As A Former Soldier....Somebody Explain How One Battalion Of US Troops Was Able To Protect The Kurds


I remember from my time in the Middle-East that if you're deployed into a forward area you are there being protected by your host country. When you don't have armor and 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers ready to fight at a moment's are pretty much at the mercy of who is your host. You aren't there to protect anyone. You are only part of the support that keeps them going in the right direction. But if it is true that the moment you leave they switch sides or become unable to defend themselves I don't see the point.

It's clear there is a conspiracy to keep us in Syria for some strange reason. Trump sees this and wants to pull our people out of harm's way. Immediately the Turks supposedly start bombing civilians and Trump is supposedly at fault. All he did was announce the pull-back, Turkey starts bombing. They haven't even left yet, but for some reason the Turks were able to murder reportedly thousands of former ISIS rebels and their families. So WTF were we doing there? Who's side are we on? What exactly are we doing there? Does any of this silly shit make any sense? Why was Iraq the wrong war but Syria is the right war?

What I think is Syria is being used to get Republicans to back their fake impeachment push. That's it. Nothing more. It's a red-herring.

A lot of opportunities for graft in these military operations.

I THINK THAT’S THE PLAN: Syria Risks Becoming Erdogan’s Vietnam.
What Trump said was poignant. Watching our men and women come back in coffins and watching families reactions over conflicts in that crap hole known as the Middle East is difficult to watch. Get out troops out of there!

Is that why he is sending troops to Saudi Arabia? Waiting for your criticism of that but I won't hold my breath.
There is a war in Saudi? Since when?
American forces are needed not for on the ground gunfights but rather for technical skills and access to satellite and drone recon data and calling in airstrikes. The absence of US forces means the absence of airpower and protection.
You talk like a fucking Bushbot.

Why is the UN allowing a military incursion of Turkey into another sovereign nation that didn't attack them?

Why isn't NATO turning the screws on the Turks?
Trump gave Turkey the OK for invading and massacring the Kurds. Ask him.
And tramp has twin towers he brands in Turkey as well as Clintons have nothing to do with ISIS.
Reminder: Trump has a massive conflict of interest in Turkey
The US has bases in Turkey as they are still a NATO ally like it or not. So at this point it is NOT in our interest to get involved.

The Kurds used us and we used them for a common gain. They sure as hell didn't fight out of moral obligation to help the Americans.

There are many Nukes there at Incirlik. It would be a mess
What Trump said was poignant. Watching our men and women come back in coffins and watching families reactions over conflicts in that crap hole known as the Middle East is difficult to watch. Get out troops out of there!

Is that why he is sending troops to Saudi Arabia? Waiting for your criticism of that but I won't hold my breath.
There is a war in Saudi? Since when?

Jordan too.

Pentagon announces new troop deployments to Saudi Arabia
Pentagon announces new troop deployments to Saudi Arabia - CNNPolitics

I remember from my time in the Middle-East that if you're deployed into a forward area you are there being protected by your host country. When you don't have armor and 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers ready to fight at a moment's are pretty much at the mercy of who is your host. You aren't there to protect anyone. You are only part of the support that keeps them going in the right direction. But if it is true that the moment you leave they switch sides or become unable to defend themselves I don't see the point.

It's clear there is a conspiracy to keep us in Syria for some strange reason. Trump sees this and wants to pull our people out of harm's way. Immediately the Turks supposedly start bombing civilians and Trump is supposedly at fault. All he did was announce the pull-back, Turkey starts bombing. They haven't even left yet, but for some reason the Turks were able to murder reportedly thousands of former ISIS rebels and their families. So WTF were we doing there? Who's side are we on? What exactly are we doing there? Does any of this silly shit make any sense? Why was Iraq the wrong war but Syria is the right war?

What I think is Syria is being used to get Republicans to back their fake impeachment push. That's it. Nothing more. It's a red-herring.

It’s about a natural gas pipeline to Europe.
Well that's different.
God Forbid that Europe pull security on their energy sources.
Not really. They can’t say that’s the reason for one. And for two it is totally consistent with Europe’s station in global affairs. And lastly, that’s what we were for.

Do you know about the pipeline I am talking about?
I know of a few.
So what.
There's always other ways to get natural gas.

Or how bout this, make them switch to the New Green Deal and stop using fossil fuels, Mkay?
Let them test it out.
Russia controls the majority of natural gas that flows to Europe. The pipeline that Syria granted right of way to doesn’t change that. The pipeline that Syria blocked would have.

