As President Trump predicted, under Biden we’d be paying $7 for a gallon of gas.

The weird worshipers of one dude correctly recognize that Americans' resolve to bear the economic burden of defending freedom and democracy would not have been an issue if the Cry Baby Loser has succeeded in destroying NATO.

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"That's my bumboy I conspired to elect!"...

He succeeded in funding NATO by making members pay their full agreed upon share.
You’re TDS has made you look foolish once again.
He told them to HONOR THEIR WORD.........
As the record indisputably affirms, the Cry Baby Loser continually whined about NATO, and threatened to withdraw from it, no doubt making Putin very moist.

False NATO Repeats​

Trump falsely said that the amount other NATO member countries spent on defense “was really heading in the wrong direction — three years ago was heading down.” Before Trump took office, NATO Europe and Canada had increased defense spending in 2015 and 2016.
He also claimed that “a lot” of countries are “delinquent” in their payments. But countries make their own decisions on what percentage of their gross domestic product to spend on their own defense. They don’t owe NATO money if they spend less than other countries choose to do.
Trump made his claim about overall defense spending during his appearance with Macron and similarly said in his meeting with Stoltenberg that defense spending for NATO members “was going down for close to 20 years. If you look at a chart, it was like a rollercoaster down, nothing up. And that was going on for a long time.”
Here’s the chart from the most recent NATO report on defense spending, published on Nov. 29:

It does not show defense spending for NATO countries, other than the United States, “going down for close to 20 years.” Instead, it shows spending declining for most of the 1990s, before rising or staying level for most of the next decade. Spending declined from 2009 to 2014, before rising again from 2015 to 2019.
Trump has made similar claims before. As we’ve written, Trump likes to take credit for increased spending by other NATO countries — which have upped their spending on defense by $40 billion, or 15%, from 2016 to 2019 — but he’s wrong to claim spending was “heading down” before he took office. Other countries had increased their defense spending by $12 billion or 4.8% from 2014 to 2016, according to the NATO report.
In his appearance with Stoltenberg, Trump also claimed: “And yet, you still have many delinquent — you know, I call them ‘delinquent’ when they’re not paid up in full. And then, I asked the other question: When they don’t pay up in full, what happens to the past year? So let’s say Germany is at 1% and they stay at 1% and another 1. … Because, you know, it’s not like, ‘Oh, gee. Let’s start a brand-new year.’ A lot of countries haven’t paid. And you could make the case that they haven’t paid. They’re, really, delinquent for 25, 30 years.”
But NATO countries don’t owe money to anyone else if they spend less on defense than other member countries.
In 2006, NATO countries made a commitment to aim to spend 2% of their GDP on their own defense. A NATO spokesman at the time said: “Let me be clear, this is not a hard commitment that they will do it. But it is a commitment to work towards it. And that will be a first within the Alliance.”
A 2014 NATO declaration after a summit in Wales again said that countries that weren’t meeting the 2% goal would “aim to move towards the 2% guideline within a decade.”
So, they have until 2024 to meet that target. As of the November NATO report, nine of the 29 member countries met the 2% goal in 2019.
Germany will spend an estimated 1.38% of its GDP on its defense in 2019, while the United States will spend 3.42%.
As the record indisputably affirms, the Cry Baby Loser continually whined about NATO, and threatened to withdraw from it, no doubt making Putin very moist.

False NATO Repeats​

Trump falsely said that the amount other NATO member countries spent on defense “was really heading in the wrong direction — three years ago was heading down.” Before Trump took office, NATO Europe and Canada had increased defense spending in 2015 and 2016.
He also claimed that “a lot” of countries are “delinquent” in their payments. But countries make their own decisions on what percentage of their gross domestic product to spend on their own defense. They don’t owe NATO money if they spend less than other countries choose to do.
Trump made his claim about overall defense spending during his appearance with Macron and similarly said in his meeting with Stoltenberg that defense spending for NATO members “was going down for close to 20 years. If you look at a chart, it was like a rollercoaster down, nothing up. And that was going on for a long time.”
Here’s the chart from the most recent NATO report on defense spending, published on Nov. 29:

