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As Predicted, Democrats Using Ferguson Riots To Register Voters

So, you make it a privilege, not a right, to vote?

I guess it already is.

In america you need valid ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, fly, cash a check, rent a car...etc.countless other transactions....

Is anyone saying that requiring an ID to buying alcohol, cigarettes, cashing checks, etc..violate their "rights"?
You guys pretend to be so intelligent ..but can sure play dumb when it suits your purpose.
purposely mischaracterizing and distorting is what you do best...carry on.No one is fooled by all that misdirection.

If everyone has easy access to a government issued photo id, then why do millions of Americans not have one already?

You tell me.
Because they haven't needed one in order to live in this country, they are already established with bank accounts and check cashing cards and all the things you say they need a government photo id for....they don't....and why should they have to go out and get one, just for voting, when they have been registered to vote for 20-60 years already?

What is your stance on concealed carry permits?

And no offense but you are REALLY old , if you got your DL without any proof of identity
if approaching mid 50's is really old in your mind, then you must be really really young! :D

in fact i did not have a valid government issued photo id, until i renewed my driver's license in 2012.....yes in 2012 was my first valid gvt issued photo id....my State rejected the federal gvt's rfid plans for drivers licenses as an over reach of the federal gvt and sued the federal gvt along with other independent states who rejected their over reach.....till the State got paid off by the feds and finally accepted it.....2012, when i renewed my license, they requested a birth certificate, now my driver's license has a chip in it......just wonderful..... :(

The state i lived in when i got my driver's license did NOT have pictures on the license....i got my first checking account with that non photo'd drivers license and a pay stub....

BUt surely you understand things have changed. Not all for the better, but things have changed. When you got your non picture ID , a person could also walk into a gun store and walk out with damn near any weapon they pleased without any hassle. A person could walk into a airport buy a ticket cash, never give ANY name and board a flight without ever even being looked at. Things change, voter ID is no different in that regard.
nothing at all has changed to require me to have a driver's license with an rfid chip in it, in order for me to vote....nor should it change at the voting poll....if the citizen is registered to vote, the State has vetted them already....that is when the vetting should take place....after that....once you are cleared and registered, I don't think it is necessary to have id, as long as the poll worker asks your name, your address, what party you belong to, and you sign verifying you are that person....then I am fine with it.....

but if your state wants to have id's used, that's fine too, but people should NOT BE FORCED to get a gvt issued federal rfid, driver's license or rfid gvt ID in order to vote, they should be able to use a pay stub and recent electric bill, or birth certificate or mariage license with a water bill..... remember, the vetting by the State, takes place when registering....the donald ducks and mickey mouses get thrown out in the State vetting before they are issued.....

Remember, several states issue gvt photo id's to illegal immigrants, they allow illegals to get driver's licenses...yet some citizen like my mother in law who had voted for 50 years, would be rejected because she did not drive until age 76....

AND as G5000 has mentioned, gvt issued gvt id does NOT STOP the real voter fraud that IS OCCURRING.....

you all have been fooled in to thinking it will stop the fraud, when the fraud occurs through absentee ballots and the dead left on voter rolls instead of being purged, and a citizen being registered in 2 different states, etc etc etc none of which voter photo id is the solution to stopping it....

looks like the politicians want the REAL voter fraud to continue, and are playing a 'slight of hand', on you
No one can demonstrate another means by which one could prove they are of legal age to buy alcohol (or a gun, or whatever) without an ID.

I, however, have asked Voter ID proponents to provide just one case of actual voter fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by an ID. They have never been able to do so.

Thus the idiocy of the "you need an ID to buy beer" argument.
That doesn't make any sense. How would you prove it if a person with no ID voted illegally but would have voted legally with one? It's common sense that no ID enables much more opportunity for fraud just like no lD requirement for alcohol would lead to more underage drinking.
Please provide just one case of actual voter fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by an ID.
It's common sense that no ID enables much more opportunity for fraud just like no lD requirement for alcohol would lead to more underage drinking.
And so you have ZERO evidence to support Voter ID.

