As President Trump predicted, under Biden we’d be paying $7 for a gallon of gas.

Republicans and Democrats in Congress are united against buying oil from Russia. Why is it on Biden?

Its on Biden because the price is going through the roof on his watch, and he's doing nothing to stop it.

If Sleepy Joe kept US self sufficiency on energy that Trump started, it wouldn't make a difference whether we imported oil from Russia.
Biden’s attack on U.S. energy producers, starting with his freeze on federal oil and gas leases, will assuredly take a toll on output down the road and cause prices at the pump to rise.

Instead of attempting to build on that achievement, Biden has tried to bury it. Upon taking office President Biden immediately froze arms sales to the UAE, which had been promised as part of the deal. He next halted military aid to the Saudi war in Yemen and rescinded the terrorist organization designation applied to the Houthis by President Trump, emboldening that group to step up their attacks on Saudi Arabia.

Travelers this summer may get a preview of what Biden’s anti-oil policies will come to mean for their pocketbooks. Right out of the gate, Biden curtsied to the climate warriors by canceling the Keystone Pipeline and, more consequentially, pausing the leasing of federal lands for oil and gas development. Federal lands account for about 22 percent of U.S. oil production.
Quit complaining, load up your gats, and declare war on all republicans everywhere. As you are heading out to engage your republican enemies, keep the sound of Gomer Pyle speaking the words, "surprise, surprise, surprise," playing over and over again in your head.
So we find out you're a real pussy. You can't answer post#9.
Because he stole the election. It’s his foreign policy.
He claimed his sanctions would stop Putin.
He claimed Putin wouldn’t dare do anything because he was the only one to ever go “toe to toe” with Putin.

Biden lied, and now he is going to punish all Americans for it.

How's the weather in Moscow, Ivan.
Its on Biden because the price is going through the roof on his watch, and he's doing nothing to stop it.

If Sleepy Joe kept US self sufficiency on energy that Trump started, it wouldn't make a difference whether we imported oil from Russia.
We are one of the largest producers, with a strong domestic oil and gas industry. We have actually produced more oil. It is at record numbers, and we will continue to produce more oil. There are 9,000 approved drilling permits that are not being used. So, the suggestion that we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate. The suggestion that that is what is hindering or preventing gas prices to come down is inaccurate. In your first sentence, you've proven to us all that ignorance rules your world. And may I add, really fucking stupid.
Biden’s attack on U.S. energy producers, starting with his freeze on federal oil and gas leases, will assuredly take a toll on output down the road and cause prices at the pump to rise.

Instead of attempting to build on that achievement, Biden has tried to bury it. Upon taking office President Biden immediately froze arms sales to the UAE, which had been promised as part of the deal. He next halted military aid to the Saudi war in Yemen and rescinded the terrorist organization designation applied to the Houthis by President Trump, emboldening that group to step up their attacks on Saudi Arabia.

Travelers this summer may get a preview of what Biden’s anti-oil policies will come to mean for their pocketbooks. Right out of the gate, Biden curtsied to the climate warriors by canceling the Keystone Pipeline and, more consequentially, pausing the leasing of federal lands for oil and gas development. Federal lands account for about 22 percent of U.S. oil production.
What anti-oil policies; We are one of the largest producers, with a strong domestic oil and gas industry. We have actually produced more oil. It is at record numbers, and we will continue to produce more oil. There are 9,000 approved drilling permits that are not being used. So, the suggestion that we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate. The suggestion that that is what is hindering or preventing gas prices to come down is inaccurate.?
We are one of the largest producers, with a strong domestic oil and gas industry. We have actually produced more oil. It is at record numbers, and we will continue to produce more oil. There are 9,000 approved drilling permits that are not being used. So, the suggestion that we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate. The suggestion that that is what is hindering or preventing gas prices to come down is inaccurate. In your first sentence, you've proven to us all that ignorance rules your world. And may I add, really fucking stupid.

There is no reason why America isn't self sufficient for our gasoline needs is the point.

And if we were, the war in Ukraine would make a lick of difference if we kept the oil and gas here in America.

That's the key.

As far as the Eurotrash, who gives a shit about them- they can figure their own gasoline needs.
40 mpg in the little Nissan. Bring it on: The higher gas goes, the less chances the Dems have of ever winning an election again.

It does kinda suck that Walmart is always out of pasta though.
Only a MAGA Hatter would buy Great Value pasta.

How sad is that?
Quit complaining, load up your gats, and declare war on all republicans everywhere. As you are heading out to engage your republican enemies, keep the sound of Gomer Pyle speaking the words, "surprise, surprise, surprise," playing over and over again in your head.
It’s not (D) or (R).
it’s the trump cult.
Some cray cray loons you must be proud of.
Who is the one with the Russian masters?

View attachment 612261
Awww, did Hannity tell you what that remark was referring to?
Of course not.
Did Hannity tell you what Obama did?
Of course not.

Obama's remark was about the INF treaty Reagan signed with Gorbachev in 1988.
Did Hannity tell you what his daddy did?
Of course not.
Trump canceled the agreement, leaving his daddy to build and stage more nuclear missiles aimed at Europe, just like Putin wanted.

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