It does not show defense spending for NATO countries, other than the United States, “going down for close to 20 years.” Instead, it shows spending declining for most of the 1990s, before rising or staying level for most of the next decade. Spending declined from 2009 to 2014, before rising again from 2015 to 2019.
Trump has made similar claims before. As we’ve written, Trump likes to take credit for increased spending by other NATO countries — which have upped their spending on defense by $40 billion, or 15%, from 2016 to 2019 — but he’s wrong to claim spending was “heading down” before he took office. Other countries had increased their defense spending by $12 billion or 4.8% from 2014 to 2016, according to the NATO report.
In his appearance with Stoltenberg, Trump also claimed: “And yet, you still have many delinquent — you know, I call them ‘delinquent’ when they’re not paid up in full. And then, I asked the other question: When they don’t pay up in full, what happens to the past year? So let’s say Germany is at 1% and they stay at 1% and another 1. … Because, you know, it’s not like, ‘Oh, gee. Let’s start a brand-new year.’ A lot of countries haven’t paid. And you could make the case that they haven’t paid. They’re, really, delinquent for 25, 30 years.”
But NATO countries don’t owe money to anyone else if they spend less on defense than other member countries.
In 2006, NATO countries made a commitment to aim to spend 2% of their GDP on their own defense. A NATO spokesman at the time said: “Let me be clear, this is not a hard commitment that they will do it. But it is a commitment to work towards it. And that will be a first within the Alliance.”
A 2014 NATO declaration after a summit in Wales again said that countries that weren’t meeting the 2% goal would “aim to move towards the 2% guideline within a decade.”
So, they have until 2024 to meet that target. As of the November NATO report, nine of the 29 member countries met the 2% goal in 2019.
Germany will spend an estimated 1.38% of its GDP on its defense in 2019, while the United States will spend 3.42%.
Fact check is a leftist has been well documented they have not honored their 2% commitment. It shows in your very post Germany only spending 1.38.


LONG OVERDUE............Trump was right about it........hell we have been saying it forever before we even knew Trump.
His solutions were always so good. Maybe build a $13B wall theat gets breached 3,372 times? Shine light inside the body and use bleach to fuel cars? Maybe nuking a hurricane will lower gas prices. Trump always had good ideas. He predicted the virus would be gone by summer. He was just off two years.
His solutions were always so good. Maybe build a $13B wall theat gets breached 3,372 times? Shine light inside the body and use bleach to fuel cars? Maybe nuking a hurricane will lower gas prices. Trump always had good ideas. He predicted the virus would be gone by summer. He was just off two years.

^^^This retard thinks covid is gone. LOL
His solutions were always so good. Maybe build a $13B wall theat gets breached 3,372 times? Shine light inside the body and use bleach to fuel cars? Maybe nuking a hurricane will lower gas prices. Trump always had good ideas. He predicted the virus would be gone by summer. He was just off two years.
He said we might CATCH A BREAK with the typical viruses WANE IN THE SUMMER.

But when it is engineered in a dang LAB with Gain of Function doesn't act normal.

But your side doesn't even want to talk about that aspect huh..........Or ECO HEALTH ALLIANCE...........and DARPA who were doing GAIN OF FUNCTION and Germ Warfare there.

Of course you will deny that .........and say put on tin foil. lmao


Well we just his 4.00 a gallon here in Melbourne, Florida. I much prefer Trump gas at 1.70.
Biden is going for the record books. Legacy of the highest gas prices in the history of the United States.

What a dirt bag............Maybe Putin is giving the Big Guy a bonus check for it.
He said we might CATCH A BREAK with the typical viruses WANE IN THE SUMMER.

But when it is engineered in a dang LAB with Gain of Function doesn't act normal.

But your side doesn't even want to talk about that aspect huh..........Or ECO HEALTH ALLIANCE...........and DARPA who were doing GAIN OF FUNCTION and Germ Warfare there.

Of course you will deny that .........and say put on tin foil. lmao


Why would I not want to talk about Trump’s administration being so disorganized HIS CDC was funding the Chinese to attack us with a virus on HIS watch because HE was so weak? HE was full of praise for China. I hope it does come out that HE funded China to attack us because Trump and his feckless leadership should be held responsible.

