As Poll Numbers Sink, Dems Waste More Time

I disagreed with RSR on one of my first days here. But hey do go on about how your silence means nothing. see... talking about stupidity is stupid.... talking about the fact that I don't waste time talking about stupidity is even more stupid.

And you disagreed with RSR once? what a wise and impartial fucking SAGE you are! :eusa_clap:
now..get off your ass...go to the thread I my posts and let's debate.

or have I totally misjudged you and are you only capable of pot shots from the fucking peanut gallery?
Try this and remind me when you have done the same....

did you fucking MISS this? see... talking about stupidity is stupid.... talking about the fact that I don't waste time talking about stupidity is even more stupid.

I have no reason or need to attack the wackos on the left.... you all do that with vigor. I make MY points and I attack YOUR points.... and, it would seem, that you don't do a very good job of attacking MY points but are content with attacking the fact that I don't attack wackos on the left.
Sure thing.... You don't care who your allies are, the ends justify the means, got ya.

Look. I come to a internet bulletin board to discuss the issues that are important to me. If I wanted to talk about Area 51, for example, I would go to a website where people talked about that. this site has 27 different forums. I don't scan them all every day and feel compelled to chastise people who claim to share my overall political persuasion.

what part of "talking about stupidity is stupid.... talking about the fact that I don't waste time talking about stupidity is even more stupid." did you NOT understand the other times I wrote it?

Now...will you start debating issues with me and get off this "why don't you criticize loony conspiracy theory leftists" bullshit?

Here is the deal: I don't want to waste my TIME chastising them....and pretty fucking soon, I will make the decision not to waste my time responding to your irrelevant whining. got it?

now... talk issues with me or talk to yourself. your call sarge.
How about the fact you can not even be bothered with telling the LOONY TOONS in your party that they are crazy? Any support is ok? As long as the crazies will vote the way you like its ok for them to be frothing at the mouth INSANE?

I notice you can not be bothered to post in the thread about that EVIL mastermind Bush and how he is gonna take over by creating either a Nuclear war or by telling Mother nature to cause a Cataclysmic series of disasters, all before the vote in 2008 of course.

MM gives a pass to his fellow lib no matter what they say or do. Nothing is to over the top for MM as long as the person votes the correct way - straight Dem ticket
What the FUCK does the fact that I pay no attention to the fringe lefties have to do with the fact that RSR posts poll results and claims that they PROVE his points, yet refuses to even acknowledge that polls from equally valid pollsters that I produce even INDICATE anything?

I don't see you chastising any of the wackos on YOUR side of the fence, or are you suggesting that all the conservatives on here are reasonable folks?

If someone posted threads about Chelsea Clinton actually being the lovechild of Hillary and a MARTIAN, I would pay no attention to those either.

I blame Bush for misleading America about Saddam's WMD's and his connection to 9/11. I blame Bush for his ignorance of the dynamics in play in the middle east. I blame Bush for a terrible execution of an even more terrible foreign policy. I don't need to make shit up and I don't need to waste my FUCKING time responding to wacko claims that Bush is responsible for anything he is not.

You are ignoring how the base that helped put your party is power is feeling about the Dems inability to get anything done

You say you do not care about what they say and blame Republicans like you have for the last 7 years for anything and everything that goes wrong

You ignore polls that show the Dems have similiar or lower numbers the Pres Bush. For the lasy 5 years, libs were giddy over the President's numbers, but sneer at anyone who posts the Dems falling numbers.
You are ignoring how the base that helped put your party is power is feeling about the Dems inability to get anything done

You say you do not care about what they say and blame Republicans like you have for the last 7 years for anything and everything that goes wrong

You ignore polls that show the Dems have similiar or lower numbers the Pres Bush. For the lasy 5 years, libs were giddy over the President's numbers, but sneer at anyone who posts the Dems falling numbers.

And I really am just going to quit responding to your repeated false assertion that congressional approval ratings are synonymous with democratic approval ratings while you simultaneously REFUSE to even acknowledge the indications in the Harris poll that would show that, when asked to differentiate, voters give democrats in congress significantly HIGHER marks than republicans.... and when you continue to ignore the implications of the Quinnipiac Poll which you steadfastly refuse to acknowledge in any way! You have demonstrated ZERO understanding of the dynamic in the democratic party. The far left has no where to go but to vote democratic. They all remember what a handful of green "conscience" votes for Ralph Nader resulted in in 2000. They know that the ONLY way to stop this war is to vote for democrats. Voting for someone further to the left will only help the republicans. So, in a sense, the democrats can nod their heads at the far left and say "I understand...yes..yes of course we feel your pain...blah blah blah" and not worry about them much at all, because they are in our back pocket and they ain't going anywhere.

and I noticed that you avoided this post:

I mean, seriously RSR...think about this for a second:

you post polls and claim they PROVE things. I post polls and you don't even acknowledge that they INDICATE anything.

how the fuck does THAT work?
MM gives a pass to his fellow lib no matter what they say or do. Nothing is to over the top for MM as long as the person votes the correct way - straight Dem ticket

everybody is entitled to their opinions. And I can find something to like about most people on the planet. A loonytoon leftie who votes democratic ... that is something to like about them, even if I disagree with a whole lot of their politics.

