As a registered Republican I am disgusted by some of my brethren here.

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OP proves USMB cons/repubs don't tolerate dissent in their ranks. They seem to mirror the lock- step mentality of Repubs in the senate and, for that reason, why Snowe (R) is retiring. Incidentally, looks like Snowe's replacement will prolly be a Dem judging from the demographics :cool:
I'm a fraud republican for not falling in line with you obtuse shitheads here?

Fuck you.
Unlike you, I obviously give a shit about my COUNTRY more than my PARTY.

If the republican party can't handle criticism, what the hell good is it?
If we aren't willing to examine and re-examine our deepest held beliefs, what good are they?
If we're not willing to change and adapt, what will happen when the winds of change blow?

I'm sick of voting for republican promises of prosperity only to see my job shipped overseas.
I'm sick of being told government doesn't work when government won WW2, built the interstates and landed a man on the moon. What has this nation accomplished in the last 30 years since we abandoned government setting big goals ? Internet porn.

Men on the moon vs. Internet porn.
I've lived in both worlds and I know what world I would choose to live in.
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he left the party because they told him NOT to fix things for his voters

Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher threw a wrench in the San Diego mayoral race Wednesday morning by announcing that he is leaving the GOP and running for mayor as an independent.

The candidate’s Twitter account updated a status just before 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday: “Today I’m announcing my decision to leave the GOP and re-register as an independent.”

In a YouTube video on the his website’s homepage, Fletcher said partisan politics shaped his decision to become an independent candidate.

“I’ve been told by people in the Republican Party that I’m not very good at this, and there’s a reason,” he said. “I could care less about playing games. Because I don’t believe this is a game.”
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This guy smells suspiciously like someone else around here. If he starts in on hating Mormons we'll know for sure.
Men on the moon vs. Internet porn.
I've lived in both worlds and I know what world I would choose to live in.
You've lived on the Moon and in Internet porn?

One I believe and one I don't. Guess which one is which, goat fucker.
TorJohnson is clearly a liberal Democrat. Beliefs don't change, goals may. Thanks for throwing out a bunch of complaints and whining, which you are so opposed to hearing from conservatives. Now take a flying leap.
and you are trashing a dead boy to make it OK that he is dead.

The boy is dead, why do you have to make it a great thing hes dead in your mind?
I am making it a great thing that he is dea?

That is fyucked up...even you cant be that stupid TM.

The boy dies...and I have made no judgment call as to why or how...

But one thing for sure...if I had the ability to find the truth?

I would want to find that an innocent boy did not lose his life.

You on the other hand? You're so willing to say that Zimmerman is guilty without any evidence, yoiu are actually proving that you WANT the kid to be an innocent child tyhat lost his life.


Becuase you have been able to make a judgment call without evindence...which means you are allowing your "wishes" to dictate your thinking.

That makes you one sick fuck.

You are one warped human being.

This man needs to be arrested for killing this boy.

Then let the courts sort it out.

asking for that in your mind is evil?

then you are calling the parents evil and nearly every black person in this country evil

liar. You and many others on this board have made it clear that you want this man to face justice for the murder of the young child. You and many others on this board have already fopund the shooter guilty of cold blooded murder.

As for the parents...I am a parent. You are not...(not surprisingly may I add)

As a parent...if my kid dies as the rtesult of HIM robbing a bank....I would be so distraught at liosing a child I would find every way possible to put the blame I give them a pass on anything they may say.

And your last line....and I will quote it for every9one to see....

then you are calling the parents evil and nearly every black person in this country evil

that line...especially what I put in a larger font......shows how yopu are one of the reasons we have racial tension in this country. You make things a racial issue when they are not.

That makes you wortholess as an fucking racist.

Why do you hate white people?
I'm a fraud republican for not falling in line with you obtuse shitheads here?

Fuck you.
Unlike you, I obviously give a shit about my COUNTRY more than my PARTY.

If the republican party can't handle criticism, what the hell good is it?
If we aren't willing to examine and re-examine our deepest held beliefs, what good are they?
If we're not willing to change and adapt, what will happen when the winds of change blow?

