As in 1964 and 1980 a new Republican Party is taking shape

Less than 7% was spent on political activism.

I'm still on the fence until all outside money is taken out of the equation.

Our Representatives are for sale. ALL of them.

The internet has been a great tool to talk about, read and study how corrupt the government is. I feel this is why there is so much drama and people going for Trump....Perhaps this is the beginning of people getting off their asses and fight to take back the control from these scumbags in office.
Less than 7% was spent on political activism.

I'm still on the fence until all outside money is taken out of the equation.

Our Representatives are for sale. ALL of them.

The internet has been a great tool to talk about, read and study how corrupt the government is. I feel this is why there is so much drama and people going for Trump....Perhaps this is the beginning of people getting off their asses and fight to take back the control from these scumbags in office.

Indeed. As reported today - 2,079 of the bitch's Emails were classified. Now - let's see what the difference between "justice" for Hillary is as compared to "justice" for you and me. And I believe we know the answer to that. WE would be in jail by now - her? She's applauded.
I understood Goldwater's ideology (1964). Reagan's too (1980). Theirs ran deep which is a far cry from what Trump has ever expressed.
Less than 7% was spent on political activism.

I'm still on the fence until all outside money is taken out of the equation.

Our Representatives are for sale. ALL of them.

The internet has been a great tool to talk about, read and study how corrupt the government is. I feel this is why there is so much drama and people going for Trump....Perhaps this is the beginning of people getting off their asses and fight to take back the control from these scumbags in office.

Indeed. As reported today - 2,079 of the bitch's Emails were classified. Now - let's see what the difference between "justice" for Hillary is as compared to "justice" for you and me. And I believe we know the answer to that. WE would be in jail by now - her? She's applauded.

Sorry to say though, because of the chaos on the rightwing side...she just may win. People are thinking that they lost control..I don't know anything can happen in the next 11 months.
Since when has the nomination process been anything better then what we are seeing today, it never has. This is just democrat BS. If Trump wins that means he beat the odds, the establishment, the press and the vitriol nature of the democrats. So I say anything can happen and Trump will piss off both parties, what better way to send a message? Want the status quo, vote Mrs. Tuluza Clinton.
Why don't we make a party that doesn't take Superpaks,and scandalous money from the big corps. I would jump on that train.

because thanks to the rightwing judges' decision in citizens united, you can't win an election without that type of money.

until that case is overturned, you can't undo that.

So speech should be banned before an election if it's critical of an incumbent? Really?

money isn't speech.citizens united is the worst judicial decision since dred scott

Cry me a river, the only one not taking corporate money is Trump, he ought to be your hero. Mrs Tuluza Clinton has bellied up to the troth for her fill.

When the SCOTUS wrote law with Obamacare and gay marriage those were the worse decisions since the democrat court made the Dred Scott decision.
Why don't we make a party that doesn't take Superpaks,and scandalous money from the big corps. I would jump on that train.

because thanks to the rightwing judges' decision in citizens united, you can't win an election without that type of money.

until that case is overturned, you can't undo that.

So speech should be banned before an election if it's critical of an incumbent? Really?

money isn't speech.citizens united is the worst judicial decision since dred scott

Cry me a river, the only one not taking corporate money is Trump, he ought to be your hero. Mrs Tuluza Clinton has bellied up to the troth for her fill.

When the SCOTUS wrote law with Obamacare and gay marriage those were the worse decisions since the democrat court made the Dred Scott decision.

There are many mistakes that need tweeking with Obamacare...but don't you think it was time to protect the people with pre-existing conditions? The congress / government workers have top of the notch medical care that we pay for...What is the difference...?

Less than 7% was spent on political activism.

I'm still on the fence until all outside money is taken out of the equation.

Our Representatives are for sale. ALL of them.

The internet has been a great tool to talk about, read and study how corrupt the government is. I feel this is why there is so much drama and people going for Trump....Perhaps this is the beginning of people getting off their asses and fight to take back the control from these scumbags in office.

Cause that's how you take Control, by electing a bigger scumbag
Why don't we make a party that doesn't take Superpaks,and scandalous money from the big corps. I would jump on that train.

because thanks to the rightwing judges' decision in citizens united, you can't win an election without that type of money.

until that case is overturned, you can't undo that.

So speech should be banned before an election if it's critical of an incumbent? Really?