Whenever the weird worshipers of the Cry Baby Loser can't contrive any credible contradictory evidence to challenge the record, they just mewl,

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That all you got..............Why didn't NATO MEMBERS HONOR THEIR WORD..........Oh..............They HAVE NO HONOR..........


Why aren't their forces on the border of Ukraine saying Putin you piece of much as fart in my direction and I'll send you to hell....\

Oh........that's right............they don't have a big enough military to do

PUTIN DOESN'T WANT A PART OF THAT............Why he threatens Nukes......... it is.

If only he had tweeted it nicely, then the Dimmers wouldn't have gotten their feelings hurt.
Tweets had nothing to do with it. He was not a part of the warmongering Establishment. So the media was instructed to attack nonstop and gullible sheep followed.
Why would I not want to talk about Trump’s administration being so disorganized HIS CDC was funding the Chinese to attack us with a virus on HIS watch because HE was so weak? HE was full of praise for China. I hope it does come out that HE funded China to attack us because Trump and his feckless leadership should be held responsible.

More nonsense...........Your side bitched and moaned as he restricted travel.

You don't fool anyone. My problem with Trump is that we shut down at all. Classical response is not to hide from a low death rate virus........but to get herd immunity and protect the vulnerable........Covid has been a massive clusterfuck of Epic proportions. And you NEVER CONDEMN those playing Gain of Function in Wuhan.

Why don't you condemn that? And the key players using tax payer dollars to fund it?
More nonsense...........Your side bitched and moaned as he restricted travel.

You don't fool anyone. My problem with Trump is that we shut down at all. Classical response is not to hide from a low death rate virus........but to get herd immunity and protect the vulnerable........Covid has been a massive clusterfuck of Epic proportions. And you NEVER CONDEMN those playing Gain of Function in Wuhan.

Why don't you condemn that? And the key players using tax payer dollars to fund it?
If you can show me Trumps CDC funded something that was used as a bio weapon against the US I’ll be very loud about my criticism. Do you think it happened because Trump didn’t know what was going on under his nose or was he complicit?
If you can show me Trumps CDC funded something that was used as a bio weapon against the US I’ll be very loud about my criticism. Do you think it happened because Trump didn’t know what was going on under his nose or was he complicit?
Yawn..........Your TDS skirt came up on that..........We have documented that the NIH is the primary funder for research grants and Fauchi approves them. He approved the money to ECO Health Alliance......DARPA was also there............germ warfare counter bioterrorism goals.

Where the hell have you been...........Living under a rock?
Trump had been crapping on NATO for years.

Even before his inauguration, Trump shook the foundations of NATO more than any of his predecessors... His argument that NATO was “obsolete” because it was not doing enough to fight terrorism caused puzzlement in European capitals, given NATO’s fifteen-year involvement in Afghanistan.
Of even greater concern, however, was his apparent readiness to make conditional the holiest of holies, the US commitment under Article 5 of NATO’s founding treaty to come to the defense of any ally that comes under attack...
Never has a leading US political figure gone so far as to call into question US treaty obligations to its European allies, and to question the value of NATO itself...
Fortunately, NATO survived Trumpery, and has proved that it is far from "obsolete" as the Loser had declared and Putin had wished,
Trump had been crapping on NATO for years.

Even before his inauguration, Trump shook the foundations of NATO more than any of his predecessors... His argument that NATO was “obsolete” because it was not doing enough to fight terrorism caused puzzlement in European capitals, given NATO’s fifteen-year involvement in Afghanistan.
Of even greater concern, however, was his apparent readiness to make conditional the holiest of holies, the US commitment under Article 5 of NATO’s founding treaty to come to the defense of any ally that comes under attack...
Never has a leading US political figure gone so far as to call into question US treaty obligations to its European allies, and to question the value of NATO itself...
Fortunately, NATO survived Trumpery, and has proved that it is far from "obsolete" as the Loser had declared and Putin had wished,
Poor things crying because they are told to pay their damned Fair SHARE for their OWN PROTECTION.

The days of cheap gas are over. The oil companies can charge whatever they want.

Better get used to it because without it, that vehicle of yours is nothing more than an expensive lawn ornament.
They are over until Biden gets dethroned.

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