As a registered Republican I am disgusted by some of my brethren here.

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It's love. They WANT the guy who is least able to articulate an argument AGAINST ObamaCare (at least with any hope of credibility) because he is tht much easier to defeat in the General Election.

Plus, facing reality -- in the event that President Obama cannot manage to get re-elected -- they'd rather have a Massachusetts liberal RINO (Dem lite) like Mitt as the President than ANY of the other GOP contenders.
Liability, I joined the Republican Party in Wyoming in 1971. In that particular state, the Republican Party is right of the Libertarians. I mean it's no spending on nothing that wasn't being spent a hundred years ago, no exceptions. Take the penny sales tax that was designed to build the library in our county, then remove it after one year. It never got removed, but the penny was used for everything under the sun after the library was paid for. Every election, when anybody ever mentioned needing anything, it was "Wait your turn for the penny sales tax." That was the best damn tax ever raised, because it put the nix on ANY tax hikes for 50 years. I have no idea what they're gonna do if that library ever burns down. The state has really low taxes on property, 4-5 cents sales tax, NO income tax, it's a tax-free heaven, except for that damn one cent sales tax. :lmao:

What I'm driving at is Republicans may be a lot more conservative than you think. In Wyoming, we kept them from raising taxes by bringing up that one cent sales tax, and never letting them live it down. I'm sure all the people who passed that one cent are gone now, but the one cent flag still stands to fight people willing to make government expensive when it doesn't have to be that way.

I think you will see a President Romney who can control spendthrifts in Congress. He does do what the majority wants. The majority of Republicans want to keep taxes to a minimum without having tent cities of homeless people in every city with a population of over 30.

I dumped the GOP as my Party because I deem them to be a slightly moderated warmed up version of the Democrat Parody.

Exactly. You are not a Republican. The OP author is.

I supported President Bush even though it is perfectly reasonable to take note of the fact that he was not exactly a fiscal conservative.

You supported Bush because you are a Neo-Con, and will vote for "Anybody But Democrat". Just admit it.

I'll support the GOP nominee (i.e., presumably it will be Mitt) over the prospect of the re-election of the incumbent Flop In Chief, without question.

Of course you will. You all will. As I said all along, no matter how many times you yelled and screamed "NO MORE RINOS!" "NO MORE McCAINS!".

I love when wingnuts prove me absolutely correct! :)
because its nonsense.

We are asking that the guy be arrested and tried.


You and your asshole bretheren have already convicted this guy in your warped minds.

You PRAY that an innocent child lost his life.

That makes you and the rest of you sick, fucked up people.

and you are trashing a dead boy to make it OK that he is dead.

The boy is dead, why do you have to make it a great thing hes dead in your mind?

That's just your imbecility babbling again.

In REALITY (you should visit some time when your meds are working properly), nobody is saying that it's a great thing that the kid died.

It is, however, actually relevant whether or not the kid (Trayvon) was some innocent (like a new born babe) individual OR a bit of a thug. For if it turns out that he was one of the thug's-life wannabes, then the question about the validity of Zimmerman's side of the story MIGHT actually be implicitly supported.

By the way, TDM, you have NO idea what's in anybody else's mind, so you really should check that bullshit you always spread.
You don't get to "ask" for arrests just because you have predetermined the whole issue of guilt vs. innocence.

An arrest is supposed to be preceded by actual, existing, real "probable cause."

That's a phrase that has actual meaning, too.

And the fact that the kid got shot and died simply does NOT establish that the loss of his life "probably" constituted a criminal act by Zimmerman under the circumstances.

Many of you ultra partisan hacks insist that the question of "self defense" is a matter reserved for a person accused of a crime, to establish at a trial. But you're wrong. It is a matter that may persuade an honest agent of law enforcement from even arresting a "suspect" in the first place.

In the Trayvon Martin matter, there is already evidence -- known to law enforcement -- that the shooter may have been fending off a violent attack AGAINST him.

That being the case, to arrest him is the same as claiming that there is probable cause to believe that a crime was committed DESPITE the knowledge that (pending further investigation) there may never have been a "crime" committed in the first place.

So, the fact that YOU want him arrested is both beside the point legally and demonstrative of your typical rancid bias.
Wait ... you mean they're not supposed to arrest first and then develop probable cause?

Well that's no fun.
because its nonsense.

We are asking that the guy be arrested and tried.

You don't get to "ask" for arrests just because you have predetermined the whole issue of guilt vs. innocence.

An arrest is supposed to be preceded by actual, existing, real "probable cause."

That's a phrase that has actual meaning, too.

