As A Former Soldier....Somebody Explain How One Battalion Of US Troops Was Able To Protect The Kurds

Ohhh..... so this only works for Turkey and no other foreign enemy.
Wow...that is very convenient for the narrative you need to self-delude.
Work on your own self delusions and false beliefs. In no way did I claim using US troops as human speed bumps would work everywhere.
But if you want to deny the clear time line in Syria, Americans leave....Turkey begins large scale attack on Kurds immediately afterwards, be my guest.

I don't care if you make yourself look ridiculous. Really. I don't.

I am not denying anything. I think Trump doing this was a huge mistake, and difficult to understand. What isn't difficult to understand is how you guys so conveniently completely change your tune in this situation. As a part of AOC's campiagn she went on and on about how we need to bring all of our soldiers home from the Middle East. And then within hours of Trumps move - suddenly - she tweets about how bad it is Trump pulls troops away from a fight.
Every single Democrat running for President says we need to bring our boys home... annd every single one of them are "outraged" about this happening. Well.... WTF... so they would have pulled them all out except those 100 guys on the Turkish border?
Again...all fits very conveniently into the narrative liberals need to not be otherwise hypocrites.
I do approve of withdrawing troops in places like Syria where long term occupation hasn't been all that successful.
As we see unless we want to stay in these sorts of places forever the second we leave, chaos breaks out again.

But, I wish Trump had accounted for Turkey's actions and at least put in some sort of deterrent to hit back at Turkey.
I am hearing things that may have not been reported that indicate there is more to the issue than Trump just saying bye, and leaving the Kurds to their fates.

But unless we want to be in Syria forever there are no good solutions here.
One battalion can protect the Kurds because they are US soldiers

Turkey will not attack US Soldiers
So you also believe then that U.S. Soldiers should have bases all over the globe to stop wars?
Difficult question

I believe the EU and Japan/Korea need to assume larger roles in their area of influence.
I don’t disagree with a withdrawal of US soldiers from Syria, just the impulsive way it was done with no provisions or agreements with Turkey over protection of the Kurds

I remember from my time in the Middle-East that if you're deployed into a forward area you are there being protected by your host country. When you don't have armor and 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers ready to fight at a moment's are pretty much at the mercy of who is your host. You aren't there to protect anyone. You are only part of the support that keeps them going in the right direction. But if it is true that the moment you leave they switch sides or become unable to defend themselves I don't see the point.

It's clear there is a conspiracy to keep us in Syria for some strange reason. Trump sees this and wants to pull our people out of harm's way. Immediately the Turks supposedly start bombing civilians and Trump is supposedly at fault. All he did was announce the pull-back, Turkey starts bombing. They haven't even left yet, but for some reason the Turks were able to murder reportedly thousands of former ISIS rebels and their families. So WTF were we doing there? Who's side are we on? What exactly are we doing there? Does any of this silly shit make any sense? Why was Iraq the wrong war but Syria is the right war?

What I think is Syria is being used to get Republicans to back their fake impeachment push. That's it. Nothing more. It's a red-herring.

It was primarily air support. A few folks needed to be on the ground to tell the planes where to attack.
I do approve of withdrawing troops in places like Syria where long term occupation hasn't been all that successful.
As we see unless we want to stay in these sorts of places forever the second we leave, chaos breaks out again.

But, I wish Trump had accounted for Turkey's actions and at least put in some sort of deterrent to hit back at Turkey.
I am hearing things that may have not been reported that indicate there is more to the issue than Trump just saying bye, and leaving the Kurds to their fates.

But unless we want to be in Syria forever there are no good solutions here.
On the news this a.m. I heard the most miserable statement from President Trump giving a wishy washy no fact response about what maybe he'd do to Turkey. Obviously, he has no idea.
I do approve of withdrawing troops in places like Syria where long term occupation hasn't been all that successful.
As we see unless we want to stay in these sorts of places forever the second we leave, chaos breaks out again.

But, I wish Trump had accounted for Turkey's actions and at least put in some sort of deterrent to hit back at Turkey.
I am hearing things that may have not been reported that indicate there is more to the issue than Trump just saying bye, and leaving the Kurds to their fates.

But unless we want to be in Syria forever there are no good solutions here.
On the news this a.m. I heard the most miserable statement from President Trump giving a wishy washy no fact response about what maybe he'd do to Turkey. Obviously, he has no idea.

Obviously, he has no idea.

And you do? Seriously.
And tramp has twin towers he manages and brands in Turkey as well as Clintons have nothing to do with ISIS.
You must be sniffing glue.....because the WTC was under Bush, you fucking tool!!!
Trump has a Twin Towers Hotel and Condominium complex in Istanbul. I assume Penelope was referring to those twin towers, not the WTC.
Yep.....and that is what we all refer to as "The Twin Towers".....sorry
..... How could I be so silly.

However I think fuck nuts has an advance case of consequently all things Trump are evil.
And tramp has twin towers he manages and brands in Turkey as well as Clintons have nothing to do with ISIS.
You must be sniffing glue.....because the WTC was under Bush, you fucking tool!!!
Trump has a Twin Towers Hotel and Condominium complex in Istanbul. I assume Penelope was referring to those twin towers, not the WTC.
Yep.....and that is what we all refer to as "The Twin Towers".....sorry
..... How could I be so silly.

