As Democrats go hard Left, Hispanics head to the Center

sorry joe i didnt vote for trump...i was calling him an asshole during the primaries.....

If you pissed away your vote on a third party, you let him win.
If you stayed home, you let him win.

All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing.

You people have two open Holocaust deniers in Congress. Your governor in Virginia was in the KKK. You cheered when the cops killed an unarmed woman in DC in January. That's "hard left".

Sorry, opposing Zionist oppression is not "Holocaust Denial". Nobody denies the Holocaust happen. Some of us just don't think giving away the Palestinians land was a just compensation.

Nobody in VA was in the KKK. You guys haven't even established that was him in the picture or which guy he was.

Nobody cheered when this poor deluded woman got herself shot mobbing the Capitol.
More biological men will be waiting in the wings to take Olympic spots, professional contracts, or college scholarships. Women’s sports will be forever distorted as record after record falls to biological men, as has been the case in Connecticut track. And the Tokyo Olympics will mark the beginning of that process, at the global stage, at the highest level of the sport."

^^^That's how the left treats women.

Uh, yeah. Let's look at that.

How many Trans women are really competing in the Olympics. Oh, okay. You have one this year.

And other than that CT case, there has not been a flood of trans-athletes winning awards.

Here's how the left treats women.

They fight against sexual harassments in the workplace.
They pass laws to guarantee equal pay in the workplace
They fight to make sure a woman's reproductive rights are protected.

You know, things actual women kind of care about. Things that impact their every day lives.

Not the rare chance they might encounter a trans person in a bathroom or in a track meet.
The many issues that fall under the categories of PC and Identity Politics. From race and sexuality to college campuses and sports.

More of the GOP Moral Panicking, to keep stupid white people angry over non-issues.
Funny, our mixed-race family was just talking about this last night.

The Democratic Party has long been depending on demographics to lead the way to a more progressive American future. My impression has always been that the party thought the elections of Obama in 2008 and 2012 were a sign that such a process had taken over. That was a major part of the shock of Trump's win.

This is why it's not a good idea to make long term assumptions. One large group has been virtually ignored by the Democratic Party for a long time (as it continues to push its PC/Identity Politics-soaked strategies), and it may not be a good idea for the party to keep making assumptions about the future:

In a recent New York Magazine interview, Democratic pollster David Shor weighed in on his party’s performance in the 2020 election. Based on the interview, it appears that Democrats continue to interpret 2022 in the context of demographics, race and class and less about voters’ belief systems and positions on issues.

Give him credit: Shor does recognize that white liberal elites are pushing the party to the left and alienating certain voter groups, including Hispanics.

“We’ve ended up in a situation where white liberals are more left wing than Black and Hispanic Democrats on pretty much every issue: taxes, health care, policing, and even on racial issues or various measures of ‘racial resentment,’” he told the magazine. “So as white liberals increasingly define the party’s image and messaging, that’s going to turn off nonwhite conservative Democrats and push them against us.”

Illegals and Dominion machines more than offset the losses
sorry joe i didnt vote for trump...i was calling him an asshole during the primaries.....

If you pissed away your vote on a third party, you let him win.
If you stayed home, you let him win.

All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing.

You people have two open Holocaust deniers in Congress. Your governor in Virginia was in the KKK. You cheered when the cops killed an unarmed woman in DC in January. That's "hard left".

Sorry, opposing Zionist oppression is not "Holocaust Denial". Nobody denies the Holocaust happen. Some of us just don't think giving away the Palestinians land was a just compensation.

Nobody in VA was in the KKK. You guys haven't even established that was him in the picture or which guy he was.

Nobody cheered when this poor deluded woman got herself shot mobbing the Capitol.

If you pissed away your vote on a third party, you let him win.
If you stayed home, you let him win.

your girlfriend got more votes did me not voting for her or trump help trump win?....
If you pissed away your vote on a third party, you let him win.
If you stayed home, you let him win.

your girlfriend got more votes did me not voting for her or trump help trump win?....

She didn't get enough to win the EC.

Now I don't know (or care) what state you live in. My own state, an individual vote wouldn't have made a difference.

But the fact that so many people in swing states pissed away their votes, is why we had the disaster the last four years was.
Funny, our mixed-race family was just talking about this last night.

The Democratic Party has long been depending on demographics to lead the way to a more progressive American future. My impression has always been that the party thought the elections of Obama in 2008 and 2012 were a sign that such a process had taken over. That was a major part of the shock of Trump's win.

This is why it's not a good idea to make long term assumptions. One large group has been virtually ignored by the Democratic Party for a long time (as it continues to push its PC/Identity Politics-soaked strategies), and it may not be a good idea for the party to keep making assumptions about the future:

In a recent New York Magazine interview, Democratic pollster David Shor weighed in on his party’s performance in the 2020 election. Based on the interview, it appears that Democrats continue to interpret 2022 in the context of demographics, race and class and less about voters’ belief systems and positions on issues.