I'm sick of voting for republican promises of prosperity only to see my job shipped overseas.
I'm sick of being told government doesn't work when government won WW2, built the interstates and landed a man on the moon. What has this nation accomplished in the last 30 years since we abandoned government setting big goals ? Internet porn.

Men on the moon vs. Internet porn.
I've lived in both worlds and I know what world I would choose to live in. are a fraud republican becuase your entire argument is using left wing talking points of spin and hyperbole.

You are a coward. Afraid to admit your ideology. I find that humorous.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

Once you have some knowledge of the board history, have read the countless threads will this opinion have any merit.

So far you come across as a whiny butt hurt leftie

everyone knows that real republicans do not criticize other republicans Who do not march in lockstep they are all independent thinkers.
I'm a fraud republican for not falling in line with you obtuse shitheads here?

Fuck you.
Unlike you, I obviously give a shit about my COUNTRY more than my PARTY.

If the republican party can't handle criticism, what the hell good is it?
If we aren't willing to examine and re-examine our deepest held beliefs, what good are they?
If we're not willing to change and adapt, what will happen when the winds of change blow?

I'm sick of voting for republican promises of prosperity only to see my job shipped overseas.
I'm sick of being told government doesn't work when government won WW2, built the interstates and landed a man on the moon. What has this nation accomplished in the last 30 years since we abandoned government setting big goals ? Internet porn.

Man on the moon vs. Internet porn.

Sorry Fakey.

You are a liberal Democrat and everybody sees right through you.

No matter which user/sock handle you utilize. Your schtick has been overused by lots of folks. Some of them even had a hint of credibility.

You? Not at all.

The GOP may or may not be able to handle criticism, but nobody accepts it from a transparent fraud like you. You undermine your own "arguments" (such as they are) by couching them as though you are some enlightened (and therefore an exceptional) Republican. :doubt:

If you had given HONESTY a try, you could have been just another weak-ass version of the usual liberal critic of the GOP. Your credibility wouldn't have been in FakeyJakey and rderp and TDM depths.

You care entirely about your Party -- the liberal Democrat Party. If you ACTUALLY cared more about your country, you lying hack fraud, you'd embrace the precepts that GOT us to the point where we became the greatest nation on the face of planet Earth.

Republicans -- as you SHOULD know if you were a Republican -- do not hate government. We simply REJECT the notion that it is the job of government to DO some of the things we have specifically said they are not authorized to do.

Every word you spout sounds like a campaign spot for the liberal Democratics. What about the GOP DO you actually support? Why the fuck would a drip like you even want to be a part of the GOP when you have nothing good to say about it?

Tell me, what positions of the GOP do you favor and why are you NOT willing to join the Democrat Parody. Be specific. Go ahead: Criticize the liberal Democratics like you criticize the GOP. Make the case FOR the GOP.
This guy smells suspiciously like someone else around here. If he starts in on hating Mormons we'll know for sure.

That's an unusually acute olfactory sense you just demonstrated.

I wonder if you hit on something that time?
OP proves USMB cons/repubs don't tolerate dissent in their ranks. They seem to mirror the lock- step mentality of Repubs in the senate and, for that reason, why Snowe (R) is retiring. Incidentally, looks like Snowe's replacement will prolly be a Dem judging from the demographics :cool:
The OP proves that he's nothing more than a craven fucking liar.

I'm not even a republican and can see through his charade.

You and your asshole bretheren have already convicted this guy in your warped minds.

You PRAY that an innocent child lost his life.

That makes you and the rest of you sick, fucked up people.

LOL @ "praying that an innocent child lost his life."

with zero evindence that he was killed in cold blood, people have decided that he was killed in cold blood.


I hope he was not killed in cold blood. I hope he deserved it. I would hate to find out he was murdered for no reason.

I was just laughing at the picture of someone actually praying and thinking to themselves...I really hope that innocent child was murdered.
Deregulation happened under Clinton. Bush only increased financial regulation with SOX. Plus, he wanted to reign in Fannie and Freddie, but Dems would not let him.

