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As Predicted, Democrats Using Ferguson Riots To Register Voters

If you're going to require I.D. to do something less important by law, there is no excuse for not providing some kind of I.D. when voting, and no rationale can refute it.

Actually, I have thoroughly refuted it.

No you have not

You support Id to buy guns

but not Id to vote

Only a retard would hold those two polar positions.

Only a retard would continue to fail to see the difference between apples and oranges.
Voter ID is a feel good measure for the rubes which accomplishes absolutely NOTHING in stopping the kinds of fraud which occur.

I honestly don't know how the dumbshits' brains work. They see their state pass a Voter ID law, and then they hear news reports of this person and that person being arrested for voter fraud. Does it not cause even a single brain cell to go, "Huh? BUT THEY SAID VOTER ID WOULD STOP FRAUD!?!"
I believe the subject of voter fraud deals with the voter, not the poll worker or the politician. An ID with code readers would permit a person to vote only at his polling place. Then if he went to another precinct he wouldn't be able to vote again. We wouldn't then have some toothless street bum with a pint of Four Roses in a paper bag he got for voting 73 times bragging about it on national TV. This happens to be the age of Electronic Data Processing, not 1887 that liberals would like to exist.
If you're going to require I.D. to do something less important by law, there is no excuse for not providing some kind of I.D. when voting, and no rationale can refute it.

Actually, I have thoroughly refuted it.

No you have not

You support Id to buy guns

but not Id to vote

Only a retard would hold those two polar positions.

Only a retard would continue to fail to see the difference between apples and oranges.

My God you are stupid

A right is a right is a right.

If you have to prove you are able to exercise one you can be made to prove you can exercise another.

Get your get little ass in bed, third grade starts early tomorrow
Oh, then how is still happening?

Doesn't matter anyway. Unless and until you can explain how you could POSSIBLY support requiring ID to buy a gun but oppose requiring ID to vote you have been utterly destroyed in this thread and we both know it, as does everyone in this thread, hell ISIS probably knows it by now. Probably sitting in their tent over in Syria right now "That G5000 he a dumb fuck, stupid American"

And since all you want to do is claim you responded to it rather than actually responding to it, and seeing as how I've spanked your ass like a little child who got caught in mommy's make up I'm going to go ahead and stop responding to you now.

Now, go eat all your veggies, drink your milk, and have a good night's rest so you ready for school tomorrow.

You get an F for today, kid. You failed to find a single case of voter fraud which could only be prevented or stopped by Voter ID. I bet it burns your ass you could not find one. :biggrin:
If you're going to require I.D. to do something less important by law, there is no excuse for not providing some kind of I.D. when voting, and no rationale can refute it.

Actually, I have thoroughly refuted it.

No you have not

You support Id to buy guns

but not Id to vote

Only a retard would hold those two polar positions.

Only a retard would continue to fail to see the difference between apples and oranges.

My God you are stupid

A right is a right is a right.

If you have to prove you are able to exercise one you can be made to prove you can exercise another.

Get your get little ass in bed, third grade starts early tomorrow

Look at the tard still trying to make apples look like oranges! BWA-HA-HA-HA!
its not apples to oranges just because some liberal snot nose little punk says it is on a message board . Seriously do you see that your liberal buddies abandoned thread the MOMENT I asked about this, but you decided to go down with the ship.. You have been spanked so hard in this thread that your kids (if by the off chance that you're not a queer) will feel it.

Now, go to bed young moron.
its not apples to oranges just because some liberal snot nose little punk says it is on a message board . Seriously do you see that your liberal buddies abandoned thread the MOMENT I asked about this, but you decided to go down with the ship.. You have been spanked so hard in this thread that your kids (if by the off chance that you're not a queer) will feel it.

Now, go to bed young moron.
I explained in very small words why your apples/oranges comparison fails. You really need to take a course in logic so you don't make such an incredibly persistent fool of yourself.:lol::lol::lol:
You cannot demonstrate a means by which an ID is not necessary to prevent an unauthorized person from buying a gun.

I have amply demonstrated an ID is not necessary to prevent an unauthorized person from voting. No one has provided a single example of fraud which only Voter ID would have prevented or stopped the fraud. Ever. Not once.

I cannot help it if you dolts are too retarded to see the difference. Whining about "big words" won't help you.

Thus, the analogy is false. Without providing the evidence that only Voter ID would work when voting, it utterly fails.
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Republicans can do the same. Why the whining?
Repubs don't register rioters and looters at the scene and they don't register cemetary residents.

Can you provide the names of the rioters who got registered to vote during this effort?
Sure. The Registration list. Does anyone think the shooting and the riots prompted people to say, "Dammit, this shit makes me mad enough to want to vote." Thank the two Godly Reverends.

