Mueller Deploys Attack Against Trump while he is exposed in Attempted Coup...

As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Ohr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

I wonder which of these is the most likely issue or is it the combination of the two. If Mueller quickly wraps up and closes his investigation with no prosecutions for the reason he was seated, it will be a huge blemish... Rod Rosenstine is pulling the "secret" reasoning card to keep as many e-mails and communications as he can from public view. Next week however, Bruce Orr and several others will be deposed about this and when the information about this Coup becomes more widely known, things will get real ugly for democrats.. I fully expect most questions will be bypassed with a constitutional assertion against self incrimination..

Personally I think its combination of the two and its going to backfire on democrats...
What makes you think he dropped all of his eggs?

This sounds like a complicated conspiracy theory born of desperation. You have far too many entities involved :lol: have a desperate need to blame Hillary for Trump’s corruption: “like a dead mackerel in the moonlight, he stinks and shines”
I think it’s called delusional insane lies.
Sooooooo Butt hurt now... Just wait we will see just how delirious you all are.. Your so invested in failure you cant see what is coming... I provided proof and you provided your failing opinion and you call me a liar... You people got all of us beat being huge liars... but continue, your amusing to watch..
As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Ohr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

I wonder which of these is the most likely issue or is it the combination of the two. If Mueller quickly wraps up and closes his investigation with no prosecutions for the reason he was seated, it will be a huge blemish... Rod Rosenstine is pulling the "secret" reasoning card to keep as many e-mails and communications as he can from public view. Next week however, Bruce Orr and several others will be deposed about this and when the information about this Coup becomes more widely known, things will get real ugly for democrats.. I fully expect most questions will be bypassed with a constitutional assertion against self incrimination..

Personally I think its combination of the two and its going to backfire on democrats...

Another rightwing lie, another ridiculous rightwing conspiracy theory, and another failed attempt to deflect from Trump’s failed, crippled misadministration.
You have no facts, billy_bob. You have fake news that means nothing.

Trump continues to fall in popularity, Democratic congressional generic polling remains strong, and Mueller is up 11 points since last month to 59%.

The bear has a hold of Trump's ass and is not letting go.
25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...

WOW, 25 people out of 180,000....that is like .00014 of those agencies...let that sink in! :21::21::21:
They're the top people, dumbass.

The FBI has 35,000 employees, not 180,000
Generic Congressional Poll from real media

RCP Average 7/30 - 8/21 -- 47.4 40.1 Democrats +7.3
Economist/YouGov 8/19 - 8/21 1247 RV 44 38 Democrats +6
FOX News 8/19 - 8/21 1009 RV 49 38 Democrats +11
Monmouth 8/15 - 8/19 725 RV 48 43 Democrats +5
Rasmussen Reports 8/12 - 8/16 2500 LV 44 44 Tie
Reuters/Ipsos 8/8 - 8/14 1860 RV 45 36 Democrats +9
Quinnipiac 8/9 - 8/13 1175 RV 51 42 Democrats +9
CNN 8/9 - 8/12 921 RV 52 41 Democrats +11
Pew Research 7/30 - 8/12 3986 RV 46 39 Democrats +7
The only question about the House is the narrowing odds for the Dems to take 275 seats.
Keep telling yourself this if it makes you feel good.... This about to deal you a hard reality check...
Says one of the alt right, who as a group find themselves face first in the dirt getting kicked repeatedly in the ass.

The alt right has been delusional for a long time, and they are now getting whomped because of it.
25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...

WOW, 25 people out of 180,000....that is like .00014 of those agencies...let that sink in! :21::21::21:
They're the top people, dumbass.

The FBI has 35,000 employees, not 180,000

The post said 25 from the "DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA "...learn how to read you dumb fuck.

No wonder you are a Trump sheep, you cannot even read
As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Ohr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

I wonder which of these is the most likely issue or is it the combination of the two. If Mueller quickly wraps up and closes his investigation with no prosecutions for the reason he was seated, it will be a huge blemish... Rod Rosenstine is pulling the "secret" reasoning card to keep as many e-mails and communications as he can from public view. Next week however, Bruce Orr and several others will be deposed about this and when the information about this Coup becomes more widely known, things will get real ugly for democrats.. I fully expect most questions will be bypassed with a constitutional assertion against self incrimination..