Plus, Eisenhower loved to overthrow nascent democracies and establish puppet regimes, all in the name of big oil. Remember Operation Ajax? Your Republican hero was a slave to big oil.

Clinton signed the Gramm-Bliley Leach Act and the Commodities and Futures Modernization Act...both of whom were written by REPUBLICAN PHIL GRAMM. In those two pieces of legislation, conceived and rammed though congress by Republicans, that the seeds of the 2007 meltdown were born.
What's Phil Gramm doing now? He's a lobbyist for Swiss Banks...trying to keep secret bank accounts from being found by the US taxman. That's what heroes do...hide their income in socialist countries banks so they don't have to pay taxes on it. What's Clinton doing? Charity.

It is intellectually dishonest of you to suggest that deregulation is on the LIBERAL AGENDA and that repubs had NOTHING to do with it.

I will grant that Bush actually did do some spending on regulations, but not in the financial sector.

To his credit, Bush accurately foresaw the danger posed by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and began calling as early as 2002 for greater regulation of the mortgage giants. But experts say the administration could have done even more to curb excesses in the housing market, and much more to police Wall Street, which transmitted those problems around the world.

In retrospect, "it would have helped for the Bush administration to empower the folks at Treasury and the Federal Reserve and the comptroller of the currency and the FDIC to look at these issues more closely," said Vince Reinhardt, a former Federal Reserve economist now at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative-leaning research organization here. Reinhardt said it would also have helped "for Congress to have held hearings."

Instead, voices inside the administration who favored tougher policing of Wall Street found themselves with few supporters. William Donaldson, a former Wall Street executive with respected Republican credentials who became chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission under Bush, quit in 2005 after facing resistance from the White House and Republican members of the panel, who criticized his support for stiffer regulations on mutual funds and hedge funds.

Today, even those sympathetic to Bush say he cannot disentangle himself from a home-lending industry run amok or a banking industry that mortgaged its future on toxic loans.

"The crisis definitely happened on their watch," said Kenneth Rogoff, a professor of economics at Harvard University who advises the Republican presidential candidate John McCain. "This is eight years into the Bush administration. There was a lot of time to deal with it."

And the congressional inquiry into the meldown concluded that Fannie and Freddie contributed to it, but did not CAUSE the meltdown.

No one with any economic standing says otherwise.

As for Eisenhower....he called out the military industrial complex. What Republican has done that lately? You think that influence just went away?
Eisenhower understood guns over butter.
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.”

You sir, are an idiot who edits history to suit your current talking points.
Go fuck yourself.
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No no, shit breath. What I meant to say was what I did say, you penis licker.

His words CLAIM that he's a Republican, but his words also show him to be a fraud.

Damn, but you are one stupid motherfucker. Being deliberately obtuse is not the sign of a healthy mind, you sick twatwaffle.

But you know his true mind right Kreskin? He COULDNT be a Republican because he's not repeating the repub message, right turdburgler? But it's the Dems that doesnt tolerate dissenting opinions while you attack someone for not sharing your opinions. Riiiiight..keep talking in circles dummy

His words reveal him for what he is, dumbass.

Because he doesnt repeat the Republican talking points. But its the liberals who are intolerant of dissenting views, right liberal?

YOU willingly ignore evidence. That's your option.

I willingly ignore HACKS who claim to know someones TRUE feelings

I'm not required to play the game of willing suspension of disbelief.

Plus, I have seen some of his OTHER unintelligent liberal talking point posts. He's a lib. Brainless and robotic. Kinda like you.

Riiiight, now tell me again how you're tolerant of dissenting views Mr. double talk
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I am making it a great thing that he is dea?

That is fyucked up...even you cant be that stupid TM.

The boy dies...and I have made no judgment call as to why or how...

But one thing for sure...if I had the ability to find the truth?

I would want to find that an innocent boy did not lose his life.

You on the other hand? You're so willing to say that Zimmerman is guilty without any evidence, yoiu are actually proving that you WANT the kid to be an innocent child tyhat lost his life.


Becuase you have been able to make a judgment call without evindence...which means you are allowing your "wishes" to dictate your thinking.

