Mueller Deploys Attack Against Trump while he is exposed in Attempted Coup...

25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...

WOW, 25 people out of 180,000....that is like .00014 of those agencies...let that sink in! :21::21::21:
Is that 25 of the top 50 spots?

That math equals 50%.
25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...

WOW, 25 people out of 180,000....that is like .00014 of those agencies...let that sink in! :21::21::21:
Is that 25 of the top 50 spots?

That math equals 50%.

Please provide the evidence to support that 50% of the top people from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA have been demoted, fired or have resigned.
25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...

WOW, 25 people out of 180,000....that is like .00014 of those agencies...let that sink in! :21::21::21:
Is that 25 of the top 50 spots?

That math equals 50%.

Please provide the evidence to support that 50% of the top people from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA have been demoted, fired or have resigned.
I didn't say 50% of them are corrupt. I pointed out that these 25 are in the top echelons of these organizations.

The point is that no one is after the rank and file -- that would be your magical 180k people -- so that means that of the top echelon of these organizations, this 25, amount to a much higher percentage of the target group. If the target group is only 50 people, then the corruption rate is significant.
25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...

WOW, 25 people out of 180,000....that is like .00014 of those agencies...let that sink in! :21::21::21:
Is that 25 of the top 50 spots?

That math equals 50%.

Please provide the evidence to support that 50% of the top people from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA have been demoted, fired or have resigned.
I didn't say 50% of them are corrupt. I pointed out that these 25 are in the top echelons of these organizations.

The point is that no one is after the rank and file -- that would be your magical 180k people -- so that means that of the top echelon of these organizations, this 25, amount to a much higher percentage of the target group. If the target group is only 50 people, then the corruption rate is significant.
So you just threw out some random number without any clue as to how close it was to reality.

25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...

WOW, 25 people out of 180,000....that is like .00014 of those agencies...let that sink in! :21::21::21:
Is that 25 of the top 50 spots?

That math equals 50%.

Please provide the evidence to support that 50% of the top people from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA have been demoted, fired or have resigned.
I didn't say 50% of them are corrupt. I pointed out that these 25 are in the top echelons of these organizations.

The point is that no one is after the rank and file -- that would be your magical 180k people -- so that means that of the top echelon of these organizations, this 25, amount to a much higher percentage of the target group. If the target group is only 50 people, then the corruption rate is significant.
So you just threw out some random number without any clue as to how close it was to reality.

No I didn't. My numbers are actually closer than yours.

Your reply about 25 out of 180k employees was nothing more than an attempt to minimize the problem. My reply put the problem in a much more accurate and reasoned perspective.

Have a nice day.
25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...

WOW, 25 people out of 180,000....that is like .00014 of those agencies...let that sink in! :21::21::21:
Is that 25 of the top 50 spots?

That math equals 50%.

Please provide the evidence to support that 50% of the top people from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA have been demoted, fired or have resigned.
I didn't say 50% of them are corrupt. I pointed out that these 25 are in the top echelons of these organizations.

The point is that no one is after the rank and file -- that would be your magical 180k people -- so that means that of the top echelon of these organizations, this 25, amount to a much higher percentage of the target group. If the target group is only 50 people, then the corruption rate is significant.

How do you define "top echelon"? How many layers of management down is included in the top echelon?

Take Peter Strzok, is he top echelon or mid-level management?
WOW, 25 people out of 180,000....that is like .00014 of those agencies...let that sink in! :21::21::21:
Is that 25 of the top 50 spots?

That math equals 50%.

Please provide the evidence to support that 50% of the top people from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA have been demoted, fired or have resigned.
I didn't say 50% of them are corrupt. I pointed out that these 25 are in the top echelons of these organizations.

The point is that no one is after the rank and file -- that would be your magical 180k people -- so that means that of the top echelon of these organizations, this 25, amount to a much higher percentage of the target group. If the target group is only 50 people, then the corruption rate is significant.
So you just threw out some random number without any clue as to how close it was to reality.

No I didn't. My numbers are actually closer than yours.

Your reply about 25 out of 180k employees was nothing more than an attempt to minimize the problem. My reply put the problem in a much more accurate and reasoned perspective.

Have a nice day.

Your numbers have no substance behind them at all, they are just made up. How many "top echelon" are there between the 4 agencies? How many layers down does "top echelon" go?
As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Ohr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

I wonder which of these is the most likely issue or is it the combination of the two. If Mueller quickly wraps up and closes his investigation with no prosecutions for the reason he was seated, it will be a huge blemish... Rod Rosenstine is pulling the "secret" reasoning card to keep as many e-mails and communications as he can from public view. Next week however, Bruce Orr and several others will be deposed about this and when the information about this Coup becomes more widely known, things will get real ugly for democrats.. I fully expect most questions will be bypassed with a constitutional assertion against self incrimination..