Just like I said. No one has ever been able to provide an actual case of voter fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

Thus the idiocy of the "you need an ID to buy beer" apples and oranges fallacy. It can be demonstrated that there is no other way to verify age than an ID. But you have failed to demonstrate there is no other way to prevent the types of voter fraud which occur.

you are setting up a false analogy.

Nope. The bozos with the "you need an ID to buy beer" are setting up the false analogy! Apples and oranges.

IF there is no other way to prove a person's age without ID , then likewise there is no other way to prove their identity without identity.

The fact that you here stating that you trust people to take their word when they say they are who they say they are but you don't trust them to tell you how old they really are seems mighty fishy to me and speaks of partisan stupidity.

I have a feeling you have never registered to vote and then voted.

I explained in very simple terms why your fantasy voter fraud does not match reality in an earlier post.

That's why I keep asking for ACTUAL voter fraud cases in which Voter ID, and only Voter ID, could have stopped or prevented the fraud.

You have a feeling I have what?

Your analogy is stupid. You trust people to tell you who they are but not to tell you how old they are.

That tells me EVERYTHING I know about your "honesty" and your "debating skills"

I explained the fallacy of the "you need ID to buy beer" comparison in post 341. I cannot help you if you are too retarded to get it.

A lot of bloviation to cover up the fact you have no evidence. Nothing. Not one case of voter fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

All you have are imaginary fantasies and a shitload of logical fallacies to cover up that simple fact.

You didn't explain shit. It cracks me up when people think using big words makes them look smart.

Explain this
How do you trust people to tell you who they are


not trust them to tell you how old they are?

or how about this one

how do you justify requiring ID to exercise one right, but not the other

Or how about this dumb shit, can you PROVE that anyone has not been able to exercise their right to vote because of voter ID?

You are clearly a dumb fuck, but if you would like me to run you all over the flagpole on this topic I will surely oblige you.
I see you are too retarded. Can't help you. Read posts 341 and 347 over and over and over until you get it. Mm-kay?
In other words, you got nothing..

I'm retarded? Son, I asked you a direct question and you are either too stupid to understand the question or realize that NO answer you give would make a lick of sense, meaning of course that you support a stupid unsupportable position, which would make you a moron.

I'll ask again.

How do you justify requiring ID to exercise one right while screaming like a bitch about requiring ID to exercise another?

I will use small words.


You need an ID to buy beer. Is there any other way to prove your age beside showing an ID?


Are there any other ways to prevent or stop voter fraud besides Voter ID?


Therefore, Voter ID is not needed, and it is retarded to compare it to an ID for beer.


Now, tard, I have asked YOU several times to provide me a case of actual fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

Get busy.
So, you make it a privilege, not a right, to vote?

I guess it already is.

In america you need valid ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, fly, cash a check, rent a car...etc.countless other transactions....

Is anyone saying that requiring an ID to buying alcohol, cigarettes, cashing checks, etc..violate their "rights"?
You guys pretend to be so intelligent ..but can sure play dumb when it suits your purpose.
purposely mischaracterizing and distorting is what you do best...carry on.No one is fooled by all that misdirection.

If everyone has easy access to a government issued photo id, then why do millions of Americans not have one already?

You tell me.
Because they haven't needed one in order to live in this country, they are already established with bank accounts and check cashing cards and all the things you say they need a government photo id for....they don't....and why should they have to go out and get one, just for voting, when they have been registered to vote for 20-60 years already?

What is your stance on concealed carry permits?

