As Sham Impeachment Trial Begins, Democrats Try To Re-write History By Denying Their Owns Calls For Violence

As Sham Impeachment Trial Begins, Democrats Try To Re-write History By Denying Their Owns Calls For Violence

1. the Impeachment and Trial are legitimate

2. actions or calls by others in the past have zero bearing upon whether the President of the United States incited Insurrection on January 6, 2021.

Every time I hear “insurrection” from the Democrats and the Left about January 6 at the Capitol, I don’t know whether to laugh or be concerned. That riot was easily brought under control. Democrats and the Left are using such strong language so they can suppress ANY level of opposition and dissent speech now that they hold power.
So insurrection is ok as long as its easily brought under control.
"only 5 people were killed" = easy.

It wasn’t an insurrection. It was a riot. Tears were not shed nor justice pursued with such vigor in the lives lost and bodies injured in the near countless riots we see throughout the US from ANTIFA and BLM. Check your selective outrage at the door.
I turned off because the lying sons of bitches made me ill.

Was the video they showed of the riot at the Capitol a lie? Do you realize how close we came to having our democracy overthrown? How close we came to having a President-for-Life? How close we came to becoming a banana republic or a Fourth Reich?

Do you realize how close we came to having our democracy overthrown? How close we came to having a President-for-Life?

Seriously? Such drama and theatrics. We were nowhere near this. American Democracy was never threatened. A Congressional session was disrupted which has happened on occasion in our history.

You make it sound like Castro and Che led a military coup forcing the elected leaders to flee and government to be transformed. It is the Left Wing nutjobs of the Democrat Party that honor this type of behavior. The Capitol Hill incident was a riot that was brought under control by nightfall and business proceeded.

Article about a shooting in the Capitol building in March 1954. My HS principal played the news over the intercom.

LMAO Some insurrection. Antifa and BLM were escorted in and there were cameras all over the place. Real camera's not phones. Set up?? You bet.

If the Trump supporters were real insurgents they would have been armed and they would have shot the shit out of the Capital buildings. None of them were armed.

Some insurgency.

As Sham Impeachment Trial Begins, Democrats Try To Re-write History By Denying Their Owns Calls For Violence

1. the Impeachment and Trial are legitimate

2. actions or calls by others in the past have zero bearing upon whether the President of the United States incited Insurrection on January 6, 2021.

Every time I hear “insurrection” from the Democrats and the Left about January 6 at the Capitol, I don’t know whether to laugh or be concerned. That riot was easily brought under control. Democrats and the Left are using such strong language so they can suppress ANY level of opposition and dissent speech now that they hold power.
So insurrection is ok as long as its easily brought under control.
"only 5 people were killed" = easy.

It wasn’t an insurrection. It was a riot. Tears were not shed nor justice pursued with such vigor in the lives lost and bodies injured in the near countless riots we see throughout the US from ANTIFA and BLM. Check your selective outrage at the door.

Think about it.....

Right, they need to gin up the emotional content as much as possible instead of trying to actually prove TRUMP! caused it.
Incited is not the same as ordered it or the only cause for it.

The bottom line to those who know the truth, is that the election was not stolen from Trump, democrats voted like our lives depended on it..... and we truly believed it did! Thus the 81 million of us citizens voting for Biden! Biden didn't get us to vote, Trump did.

So, in our eyes, Trump's fabrication and lies that he and his lawyers, friends, and media spread about the election being stole from him, with no actual proof, over and over and over and over and over again...on the net, in his rallies, in social media ads, in his tweets, and retweets,

Set up, what happened on Jan. 6th....

If his followers were never told about his BIG LIE that the election was stolen from him...

They would not have been at the rally on that day of the electoral votes being counted and certified by the joint session of Congress.

The rioters would have had no reason to stop the steal, that Trump falsely convinced them was true, they would not have been put in to a frenzy if it were not for his BIG LIE.
...Every time I hear “insurrection” from the Democrats and the Left about January 6 at the Capitol, I don’t know whether to laugh or be concerned. That riot was easily brought under control. Democrats and the Left are using such strong language so they can suppress ANY level of opposition and dissent speech now that they hold power.

