As Mueller Closes In, Another GOP Smokescreen Begins


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.

. to Bertram? Haven't you figured out yet that the only "Russian scandal" out there for Mueller to find is the "Russian dossier" scandal and the subsequent use of a FISA warrant by the Obama Administration to spy on their political opponent?

The reason that Democrats are so desperate to hide what happened is that they KNOW they've been lying to the American people for the better part of a year and a half and that it isn't Trump that was the wrong doer in "Russian collusion" but the Clinton campaign and the Obama White House!
Mueller still has absolutely nothing linking Trump to Russian hacking collusion conspiracy or whereever the fuck you moved the goalposts this week.
What is the evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians?
Explain how Nunes is complicit with the Russian collusion scandal.
The White House and GOP Keep Changing Their Story on the Nunes Memo - As the noose get tighter, the natives are getting desperate.


Motherjones and The Onion Merged last week... Now they are wholly owned by Al Jazeera...
I have saved the Original Post in this thread, so I can find it as time goes by.

It is the the one back about Thanksgiving which said Trump would be out of office by Christmas...which you recognize immediately is made by either a consummate Dumb-Ass, or a blatant that turd Adam Schiff.

I will bring this O. P. back from time to time and we will see if Nunes' head "inevitably rolls" as Mueller "closes in on him".

Blind Partisans, as the O. P. so obviously is, see only what they want to see, but in this case, they have the extraordinarily difficult job of explaining why the American people must be kept in the dark about what the Hell is going on in the DOJ/FBI which was so completely corrupted by the Bolshevik Obama Administration.

The news here, today, is the obvious Desperation of of the Deep State in its efforts to hide the Truth from the Citizens in the face of the breaking part of this huge scandal....about which we already know: Seditious Strzok/Page E-mails, the McCabe Criminal investigation, the Ohr Husband/Wife conspiracy with Fusion Capitol, etc.----all involving DOJ/FBI high ranking officials now Fired or Demoted for misconduct still under investigation.

The Swamp is being drained. The process is slow, Deep State interests are entrenched, but the Truth will ultimately come out....and Democrats of today hate the Truth like a vampire hates the Sunrise.
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The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Investigation? What a joke.

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


This talking point is well established. Trying to poison the summary before anyone sees it.

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


This talking point is well established. Trying to poison the summary before anyone sees it.

The summary is a worthless pile of paper without the underlying evidence being provided with it. Without the evidence it is just one party's opinion, nothing more.
Those being implicated in the Summary of wrong-doing are begging the WH not to release it.

The use of the Dossier to get warrants is illegal, and the Summary exposes that...

...and that being exposed destroys Myeller's witch hunt.

The snowflakes on this board are rabidly against its release ONLY because what the Democrats have said, not based on anything they know themselves is definitely in the memo. They haven't read it.

Their 'Masters' say reading the abuse of power perpetrated by the FBI and DOJ would be bad for them. And they just accept it. These people, btw, are the same people who illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices.

Is it any wonder why these Constitution / Law-violating traitors don't want people to find out what they have been doing and how they have been doing it?
Those being implicated in the Summary of wrong-doing are begging the WH not to release it.

The use of the Dossier to get warrants is illegal, and the Summary exposes that...

...and that being exposed destroys Myeller's witch hunt.

The snowflakes on this board are rabidly against its release ONLY because what the Democrats have said, not based on anything they know themselves is definitely in the memo. They haven't read it.

Their 'Masters' say reading the abuse of power perpetrated by the FBI and DOJ would be bad for them. And they just accept it. These people, btw, are the same people who illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices.

Is it any wonder why these Constitution / Law-violating traitors don't want people to find out what they have been doing and how they have been doing it?


It’s not the guilty who are trying to prevent Trump from releasing this steaming pile of shit, it TRUMP’s own REPUBLICAN APPOINTEES.

The FBI Republican Director, Christopher Wray, the man Trump hand picked to clean up the FBI, says the memo is “fundamentally inaccurate”.

The Republican Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, who Trump appointed, says the Memo is false.

These are Trump’s own appointees. Rosenstein is the guy who wrote a false memo to justify firing Comey. And they say the Nunes Memo is full of inaccuracies and omissions which make it a lie.

Trump is now openly obstructing the investigation and purging those assigned to work on it. It’s over. Trump is committing political suicide with his panic and hysteria.

The more he attacks those investigating him, the guiltiest he looks.
The snowflakes on this board are rabidly against its release
I actually think they should release it (along with the Democrats own memo to be fair). Though, I think Trump benefits more by not allowing its release. If it is released, their “findings” can be scrutinized and their partisan hackery exposed. If it’s kept under wraps, Trump and cronies can spread all of the misinformation they want about it without having it torn apart by pundits and legal experts on morning shows and cable news.
The snowflakes on this board are rabidly against its release
I actually think they should release it (along with the Democrats own memo to be fair). Though, I think Trump benefits more by not allowing its release. If it is released, their “findings” can be scrutinized and their partisan hackery exposed. If it’s kept under wraps, Trump and cronies can spread all of the misinformation about it they want, without having it torn apart by pundits and legal experts on morning shows and cable news.

The memo is DOA. It’s compromised and always was. Whether or not it’s released at this point, is moot.

Trump has effectively shot himself in the foot and the wound is fatal.
The snowflakes on this board are rabidly against its release
I actually think they should release it (along with the Democrats own memo to be fair). Though, I think Trump benefits more by not allowing its release. If it is released, their “findings” can be scrutinized and their partisan hackery exposed. If it’s kept under wraps, Trump and cronies can spread all of the misinformation about it they want, without having it torn apart by pundits and legal experts on morning shows and cable news.

The memo is DOA. It’s compromised and always was. Whether or not it’s released at this point, is moot.

Trump has effectively shot himself in the foot and the wound is fatal.

Lol you loons have been saying that for a year.

Mewler ain't got squat

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