And no offense but you are REALLY old , if you got your DL without any proof of identity
if approaching mid 50's is really old in your mind, then you must be really really young! :D

in fact i did not have a valid government issued photo id, until i renewed my driver's license in 2012.....yes in 2012 was my first valid gvt issued photo id....my State rejected the federal gvt's rfid plans for drivers licenses as an over reach of the federal gvt and sued the federal gvt along with other independent states who rejected their over reach.....till the State got paid off by the feds and finally accepted it.....2012, when i renewed my license, they requested a birth certificate, now my driver's license has a chip in it......just wonderful..... :(

The state i lived in when i got my driver's license did NOT have pictures on the license....i got my first checking account with that non photo'd drivers license and a pay stub....

BUt surely you understand things have changed. Not all for the better, but things have changed. When you got your non picture ID , a person could also walk into a gun store and walk out with damn near any weapon they pleased without any hassle. A person could walk into a airport buy a ticket cash, never give ANY name and board a flight without ever even being looked at. Things change, voter ID is no different in that regard.
nothing at all has changed to require me to have a driver's license with an rfid chip in it, in order for me to vote....nor should it change at the voting poll....if the citizen is registered to vote, the State has vetted them already....that is when the vetting should take place....after that....once you are cleared and registered, I don't think it is necessary to have id, as long as the poll worker asks your name, your address, what party you belong to, and you sign verifying you are that person....then I am fine with it.....

but if your state wants to have id's used, that's fine too, but people should NOT BE FORCED to get a gvt issued federal rfid, driver's license or rfid gvt ID in order to vote, they should be able to use a pay stub and recent electric bill, or birth certificate or mariage license with a water bill..... remember, the vetting by the State, takes place when registering....the donald ducks and mickey mouses get thrown out in the State vetting before they are issued.....

Remember, several states issue gvt photo id's to illegal immigrants, they allow illegals to get driver's licenses...yet some citizen like my mother in law who had voted for 50 years, would be rejected because she did not drive until age 76....

AND as G5000 has mentioned, gvt issued gvt id does NOT STOP the real voter fraud that IS OCCURRING.....

you all have been fooled in to thinking it will stop the fraud, when the fraud occurs through absentee ballots and the dead left on voter rolls instead of being purged, and a citizen being registered in 2 different states, etc etc etc none of which voter photo id is the solution to stopping it....

looks like the politicians want the REAL voter fraud to continue, and are playing a 'slight of hand', on you

that of course is unprovable. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

And as far as FORCING people to get ID, no one is FORCED to do anything. You can choose not to vote. Frankly I don't want those who are too lazy,stupid, or incompetent to find an hour once every four fucking years and $10 to get an ID voting anyway.

I'll bet you right now that every fucking person who claims that they can't get an ID to vote would find a a way to get ID right lickety split if their gummit check was on the line.

As for don't want one? I don't care. I don't want to wait 7 days to buy a handgun when I buy a new one either, but the law says I have to , so I obey the law. I don't whine like a bitch
Voter ID is a feel good measure for the rubes which accomplishes absolutely NOTHING in stopping the kinds of fraud which occur.

I honestly don't know how the dumbshits' brains work. They see their state pass a Voter ID law, and then they hear news reports of this person and that person being arrested for voter fraud. Does it not cause even a single brain cell to go, "Huh? BUT THEY SAID VOTER ID WOULD STOP FRAUD!?!"
No one can demonstrate another means by which one could prove they are of legal age to buy alcohol (or a gun, or whatever) without an ID.

I, however, have asked Voter ID proponents to provide just one case of actual voter fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by an ID. They have never been able to do so.

Thus the idiocy of the "you need an ID to buy beer" argument.
That doesn't make any sense. How would you prove it if a person with no ID voted illegally but would have voted legally with one? It's common sense that no ID enables much more opportunity for fraud just like no lD requirement for alcohol would lead to more underage drinking.
Please provide just one case of actual voter fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by an ID.
It's common sense that no ID enables much more opportunity for fraud just like no lD requirement for alcohol would lead to more underage drinking.
And so you have ZERO evidence to support Voter ID.