You have the registration list? However did you manage to get a hold of that?
No, the Liberal pukes have it. But it should be a public record.
How come Republicans don't want people to vote?

They should be allowed to vote. Providing they are voting within their own jurisdiction.

  • Tina Johnson was arrested on 10 counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote, and two counts of absentee ballots and voting violations.
  • Johnson Jr. was charged with 11 counts of fraud in connection with casting votes, as well as corruptly influencing voting, and perjury by false written declaration.
  • Williams was charged with 17 counts of neglect of duty and corrupt practices for allowing the distribution of these absentee ballots.
• Shalonda Michaelle Brinson, 36, nine counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote
• Judy Ann Crumitie, 51, four counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote
• Laverne V. Haynes, 57, two counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote, two counts of perjury by false written declaration
• Ora Bell Rivers, 41, seven counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote, three counts of perjury by false written declaration
• Raven Simona Williams, 20, two counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote, two counts of perjury by false written declaration

In November 2009, Democratic operative Anthony DeFiglio told New York State police investigators that faking absentee ballots was a commonplace and accepted practice in political circles, all intended to swing an election.

In April 2011, a Tunica County, Miss., jury convicted NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots.

Sowers received a five-year prison term for each of the 10 counts…..

“This crime cuts against the fabric of our free society,” Judge Webster said.

DEMOCRATS Arrested and or Convicted of Voter Fraud

The State Board of Elections has alerted the Office of the State Prosecutor to a report that 164 people voted in both Maryland and Virginia in the November 2012 presidential election, in violation of the law.

The Baltimore Sun
No one can demonstrate another means by which one could prove they are of legal age to buy alcohol (or a gun, or whatever) without an ID.

I, however, have asked Voter ID proponents to provide just one case of actual voter fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by an ID. They have never been able to do so.

Thus the idiocy of the "you need an ID to buy beer" argument.
That doesn't make any sense. How would you prove it if a person with no ID voted illegally but would have voted legally with one? It's common sense that no ID enables much more opportunity for fraud just like no lD requirement for alcohol would lead to more underage drinking.
Please provide just one case of actual voter fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by an ID.
It's common sense that no ID enables much more opportunity for fraud just like no lD requirement for alcohol would lead to more underage drinking.
And so you have ZERO evidence to support Voter ID.

Just like I said. No one has ever been able to provide an actual case of voter fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

Thus the idiocy of the "you need an ID to buy beer" apples and oranges fallacy. It can be demonstrated that there is no other way to verify age than an ID. But you have failed to demonstrate there is no other way to prevent the types of voter fraud which occur.

you are setting up a false analogy.

Nope. The bozos with the "you need an ID to buy beer" are setting up the false analogy! Apples and oranges.

IF there is no other way to prove a person's age without ID , then likewise there is no other way to prove their identity without identity.

The fact that you here stating that you trust people to take their word when they say they are who they say they are but you don't trust them to tell you how old they really are seems mighty fishy to me and speaks of partisan stupidity.

I have a feeling you have never registered to vote and then voted.

I explained in very simple terms why your fantasy voter fraud does not match reality in an earlier post.

That's why I keep asking for ACTUAL voter fraud cases in which Voter ID, and only Voter ID, could have stopped or prevented the fraud.

You have a feeling I have what?

Your analogy is stupid. You trust people to tell you who they are but not to tell you how old they are.

That tells me EVERYTHING I know about your "honesty" and your "debating skills"

I explained the fallacy of the "you need ID to buy beer" comparison in post 341. I cannot help you if you are too retarded to get it.

A lot of bloviation to cover up the fact you have no evidence. Nothing. Not one case of voter fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

All you have are imaginary fantasies and a shitload of logical fallacies to cover up that simple fact.

You didn't explain shit. It cracks me up when people think using big words makes them look smart.

Explain this
How do you trust people to tell you who they are


not trust them to tell you how old they are?

or how about this one

how do you justify requiring ID to exercise one right, but not the other

Or how about this dumb shit, can you PROVE that anyone has not been able to exercise their right to vote because of voter ID?

You are clearly a dumb fuck, but if you would like me to run you all over the flagpole on this topic I will surely oblige you.
I see you are too retarded. Can't help you. Read posts 341 and 347 over and over and over until you get it. Mm-kay?
In other words, you got nothing..

I'm retarded? Son, I asked you a direct question and you are either too stupid to understand the question or realize that NO answer you give would make a lick of sense, meaning of course that you support a stupid unsupportable position, which would make you a moron.

I'll ask again.