That makes you one sick fuck.

You are one warped human being.

This man needs to be arrested for killing this boy.

Then let the courts sort it out.

asking for that in your mind is evil?

then you are calling the parents evil and nearly every black person in this country evil

liar. You and many others on this board have made it clear that you want this man to face justice for the murder of the young child. You and many others on this board have already fopund the shooter guilty of cold blooded murder.

As for the parents...I am a parent. You are not...(not surprisingly may I add)

As a parent...if my kid dies as the rtesult of HIM robbing a bank....I would be so distraught at liosing a child I would find every way possible to put the blame I give them a pass on anything they may say.

And your last line....and I will quote it for every9one to see....

then you are calling the parents evil and nearly every black person in this country evil

that line...especially what I put in a larger font......shows how yopu are one of the reasons we have racial tension in this country. You make things a racial issue when they are not.

That makes you wortholess as an fucking racist.

Why do you hate white people?

Personally, I am trying to figure out why so many people feed this troll.

Ignore him and his bait threads and he goes away.
But you know his true mind right Kreskin? He COULDNT be a Republican because he's not repeating the repub message, right turdburgler? But it's the Dems that doesnt tolerate dissenting opinions while you attack someone for not sharing your opinions. Riiiiight..keep talking in circles dummy

His words reveal him for what he is, dumbass.

Because he doesnt repeat the Republican talking points. But its the liberals who are intolerant of dissenting views, right liberal?

YOU willingly ignore evidence. That's your option.

I willingly ignore HACKS who claim to know someones TRUE feelings

I'm not required to play the game of willing suspension of disbelief.

Plus, I have seen some of his OTHER unintelligent liberal talking point posts. He's a lib. Brainless and robotic. Kinda like you.

Riiiight, now tell me again how you're tolerant of dissenting views Mr. double talk

No CloseMinded. You ignore everything that gets in the way of having to be objective.

If you were even capable of honesty -- which is clearly not the case -- you'd have to concede that Tor's posts show him to be nothing but a spewer of the standard, boilerplate, witless, liberal talking points.

You don't ignore hacks, asshole. You embrace hacks of the requisite stripe. You ARE the hack.

And, by the way, I happen to be very tolerant of dissenting views. Your lack of belief in that assertion (which is the first time I have made it in fact) is of no significance. I would never expect a biased hack like you to be objective enough to acknowledge it even if you looked for evidence of it and had seen it.

You don't seem to get the fact that YOU are almost as lacking in credibility as Tor is. :lmao:
LOL @ "praying that an innocent child lost his life."

with zero evindence that he was killed in cold blood, people have decided that he was killed in cold blood.


I hope he was not killed in cold blood. I hope he deserved it. I would hate to find out he was murdered for no reason.

I was just laughing at the picture of someone actually praying and thinking to themselves...I really hope that innocent child was murdered. is a humorous thought despite the tragedy itself.

But I will tell first thought was "please dont let this be a case where a child was murdered in cold blood."

Not because of Zimmerman. I am not at all wrapped up in his guilt or innocence. It is not my place to be wrapped up in it. I dont know him, Martin; I dont live in that community; and I am confident that the proper protocols will be followed. People are killed daily...I dont get wrapped up in it.

All I cared about was the thought of an innocent child standing there and knowing he was going to die. I prayed that was not the case.

But look at the posts of many on this board. They may not be praying that an innocent child was murderred..I said that for effect.....but they are not looking for proof that an innocent child was NOT murdered. Instead they are doing all they can to see that it was an innocent child murdered.

I find that sickening...heartless...

As for advocates like Sharpton? He NEEDS to speak out and I applaud him for it. That is his job. Someone needs to and whereas he may be wrong 20% of the time, he is rtight 80% OF THE TIME....and he is willing to take the flack when he is wrong, so he can make sure the right thing is done when he is right. I have no issue with him.

The parents? Those poor parents? They have the right to say whatever they want. Innocent or not, their child is dead.

But assholes on here and in the media? They make me sick...they are hell bent on finding that this was a case where an innocent child saw his life flash before his eyes...

and that makes me sick.
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