Personally I think its combination of the two and its going to backfire on democrats...
Wow. You must have a GINORMOUS ass to pull all that out of it!
There is only one poll that matters and that's the one at the ballot box. Guess who kicked your ass last night?

Can you provide some examples of this ass kicking from last night?
Republican voters in Wyoming = 74,217
Democrat voters in Wyoming =17,557

Republicans are coming out 4/1 over democrats.... I would say that's a serious ass kicking for a midterm primary.


It is a fucking primary, not a contest between two parties.

Holy shit people are stupid. Not to mention Wyoming is the most red of the red states, Trump had his largest margin of victory there.

And they have one fucking Representative! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Billy_Bob will take any representative any where he can, even if it is only for ten weeks in a primary and then is beaten by a dem. He will take that short term gain.
Keep telling yourself this if it makes you feel good.... This about to deal you a hard reality check...
Says one of the alt right, who as a group find themselves face first in the dirt getting kicked repeatedly in the ass.

The alt right has been delusional for a long time, and they are now getting whomped because of it.

LMAO! What "ass-kicking" are you speaking of? The antifa commie cowards that run in packs and attack people when the odds are overwhelmingly in their favor? I would call that cowardly but yet you call it "social justice", Jake Smarmy? I do recall how "matter of fact" of how it was a forgone conclusion that the Hildebeast would win and when she lost? You suddenly had issues about working and playing nice with others. Here are some of my favorite Jake Smarmy pre-election posts....(snicker)

Hillary is at 81% to win at RCP, up a point from this morning. 10/29/16

Donald simply can't stand being told "no."

He told Hillary he would guarantee her win, and he is following through. 12/9/15

You don't get it, do you? Trump tanked the election the second he announced. 11/13/15

Trump's in it for Hillary to win it.

Show where I said "landslide". She is weakening now, but Trump is not picking up ground. That means those who do not support her really do not want to go to Trump. They will go 3rd party or no vote. 9/5/16

Why? Comrade Donald will now get less than 30%, and he has cost the GOP the Senate. He keeps going like this, the House will go blue. 8/10/16

There is only one poll that matters and that's the one at the ballot box. Guess who kicked your ass last night?

Can you provide some examples of this ass kicking from last night?
Republican voters in Wyoming = 74,217
Democrat voters in Wyoming =17,557

Republicans are coming out 4/1 over democrats.... I would say that's a serious ass kicking for a midterm primary.


Funny, I live in one of the Counties in Colorado that is less than the average size for here. Yet we have almost twice number of voters in this county alone than all of Wyoming has total. Using Wyoming as an example for anything just shows you are reaching well past any sense of reason. It's by far the Reddest State in the Nation. I am surprised that they actually found almost 20,000 people willing to vote for something other than Republican. My County is the Reddest area in this state and we are much closer to an even count than that. I think you will find that Wyoming is the absolute except to every rule ever made.
Anyone comparing a national to a midterm election is an idiot.

Anyone comparing an EV national to a PV midterm election is an idiot.

Anyone looking at the last election instead of the next one is an idiot.
Anyone comparing a national to a midterm election is an idiot.

Anyone comparing an EV national to a PV midterm election is an idiot.

Anyone looking at the last election instead of the next one is an idiot.

But yet some of your leftard pals were crowing about the special elections and how close some of them were and announcing that a (snicker) "Blue Wave" was in the making...any port in a storm, eh, Jakey?

Blue wave is starting to look like a brown wave of shit for the leftard clown posse of commies. The #Walkaway" movement, the behavior of antifa, the witch hunt of anyone associated with Trump while the Hildebeast skates isn't being lost on the silent majority. They proved what they are capable of when in spite of all the predictions of the Hildebeast coasting to a win and how the lamestream media even admitted that they were trying to carry her fat ass over the finish line, the constant bashing of Trump since the night of the election hasn't been lost on a public that isn't part of the commie faction and slowly awakening. I wouldn't count those chickens just yet, Jake Smarmy.

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