As Mueller Closes In, Another GOP Smokescreen Begins

The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

You mean the investigation that goes on and on and on...never seeming to end...yet never producing any evidence at all that there was "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia? Why WOULD an innocent man want that investigation to "put up or shut up" and let him get back to the job he was elected by the people to do? What Trump has done all along is to not only cooperate with the investigation but to WELCOME it! He has no problem with being investigated because he knows that there was no Russian collusion on his part. His problem lies in what has been exposed as a conspiracy by the Clinton campaign and the liberal media to claim his election wasn't valid. The fact is...Democrats don't want the "investigation" into Russian collusion to end because then they'd have to admit that there never was a basis FOR the investigation except for the smear campaign that the Clinton camp and the DNC undertook with their fake Trump dossier!
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Investigation? What a joke.
Yes, investigation. It has produced four indictments and two guilty pleas so far

For Russian collusion in the election? Who has been indicted on that charge?
The snowflakes on this board are rabidly against its release
I actually think they should release it (along with the Democrats own memo to be fair). Though, I think Trump benefits more by not allowing its release. If it is released, their “findings” can be scrutinized and their partisan hackery exposed. If it’s kept under wraps, Trump and cronies can spread all of the misinformation they want about it without having it torn apart by pundits and legal experts on morning shows and cable news.

You really are naive, Jed! The Democrats are fighting the release of this...not the GOP! Why? Because they know that it reveals what was going on behind the scenes at the FBI? Hiding behind claims of "national security" as the reason not to reveal the facts to the American people is what Richard Nixon did back in the day! That's what Democrats are doing today. Do you know why? Because they don't want it exposed that THEY as a party are guilty of far worse things than Watergate ever was! They used a Federal court to get a FISA warrant so they could spy on their political opponent and they did so by citing a "dossier" that they knew was paid for by the Clinton campaign and was completely fake as the justification for that FISA warrant! People need to go to jail for that just as the "plumbers" went to prison for Watergate!
The snowflakes on this board are rabidly against its release
I actually think they should release it (along with the Democrats own memo to be fair). Though, I think Trump benefits more by not allowing its release. If it is released, their “findings” can be scrutinized and their partisan hackery exposed. If it’s kept under wraps, Trump and cronies can spread all of the misinformation about it they want, without having it torn apart by pundits and legal experts on morning shows and cable news.

The memo is DOA. It’s compromised and always was. Whether or not it’s released at this point, is moot.

Trump has effectively shot himself in the foot and the wound is fatal.

That was the goal from the beginning. Attempt to poison the summary so badly that its accuracy is moot. It was entertaining to watch the true believers all chanting the talking points in unison.

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


This talking point is well established. Trying to poison the summary before anyone sees it.

The summary is a worthless pile of paper without the underlying evidence being provided with it. Without the evidence it is just one party's opinion, nothing more.

If the FBI verifies that it is accurate, as I believe they have, what more do you need?

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


This talking point is well established. Trying to poison the summary before anyone sees it.

The summary is a worthless pile of paper without the underlying evidence being provided with it. Without the evidence it is just one party's opinion, nothing more.

If the FBI verifies that it is accurate, as I believe they have, what more do you need?

FBI has 'grave concerns' about 'omissions' in surveillance memo

“With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it,” the FBI said in a statement. “As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.
Yes, investigation. It has produced four indictments and two guilty pleas so far
And what were those convictions?
It doesn’t matter what the convictions are. Mueller found corruption o
You mean the investigation that goes on and on and on...never seeming to end...yet never producing any evidence at all that there was "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia?
yeah well the investigation needs to be able to come to a conclusion, don’t you think? What are you worried about if there’s nothing to it?

