As President Trump predicted, under Biden we’d be paying $7 for a gallon of gas.

Who is the one with the Russian masters?

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March 17 2014
President Obama announced an expansion of sweeping sanctions today against officials in the Russian government in an effort to impose "costs" that further isolate Russia following its military occupation of Crimea, which he said threatens the "sovereignty and territorial integrity" of Ukraine.

"We are imposing sanctions on specific individuals responsibly for undermining the sovereignty territorial integrity and the government of Ukraine," Obama said at the White House. "We're making it clear that there are consequences for their actions".

March 24 2014
President Barack Obama and other world leaders have decided to end Russia’s role in the group of leading industrialized nations, the White House said Monday.

The move to suspend Russia’s membership in the G8 is the latest direct response from major countries allied against Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

August 24 2017
President Donald Trump renewed calls Sunday to readmit Russia to the G-7 while attending the summit in Biarritz, France.

“I think it’s a work in progress. We have a number of people that would like to see Russia back,” Trump said when asked if there was an update about adding the former member to the group.

June 2 2020
The G7 summit, which the US hosts this year, convenes the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the UK to discuss matters of co-operation.

But Mr Trump's invitation to Mr Putin has drawn the ire of the UK and Canada, whose leaders said on Sunday they would not support Russia's readmission to the group.
Russia was expelled from the group - previously known as the G8 - in 2014 in response to its annexation of Crimea.
Still asking? Why is this on Biden? We are one of the largest producers, with a strong domestic oil and gas industry. We have actually produced more oil. It is at record numbers, and we will continue to produce more oil. There are 9,000 approved drilling permits that are not being used. So, the suggestion that we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate. The suggestion that that is what is hindering or preventing gas prices to come down is inaccurate.
Biden has been trying to shutdown fracking ever since he ascended to the throat, dipstick.
Awww, did Hannity tell you what that remark was referring to?
Of course not.
Did Hannity tell you what Obama did?
Of course not.

Obama's remark was about the INF treaty Reagan signed with Gorbachev in 1988.
Did Hannity tell you what his daddy did?
Of course not.
Trump canceled the agreement, leaving his daddy to build and stage more nuclear missiles aimed at Europe, just like Putin wanted.
Russia was already violating that treaty and had missiles pointing at Europe.

You dont Honor an agreement when one has already broken the deal.

Doesnt matter. One SSBN from either side can destroy the other side.

MAD theory you Moonbat
Awww, did Hannity tell you what that remark was referring to?
Of course not.
Did Hannity tell you what Obama did?
Of course not.

Obama's remark was about the INF treaty Reagan signed with Gorbachev in 1988.
Did Hannity tell you what his daddy did?
Of course not.
Trump canceled the agreement, leaving his daddy to build and stage more nuclear missiles aimed at Europe, just like Putin wanted.
LOL, the INF treaty had already been violated by Russia during the Obama years. If President Trump would had kept us in it, then we would be bound by its restrictions and Russia wasn’t. NATO allies agreed we should pull out if Russia did not comply. Russia admitted to building a new missile system but wouldn’t let NATO inspect it. Only a pro-Russian stooge would had kept us bound to a treaty that was already being violated by Russia. Which is EXACTLY what your beloved Hussein did.

Nice try though.
President Trump was right, again!


The weird worshipers of one dude correctly recognize that Americans' resolve to bear the economic burden of defending freedom and democracy would not have been an issue if the Cry Baby Loser has succeeded in destroying NATO.

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"That's my bumboy I conspired to elect!"...

Gas prices hit record high of $4.17/gallon

average americans are struggling...that's why the Dems will struggle in the midterms

The weird worshipers of one dude correctly recognize that Americans' resolve to bear the economic burden of defending freedom and democracy would not have been an issue if the Cry Baby Loser has succeeded in destroying NATO.

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"That's my bumboy I conspired to elect!"...

LOL John Bolton. Yea, the biggest stupid fucking neocon out there. Russia invaded and took countries under Bush, Obama, and Biden, not President Trump. Those are the facts.

How does it feel to know that the Democratic Party’s foreign policy is now run by John Bolton and McCain types?
The weird worshipers of one dude correctly recognize that Americans' resolve to bear the economic burden of defending freedom and democracy would not have been an issue if the Cry Baby Loser has succeeded in destroying NATO.

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"That's my bumboy I conspired to elect!"...

And how would he do that BOLTON? How would he give it away? Oh ............Trump would say to the Ukrainian people hey I told Putin that he can have your country.

And they would all go shit...............throw down their weapons and give up without firing a shot.

How is this attacking the oil industry; We are one of the largest producers, with a strong domestic oil and gas industry. We have actually produced more oil. It is at record numbers, and we will continue to produce more oil. There are 9,000 approved drilling permits that are not being used. So, the suggestion that we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate. The suggestion that that is what is hindering or preventing gas prices to come down is inaccurate. ? It seems to me, the only one's hiding are the oil companies.
No the oil companies have now responded to the Biden administrations LIES, try to catch up you oil haters.
The days of cheap gas are over. The oil companies can charge whatever they want.

Better get used to it because without it, that vehicle of yours is nothing more than an expensive lawn ornament.
John Bolton. Yea, the biggest stupid fucking neocon out there.
The weird worshipers of one dude got in a tizzy when the right-winger the Loser had appointed his national security adviser candidly expressed his first-hand impressions of the Loser - like John Kelly and so many others before him. The petty vendettas against the Loser's "only the best people" whom he had appointed are seemingly limitless.
Your rhetorical flourish in the conspicuous absence of a coherent thought notwithstanding, Buttercup, the Loser's "savvy genius" certainly knew what he was doing when he conspired in the 2016 election to help Trump.

The Loser's constantly savaging NATO and his withholding military aid from Ukraine must have had the little thug cavorting around the Kremlin.


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The days of cheap gas are over. The oil companies can charge whatever they want.

Better get used to it because without it, that vehicle of yours is nothing more than an expensive lawn ornament.

No if we start up domestic oil production again we would be fine. But Biden stopped that and instead decided to import it.

2 years ago we were almost energy independent then Biden came in and took all of that away with the swipe of a pen.

We can have cheap gas and fuel sources again with a simple reversal of bidens decisions to hamper domestic oil production, selling reserves to China and importing it from Russia.
Your rhetorical flourish in the conspicuous absence of a coherent thought notwithstanding, Buttercup, the Loser's "savvy genius" certainly knew what he was doing when he conspired in the 2016 election to help Trump.

The Loser's constantly savaging NATO and his withholding military aid from Ukraine must have had the little thug cavorting around the Kremlin.

He told them to HONOR THEIR WORD.........They gave their word they would spend more on their own defense..............THEY LIED..........

They don't like being called LIARS...........OH WELL..........Now as the Bear is on the move...........we see them going..........DAMN WE NEED TO SPEND MORE ON WEAPONS.......


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