Just like I said. No one has ever been able to provide an actual case of voter fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

Thus the idiocy of the "you need an ID to buy beer" apples and oranges fallacy. It can be demonstrated that there is no other way to verify age than an ID. But you have failed to demonstrate there is no other way to prevent the types of voter fraud which occur.

you are setting up a false analogy.

Nope. The bozos with the "you need an ID to buy beer" are setting up the false analogy! Apples and oranges.

IF there is no other way to prove a person's age without ID , then likewise there is no other way to prove their identity without identity.

The fact that you here stating that you trust people to take their word when they say they are who they say they are but you don't trust them to tell you how old they really are seems mighty fishy to me and speaks of partisan stupidity.

I have a feeling you have never registered to vote and then voted.

I explained in very simple terms why your fantasy voter fraud does not match reality in an earlier post.

That's why I keep asking for ACTUAL voter fraud cases in which Voter ID, and only Voter ID, could have stopped or prevented the fraud.

You have a feeling I have what?

Your analogy is stupid. You trust people to tell you who they are but not to tell you how old they are.

That tells me EVERYTHING I know about your "honesty" and your "debating skills"

I explained the fallacy of the "you need ID to buy beer" comparison in post 341. I cannot help you if you are too retarded to get it.

A lot of bloviation to cover up the fact you have no evidence. Nothing. Not one case of voter fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

All you have are imaginary fantasies and a shitload of logical fallacies to cover up that simple fact.

You didn't explain shit. It cracks me up when people think using big words makes them look smart.

Explain this
How do you trust people to tell you who they are


not trust them to tell you how old they are?

or how about this one

how do you justify requiring ID to exercise one right, but not the other

Or how about this dumb shit, can you PROVE that anyone has not been able to exercise their right to vote because of voter ID?

You are clearly a dumb fuck, but if you would like me to run you all over the flagpole on this topic I will surely oblige you.
I see you are too retarded. Can't help you. Read posts 341 and 347 over and over and over until you get it. Mm-kay?
In other words, you got nothing..

I'm retarded? Son, I asked you a direct question and you are either too stupid to understand the question or realize that NO answer you give would make a lick of sense, meaning of course that you support a stupid unsupportable position, which would make you a moron.

I'll ask again.

How do you justify requiring ID to exercise one right while screaming like a bitch about requiring ID to exercise another?

I will use small words.


You need an ID to buy beer. Is there any other way to prove your age beside showing an ID?


Are there any other ways to prevent or stop voter fraud besides Voter ID?


Therefore, Voter ID is not needed, and it is retarded to compare it to an ID for beer.


Now, tard, I have asked YOU several times to provide me a case of actual fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

Get busy.

What is it with dishonest liberals?

Answer my question, which has NOTHING to do with buying beer.

What kind of fucking retard supports requiring ID to exercise ONE enumerated right, but screams that those who want to exercise another enumerated right shouldn't have to get ID?
I'll ask again.

I will use small words.


You need an ID to buy beer. Is there any other way to prove your age beside showing an ID?


Are there any other ways to prevent or stop voter fraud besides Voter ID?


Therefore, Voter ID is not needed, and it is retarded to compare it to an ID for beer.
Thanks for the breakdown in your thought process. Something in your head is wired wrong. There may be other ways to help prevent voter fraud but it still happens. It has not been eliminated. A voter ID might not eliminate it altogether either but it would help identify those who voted twice, or more and those not eligible.
So, you make it a privilege, not a right, to vote?

I guess it already is.

In america you need valid ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, fly, cash a check, rent a car...etc.countless other transactions....

Is anyone saying that requiring an ID to buying alcohol, cigarettes, cashing checks, etc..violate their "rights"?
You guys pretend to be so intelligent ..but can sure play dumb when it suits your purpose.
purposely mischaracterizing and distorting is what you do best...carry on.No one is fooled by all that misdirection.

If everyone has easy access to a government issued photo id, then why do millions of Americans not have one already?

