As much as I despise Trump, if the GOP has a brokered convention to squeeze him out.....

They either have a candidate up there I like or I don't vote.
You can call me un-American but I'm not voting if given 2 bad choices.
I'd do a write-in I guess, even though it's a waste... but at least I did my civic duty and voted for someone I support.
There are more than two choices. There are other parties on the ticket.

And is not a "wasted vote". If you vote for a third party and I vote for one of the "major" parties, is my single vote more "important" or more "valuable" or of greater consequence?

Of course not.

My husband says it's a waste because they are not going to get elected.
Of course, if everyone thinks that way, he's right....
I've never voted for the winner in a Presidential election. I'm satisfied with my votes anyways.
My belief is that all this brokered convention talk is just hot air that the media is using to get more mileage out of the Trump campaign. Let's get real, the delegate count is currently deadlocked at zero and so it's totally silly to picture anybody with the nomination in hand and a brokered convention at this point. It amounts to no more than the liberal media trying to place a fly in the Republican' soup.
I'm out as well. Fuck that totalitarian bullshit. If the PEOPLE want to elect Donald Fucking Duck that is their RIGHT.

I will dump the GOP instantly if they successfully push out the choice of the people. I will also switch parties for the 2016 election and VOTE FOR THAT BITCH I HATE
I'm out as well. Fuck that totalitarian bullshit. If the PEOPLE want to elect Donald Fucking Duck that is their RIGHT.

I will dump the GOP instantly if they successfully push out the choice of the people. I will also switch parties for the 2016 election and VOTE FOR THAT BITCH I HATE

Thats exactly why I havent watched FOX since the first debate.
You should have known the fix was in right then and there.
And if the GOP does manage to keep Trump out of the debate?
There wont be any reconciliation.... They screwed us on the midterms and now they're screwing with the election process,that'll be it for me and the GOP.
I'very voted 3rd party twice. Neither was a wasted vote. I didn't vote once. That was a waste.

A third party vote is wasted unless you are genuinely confident that your 3rd party candidate is a legitimate contender.
You know I understand the appeal of Trump to some of you. Its similar to the appeal of Bernie Sanders. They would not carry the corrupt Washington establishment forward, they would fight it and if possible destroy it. I get that and I would like that as well as an independent.


Trump is not the person to do this. He is not qualified as an adult to have this position in our government. And right now we need an adult.

On the Republican side I view Kasich, Rubio, Christie, and Bush as the adults. The rest of the Republican field all have some weird affect or issues that are apparent when they speak. Ted Cruz and Trump are outright weirdos with bizarre extreme thoughts. Carson is just weird.

I think Kasich is the most stable person in that group. He thinks like an adult.

And believe me, if Kasich WERE to be the nominee for the GOP, depending on who he chose as a running mate, I would have to carefully consider voting for him. Contrary to what most conservatives here think I and most Americans look at who would best lead the country, not who is in a particular party I lean towards.

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