CU had nothing to do with Free Speech, any billionaire can do what any other citizens can do, but a non billionaire citizen cannot do what billionaires can do.
I hope a new sane republican party emerges. After the last two debates the party looks like a joke.
Why don't we make a party that doesn't take Superpaks,and scandalous money from the big corps. I would jump on that train.

because thanks to the rightwing judges' decision in citizens united, you can't win an election without that type of money.

until that case is overturned, you can't undo that.

So speech should be banned before an election if it's critical of an incumbent? Really?

CU had nothing to do with Free Speech, any billionaire can do what any other citizens can do, but a non billionaire citizen cannot do what billionaires can do.
Citizens United was in fact a First Amendment case, whether one agrees with the ruling or not.

And the ruling is predicated on a fundamental truism: that the ultimate responsibility as to how one votes rests solely with the voter, not with political attack or advocacy ads, not with PACs and special interests, and not with billionaires and corporations.

It is not the role of government to decide what voices merit expression in the political marketplace and what voices do not, or to somehow 'manage' those messages; the people have the the right to hear all messages unrestricted and unfettered – including the voices of special interests which seek to advance their own agenda to the disadvantage of the American people and to the detriment of the Nation as a whole.

The people alone are responsible for the good – or bad – government they get.
There's gonna be a lot of people looking for a new party if Trump is the future.

The party has been hijacked by people who know they can't start from scratch with a third party, they need the GOP's infrastructure to be viable going forward. So they're just scuttling the whole ship and think they can raise it later.

Okie dokie, I guess we'll see.

What do you think the Trump ascendancy is about for crying out loud?

Seriously Mac when didn't you get me telling you day after day that the middle rangers the joe blows were going to lose their minds and fucking go with this dude?

When did you miss it my friend?
I think I'm (slowly) getting a better grip on the reasons for his ascendancy, but if he's the face of the real Republican Party, if this is the guy the party has been waiting for all this time, then I've been wrong about what the party is really about.

His behavior (boorish & adolescent & embarrassing) aside, I go back to what seems like a huge contradiction: On one hand, his supporters say this is a revolt against the wishy-washy Republicans who are all too willing to cooperate with Democrats (which, by the way, is what I thought politicians are supposed to do); yet on the other, he is promising to do "deals" with them. Well, wait. "Deals" mean, by definition, working with them, give and take, right?

Or have his supporters been convinced that he'll be able to do "deals" by just somehow steamrolling the Dems into complete capitulation?

And back to his behavior: Do you feel he represents the party well?
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Why don't we make a party that doesn't take Superpaks,and scandalous money from the big corps. I would jump on that train.

because thanks to the rightwing judges' decision in citizens united, you can't win an election without that type of money.

until that case is overturned, you can't undo that.

So speech should be banned before an election if it's critical of an incumbent? Really?

CU had nothing to do with Free Speech, any billionaire can do what any other citizens can do, but a non billionaire citizen cannot do what billionaires can do.
Citizens United was in fact a First Amendment case, whether one agrees with the ruling or not.

And the ruling is predicated on a fundamental truism: that the ultimate responsibility as to how one votes rests solely with the voter, not with political attack or advocacy ads, not with PACs and special interests, and not with billionaires and corporations.

It is not the role of government to decide what voices merit expression in the political marketplace and what voices do not, or to somehow 'manage' those messages; the people have the the right to hear all messages unrestricted and unfettered – including the voices of special interests which seek to advance their own agenda to the disadvantage of the American people and to the detriment of the Nation as a whole.

The people alone are responsible for the good – or bad – government they get.

that's mostly correct. and citizen's united was portrayed as a first amendment issue. the reality is that if all money were kept out of politics except for a certain amount derived from government funded campaigns people still have the right to say what they want. citizens united effectively stands in the way of campaign finance reform which only benefits the most monied in our society and feeds into concerns that we're becoming an oligarchy where only a few of the wealthiest among us have a voice in government.
Why don't we make a party that doesn't take Superpaks,and scandalous money from the big corps. I would jump on that train.

because thanks to the rightwing judges' decision in citizens united, you can't win an election without that type of money.

until that case is overturned, you can't undo that.

So speech should be banned before an election if it's critical of an incumbent? Really?

CU had nothing to do with Free Speech, any billionaire can do what any other citizens can do, but a non billionaire citizen cannot do what billionaires can do.
Citizens United was in fact a First Amendment case, whether one agrees with the ruling or not.