I remember from my time in the Middle-East that if you're deployed into a forward area you are there being protected by your host country. When you don't have armor and 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers ready to fight at a moment's are pretty much at the mercy of who is your host. You aren't there to protect anyone. You are only part of the support that keeps them going in the right direction. But if it is true that the moment you leave they switch sides or become unable to defend themselves I don't see the point.

It's clear there is a conspiracy to keep us in Syria for some strange reason. Trump sees this and wants to pull our people out of harm's way. Immediately the Turks supposedly start bombing civilians and Trump is supposedly at fault. All he did was announce the pull-back, Turkey starts bombing. They haven't even left yet, but for some reason the Turks were able to murder reportedly thousands of former ISIS rebels and their families. So WTF were we doing there? Who's side are we on? What exactly are we doing there? Does any of this silly shit make any sense? Why was Iraq the wrong war but Syria is the right war?

What I think is Syria is being used to get Republicans to back their fake impeachment push. That's it. Nothing more. It's a red-herring.


I guess you wouldn't give a shit if Turkey killed our troops in their attack on the Kurds.
There are consequences to attacking American Troops.............Turkey is very aware of those consequences.............

Syria moved towards the Kurds with U.S. advisors did Russian Mercs.........

They refused warnings and were then killed by U.S. Airpower. They know what will happen if they do it. That is why.
And tramp has twin towers he brands in Turkey as well as Clintons have nothing to do with ISIS.
Reminder: Trump has a massive conflict of interest in Turkey

Who armed the "rebels" in Syria?
John McCain
Who armed and trained Bin Laden in Afghanistan?

Mostly other Arab nations, and wealthy families...

"Many American scholars and reporters[who?] have called the idea of a CIA-backed Al Qaeda "nonsense",[10] "sheer fantasy",[11] and "simply a folk myth."[12

  • With a quarter of a million local Afghans willing to fight there was no need to recruit foreigners unfamiliar with the local language, customs or lay of the land.
  • With several hundred million dollars a year in funding from non-American, Muslim sources, Arab Afghans themselves would have no need for American funds.
  • Americans could not train mujahideen because Pakistani officials would not allow more than a handful of U.S. agents to operate in Pakistan and none in Afghanistan.[13]
  • The Afghan Arabs were militant Islamists, reflexively hostile to Westerners, and prone to threaten or attack Westerners even though they knew the Westerners were helping the mujahideen.
  • The US government greatly feared arming or training Arabs would lead to attacks on Israel with those arms or training.
Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri says much the same thing in his book Knights Under the Prophet's Banner.[14]

Bin Laden himself once said "The collapse of the Soviet Union ... goes to God and the mujahideen in Afghanistan ... the US had no mentionable role," but "collapse made the US more haughty and arrogant."[15]

Allegations of CIA assistance to Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia

When you post nonsense as fact, then you are just not credible.
And tramp has twin towers he brands in Turkey as well as Clintons have nothing to do with ISIS.
Reminder: Trump has a massive conflict of interest in Turkey

Who armed the "rebels" in Syria?
John McCain
Who armed and trained Bin Laden in Afghanistan?
It began with a small operation implemented by President Carter to support forces fighting Soviet invaders and occupiers, although no real evidence indicates direct support for Bin Laden. The program was drastically increased under President Reagan and evidence exists that funds and benefits were funneled to al Qaeda and associates of Bin Laden.
And tramp has twin towers he brands in Turkey as well as Clintons have nothing to do with ISIS.
Reminder: Trump has a massive conflict of interest in Turkey

Who armed the "rebels" in Syria?
John McCain
Who armed and trained Bin Laden in Afghanistan?
It began with a small operation implemented by President Carter to support forces fighting Soviet invaders and occupiers, although no real evidence indicates direct support for Bin Laden. The program was drastically increased under President Reagan and evidence exists that funds and benefits were funneled to al Qaeda and associates of Bin Laden.

Let's see your evidence....
So 2000 Americans protected hundreds of thousands?

You’re delusional
"Clearly the moment Americans were removed from Syria Turkey attacked the Kurds".
Read as much as necessary in order to come into line with reality.

Americans in attacks on Kurds. Americans not in Syria....Kurds attacked.
So 2000 Americans protected hundreds of thousands?

You’re delusional
"Clearly the moment Americans were removed from Syria Turkey attacked the Kurds".
Read as much as necessary in order to come into line with reality.

Americans in attacks on Kurds. Americans not in Syria....Kurds attacked.

And Turkey has been fighting theses people for a thousand years....

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