And the fact that the kid got shot and died simply does NOT establish that the loss of his life "probably" constituted a criminal act by Zimmerman under the circumstances.

Many of you ultra partisan hacks insist that the question of "self defense" is a matter reserved for a person accused of a crime, to establish at a trial. But you're wrong. It is a matter that may persuade an honest agent of law enforcement from even arresting a "suspect" in the first place.

In the Trayvon Martin matter, there is already evidence -- known to law enforcement -- that the shooter may have been fending off a violent attack AGAINST him.

That being the case, to arrest him is the same as claiming that there is probable cause to believe that a crime was committed DESPITE the knowledge that (pending further investigation) there may never have been a "crime" committed in the first place.

So, the fact that YOU want him arrested is both beside the point legally and demonstrative of your typical rancid bias.

Santorum is the ONLY person in the media who has said
“It’s a horrible case, and it’s chilling to hear what happened. And of course the fact that law enforcement didn’t immediately go after and prosecute this case is another chilling example of horrible decisions made by people in this process.
I think it’s pretty clear the problems we’re seeing in this case, and hopefully the state Attorney General and local community is reacting and responding. And hopefully this matter will be an example of what law enforcement has to do in a case like this.”

But Santorum never is the focus of your outrage. Then you get so doggone mad at everyone else. Not Santorum tho, it's not because he has an R behind his name...noooo, you musta just forgotten Santorum launched this scathing critique. In fact, I bet your selective amnesia will kick in right after you read this.
and the other perinent data to coinfirm the integrity of this data?

Since there are a LOT of countries there, from all over the world, they're going to vary and cancel each other out, so it doesn't really matter. The point is that the claim people in single-payer countries are "dying" while on waiting lists isn't borne out by the data. If our health-care "system" were better than theirs in regard to providing treatment to people who need it, we should have a higher life expectancy. Clearly, we don't.

The truth is, a lot more people die here for not having insurance or the ability to get health care AT ALL, than die under single-payer systems for triage reasons. For one thing, priority is a lot higher for procedures necessary to preserve life. You're not going to wait long for a heart transplant, and if you do it will be because of donor availability (which would affect you anywhere). The notorious long wait times are for non-essential operations like hip replacements, for which waiting is uncomfortable but it won't kill you. And the fact that people with good insurance can get hip replacements more quickly here, comes at the price of people without good coverage who face a need for life-saving treatment not getting it -- and dying.

there used to be a poster on here....Mr. Peepers, (her cat's name...but the poster was a she)...

Anyway...she seems to have departed...almost immediately after I called her 0out on something she said..

She was lobbying onhere for a single payer system. She ciomplained about the costs of insurance and said that she, personally can not afford it and is lucky her employer pays for it.

So I asked he what her salary and expenses were..and she offered them up. I know where she lives...I live 20 minutes from her...

Nowe...I dont recall exact numbers.....but the point is the point....

She said
her rent is 1200 a month.
Her commute is 800 a month
her utilities including cable are 500 a month

Her salary is 50K a year.

So based on that...she is costs wouyld put her doubt.

SO I asked her these questions...her answers in red....

Do you have a room mate?
No. I much prefer living alone.

Why do you live in Brooklyn when you can get an apartment in Valley Stream for half the price?
Why should I have to commute another 20 minutes?

Why do you pay so much in cable?
Why shouldnt I have access to the programs I like to watch?

Why are your commuting costs so high? The subway should cost you around 5.00 a day
I prefer the express bus. I always get a seat and they are always air conditioned

So I said to her....

"you COULD afford the healthcare, but you refuse to sacrifice other wants for it. In other words, you place healthcare as a low priority, but you could afford it if you had to"

"I paid my dues. Why should I sacrifice anything?"

Now...dont get me wrong...there are many that cant afford it...and I have no issue with a government program to help them.

But the more I look around, and hear people complain, the more I am seeing thast most CAN afford it...they just refuse to sacrifice other wants for it.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

this is one reason Olympia Snowe (R) is retiring. Theres no room in today's GOP for pragmatists/moderates.
Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe to retire in blow to GOP - The Washington Post
All one has to do is look at the bi-partisan, senate, transportation bill and what Boehner's tea party House response was to it.
Your observation is correct inre: this board as there are 2-3 repub moderates, at most, who post here. Prolly illustrative of the Repub party at large.
because its nonsense.

We are asking that the guy be arrested and tried.


You and your asshole bretheren have already convicted this guy in your warped minds.

You PRAY that an innocent child lost his life.

That makes you and the rest of you sick, fucked up people.

and you are trashing a dead boy to make it OK that he is dead.