Personally I think its combination of the two and its going to backfire on democrats...

This is a correct observation. In the powers that be in the democrat party I’m thinking you have two camps. You have one rabid wing that pushes all this BS. Notice also all the libtards screaming the loudest come from “safe” seats in Congress. So they are the point men on this thing. When Teumps re-elected, they will hush. As far as all the law breaking and cover ups, Trumps an odd cat. He may take political revenge on these people from sessions to Pelosi. I hope this is the track he takes. Nothing will ever happen to the perps in all this, jail is for us, not them, but an attempted coup and sedition will be nice words to have tied to their names in history books.
Trump will not be re-elected.

Trump will not take vengeance on anyone.

The DOJ bear has Trump by the ass.
25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...

WOW, 25 people out of 180,000....that is like .00014 of those agencies...let that sink in! :21::21::21:
Is that 25 of the top 50 spots?

That math equals 50%.

Please provide the evidence to support that 50% of the top people from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA have been demoted, fired or have resigned.
I didn't say 50% of them are corrupt. I pointed out that these 25 are in the top echelons of these organizations.

The point is that no one is after the rank and file -- that would be your magical 180k people -- so that means that of the top echelon of these organizations, this 25, amount to a much higher percentage of the target group. If the target group is only 50 people, then the corruption rate is significant.

How do you define "top echelon"? How many layers of management down is included in the top echelon?

Take Peter Strzok, is he top echelon or mid-level management?

After doing some research, it seems that Strzok was a "Section chief" which is the same rank as a "Special Agent in Charge".

This is the FBI hierarchy..Notice that SAC is not even considered a position of management. Yet, many people think he was in the top echelon.

  • Field Agents
    • New Agent Trainee
    • Special Agent
    • Senior Special Agent
    • Supervisory Special Agent
    • Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge (ASAC)
    • Special Agent-in-Charge (SAC)
  • FBI Management
    • Deputy Assistant Director
    • Assistant Director
    • Associate Executive Assistant Director
    • Executive Assistant Director
    • Associate Deputy Director
    • Deputy Chief of Staff
    • Chief of Staff and Special Counsel to the Director
    • Deputy Director
    • Director
Trump will not be re-elected.

Trump will not take vengeance on anyone.

The DOJ bear has Trump by the ass.

You keep saying that since trump took office, buuuut,

That invisible hole fucks y’all up every time.
There is no "coup".

That's all Kommie Kornspiracy Klaptrap dreamed-up by Limpbaugh and Hannity and such-like Right Wing Talking Heads.

Stop drinking the Kool-Aid, fer Crissakes.

If your boy wasn't such a lewd, crude, oafish, honor-less, lying, crying, boorish, demagogic, autocratic piece of $hit, this wouldn't be happening.

It is merely the American Body Politic, fighting off a metastasizing sickness.

Cadet Bone Spurs is unfit for his high office.

We are a Nation of Laws, and The Law will deal with him as he deserves.
There is only one poll that matters and that's the one at the ballot box. Guess who kicked your ass last night?

Can you provide some examples of this ass kicking from last night?
Republican voters in Wyoming = 74,217
Democrat voters in Wyoming =17,557

Republicans are coming out 4/1 over democrats.... I would say that's a serious ass kicking for a midterm primary.


Funny, I live in one of the Counties in Colorado that is less than the average size for here. Yet we have almost twice number of voters in this county alone than all of Wyoming has total. Using Wyoming as an example for anything just shows you are reaching well past any sense of reason. It's by far the Reddest State in the Nation. I am surprised that they actually found almost 20,000 people willing to vote for something other than Republican. My County is the Reddest area in this state and we are much closer to an even count than that. I think you will find that Wyoming is the absolute except to every rule ever made.
Obviously you didn't look at other states... I used Wyoming because it was easily seen... but keep telling yourselves the polls are right and the physical observed evidence is wrong.

I'm sure the Russia, Russia, Russia, impeach , impeach, impeach is going to be a winning battle cry...
There is only one poll that matters and that's the one at the ballot box. Guess who kicked your ass last night?

Can you provide some examples of this ass kicking from last night?
Republican voters in Wyoming = 74,217
Democrat voters in Wyoming =17,557

Republicans are coming out 4/1 over democrats.... I would say that's a serious ass kicking for a midterm primary.


Funny, I live in one of the Counties in Colorado that is less than the average size for here. Yet we have almost twice number of voters in this county alone than all of Wyoming has total. Using Wyoming as an example for anything just shows you are reaching well past any sense of reason. It's by far the Reddest State in the Nation. I am surprised that they actually found almost 20,000 people willing to vote for something other than Republican. My County is the Reddest area in this state and we are much closer to an even count than that. I think you will find that Wyoming is the absolute except to every rule ever made.
Obviously you didn't look at other states... I used Wyoming because it was easily seen... but keep telling yourselves the polls are right and the physical observed evidence is wrong.