Give him credit: Shor does recognize that white liberal elites are pushing the party to the left and alienating certain voter groups, including Hispanics.

“We’ve ended up in a situation where white liberals are more left wing than Black and Hispanic Democrats on pretty much every issue: taxes, health care, policing, and even on racial issues or various measures of ‘racial resentment,’” he told the magazine. “So as white liberals increasingly define the party’s image and messaging, that’s going to turn off nonwhite conservative Democrats and push them against us.”
Hispanics tend to be conservative Catholics.
Hispanics tend to vote for Democrats because Hispanics have the ability to separate the Church from the Govt
They know that wen it comes to issues concerning Hispanics Democrats support Hispanics.
If you pissed away your vote on a third party, you let him win.
If you stayed home, you let him win.

your girlfriend got more votes did me not voting for her or trump help trump win?....

She didn't get enough to win the EC.

Now I don't know (or care) what state you live in. My own state, an individual vote wouldn't have made a difference.

But the fact that so many people in swing states pissed away their votes, is why we had the disaster the last four years was.
i feel you pissed your vote away voting for hillary.....
Funny, our mixed-race family was just talking about this last night.

The Democratic Party has long been depending on demographics to lead the way to a more progressive American future. My impression has always been that the party thought the elections of Obama in 2008 and 2012 were a sign that such a process had taken over. That was a major part of the shock of Trump's win.

This is why it's not a good idea to make long term assumptions. One large group has been virtually ignored by the Democratic Party for a long time (as it continues to push its PC/Identity Politics-soaked strategies), and it may not be a good idea for the party to keep making assumptions about the future:

In a recent New York Magazine interview, Democratic pollster David Shor weighed in on his party’s performance in the 2020 election. Based on the interview, it appears that Democrats continue to interpret 2022 in the context of demographics, race and class and less about voters’ belief systems and positions on issues.

Give him credit: Shor does recognize that white liberal elites are pushing the party to the left and alienating certain voter groups, including Hispanics.

“We’ve ended up in a situation where white liberals are more left wing than Black and Hispanic Democrats on pretty much every issue: taxes, health care, policing, and even on racial issues or various measures of ‘racial resentment,’” he told the magazine. “So as white liberals increasingly define the party’s image and messaging, that’s going to turn off nonwhite conservative Democrats and push them against us.”

The democrats have not gone hard left.

When democrats start confiscating private property for the government to own, they will have gone hard left.

Please, stop with the exaggerations.
On cultural issues, I think they have.

Which cultural issues?
The many issues that fall under the categories of PC and Identity Politics. From race and sexuality to college campuses and sports.

Ok if that's going hard left in your opinion go for it.

Hard left social policies would be creating communal farms etc.

Acknowledging that gays, transgender and bisexuals are not killed or abused or denied a place to live etc, isn't going hard left in my opinion.

My opinion, trying to make the US inclusive and safe for all of our citizens with everyone having equal rights isn't going hard left.
Funny, our mixed-race family was just talking about this last night.

The Democratic Party has long been depending on demographics to lead the way to a more progressive American future. My impression has always been that the party thought the elections of Obama in 2008 and 2012 were a sign that such a process had taken over. That was a major part of the shock of Trump's win.

This is why it's not a good idea to make long term assumptions. One large group has been virtually ignored by the Democratic Party for a long time (as it continues to push its PC/Identity Politics-soaked strategies), and it may not be a good idea for the party to keep making assumptions about the future:

In a recent New York Magazine interview, Democratic pollster David Shor weighed in on his party’s performance in the 2020 election. Based on the interview, it appears that Democrats continue to interpret 2022 in the context of demographics, race and class and less about voters’ belief systems and positions on issues.

Give him credit: Shor does recognize that white liberal elites are pushing the party to the left and alienating certain voter groups, including Hispanics.

“We’ve ended up in a situation where white liberals are more left wing than Black and Hispanic Democrats on pretty much every issue: taxes, health care, policing, and even on racial issues or various measures of ‘racial resentment,’” he told the magazine. “So as white liberals increasingly define the party’s image and messaging, that’s going to turn off nonwhite conservative Democrats and push them against us.”

The democrats have not gone hard left.

When democrats start confiscating private property for the government to own, they will have gone hard left.

Please, stop with the exaggerations.
On cultural issues, I think they have.

Which cultural issues?
The many issues that fall under the categories of PC and Identity Politics. From race and sexuality to college campuses and sports.

Ok if that's going hard left in your opinion go for it.

Hard left social policies would be creating communal farms etc.

Acknowledging that gays, transgender and bisexuals are not killed or abused or denied a place to live etc, isn't going hard left in my opinion.