You tell me.
Because they haven't needed one in order to live in this country, they are already established with bank accounts and check cashing cards and all the things you say they need a government photo id for....they don't....and why should they have to go out and get one, just for voting, when they have been registered to vote for 20-60 years already?

What is your stance on concealed carry permits?

And no offense but you are REALLY old , if you got your DL without any proof of identity
if approaching mid 50's is really old in your mind, then you must be really really young! :D

in fact i did not have a valid government issued photo id, until i renewed my driver's license in 2012.....yes in 2012 was my first valid gvt issued photo id....my State rejected the federal gvt's rfid plans for drivers licenses as an over reach of the federal gvt and sued the federal gvt along with other independent states who rejected their over reach.....till the State got paid off by the feds and finally accepted it.....2012, when i renewed my license, they requested a birth certificate, now my driver's license has a chip in it......just wonderful..... :(

The state i lived in when i got my driver's license did NOT have pictures on the license....i got my first checking account with that non photo'd drivers license and a pay stub....

BUt surely you understand things have changed. Not all for the better, but things have changed. When you got your non picture ID , a person could also walk into a gun store and walk out with damn near any weapon they pleased without any hassle. A person could walk into a airport buy a ticket cash, never give ANY name and board a flight without ever even being looked at. Things change, voter ID is no different in that regard.
nothing at all has changed to require me to have a driver's license with an rfid chip in it, in order for me to vote....nor should it change at the voting poll....if the citizen is registered to vote, the State has vetted them already....that is when the vetting should take place....after that....once you are cleared and registered, I don't think it is necessary to have id, as long as the poll worker asks your name, your address, what party you belong to, and you sign verifying you are that person....then I am fine with it.....

but if your state wants to have id's used, that's fine too, but people should NOT BE FORCED to get a gvt issued federal rfid, driver's license or rfid gvt ID in order to vote, they should be able to use a pay stub and recent electric bill, or birth certificate or mariage license with a water bill..... remember, the vetting by the State, takes place when registering....the donald ducks and mickey mouses get thrown out in the State vetting before they are issued.....

Remember, several states issue gvt photo id's to illegal immigrants, they allow illegals to get driver's licenses...yet some citizen like my mother in law who had voted for 50 years, would be rejected because she did not drive until age 76....

AND as G5000 has mentioned, gvt issued gvt id does NOT STOP the real voter fraud that IS OCCURRING.....

you all have been fooled in to thinking it will stop the fraud, when the fraud occurs through absentee ballots and the dead left on voter rolls instead of being purged, and a citizen being registered in 2 different states, etc etc etc none of which voter photo id is the solution to stopping it....

looks like the politicians want the REAL voter fraud to continue, and are playing a 'slight of hand', on you

that of course is unprovable. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

And as far as FORCING people to get ID, no one is FORCED to do anything. You can choose not to vote. Frankly I don't want those who are too lazy,stupid, or incompetent to find an hour once every four fucking years and $10 to get an ID voting anyway.

I'll bet you right now that every fucking person who claims that they can't get an ID to vote would find a a way to get ID right lickety split if their gummit check was on the line.

As for don't want one? I don't care. I don't want to wait 7 days to buy a handgun when I buy a new one either, but the law says I have to , so I obey the law. I don't whine like a bitch

Let me explain to you how a real conservative thinks. A real conservative asks for evidence that a new government program will be effective before a single dime is spent on it. A real conservative asks for evidence that a new government program which adds an additional hurdle to their life will do what its proponents claim it will do.

A real conservative does NOT say, "I obey the law and don't whine." A real conservative ALWAYS questions every new law.
Wait. Are yall pissed because they are registering or by the timing and location?

Either way...suck it up. Repubes can do it too.
How cute. You're real witty.
You are welcome. My answer to such witticisms like libturds, dimocraps, etc...
Question: do take offense at those and point them out?
Wait. Are yall pissed because they are registering or by the timing and location?

