As conservatives or republicans, we have to stop Trump, and here is why!

Sometimes when I open a thread like this I expect cockroaches to scatter off the screen. :lol:
They key is cleanliness. Do some cleaning around the house and don't leave chicken bones and pizza boxes lying around for weeks. That will help. Remember: hygiene, cleanliness and sanitation. Then come back.

Nope! It's easier to just avoid threads by certain party's.

I'm pretty sure the fake rabid rabbit rabbi will be along shortly to puke up some gems of unknowingness.
Trump h
Donald Trump is leading the polls as all of you well know. I believe he is at 22 or 23%, and that is very dangerous for conservatives, republicans, democrats, and Americans in general.

Now, nobody really thinks he will win the Presidency, but what if he did! What if Hillary got the nod, then got indicted during the campaign, and she was running against Trump?

Now I know, I know, the Trump supporters are going to say how he "says what the common people think," or that "he is an outsider and that is good," or maybe, "he is a great business man, and might be the best person to fix the country."

You would be surprised to find that I do not disagree with anything in the last paragraph, and in fact, agree with all three points.

Here is the problem, and ALL republicans need to think about this..............what do we despise about Obama? Is it his policies; or rather, is it how he enforces his will upon the rest of the government to put them in place? If he would have had congress enact all of his policies without executive order, then with a change of congress, this problem would have been solved except for his veto. Veto would give more drive to change more of congress, and then the Presidency.

In other words, what republicans have called Obama is a DICTATOR, and we are no longer in a constitutional republic. He is king, goes around congress, has a pen and a phone, and we demand our constitutional government back.

And so, here we have a petulant, arrogant, pointy head President who circumvents the firewalls put in by the constitution to make his shang-ri-la, and we rightfully scream. Obama has done this, and republicans are chomping at the bit to put someone in who will RESPECT our founding documents.

And so, who in the Presidential race is just as petulant, just as arrogant, just as demanding, just as "my way, or the highway," demanding votes instead of asking for them, as Obama is today? Do we want another dictator/king?

Trump supporters are well aware of what Obama has done to the Presidency by expanding its powers, and showing everyone that congress is a bunch of "pantywaists" and will allow them to get away with it.

Do you REALLY want another Obama in office who will DICTATE what everyone is going to do? Most of you would sell your souls to make everything that Obama has passed have to go through a vote in congress. We already have a 2 leading candidates on the democratic side, (Hillary and Sanders) who we all know will NEVER give up the power that Obama has shown them how to use.

So, do you want Both parties putting up DICTATORS this time around essentially ending our constitutional republic, or do you stand by your own ideas and want to reinvigorate the republic where we have 3 equal branches of government, and no 1 person can impose their will upon us as Obama has?

Let me put it to you this way republicans.............Donald Trump is Obama in attitude. The only difference is; Obama hid it very well until he got elected to his 2nd term, Trump is not hiding it.

Also, the difference between republicans and the far left is(hopefully).........that when Obama came out of the closet to show us his true face, democrats cheered. We as constitutionalists should be scared to death of another Obama who by personality will circumvent the constitution, even if he claims to be on our side.

That is no way to run a government, for if it was, we would be like the democrats and try to ignore our constitution. And so I point out to you, that with his overbearing personality, with his bombast, arrogance, my way or the highway attitude, you are supporting Barack, Hussein, Obama with a red coat on instead of a blue one.

If your idea as a constitutionalist is to repay democrats for Obama, then you are not a constitutionalist, and are going down just as dark a road as the libs have gone; meaning the United States of America will install a dictator this time around, just from which party, the citizens do not know yet!
Trump has enough negatives to bring himself down. Give him time and let the process work.
Cool thread. The. OP doesn't want Trump as POTUS. Because........Obama.


It is true. I do not want the republicans to do to this country what the liberals have. A President with to much power does not serve the people, he serves him/herself. Trump would continue on down the Obama path, you can see it when he answers a question.
It's true that you're a loon if you believe this nonsense.

And it's telling how you and others on the right aren't worried about a 'too powerful' president when that president is a republican.

Last, it wasn't 'liberals' who started two failed, illegal wars, created a massive Federal deficit, and increased the size and authority of government.

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