Republicans have wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, on multiple investigations into Hillary, Benghazi blah blah blah, with absolutely nothing to show for it. I’m guessing you had no problem with that. Amirite?
I laugh when either side acts like they know what that document says. Like we can take a politicians word..
"as mueller closes in" LOL i have been hearing that for 6 months..
It’s not the guilty who are trying to prevent Trump from releasing this steaming pile of shit, it TRUMP’s own REPUBLICAN APPOINTEES.
The FBI Republican Director, Christopher Wray, the man Trump hand picked to clean up the FBI, says the memo is “fundamentally inaccurate”.

Wray is .FBI'. He was FBI before Trump appointed him. He will be FBI after Trump leaves, unless Trump fires him. :p

The FBI is like a brotherhood - they protect the brotherhood. The same can be sais with the DOJ.

EVIDENCE shows the NSA / FBI / DOJ ILLEGALLY under Obama spied on American citizens, ILLEGALLY spied on reporters, ILLEGALLY spied on the media, ILLEGALLY spied on US Senators, ILLEGALLY spied on USC JUSTICES, & ILLEGALLY unmasked American citizens. That has been PROVEN...

THAT ALL BEING SAID, we are now being told that the FBI - THIS TIME - did 'nothing' wrong ... because the ones implicated in wrong-doing in the Summary of Evidence, the FBI and DOJ ... say so.

'Just believe us....these aren't believable...but WE are.'


Sorry - I want to see the Summary of Evidence and decide for myself.

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


Nunes is simply begging for a cabinet post under Trump.......His bid for a House sit is dubious for the upcoming midterms.....

He is simply a cheap whore for trump.
The White House and GOP Keep Changing Their Story on the Nunes Memo - As the noose get tighter, the natives are getting desperate.
There is no noose... Newsflash! Even if for some wacky reason, the Mueller debacle can demonstrate that there was collusion; it will amount to nothing legally speaking. Collusion isn't a crime. This dog and pony show has one goal. And two purposes. To tarnish Trumps image in the hopes that the Dems regain the house, and enough clout to try and impeach him. Or besmirch his reputation in hopes of damaging his chances at reelection.
It doesn’t matter what the convictions are. Mueller found corruption o

It does matter. There has been no convictions related to "Russian collusion". It has been a year (maybe a little more) there should be something happening on that front.

The "investigation" should have never started since there is no evidence of a crime.

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


This talking point is well established. Trying to poison the summary before anyone sees it.

The summary is a worthless pile of paper without the underlying evidence being provided with it. Without the evidence it is just one party's opinion, nothing more.

If the FBI verifies that it is accurate, as I believe they have, what more do you need?

FBI has 'grave concerns' about 'omissions' in surveillance memo

“With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it,” the FBI said in a statement. “As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.

2 FBI Reps read the Summary and stated they could find no inaccuracies.

The media, to include Fox News and CNN, followed-up to get the OFFICIAL FBI response - they refused to comment.
- Obviously the 2 Reps spoke out of turn, without official FBI consent.

24 Hours later Wray goes to the WH to beg the President not to release it, conveying the now official FBI response is that it has inaccuracies.

The DOJ, once again, argues that:
1) The report is missing the background needed to fully comprehend the report .
-- Schiff echoes Hillary's sentiments by arguing the American people - or at least Snowflakes - are too stupid to be able to read and understand the report without ALL of the background info (Way to insult the American people, dude!)


2) The report jeopardizes the current Intel collection process, and thus our National Security.
- As stated earlier, through EVIDENCE and Obama Cabinet Member testimony (NSA Director James Clapper) and D-Senator Feinstein's testimony, we KNOW the NSA / FBI / DOJ ILLEGALLY spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices. BASED ON ALL OF THIS THE NSA'S / FBI'S / DOJ'S INTEL COLLECTION / SNOOPING PROCESS SHOULD BE EXPOSED...
--- Releasing the ABUSE of power, that again we already know has happened as just mentioned, is NOT going to jeopardize our National Security but just MIGHT reign in the massive illegal, constitution-violating GESTAPO / 3rd World Dictatorial Govt tactics being used against the American people.