My own politics are much more moderate than most uber-liberals, but I am extremely partisan. I understand that politics is a team sport. I understand that the only way you can score is if you have the ball and the clear majority is part of the "ball".... the white house is the other part of the "ball".

Bush's veto of the democratic funding bill that included deadlines for troop withdrawal and that was supported by a clear majority of Americans is just that much more motivation for me to see democrats getting elected everywhere - I don't care how loony the fringe is. If there were a few more of them elected in November along with a few other conservative and moderate democrats, we would have overridden that veto. Partisan activists like myself will be working to elect democrats up and down the ballot - from city to state to congress to the white house...because we know that we need to get our hands on the "ball" if any substantive repairs can be made to the damage done by Team Bush.
everybody is entitled to their opinions. And I can find something to like about most people on the planet. A loonytoon leftie who votes democratic ... that is something to like about them, even if I disagree with a whole lot of their politics.

My own politics are much more moderate than most uber-liberals, but I am extremely partisan. I understand that politics is a team sport. I understand that the only way you can score is if you have the ball and the clear majority is part of the "ball".... the white house is the other part of the "ball".

Bush's veto of the democratic funding bill that included deadlines for troop withdrawal and that was supported by a clear majority of Americans is just that much more motivation for me to see democrats getting elected everywhere - I don't care how loony the fringe is. If there were a few more of them elected in November along with a few other conservative and moderate democrats, we would have overridden that veto. Partisan activists like myself will be working to elect democrats up and down the ballot - from city to state to congress to the white house...because we know that we need to get our hands on the "ball" if any substantive repairs can be made to the damage done by Team Bush.

And there you have it, the supposed moderate democrat ADMITTING the ends justify the means. Any ally is a good thing. No crackpot, no loon is crazy enough to oppose. I assume he also supports NOT investigating democrats for crimes committed since that could lead to a loss of seats. He supports, or rather it would seem, the Democrats shredding the rules in the House in order to silence nearly half the body. Remind me again which party is called intolerant?
And there you have it, the supposed moderate democrat ADMITTING the ends justify the means. Any ally is a good thing. No crackpot, no loon is crazy enough to oppose. I assume he also supports NOT investigating democrats for crimes committed since that could lead to a loss of seats. He supports, or rather it would seem, the Democrats shredding the rules in the House in order to silence nearly half the body. Remind me again which party is called intolerant?

I never said that I wouldn't OPPOSE some loons and crackpots. I said that, if loons and crackpots cast their votes for democrats, that is something I can find good about them. Here in Maine, we democrats do not usually nominate crackpots and loons for public office, so I have never been placed in the position where I had to NOT vote for someone because they were TOO loony and TOO crackpot for my sensibilities. Thank God.

Regarding investigating malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance on the part of elected officials, I would never oppose it regardless of the party affiliation of the official in question.

Having said that, I do find it somewhat hypocritical for a guy from the party that flushed nearly $50MILLION hounding Bill Clinton for nearly eight years and tying up government for months and months holding Kangaroo Court hearings and impeaching him for little more than a blow job, and who concurrently ignores a man who misled the country to war, and has mishandled it so abysmally that we may very well have started a holy war we cannot be talking to me about MY less than vocal support for investigating democrats.

And like I said over and over you want to talk about issues, asshole, or do you just want to talk trash?

Because I really don't want to spend a lot more time discussing with you what sort of democrat I am..but would rather talk about what is happening in Iraq and Lebanon and Saudi Arabia and the Sudan. If you really have no interest in discussing those issues, I completely understand. But let's put this "what sort of a democrat are you" so called "debate" behind us, if you don't mind.
And there you have it, the supposed moderate democrat ADMITTING the ends justify the means. Any ally is a good thing. No crackpot, no loon is crazy enough to oppose. I assume he also supports NOT investigating democrats for crimes committed since that could lead to a loss of seats. He supports, or rather it would seem, the Democrats shredding the rules in the House in order to silence nearly half the body. Remind me again which party is called intolerant?

Good non assuming, tolerant answer.
Back pedal now, hurry, unfortunately fo you you cant simple erase the answer you gave though....

Here ya go, more of the . THE ends justify the means for ya...

And yes I support the money spent on the Clinton investigation AND the Impeachment of a President for LYING under oath. Last I checked that sure as hell qualifies as High Crimes and Misdomeaners. But do pretend it was all about sex. That tired old lie didn't work then and won't work now.