I'm sure the Russia, Russia, Russia, impeach , impeach, impeach is going to be a winning battle cry...

Your traveling band of liars keep screaming that the other side is screaming "Impeach, Impeach, Impeach" when in reality, it's your bunch that keeps using that word. I don't want Trump Impeached. I want our Government to work like it is supposed to work. When you have an out of control president, Congress and the Supreme Court is supposed to reign him in. Same goes for any other Federal Branch. This is why we have 3 branches. it's not a good thing to even bring up impeaching a President. Nor is it a good thing to go after members of congress except during an election year. And it's a good idea to make very careful selections for Supreme Court Justices. The System works if it's given a chance. If any part of that system doesn't work, every 2 or 4 years, we have a chance to fix it. And we are in bad need of fixing two of the 3 branches in the next 2 to 4 years. We don't need to do recalls or impeachments. And only fruitcakes like you make the claim that the other side is screaming for the impeachment option. Another lie.
As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

Why would you assume that what we've seen so far is all Mueller has? That's a rather enormous leap of logic, based on nothing.

For example, what's in Papodopolous' statement to Mueller? What did Flynn reveal? What has Comey or McGahn revealed in their interviews with Mueller.

You don't know. Making your conclusion not only factually baseless, but highly improbable.

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

If the 'red wave' is enlarging then why has Cruz's support in super red Texas collapsed from 10% in barely 4% today? Why did a district that Trump took by 11% result in a special election win for a republican candidate by less than 1%?

You're offering a series of nested assumptions based on nothing. And that's rarely a sound basis of argument.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Ohr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

The IG has already investigated the FBI and its handling of events before the election. They found that no political bias affected investigative decisions.

You're offering us your imagination at this point, again backed by nothing.

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

Another fantasy?

Is that really it? You imagining a 'conspiracy' of 'criminal conduct', backed by nothing but fantasy?

If so, that was easy.
25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...

And by 'criminal misconduct', you mean the criminal misconduct you imagined?

Let that sink in for a bit. Then remember that your entire argument is a series of nested assumptions based on conspiracy fantasy, contradicted by overwhelming evidence and backed by nothing.
This whole russian "investigation" has been deliberately slow walked for the mid terms. Rather obvious.

Early voting in many of the swing states.

The midterms voter turnout is not like the presidential election. So, they are unleashing their nothing burgers and their pets have been waiting for their concerted effort to report these nothing burgers as absolutle proof. Not of russian collusion (that is what the left puppets will say) but campaign "violations." The mewler team knew there was nothing to the russian bullshit for some time.

Sooooo, they used another angle. They knew the obstruction thing would not work, so they went with the crime that is no crime at all with cohen. They charged him with a crime that is not a crime at all.

All of this so that cohen would either report SOME CRIME he is aware of with Trump.

The bottom line this is and has been a slow walk by design. Now, if they can get their commiecrats in, they will file for impeachment.

These are to influence the swing voters during this early voting time period. It is a coup. Trust that.
This whole russian "investigation" has been deliberately slow walked for the mid terms. Rather obvious.

'Slow walked'? Are you kidding me? By the standards of republican investigations, its moving at light speed.

The White Water investigation took 5 YEARS. The Benghazi investigation lasted for 2 and half years and didn't end until the month after the the 2016 election.

Mueller in comparison was seated as special counsel in May of 2017. And in those 15 months in a mere 1 investigation, he's already gotten half a dozen guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, a trial and 8 felony convictions.

Your claims of 'slow walked' is just blithering nonsense.

The midterms voter turnout is not like the presidential election. So, they are unleashing their nothing burgers and their pets have been waiting for their concerted effort to report these nothing burgers as absolutle proof. Not of russian collusion (that is what the left puppets will say) but campaign "violations." The mewler team knew there was nothing to the russian bullshit for some time.

'Nothing' burgers? Trump being directly implicated in multiple federal felonies is hardly a 'nothing'. His own personal lawyer has flipped, his deputy campaign manager, his national security adviser, his foreign policy adviser. And you pretend that's 'nothing'.

Good luck with that.

Sooooo, they used another angle. They knew the obstruction thing would not work, so they went with the crime that is no crime at all with cohen. They charged him with a crime that is not a crime at all.

So your working theory is that Cohen plead guilty to something that's legal.......and a federal judge and federal prosecutor accepted a guilty plea for something that isn't a crime? Seriously?

As for what they 'knew' about obstruction, you're offering us your fantasies. You have no idea what Mueller has on obstruction.

Do you guys realize how much of your argument is just investigative fan fiction?

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