However I think fuck nuts has an advance case of consequently all things Trump are evil.
So her saying "in Turkey" didn't help prevent you from looking like a dumb ass??
You must be sniffing glue.....because the WTC was under Bush, you fucking tool!!!
Trump has a Twin Towers Hotel and Condominium complex in Istanbul. I assume Penelope was referring to those twin towers, not the WTC.
Yep.....and that is what we all refer to as "The Twin Towers".....sorry
..... How could I be so silly.

However I think fuck nuts has an advance case of consequently all things Trump are evil.
So her saying "in Turkey" didn't help prevent you from looking like a dumb ass??
No......because when most people refer to Twin Towers it's in NYC.
Trump has a Twin Towers Hotel and Condominium complex in Istanbul. I assume Penelope was referring to those twin towers, not the WTC.
Yep.....and that is what we all refer to as "The Twin Towers".....sorry
..... How could I be so silly.

However I think fuck nuts has an advance case of consequently all things Trump are evil.
So her saying "in Turkey" didn't help prevent you from looking like a dumb ass??
No......because when most people refer to Twin Towers it's in NYC.
No, most people would read the whole sentence and realize that when someone says "IN TURKEY" they are referring to things IN TURKEY.....
One battalion can protect the Kurds because they are US soldiers

Turkey will not attack US Soldiers
So you also believe then that U.S. Soldiers should have bases all over the globe to stop wars?
Difficult question

I believe the EU and Japan/Korea need to assume larger roles in their area of influence.
I don’t disagree with a withdrawal of US soldiers from Syria, just the impulsive way it was done with no provisions or agreements with Turkey over protection of the Kurds

Talk is cheap.
We are the only western nation on earth who backs up what they say.
All of Europe fails to even pay the small portion they are supposed to to support NATO and the U.N. Nor do they maintain their military like they agree to do either. They want to both have the United States pay for everything, provide slush fund money and provide for THEIR national security - AND - be able to bitch about America all at the same time.
Without American military might - the global map would look very different.
And what is happening in Turkey is merely a microcosm of what would happen on a global scale without us.
The Kurds don't need protecting. They have been fighting the Turks for hundreds of years.

We don't owe them anything. If they do something for us its because they got something out of it.

The Kurds will survive. They always do.
All the Kurds need from us are some anti-air shoulder launched missiles and a tripwire unit or so, maybe a platoon of Spec Ops teaching and training them. The can get the SpecOps via merc units in retirement under a US designation.

The Saudis and Israelis can help them with the bills.

If the Turks go full bore on the Kurds though, nothing can stop them in the ME, not even Israel. Without us there, the Turks are THE power in the ME.

Still we need to bring our boys home.

Why cant the Pentagon make up a unit of servicemen who VOLUNTEER to be in a place? Ask for volunteers, resurrect some old glorious unit, append an EF to the end for 'Expeditionary Force' and man it with people who volunteer to go?

Our government has so many experts they cant see the forest for all the gawdang leaves in the way.

I remember from my time in the Middle-East that if you're deployed into a forward area you are there being protected by your host country. When you don't have armor and 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers ready to fight at a moment's are pretty much at the mercy of who is your host. You aren't there to protect anyone. You are only part of the support that keeps them going in the right direction. But if it is true that the moment you leave they switch sides or become unable to defend themselves I don't see the point.

It's clear there is a conspiracy to keep us in Syria for some strange reason. Trump sees this and wants to pull our people out of harm's way. Immediately the Turks supposedly start bombing civilians and Trump is supposedly at fault. All he did was announce the pull-back, Turkey starts bombing. They haven't even left yet, but for some reason the Turks were able to murder reportedly thousands of former ISIS rebels and their families. So WTF were we doing there? Who's side are we on? What exactly are we doing there? Does any of this silly shit make any sense? Why was Iraq the wrong war but Syria is the right war?

What I think is Syria is being used to get Republicans to back their fake impeachment push. That's it. Nothing more. It's a red-herring.

You must have been a damn good latrine jocky to not know that one platoon could protect the Kurds. If anyone were to attack the US military they could be counter attacked by more US forces...
American forces are needed not for on the ground gunfights but rather for technical skills and access to satellite and drone recon data and calling in airstrikes. The absence of US forces means the absence of airpower and protection.
You talk like a fucking Bushbot.

Why is the UN allowing a military incursion of Turkey into another sovereign nation that didn't attack them?

Why isn't NATO turning the screws on the Turks?
Trump has a Twin Towers Hotel and Condominium complex in Istanbul. I assume Penelope was referring to those twin towers, not the WTC.
Yep.....and that is what we all refer to as "The Twin Towers".....sorry
..... How could I be so silly.

However I think fuck nuts has an advance case of consequently all things Trump are evil.
So her saying "in Turkey" didn't help prevent you from looking like a dumb ass??
No......because when most people refer to Twin Towers it's in NYC.
No, most people would read the whole sentence and realize that when someone says "IN TURKEY" they are referring to things IN TURKEY.....
Well, that's strange. You motherfuckers keep reading into the transcripts all sorts of things that don't exist in them.. which means you're Gaslighting..... yet you want to assume that everyone on the planet calls a couple buildings in Istanbul the fucking "Twin Towers".

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