My opinion, trying to make the US inclusive and safe for all of our citizens with everyone having equal rights isn't going hard left.
if you are a die hard democrat you are probably pretty far left....
Funny, our mixed-race family was just talking about this last night.

The Democratic Party has long been depending on demographics to lead the way to a more progressive American future. My impression has always been that the party thought the elections of Obama in 2008 and 2012 were a sign that such a process had taken over. That was a major part of the shock of Trump's win.

This is why it's not a good idea to make long term assumptions. One large group has been virtually ignored by the Democratic Party for a long time (as it continues to push its PC/Identity Politics-soaked strategies), and it may not be a good idea for the party to keep making assumptions about the future:

In a recent New York Magazine interview, Democratic pollster David Shor weighed in on his party’s performance in the 2020 election. Based on the interview, it appears that Democrats continue to interpret 2022 in the context of demographics, race and class and less about voters’ belief systems and positions on issues.

Give him credit: Shor does recognize that white liberal elites are pushing the party to the left and alienating certain voter groups, including Hispanics.

“We’ve ended up in a situation where white liberals are more left wing than Black and Hispanic Democrats on pretty much every issue: taxes, health care, policing, and even on racial issues or various measures of ‘racial resentment,’” he told the magazine. “So as white liberals increasingly define the party’s image and messaging, that’s going to turn off nonwhite conservative Democrats and push them against us.”
That column you linked is propaganda. The Ds aren’t going hard left. They are a neocon party lead by an old ardent neocon in the WH. They won’t even push their campaign promises of $15 MW and a public option, let alone universal HC and universal basic income.
Funny, our mixed-race family was just talking about this last night.

The Democratic Party has long been depending on demographics to lead the way to a more progressive American future. My impression has always been that the party thought the elections of Obama in 2008 and 2012 were a sign that such a process had taken over. That was a major part of the shock of Trump's win.

This is why it's not a good idea to make long term assumptions. One large group has been virtually ignored by the Democratic Party for a long time (as it continues to push its PC/Identity Politics-soaked strategies), and it may not be a good idea for the party to keep making assumptions about the future:

In a recent New York Magazine interview, Democratic pollster David Shor weighed in on his party’s performance in the 2020 election. Based on the interview, it appears that Democrats continue to interpret 2022 in the context of demographics, race and class and less about voters’ belief systems and positions on issues.

Give him credit: Shor does recognize that white liberal elites are pushing the party to the left and alienating certain voter groups, including Hispanics.

“We’ve ended up in a situation where white liberals are more left wing than Black and Hispanic Democrats on pretty much every issue: taxes, health care, policing, and even on racial issues or various measures of ‘racial resentment,’” he told the magazine. “So as white liberals increasingly define the party’s image and messaging, that’s going to turn off nonwhite conservative Democrats and push them against us.”

The democrats have not gone hard left.

When democrats start confiscating private property for the government to own, they will have gone hard left.

Please, stop with the exaggerations.
On cultural issues, I think they have.

Which cultural issues?
The many issues that fall under the categories of PC and Identity Politics. From race and sexuality to college campuses and sports.

Ok if that's going hard left in your opinion go for it.

Hard left social policies would be creating communal farms etc.

Acknowledging that gays, transgender and bisexuals are not killed or abused or denied a place to live etc, isn't going hard left in my opinion.

My opinion, trying to make the US inclusive and safe for all of our citizens with everyone having equal rights isn't going hard left.
I just used the title of the linked article.

The semantics are far less important than the point.
I just used the title of the linked article.

The semantics are far less important than the point.

Yes, don't let facts get in your way, Vichy Mac.

The Democrats are hard left because you say so, even though they haven't really instituted any hard left ideas and frankly, they are kind of moderate.

but you heard AOC talking about taking away the Investor Class's money, and soiled yourself.
The Right Wing side of this issue has plenty of issues it needs to address, and they're refusing to address them. They're half the problem.

But from the Left Wing side, this issue is not being exacerbated by minorities, by and large. It's being exacerbated by WHITE LIBERALS.
More on how the Left may be going too far:

Again the faulty assertion is that the Democratic Party is shifting left. Noting that rising black and Hispanic voters are centrist actually makes them candidates for the democratic party.

Honestly if a 3rd party breaks out it won’t be from the right, no matter how fractured they are today, it will be the far left breaking from the Democratic Party IMO.
More on how the Left may be going too far:

Again the faulty assertion is that the Democratic Party is shifting left. Noting that rising black and Hispanic voters are centrist actually makes them candidates for the democratic party.

Honestly if a 3rd party breaks out it won’t be from the right, no matter how fractured they are today, it will be the far left breaking from the Democratic Party IMO.
good let them break should make democrats a more likable party.....the republicans need to kick the far right out of their party for the same reason....

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