Mueller Deploys Attack Against Trump while he is exposed in Attempted Coup...

As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Orr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

I wonder which of these is the most likely issue or is it the combination of the two. If Mueller quickly wraps up and closes his investigation with no prosecutions for the reason he was seated, it will be a huge blemish... Rod Rosenstine is pulling the "secret" reasoning card to keep as many e-mails and communications as he can from public view. Next week however, Bruce Orr and several others will be deposed about this and when the information about this Coup becomes more widely known, things will get real ugly for democrats.. I fully expect most questions will be bypassed with a constitutional assertion against self incrimination..

Personally I think its combination of the two and its going to backfire on democrats...

Wow! That’s a very worded opinion.
But it appears you overdosed on Kool-aid. Your post is like a summary of just about every shrill and paranoid thing I have read/heard from the purveyors of alarm and fear.
Study history again before making such stupid remarks.
Y'fkn kidding yself if ya think there's not a truckload of shit still to come from Mueller's team. These guys are professionals, and you're gonna see a tsunami of malfeasance being exposed until after the elections are long gone.
Suck it up, sweetheart, you're watching history being made!
As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Ohr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

I wonder which of these is the most likely issue or is it the combination of the two. If Mueller quickly wraps up and closes his investigation with no prosecutions for the reason he was seated, it will be a huge blemish... Rod Rosenstine is pulling the "secret" reasoning card to keep as many e-mails and communications as he can from public view. Next week however, Bruce Orr and several others will be deposed about this and when the information about this Coup becomes more widely known, things will get real ugly for democrats.. I fully expect most questions will be bypassed with a constitutional assertion against self incrimination..

Personally I think its combination of the two and its going to backfire on democrats...

You make an interesting point.

It’s likely the latter. We will see what happens with Ohr, Pop, and Flynn.

That will show a lot about the direction this hunt for tax cheats takes us.

Mueller nailed a tax cheat from 2005. I won’t go the Dem route and cry about the cost of the investigation....I will go further and ask that Mueller’s team stay together and nail all tax cheats in the country.

Mueller tax enforcement task force! It should be a new branch of the judicial system.
25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...


25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...

WOW, 25 people out of 180,000....that is like .00014 of those agencies...let that sink in! :21::21::21:
Professors and HS instructors in communications are using these types of OP as examples of weasel propaganda.

This OP is not effective at all.
If the states that had primaries yesterday is any indication of what is coming, then democrats should be very afraid.

The average increase in Republican voters is 25-32% and the average increase in Democrats is just 1-2% over midterms 4 years ago.

Stunning numbers to be sure.. And with just 76 days to election time Republicans are now becoming a wave and one that democrats were not expecting. Continue attacking our core values and what made America great from its founding, Its working so well for you...
25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...

WOW, 25 people out of 180,000....that is like .00014 of those agencies...let that sink in! :21::21::21:

The upper management of these agencies was very corrupt. But continue to laugh all you want, when it turns on you and you become their target I don't think you will be laughing. maybe the laughing stock but not laughing.
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If the states that had primaries yesterday is any indication of what is coming, then democrats should be very afraid.

The average increase in Republican voters is 25-32% and the average increase in Democrats is just 1-2% over midterms 4 years ago.

Stunning numbers to be sure.. And with just 76 days to election time Republicans are now becoming a wave and one that democrats were not expecting. Continue attacking our core values and what made America great from its founding, Its working so well for you...
The numbers are opposite: the GOP numbers are slightly elevated while the dems are up 33%.

Billy_Bob is engaged weasel propaganda. GOP is in big troulbe.
a little late to smear Meuller after he produced two guilty confessions today - but thanks for playing Normieboi.

Guilty confession for crimes. Glad he got them.

Tell us all what it has to do with Trump??

If the states that had primaries yesterday is any indication of what is coming, then democrats should be very afraid.

The average increase in Republican voters is 25-32% and the average increase in Democrats is just 1-2% over midterms 4 years ago.

Stunning numbers to be sure.. And with just 76 days to election time Republicans are now becoming a wave and one that democrats were not expecting. Continue attacking our core values and what made America great from its founding, Its working so well for you...
The numbers are opposite: the GOP numbers are slightly elevated while the dems are up 33%.

Billy_Bob is engaged weasel propaganda. GOP is in big troulbe.
Your not watching the news this AM? Even your most beloved propaganda stations CNN, MSDNC, and the like are livid...
Those who say "Tell us all what it has to do with Trump??" are truly mentally feeble or woefully educated, or worse, malignantly motivated.
If the states that had primaries yesterday is any indication of what is coming, then democrats should be very afraid.

The average increase in Republican voters is 25-32% and the average increase in Democrats is just 1-2% over midterms 4 years ago.

Stunning numbers to be sure.. And with just 76 days to election time Republicans are now becoming a wave and one that democrats were not expecting. Continue attacking our core values and what made America great from its founding, Its working so well for you...
The numbers are opposite: the GOP numbers are slightly elevated while the dems are up 33%.

Billy_Bob is engaged weasel propaganda. GOP is in big troulbe.
Your not watching the news this AM? Even your most beloved propaganda stations CNN, MSDNC, and the like are livid...
All who are watching mainstream media know that the Trump base is energized but the non-Trump GOP, independents, and every Dem in the land are not falling for the nonsense. They will vote.
As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Ohr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

I wonder which of these is the most likely issue or is it the combination of the two. If Mueller quickly wraps up and closes his investigation with no prosecutions for the reason he was seated, it will be a huge blemish... Rod Rosenstine is pulling the "secret" reasoning card to keep as many e-mails and communications as he can from public view. Next week however, Bruce Orr and several others will be deposed about this and when the information about this Coup becomes more widely known, things will get real ugly for democrats.. I fully expect most questions will be bypassed with a constitutional assertion against self incrimination..

Personally I think its combination of the two and its going to backfire on democrats...
First, why would Cohen plead guilty only when told to by Mueller? Second, how would Mueller know what the verdict in the manafort case would be much less when it would come? Third, all this "damaging information" you mention is imaginary.

Your post reeks of conspiracy theory.
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As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

And where EXACTLY is your link that shows unbiased proof that Mueller 'burn(ed) all of his ammunition' on Tuesday?

I guarantee that you have no such link and you are just guessing/wishful thinking/repeating what others - who have little/no fact-based proof either - are saying.

Which means your entire OP is pretty much nonsense.

Once again, I am neither Dem nor Rep.
If the states that had primaries yesterday is any indication of what is coming, then democrats should be very afraid.

The average increase in Republican voters is 25-32% and the average increase in Democrats is just 1-2% over midterms 4 years ago.

Stunning numbers to be sure.. And with just 76 days to election time Republicans are now becoming a wave and one that democrats were not expecting. Continue attacking our core values and what made America great from its founding, Its working so well for you...
The numbers are opposite: the GOP numbers are slightly elevated while the dems are up 33%.

Billy_Bob is engaged weasel propaganda. GOP is in big troulbe.
Your not watching the news this AM? Even your most beloved propaganda stations CNN, MSDNC, and the like are livid...
All who are watching mainstream media know that the Trump base is energized but the non-Trump GOP, independents, and every Dem in the land are not falling for the nonsense. They will vote.

Now that is funny as hell...

Tell me moron, why did they not come out to vote for the strongest candidate to defeat all the Republicans ON THEIR OWN TICKET?

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