How do you justify requiring ID to exercise one right while screaming like a bitch about requiring ID to exercise another?

I will use small words.


You need an ID to buy beer. Is there any other way to prove your age beside showing an ID?


Are there any other ways to prevent or stop voter fraud besides Voter ID?


Therefore, Voter ID is not needed, and it is retarded to compare it to an ID for beer.


Now, tard, I have asked YOU several times to provide me a case of actual fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

Get busy.

What is it with dishonest liberals?

Answer my question, which has NOTHING to do with buying beer.

What kind of fucking retard supports requiring ID to exercise ONE enumerated right, but screams that those who want to exercise another enumerated right shouldn't have to get ID?
Not sure what you're talking about? I can go to a gun show in most states and purchase a firearm without ID.
Not sure what you're talking about? I can go to a gun show in most states and purchase a firearm without ID.

Not if Liberals like G5000 have their way
What difference does their wishes make? The fact of the matter is if I want to purchase a firearm with no ID whatsoever, I can do that. So stop with the bullshit about ID'ing for voting because ID is needed to buy a gun. And Considering how few people commit fraud out of the 100+ million who vote in national elections, it's a complete waste. The worst part is that it would disenfranchise some folks who, for whatever reason, don't get such a ID or lose it before an election.
Not sure what you're talking about? I can go to a gun show in most states and purchase a firearm without ID.

Not if Liberals like G5000 have their way
What difference does their wishes make? The fact of the matter is if I want to purchase a firearm with no ID whatsoever, I can do that. So stop with the bullshit about ID'ing for voting because ID is needed to buy a gun. And Considering how few people commit fraud out of the 100+ million who vote in national elections, it's a complete waste. The worst part is that it would disenfranchise some folks who, for whatever reason, don't get such a ID or lose it before an election.

Frankly I don't care if people who are so stupid, lazy, incompetent, or just downright moronic that they can't get a state ID are disenfranchised. Don't care. Fuck em.

But, be that as it may. Give me ONE example of ANYONE who has been disenfranchised by Voter ID laws, just one
Wait. Are yall pissed because they are registering or by the timing and location?

Either way...suck it up. Repubes can do it too.
How cute. You're real witty.
You are welcome. My answer to such witticisms like libturds, dimocraps, etc...
Question: do take offense at those and point them out?
Wait. Are yall pissed because they are registering or by the timing and location?

Either way...suck it up. Repubes can do it too.
How cute. You're real witty.

Using juvenile behavior by someone else as an excuse for juvenile behavior...great logic...That ranks right up there with "bush did it too".
This has nothing to do with me other than you looking for a reason to change the subject..
I make fun of both sides with their partisan, adolescent namecalling.
Most adults know by now that there is no difference between the two parties.Anyone who sincerely believes "their" party is "better" has been thoroughly duped.
You sound like middle school children calling each other names.

But do continue namecalling and chanting hyperpartisan buzzwords in unison with each other as the country continues to decline. You look so mature and grown up...and we'll rebuild when you guys are finished playing "you suck". " No YOU suck" with each other.
Who the fuck dued and made you fucking hall moniter?

If you dont like my reply feel free to fucking not reply. Easy peasy.
Wait. Are yall pissed because they are registering or by the timing and location?

Either way...suck it up. Repubes can do it too.
How cute. You're real witty.
You are welcome. My answer to such witticisms like libturds, dimocraps, etc...
Question: do take offense at those and point them out?
Wait. Are yall pissed because they are registering or by the timing and location?

Either way...suck it up. Repubes can do it too.
How cute. You're real witty.

Using juvenile behavior by someone else as an excuse for juvenile behavior...great logic...That ranks right up there with "bush did it too".
This has nothing to do with me other than you looking for a reason to change the subject..
I make fun of both sides with their partisan, adolescent namecalling.
Most adults know by now that there is no difference between the two parties.Anyone who sincerely believes "their" party is "better" has been thoroughly duped.
You sound like middle school children calling each other names.

But do continue namecalling and chanting hyperpartisan buzzwords in unison with each other as the country continues to decline. You look so mature and grown up...and we'll rebuild when you guys are finished playing "you suck". " No YOU suck" with each other.
Not sure what you're talking about? I can go to a gun show in most states and purchase a firearm without ID.

Not if Liberals like G5000 have their way
What difference does their wishes make? The fact of the matter is if I want to purchase a firearm with no ID whatsoever, I can do that. So stop with the bullshit about ID'ing for voting because ID is needed to buy a gun. And Considering how few people commit fraud out of the 100+ million who vote in national elections, it's a complete waste. The worst part is that it would disenfranchise some folks who, for whatever reason, don't get such a ID or lose it before an election.