Here's the definition:

insurrection noun

in·sur·rec·tion | \ ˌin(t)-sə-ˈrek-shən \
Definition of insurrection
an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

Here's the penalty statute:

18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)


Nowhere do I (nor scores of millions of other Americans, nor The Law itself ) see any mention of Insurrection Heavy, Insurrection Medium, nor Insurrection Light... nowhere do I see any mention of Insurrection easily suppressed vs. Insurrection suppressed with great difficulty... all I see is "Insurrection"... which is exactly what happened on Jan 6, 2021.

Taking this approach appears to have two (2) primary motivations:

1. punishing the transgressors

2. setting an example for the future to help ensure that this never happens again

Both are necessary.

Both are righteous.

Your spirit-brothers-and-sisters can now tell us how they were misled by your Orange Baboon-God, who, in the end, abandoned them like the coward he truly is.

Time for them to squeal like little piggies and beg for mercy before they are sentenced for Insurrection against the United States.

Perhaps they - and those who think like them - will think twice before assaulting Congress again while in the process of certifying nationwide general election results.

Me... I'm gonna break out the popcorn and watch the transgressors pay dearly for their rebellion and for their traitorous un-American assault and for their stupidity.

Phukk 'em.
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...Every time I hear “insurrection” from the Democrats and the Left about January 6 at the Capitol, I don’t know whether to laugh or be concerned. That riot was easily brought under control. Democrats and the Left are using such strong language so they can suppress ANY level of opposition and dissent speech now that they hold power.

Here's the definition:

insurrection noun

in·sur·rec·tion | \ ˌin(t)-sə-ˈrek-shən \
Definition of insurrection
an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

Here's the penalty statute:

18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)


Nowhere do I (nor scores of millions of other Americans, nor The Law itself ) see any mention of Insurrection Heavy, Insurrection Medium, nor Insurrection Light... nowhere do I see any mention of Insurrection easily suppressed vs. Insurrection suppressed with great difficulty... all I see is "Insurrection"... which is exactly what happened on Jan 6, 2021.

Taking this approach appears to have two (2) primary motivations:

1. punishing the transgressors

2. setting an example for the future to help ensure that this never happens again

Both are necessary.

Both are righteous.

Your spirit-brothers-and-sisters can now tell us how they were misled by your Orange Baboon-God, who, in the end, abandoned them like the coward he truly is.

Time for them to squeal like little piggies and beg for mercy before they are sentenced for Insurrection against the United States.

Perhaps they - and those who think like them - will think twice before assaulting Congress again while in the process of certifying nationwide general election results.

Me... I'm gonna break out the popcorn and watch the transgressors pay dearly for their rebellion and for their traitorous un-American assault and for their stupidity.

Phukk 'em.
Why hasn’t Trump been arrested?

Weird, huh?
I turned off because the lying sons of bitches made me ill.

Was the video they showed of the riot at the Capitol a lie? Do you realize how close we came to having our democracy overthrown? How close we came to having a President-for-Life? How close we came to becoming a banana republic or a Fourth Reich?
Lefties are such drama queens. Turn off CNN and seek help with a shrink. Seriously.
...Why hasn’t Trump been arrested? Weird, huh?
I was focused upon the actual Insurrectionists.

The United States Senate is dealing with the Chief Inciter as I write this.

And, regardless of what the Senate decides, there are
plenty of civil and criminal charges (DC et al) awaiting your Baboon-God once the Senate Trial is over.

Patience... patience... :abgg2q.jpg:
I turned off because the lying sons of bitches made me ill.

Was the video they showed of the riot at the Capitol a lie? Do you realize how close we came to having our democracy overthrown? How close we came to having a President-for-Life? How close we came to becoming a banana republic or a Fourth Reich?

We did just this by allowing the election fraud. