisms" they could have applied to do that

No, your side is trying to rule it via your religion, "wokism" , which is far worse.

And you didn't answer my question.
That's because you ask stupid leading questions in an attempt to deflect the topic.

It's because you won't answer the question because you know your answer would either make you look like a hypocrite or an idiot.
"Not my president" and "Resist" are simply non-violent methods to the same end, the overthrow and rejection of a duly elected government.
Apparently a few dozen unarmed trespassers really has the Leftards shaken up.

400 are currently under arrest or have been arrested. That number is expected to go to9 500.

And since when if the definition of a "FEW" equal to more than two score?
Claiming something is a Constitutional Republic isn't mutually exclusive from being a do understand that right??
They can't stomach the word democracy for the same obvious reason that they love the word republic.

A pure democracy would be one of the worst forms of government ever. 50.00001% of the people deciding to kill you would result in you ending up dead.
You sound frightened. Have you really pissed off that many people?
If you notice...reactionary right wing cucks MUST FRAME EVERYTHING as over the top hyperbole because the actual facts and context don't match their they rely on feels

For example.....Dems passing a $1400 stimulus has to be framed as "Dems are destroying America" because they know simply saying "We are only against it because Dems are passing it" is too dumb of an argument for even them to they gotta dress it up as some disaster scenario instead....
How were they going to force their preferred President? States represenatives are allowed to contest the electoral count, moron. You're whining that they wanted to follow the process outlined in the Constitution
Can you really be this stupid? Congress, including Mike Pence, was following the constitution. The insurrectionists were not.
y what mechanism with the numbers and tools they had on them would the government been overthrown?
A reasonable chance of success is not a requirement for the label.

Stop being such a hack, admit it was what it was, and disavow the people who participated and precipitated it.
I don't recall seeing you in the meeting. Were you hiding behind the potted plants again?

Face it, they were trying to disrupt a proceeding, not overthrow the government.
Hairsplitting. How fun
They are as different as a group of bystanders pushing a cop off a suspect's neck is different from that same group chasing all the LEO out of town and installing their own Police force.
The purpose of "disrupting the proceeding"?
"Not my president" and "Resist" are simply non-violent methods to the same end, the overthrow and rejection of a duly elected government.
Not really...but keep the hyperbole going......

For example.....People saying "not my president" didn't stop Trump from passing that billionaire tax cut that exploded the deficit did it?

Saying "not my president" didn't result in failed attempt after failed attempt to try to recount votes months and months after the fact, did it?

You can't both sides your way out of what happened on January 6th....but you folks will definitely make it your new Neo-Confederate lost cause strategy for the next 100 years....because the truth sucks for you
Claiming something is a Constitutional Republic isn't mutually exclusive from being a do understand that right??
They can't stomach the word democracy for the same obvious reason that they love the word republic.
You Leftards are soooooo stupid.
So you still trying to avoid the fact that you are too stupid to know that a Democracy and a Republic isn't the distinction you think it is??

"Both a democracy and a republic were popular forms of government: Each drew its legitimacy from the people and depended on rule by the people. The crucial difference was that a republic relied on representation, while in a “pure” democracy, the people represented themselves."

A Republic and Democracy are two different and distinct forms of government, shitforbrains.
Our republic is a representative democracy, you dolt.
Good to know we can overthrow the government with just a few dozen people trespassing in the Capitol.
Those 280 million guns can be kept in our gun safes.
Why lie about how many stormed the Capitol? "Few dozen?" Some 400 have already been arrested and another roughly 200 are still being hunted down. So by a "few dozen," you really mean about 50 dozen?

In what rightarded world is 50, a few?
Your evidence of election fraud is a joke and totally discredited, brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel. Rupert Murdoch is our most destructive immigrant ever.
Oh :right: - "discredited" by leftist propaganda BS media, which you are apparently brainwashed by. :puhleeze:Your looney denial of election fraud is a joke and a baldfaced lie, that everyone in the world knows. What you morons have done to this country, and the freedom that our military people fought and died for, is unforgivable.

Eventually, we will get out from under this tyranny that you all have imposed, and when that happens, you will have hell to pay. I can see a lot of top Democrats going to prison for the rest of their lives. Should have happened already, except for the spinelessness and treason of some Republicans like William Barr and James Comey.
The only media you have in the entire world is scumbag Rupert Murdoch and internet crazies, brainwashed functional moron. Their defense in court nowadays is that they are only opinion and no rational person would believe them! Change the goddamn channel.
Nancy Pelosi lives at 2640 Broadway, San Francisco, CA in case any of you insurrectionists wanted to know. Easily found on the internet. And easy to spot. It’s one of the few homes in San Francisco where the homeless are not allowed to camp out and crap all over the sidewalk.

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