And the ruling is predicated on a fundamental truism: that the ultimate responsibility as to how one votes rests solely with the voter, not with political attack or advocacy ads, not with PACs and special interests, and not with billionaires and corporations.

It is not the role of government to decide what voices merit expression in the political marketplace and what voices do not, or to somehow 'manage' those messages; the people have the the right to hear all messages unrestricted and unfettered – including the voices of special interests which seek to advance their own agenda to the disadvantage of the American people and to the detriment of the Nation as a whole.

The people alone are responsible for the good – or bad – government they get.

The Consequences of both SC rulings (CU v. FEC, McCutcheon) reach far beyond the meaning of the First A. They strike at the heart of our democratic republic, a republic wherein elected officials. representatives of the people, spent hours each day seeking donations (let's be real, bribes) to fund their reelection. The First A. has limitations, one cannot solicit murder, such speech is punishable, or lie under oath, or yell fire in a crowded space, or claim they have a bomb as they board an air liner, or threaten to kill another. Get the point?

Today propaganda is a science, and used by political parties and others to sell flawed products, people who put their reelection first and will do the bidding and advocate for those who pay for their loyalty many times at the expense of the many.

We have all read posts on this message board written by people who have been brainwashed by the propaganda and will vote against the better interests of themselves and others. CU is evil and must be put to rest with the stinking thinking of Dred Scott and Plessy.
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There's gonna be a lot of people looking for a new party if Trump is the future..

The people ARE looking for a 3rd Party, which is WHY they are turning to Donald Trump.

People believe America is great, and for 7 years they have had a Socialist who hates this nation so much that he promised to 'fundamentally change it' and has done his best to do so, who went on an apology tour as soon as he got into office. People want a proud American as President, who wants to make America great again, who wants to make this nation / our national security / Americans a higher priority that illegals, terrorists / refugees, etc...

They are tired of corruption, self/party-serving, elitist, non-representative Oligarchist wanna-be rulers who are more interested in protecting their power / positions / money, even to the point where they will roll over when they have the majority and / or to the point they will sabotage their own Presidential election candidacy. That's all Republicans have had for a long time now...all they have now.

People want a leader, a confident man of action who listens to the people and says what they want to hear - what they feel. that is Trump right now. Trump isn't a Republican, but he is THAT man right now... and people are flocking to him. The GOP, meanwhile, like lemmings heading over the cliff, are still refusing to listen to their base, still determined to pick their candidate - not the people, and ram it down their throats...and that boat is sinking.

We are also seeing many Democrats starting to embrace Trump, as well, rejecting the Washington Establishment, crooked career politician Hillary and the Socialist Bernie. Trump kinda spells doom for the GOP...and maybe will even hurt the Democrats, as neither party is listening or giving a very good choice / mix of candidates.
There's gonna be a lot of people looking for a new party if Trump is the future..

The people ARE looking for a 3rd Party, which is WHY they are turning to Donald Trump.

People believe America is great, and for 7 years they have had a Socialist who hates this nation so much that he promised to 'fundamentally change it' and has done his best to do so, who went on an apology tour as soon as he got into office. People want a proud American as President, who wants to make America great again, who wants to make this nation / our national security / Americans a higher priority that illegals, terrorists / refugees, etc...

They are tired of corruption, self/party-serving, elitist, non-representative Oligarchist wanna-be rulers who are more interested in protecting their power / positions / money, even to the point where they will roll over when they have the majority and / or to the point they will sabotage their own Presidential election candidacy. That's all Republicans have had for a long time now...all they have now.

People want a leader, a confident man of action who listens to the people and says what they want to hear - what they feel. that is Trump right now. Trump isn't a Republican, but he is THAT man right now... and people are flocking to him. The GOP, meanwhile, like lemmings heading over the cliff, are still refusing to listen to their base, still determined to pick their candidate - not the people, and ram it down their throats...and that boat is sinking.

We are also seeing many Democrats starting to embrace Trump, as well, rejecting the Washington Establishment, crooked career politician Hillary and the Socialist Bernie. Trump kinda spells doom for the GOP...and maybe will even hurt the Democrats, as neither party is listening or giving a very good choice / mix of candidates.

Easy!!! where have you been?

I agree with everything except for Obama hating America...He has brought us back from a horrible situation that dumb ass Bush got us into..Maybe not perfectly but we are back. At least in my area.


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