We are seeing an extremely DESPERATE, proven corrupt / treasonous criminal DOJ / FBI attempt to keep their deeds covered up.

no inaccuracies

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


This talking point is well established. Trying to poison the summary before anyone sees it.

The summary is a worthless pile of paper without the underlying evidence being provided with it. Without the evidence it is just one party's opinion, nothing more.

If the FBI verifies that it is accurate, as I believe they have, what more do you need?

FBI has 'grave concerns' about 'omissions' in surveillance memo

“With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it,” the FBI said in a statement. “As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.

2 FBI Reps read the Summary and stated they could find no inaccuracies.

The media, to include Fox News and CNN, followed-up to get the OFFICIAL FBI response - they refused to comment.
- Obviously the 2 Reps spoke out of turn, without official FBI consent.

24 Hours later Wray goes to the WH to beg the President not to release it, conveying the now official FBI response is that it has inaccuracies.

The DOJ, once again, argues that:
1) The report is missing the background needed to fully comprehend the report .
-- Schiff echoes Hillary's sentiments by arguing the American people - or at least Snowflakes - are too stupid to be able to read and understand the report without ALL of the background info (Way to insult the American people, dude!)

View attachment 174379

2) The report jeopardizes the current Intel collection process, and thus our National Security.
- As stated earlier, through EVIDENCE and Obama Cabinet Member testimony (NSA Director James Clapper) and D-Senator Feinstein's testimony, we KNOW the NSA / FBI / DOJ ILLEGALLY spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices. BASED ON ALL OF THIS THE NSA'S / FBI'S / DOJ'S INTEL COLLECTION / SNOOPING PROCESS SHOULD BE EXPOSED...
--- Releasing the ABUSE of power, that again we already know has happened as just mentioned, is NOT going to jeopardize our National Security but just MIGHT reign in the massive illegal, constitution-violating GESTAPO / 3rd World Dictatorial Govt tactics being used against the American people.

We are seeing an extremely DESPERATE, proven corrupt / treasonous criminal DOJ / FBI attempt to keep their deeds covered up.

The problem here is that you are not intelligent enough to understand the difference between "no inaccuracies" and "omissions".

You think that they mean the same thing, but they do not. I will try and explain it to you one more time...

If there are 100 facts known and a memo list 22 of them, then there are no no inaccuracies but there are a lot of omissions.

Can you honestly tell you that you do not understand the problem with omitting pieces of evidence?
The White House and GOP Keep Changing Their Story on the Nunes Memo - As the noose get tighter, the natives are getting desperate.
There is no noose... Newsflash! Even if for some wacky reason, the Mueller debacle can demonstrate that there was collusion; it will amount to nothing legally speaking. Collusion isn't a crime. This dog and pony show has one goal. And two purposes. To tarnish Trumps image in the hopes that the Dems regain the house, and enough clout to try and impeach him. Or besmirch his reputation in hopes of damaging his chances at reelection.

This isn't about collusion. But you just keep on trying to sell that narrative.

Just curious, have you girls got your new obstruction of justice, and money laundering talking points ready to go when it all comes crashing down?

You know, real crimes, complete with statutes, that Alan Dershowitz won't be able to defend?
There is no noose... Newsflash! Even if for some wacky reason, the Mueller debacle can demonstrate that there was collusion; it will amount to nothing legally speaking. Collusion isn't a crime. This dog and pony show has one goal. And two purposes. To tarnish Trumps image in the hopes that the Dems regain the house, and enough clout to try and impeach him. Or besmirch his reputation in hopes of damaging his chances at reelection.
"The noose" of course, is just an analogy. As it gets tighter, desperation sets in. I can understand his supporters would be opposed to this investigation. However, I don't like trump and hope he goes down in flames as a result of Mueller's efforts. Having said that, I don't care how this investigation goes. The democratic party is heavily invested in this endeavor. While it has flushed out some low-level operatives within the trump organization, it has a ways to go if it wants to pin trump. If it does, good. If it doesn't, too bad. trumps worst enemy is himself.

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