Either way...suck it up. Repubes can do it too.
How cute. You're real witty.

Using juvenile behavior by someone else as an excuse for juvenile behavior...great logic...That ranks right up there with "bush did it too".
This has nothing to do with me other than you looking for a reason to change the subject..
I make fun of both sides with their partisan, adolescent namecalling.
Most adults know by now that there is no difference between the two parties.Anyone who sincerely believes "their" party is "better" has been thoroughly duped.
You sound like middle school children calling each other names.

But do continue namecalling and chanting hyperpartisan buzzwords in unison with each other as the country continues to decline. You look so mature and grown up...and we'll rebuild when you guys are finished playing "you suck". " No YOU suck" with each other.
Voter ID is a feel good measure for the rubes which accomplishes absolutely NOTHING in stopping the kinds of fraud which occur.

I honestly don't know how the dumbshits' brains work. They see their state pass a Voter ID law, and then they hear news reports of this person and that person being arrested for voter fraud. Does it not cause even a single brain cell to go, "Huh? BUT THEY SAID VOTER ID WOULD STOP FRAUD!?!"
Further you imbecile, not ONE person that I have seen has said that Voter ID will STOP voter fraud.
That's like saying "how come dui checkpoints don't stop dui?" Because you dumb fuck no one ever said checkpoints will stop dui.

God you are a dishonest child.
I'll ask again.

I will use small words.


You need an ID to buy beer. Is there any other way to prove your age beside showing an ID?


Are there any other ways to prevent or stop voter fraud besides Voter ID?


Therefore, Voter ID is not needed, and it is retarded to compare it to an ID for beer.
Thanks for the breakdown in your thought process. Something in your head is wired wrong.

It is called critical thinking. Critical thinking looks alien to tards.

There may be other ways to help prevent voter fraud but it still happens. It has not been eliminated. A voter ID might not eliminate it altogether either but it would help identify those who voted twice, or more and those not eligible.

Voter ID does not eliminate it AT ALL.

Show me a case of someone voting twice that could have been prevented or stopped only by Voter ID.

Think about it. Once you manage to register in two different places, how is producing an ID going to stop you from voting? Huh?

It won't.
So, you make it a privilege, not a right, to vote?

I guess it already is.

In america you need valid ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, fly, cash a check, rent a car...etc.countless other transactions....

Is anyone saying that requiring an ID to buying alcohol, cigarettes, cashing checks, etc..violate their "rights"?
You guys pretend to be so intelligent ..but can sure play dumb when it suits your purpose.
purposely mischaracterizing and distorting is what you do best...carry on.No one is fooled by all that misdirection.

If everyone has easy access to a government issued photo id, then why do millions of Americans not have one already?

You tell me.
Because they haven't needed one in order to live in this country, they are already established with bank accounts and check cashing cards and all the things you say they need a government photo id for....they don't....and why should they have to go out and get one, just for voting, when they have been registered to vote for 20-60 years already?

What is your stance on concealed carry permits?

And no offense but you are REALLY old , if you got your DL without any proof of identity
if approaching mid 50's is really old in your mind, then you must be really really young! :D

in fact i did not have a valid government issued photo id, until i renewed my driver's license in 2012.....yes in 2012 was my first valid gvt issued photo id....my State rejected the federal gvt's rfid plans for drivers licenses as an over reach of the federal gvt and sued the federal gvt along with other independent states who rejected their over reach.....till the State got paid off by the feds and finally accepted it.....2012, when i renewed my license, they requested a birth certificate, now my driver's license has a chip in it......just wonderful..... :(

The state i lived in when i got my driver's license did NOT have pictures on the license....i got my first checking account with that non photo'd drivers license and a pay stub....