Sex got him to lie, that much is true. If he couldn't tell the truth about sex, why would we want to depend on him to tell the truth about Chinese Contributions to his campaign, To selling pardons, to selling influence as Governor, etc etc... Sex was the least of the problems and he LIED about that.

And unlike you and your delusional buddies I also support war in Iraq. I supported going and I continue to support staying. You see I care about the Country I live in and it's security and citizens. None of them, not even the delusional Loons deserves to die because we allowed a Tyrant to regain the ability to attack us NOR should they die because we can't finish our commitments to a nation in need.

Unlike you I believe we should solve the problem now rather then cut and run and have to reinvade in a couple years when the "correct" person is President.
Sex was the least of the problems and he LIED about that.

What about his wife? you think maybe he was worried about that?

And unlike you and your delusional buddies I also support war in Iraq. I supported going and I continue to support staying. You see I care about the Country I live in and it's security and citizens. None of them, not even the delusional Loons deserves to die because we allowed a Tyrant to regain the ability to attack us NOR should they die because we can't finish our commitments to a nation in need.

Dont hide behind being "Pro War" thinking that makes you a better American than someone who isnt "Pro death" There are two sides to every partisan coin.

What I see is our Sons, brothers, and fathers living day to day with the fear that at any moment they could be blown up.

Unlike you I believe we should solve the problem now rather then cut and run and have to reinvade in a couple years when the "correct" person is President.

Stop throwing Partisan talking points around. Your lumping all the Liberal Democrats together the same way RSR does.
Should I assume that everything NeoCon RSR says can be applied directly to your beliefs??
Stop throwing Partisan talking points around. Your lumping all the Liberal Democrats together the same way RSR does.
Should I assume that everything NeoCon RSR says can be applied directly to your beliefs??

I am lumping everyone to stupid to understand what happens if we leave together. If that HAPPENS to be all the liberals.....
Stop throwing Partisan talking points around. Your lumping all the Liberal Democrats together the same way RSR does.
Should I assume that everything NeoCon RSR says can be applied directly to your beliefs??

Aren't you one of the gang DEAMNDING RSR provide his own opinion? If so here you are DEMANDING I cease providing my own opinion..... does that mean what you really mean is , "if you can't agree with me, shut up"?
And unlike you and your delusional buddies I also support war in Iraq. I supported going and I continue to support staying. You see I care about the Country I live in and it's security and citizens. None of them, not even the delusional Loons deserves to die because we allowed a Tyrant to regain the ability to attack us NOR should they die because we can't finish our commitments to a nation in need.

Unlike you I believe we should solve the problem now rather then cut and run and have to reinvade in a couple years when the "correct" person is President.

don't you fucking dare to presume that you have some corner on the market for wisdom OR patriotism. Unlike YOU, I have actually lived in the fucking middle east in the midst of sunnis and shiites and I KNOW how badly we fucked up by stirring up that hornet's nest. Iraq was NOT part of the war against Islamic extremism until boneheaded motherfuckers like YOU decided to forget about our real enemies and go after Saddam instead. The end result is never ending carnage...and both sides hating us... and America NO safer than it was on 9/11. Congratulations. We will be paying for your mistakes for generations to come.
don't you fucking dare to presume that you have some corner on the market for wisdom OR patriotism. Unlike YOU, I have actually lived in the fucking middle east in the midst of sunnis and shiites and I KNOW how badly we fucked up by stirring up that hornet's nest. Iraq was NOT part of the war against Islamic extremism until boneheaded motherfuckers like YOU decided to forget about our real enemies and go after Saddam instead. The end result is never ending carnage...and both sides hating us... and America NO safer than it was on 9/11. Congratulations. We will be paying for your mistakes for generations to come.

Ya know I have tried to not resort to your tactics, name calling and lies. Keep it up, maybe I will change my mind. For being such an "intellectual" you sure do fling feces fast enough. More from our "enlightened" betters.

Whats the saying " if you can't dazzle them with brillance, baffle them with bullshit"? or something like that.

Just admit it, you and your buddies don't want opinions or facts, UNLESS they are approved by you.
Ya know I have tried to not resort to your tactics, name calling and lies. Keep it up, maybe I will change my mind. For being such an "intellectual" you sure do fling feces fast enough. More from our "enlightened" betters.

Whats the saying " if you can't dazzle them with brillance, baffle them with bullshit"? or something like that.

Just admit it, you and your buddies don't want opinions or facts, UNLESS they are approved by you.

I don't mind other opinions and I certainly do not shy away from facts.

If you read back, it was you who questioned MY patriotism and called ME delusional because I did not share your belief in the wisdom and necessity for the invasion/conquest/occupation of Iraq.

It would seem to me that you would besmirch the patriotism of anyone who disagreed with you.

Just admit that you despise anyone who doesn't think like you and you feel free to denigrate them at will.

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