The boy is dead, why do you have to make it a great thing hes dead in your mind?
I am making it a great thing that he is dea?

That is fyucked up...even you cant be that stupid TM.

The boy dies...and I have made no judgment call as to why or how...

But one thing for sure...if I had the ability to find the truth?

I would want to find that an innocent boy did not lose his life.

You on the other hand? You're so willing to say that Zimmerman is guilty without any evidence, yoiu are actually proving that you WANT the kid to be an innocent child tyhat lost his life.


Becuase you have been able to make a judgment call without evindence...which means you are allowing your "wishes" to dictate your thinking.

That makes you one sick fuck.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

Spoken like a true Democrat.
Liability, I joined the Republican Party in Wyoming in 1971. In that particular state, the Republican Party is right of the Libertarians. I mean it's no spending on nothing that wasn't being spent a hundred years ago, no exceptions. Take the penny sales tax that was designed to build the library in our county, then remove it after one year. It never got removed, but the penny was used for everything under the sun after the library was paid for. Every election, when anybody ever mentioned needing anything, it was "Wait your turn for the penny sales tax." That was the best damn tax ever raised, because it put the nix on ANY tax hikes for 50 years. I have no idea what they're gonna do if that library ever burns down. The state has really low taxes on property, 4-5 cents sales tax, NO income tax, it's a tax-free heaven, except for that damn one cent sales tax. :lmao:

What I'm driving at is Republicans may be a lot more conservative than you think. In Wyoming, we kept them from raising taxes by bringing up that one cent sales tax, and never letting them live it down. I'm sure all the people who passed that one cent are gone now, but the one cent flag still stands to fight people willing to make government expensive when it doesn't have to be that way.

I think you will see a President Romney who can control spendthrifts in Congress. He does do what the majority wants. The majority of Republicans want to keep taxes to a minimum without having tent cities of homeless people in every city with a population of over 30.

I dumped the GOP as my Party because I deem them to be a slightly moderated warmed up version of the Democrat Parody.

Exactly. You are not a Republican. The OP author is.

So he claims. But he's clearly NOT a member of the GOP. Like you, he's just another lib. Unlike you, he is unwilling to so much as state the fact honestly.

I supported President Bush even though it is perfectly reasonable to take note of the fact that he was not exactly a fiscal conservative.

You supported Bush because you are a Neo-Con,

Nope. Your false labels do not control. Your label is false. You should try to argue with integrity. And I supported President Bush because -- on balance -- he was right.

and will vote for "Anybody But Democrat". Just admit it.

Nobody can ever "admit" something that isn't true. I would vote for an honestly Conservative Democrat over a weenie liberal RINO type Republican. However, I will NOT under ANY circumstances vote for the re-election of President Obama. That hideously dangerous, inept douche bag must go.

I'll support the GOP nominee (i.e., presumably it will be Mitt) over the prospect of the re-election of the incumbent Flop In Chief, without question.

Of course you will. You all will. As I said all along, no matter how many times you yelled and screamed "NO MORE RINOS!" "NO MORE McCAINS!".

I never screamed any such thing. The proper venue to avoid more RINOs is the primary season. It is not in the General Dejection where the choice (such as it is) ends up between some arch-liberal semi-Marxist idiot like the incumbent and a weak-ass RINO. The RINO has to win by default every time given the horrible choice. But that's just further proof that the proper venue to avoid that prospect is the primaries.

I love when wingnuts prove me absolutely correct! :)

You make me laugh. You seem incapable of grasping the fact that YOU are the wingnut.

But nobody has ever proved you absolutely correct. Your self-proclaimed victories are products of your delusions only. You have never been absolutely correct. Generally speaking, you are flatly wrong, in fact, on most matters of political significance. As I correctly just noted, you happen to be quite delusional.
I believe you are Republican as much as I am a registered communist. In other words, I dont believe it.

Neither do I, actually. A sensible Republican with a grasp on reality -- if there are any of those left -- would have said much the same thing but would have used different language.

So this is not a real Republican, but he's still right, and the GOP is still engaged in reality-denial and self-destruction.

And the democrats rise above it...right? :cuckoo:


They rise at any rate.
because its nonsense.

We are asking that the guy be arrested and tried.


You and your asshole bretheren have already convicted this guy in your warped minds.

You PRAY that an innocent child lost his life.

That makes you and the rest of you sick, fucked up people.

LOL @ "praying that an innocent child lost his life."

with zero evindence that he was killed in cold blood, people have decided that he was killed in cold blood.