Frankly I don't care if people who are so stupid, lazy, incompetent, or just downright moronic that they can't get a state ID are disenfranchised. Don't care. Fuck em.

But, be that as it may. Give me ONE example of ANYONE who has been disenfranchised by Voter ID laws, just one
Sure .... Willie Mims

93-year-old black man disenfranchised by Alabama voter ID law MSNBC
Not sure what you're talking about? I can go to a gun show in most states and purchase a firearm without ID.

Not if Liberals like G5000 have their way
What difference does their wishes make? The fact of the matter is if I want to purchase a firearm with no ID whatsoever, I can do that. So stop with the bullshit about ID'ing for voting because ID is needed to buy a gun. And Considering how few people commit fraud out of the 100+ million who vote in national elections, it's a complete waste. The worst part is that it would disenfranchise some folks who, for whatever reason, don't get such a ID or lose it before an election.

They are sure to be the ones in trouble with this Obamacare mandate. Try assisting someone without knowing their medical history, or acquiring medication. Again I ask, how many pharmacists are willing to fill out prescriptions to individuals right off the street without proper ID proving who they are?
Not sure what you're talking about? I can go to a gun show in most states and purchase a firearm without ID.

Not if Liberals like G5000 have their way
What difference does their wishes make? The fact of the matter is if I want to purchase a firearm with no ID whatsoever, I can do that. So stop with the bullshit about ID'ing for voting because ID is needed to buy a gun. And Considering how few people commit fraud out of the 100+ million who vote in national elections, it's a complete waste. The worst part is that it would disenfranchise some folks who, for whatever reason, don't get such a ID or lose it before an election.

The number of cases surrounding voter fraud appear to be bigger than you implied.

The latest interstate voter cross check tallied 6,951,484 overlapping voter registrations, and they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

The cross-check program involves only 28 states and does not include the three largest: California, Texas and Florida.

6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states report finds Watchdog.org
Not sure what you're talking about? I can go to a gun show in most states and purchase a firearm without ID.

Not if Liberals like G5000 have their way
What difference does their wishes make? The fact of the matter is if I want to purchase a firearm with no ID whatsoever, I can do that. So stop with the bullshit about ID'ing for voting because ID is needed to buy a gun. And Considering how few people commit fraud out of the 100+ million who vote in national elections, it's a complete waste. The worst part is that it would disenfranchise some folks who, for whatever reason, don't get such a ID or lose it before an election.

The number of cases surrounding voter fraud appear to be bigger than you implied.

The latest interstate voter cross check tallied 6,951,484 overlapping voter registrations, and they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

The cross-check program involves only 28 states and does not include the three largest: California, Texas and Florida.

6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states report finds Watchdog.org
No Liberal has ever been known to admit that voter fraud is a reality. Even when faced with the knowledge that voter fraud is an epidemic nationwide. Hell, just look at the COOTUS they elected. He comes from the cradle of fraud and corruption.
Not sure what you're talking about? I can go to a gun show in most states and purchase a firearm without ID.

Not if Liberals like G5000 have their way
What difference does their wishes make? The fact of the matter is if I want to purchase a firearm with no ID whatsoever, I can do that. So stop with the bullshit about ID'ing for voting because ID is needed to buy a gun. And Considering how few people commit fraud out of the 100+ million who vote in national elections, it's a complete waste. The worst part is that it would disenfranchise some folks who, for whatever reason, don't get such a ID or lose it before an election.

They are sure to be the ones in trouble with this Obamacare mandate. Try assisting someone without knowing their medical history, or acquiring medication. Again I ask, how many pharmacists are willing to fill out prescriptions to individuals right off the street without proper ID proving who they are?
What does that have to do with requiring photo ID in order to allow Americans their Constitutional right to vote?
Not sure what you're talking about? I can go to a gun show in most states and purchase a firearm without ID.

Not if Liberals like G5000 have their way
What difference does their wishes make? The fact of the matter is if I want to purchase a firearm with no ID whatsoever, I can do that. So stop with the bullshit about ID'ing for voting because ID is needed to buy a gun. And Considering how few people commit fraud out of the 100+ million who vote in national elections, it's a complete waste. The worst part is that it would disenfranchise some folks who, for whatever reason, don't get such a ID or lose it before an election.

They are sure to be the ones in trouble with this Obamacare mandate. Try assisting someone without knowing their medical history, or acquiring medication. Again I ask, how many pharmacists are willing to fill out prescriptions to individuals right off the street without proper ID proving who they are?
What does that have to do with requiring photo ID in order to allow Americans their Constitutional right to vote?
Relativity. Comparison. No wonder you liberal pukes are so clueless.

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