BUt surely you understand things have changed. Not all for the better, but things have changed. When you got your non picture ID , a person could also walk into a gun store and walk out with damn near any weapon they pleased without any hassle. A person could walk into a airport buy a ticket cash, never give ANY name and board a flight without ever even being looked at. Things change, voter ID is no different in that regard.
nothing at all has changed to require me to have a driver's license with an rfid chip in it, in order for me to vote....nor should it change at the voting poll....if the citizen is registered to vote, the State has vetted them already....that is when the vetting should take place....after that....once you are cleared and registered, I don't think it is necessary to have id, as long as the poll worker asks your name, your address, what party you belong to, and you sign verifying you are that person....then I am fine with it.....

but if your state wants to have id's used, that's fine too, but people should NOT BE FORCED to get a gvt issued federal rfid, driver's license or rfid gvt ID in order to vote, they should be able to use a pay stub and recent electric bill, or birth certificate or mariage license with a water bill..... remember, the vetting by the State, takes place when registering....the donald ducks and mickey mouses get thrown out in the State vetting before they are issued.....

Remember, several states issue gvt photo id's to illegal immigrants, they allow illegals to get driver's licenses...yet some citizen like my mother in law who had voted for 50 years, would be rejected because she did not drive until age 76....

AND as G5000 has mentioned, gvt issued gvt id does NOT STOP the real voter fraud that IS OCCURRING.....

you all have been fooled in to thinking it will stop the fraud, when the fraud occurs through absentee ballots and the dead left on voter rolls instead of being purged, and a citizen being registered in 2 different states, etc etc etc none of which voter photo id is the solution to stopping it....

looks like the politicians want the REAL voter fraud to continue, and are playing a 'slight of hand', on you

that of course is unprovable. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

And as far as FORCING people to get ID, no one is FORCED to do anything. You can choose not to vote. Frankly I don't want those who are too lazy,stupid, or incompetent to find an hour once every four fucking years and $10 to get an ID voting anyway.

I'll bet you right now that every fucking person who claims that they can't get an ID to vote would find a a way to get ID right lickety split if their gummit check was on the line.

As for don't want one? I don't care. I don't want to wait 7 days to buy a handgun when I buy a new one either, but the law says I have to , so I obey the law. I don't whine like a bitch

Let me explain to you how a real conservative thinks. A real conservative asks for evidence that a new government program will be effective before a single dime is spent on it. A real conservative asks for evidence that a new government program which adds an additional hurdle to their life will do what its proponents claim it will do.

A real conservative does NOT say, "I obey the law and don't whine." A real conservative ALWAYS questions every new law.

LOL how much money exactly do you think saying "bring ID with you to vote" will cost the government? I mean for real?
Voter ID is a feel good measure for the rubes which accomplishes absolutely NOTHING in stopping the kinds of fraud which occur.

I honestly don't know how the dumbshits' brains work. They see their state pass a Voter ID law, and then they hear news reports of this person and that person being arrested for voter fraud. Does it not cause even a single brain cell to go, "Huh? BUT THEY SAID VOTER ID WOULD STOP FRAUD!?!"
Further you imbecile, not ONE person that I have seen has said that Voter ID will STOP voter fraud.

Then why do you want it?

Show me a single case where it would have been the only means to prevent or stop one. Just one. Go ahead.

Get busy.
Voter ID is a feel good measure for the rubes which accomplishes absolutely NOTHING in stopping the kinds of fraud which occur.

I honestly don't know how the dumbshits' brains work. They see their state pass a Voter ID law, and then they hear news reports of this person and that person being arrested for voter fraud. Does it not cause even a single brain cell to go, "Huh? BUT THEY SAID VOTER ID WOULD STOP FRAUD!?!"
Further you imbecile, not ONE person that I have seen has said that Voter ID will STOP voter fraud.

Then why do you want it?

Show me a single case where it would have prevented or stopped one. Just one. Go ahead.

Get busy.

At this point, just to make your head spin

I notice you are actively avoiding my question of how you can support requiring ID to exercise one right but not the other. Pussy.
Here are the types of fraud which occur:

Dead people voting? Purging the dead from voter rolls would solve that. Fix the problem, not the symptom.