I hope he was not killed in cold blood. I hope he deserved it. I would hate to find out he was murdered for no reason.
....Because you say so

No. Because his own words establish it quite clearly, ya dork.

No his words say that hes a repub, what you meant to say was "because I can read peoples minds and motives" fuck face

No no, shit breath. What I meant to say was what I did say, you penis licker.

His words CLAIM that he's a Republican, but his words also show him to be a fraud.

Damn, but you are one stupid motherfucker. Being deliberately obtuse is not the sign of a healthy mind, you sick twatwaffle.
Why are lefties so convinced that this "I'm really, really a Republican but here's why the Republicans are wrong and stupid" BS is a clever, clever ploy? Nobody buys the little act and they just make themselves look foolish and dishonest. :cuckoo:
No. Because his own words establish it quite clearly, ya dork.

No his words say that hes a repub, what you meant to say was "because I can read peoples minds and motives" fuck face

No no, shit breath. What I meant to say was what I did say, you penis licker.

His words CLAIM that he's a Republican, but his words also show him to be a fraud.

Damn, but you are one stupid motherfucker. Being deliberately obtuse is not the sign of a healthy mind, you sick twatwaffle.

But you know his true mind right Kreskin? He COULDNT be a Republican because he's not repeating the repub message, right turdburgler? But it's the Dems that doesnt tolerate dissenting opinions while you attack someone for not sharing your opinions. Riiiiight..keep talking in circles dummy

You and your asshole bretheren have already convicted this guy in your warped minds.

You PRAY that an innocent child lost his life.

That makes you and the rest of you sick, fucked up people.

and you are trashing a dead boy to make it OK that he is dead.

The boy is dead, why do you have to make it a great thing hes dead in your mind?
I am making it a great thing that he is dea?

That is fyucked up...even you cant be that stupid TM.

The boy dies...and I have made no judgment call as to why or how...

But one thing for sure...if I had the ability to find the truth?

I would want to find that an innocent boy did not lose his life.

You on the other hand? You're so willing to say that Zimmerman is guilty without any evidence, yoiu are actually proving that you WANT the kid to be an innocent child tyhat lost his life.


Becuase you have been able to make a judgment call without evindence...which means you are allowing your "wishes" to dictate your thinking.

That makes you one sick fuck.

You are one warped human being.

This man needs to be arrested for killing this boy.

Then let the courts sort it out.

asking for that in your mind is evil?

then you are calling the parents evil and nearly every black person in this country evil
and you are trashing a dead boy to make it OK that he is dead.

The boy is dead, why do you have to make it a great thing hes dead in your mind?
I am making it a great thing that he is dea?

That is fyucked up...even you cant be that stupid TM.

The boy dies...and I have made no judgment call as to why or how...

But one thing for sure...if I had the ability to find the truth?

I would want to find that an innocent boy did not lose his life.

You on the other hand? You're so willing to say that Zimmerman is guilty without any evidence, yoiu are actually proving that you WANT the kid to be an innocent child tyhat lost his life.


Becuase you have been able to make a judgment call without evindence...which means you are allowing your "wishes" to dictate your thinking.

That makes you one sick fuck.

You are one warped human being.

This man needs to be arrested for killing this boy.

Then let the courts sort it out.

asking for that in your mind is evil?

then you are calling the parents evil and nearly every black person in this country evil

Courts sort out matters like that only when the judicial system requires that they must serve that purpose. But he criminal justice system is NOT just the judicial system, you stupid hack.

BEFORE an arrest, there is SUPPOSED to be probable cause.

And right now, you wishful thinking notwithstanding, there is a lack of probable cause.

The kid is dead. No question. But his death by virtue of having been shot does NOT establish a criminal act.
No his words say that hes a repub, what you meant to say was "because I can read peoples minds and motives" fuck face

No no, shit breath. What I meant to say was what I did say, you penis licker.

His words CLAIM that he's a Republican, but his words also show him to be a fraud.

Damn, but you are one stupid motherfucker. Being deliberately obtuse is not the sign of a healthy mind, you sick twatwaffle.

But you know his true mind right Kreskin? He COULDNT be a Republican because he's not repeating the repub message, right turdburgler? But it's the Dems that doesnt tolerate dissenting opinions while you attack someone for not sharing your opinions. Riiiiight..keep talking in circles dummy

His words reveal him for what he is, dumbass.

YOU willingly ignore evidence. That's your option.

I'm not required to play the game of willing suspension of disbelief.

Plus, I have seen some of his OTHER unintelligent liberal talking point posts. He's a lib. Brainless and robotic. Kinda like you.
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