Absentee ballot fraud? Probably the most common type of fraud which occurs. Voter ID is powerless to stop it.

Voting in two locations? Voter ID is powerless to stop it. The problem is happening during the registration process.

Poll worker fraud? Voter ID is powerless to stop it.

So what kind of retard calls himself a conservative who demands taxpayer dollars be spent on a completely ineffective government intervention in the voting process?
Yet why do Democrats say that voter I.D. laws are racist?

Why has Eric Holder sued every state that tries to institute laws that require a picture I.D. to register or vote?

Probably because the ID laws effect minority voters the most. Gee, that wasn't difficult.

Here's the deal...and I'm using rough numbers. 22% of eligible voters don't have the photo ID required by some of the more restrictive ID states. The amount of voter fraud that would be stopped with these restrictive laws is less than 1%. When the number of voters that would be disenfranchised is less...or at least in single digits and much closer the fraud that would be stopped, I'm behind restrictive photo ID laws 100%.
Why do you think that?

Do you think being black means you're either too poor or too stupid to get a driver's license? That is exactly the implication here. Blacks need a picture I.D. to buy a pack of cigarettes or buy booze but it's racist to ask them for one when they go to the polls.

This is just another example of why Democrats are dishonest and their policies are inherently racist. Any fool could figure it out.
Give every American an ID and then you can require it to vote
Every legal American, not illegal immigrants.
South Africa requires voter ID and they have no problem with it.
Is there process identical to ours in every respect? What if Nazi German required Voter ID? Is that a good excuse?

This is all you have? "Because South Africa?"

Europe has socialized medicine and they have no problem with it... See how that works?
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If you're going to require I.D. to do something less important by law, there is no excuse for not providing some kind of I.D. when voting, and no rationale can refute it.

Actually, I have thoroughly refuted it.

No you have not

You support Id to buy guns

but not Id to vote

Only a retard would hold those two polar positions.

"Poor people who can't get id fuck you can't have guns, but hey you can vote""

May be the stupidest fucking argument in all of liberal stupidity
Here are the types of fraud which occur:

Dead people voting? Purging the dead from voter rolls would solve that. Fix the problem, not the symptom.

Absentee ballot fraud? Probably the most common type of fraud which occurs. Voter ID is powerless to stop it.

Voting in two locations? Voter ID is powerless to stop it. The problem is happening during the registration process.

Poll worker fraud? Voter ID is powerless to stop it.

So what kind of retard calls himself a conservative who demands taxpayer dollars be spent on a completely ineffective government intervention in the voting process?

Of course Voter ID could be used to stop that.


"Oh I'm sorry Mr Smith, this ID has already been used to vote"

Here are the types of fraud which occur:

Dead people voting? Purging the dead from voter rolls would solve that. Fix the problem, not the symptom.

Absentee ballot fraud? Probably the most common type of fraud which occurs. Voter ID is powerless to stop it.

Voting in two locations? Voter ID is powerless to stop it. The problem is happening during the registration process.

Poll worker fraud? Voter ID is powerless to stop it.

So what kind of retard calls himself a conservative who demands taxpayer dollars be spent on a completely ineffective government intervention in the voting process?

Of course Voter ID could be used to stop that.


"Oh I'm sorry Mr Smith, this ID has already been used to vote"


They already have a means to catch double voters. No Voter ID necessary.

Hannah's double voting was detected by the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program, a system in which Arizona shares voter data with at least 20 other states.

The record shows that Hannah first voted in the 2010 Colorado election by mail, sending in her ballot from her Bullhead City address in mid-October. She also voted at a Bullhead City polling place on Election Day 2010.
Bullhead City woman who voted twice loses right to vote

Once by mail, once in person. No way Voter ID would have caught that. She was caught by other means.

No Voter ID necessary.

By the way, Arizona has Voter ID. :badgrin:

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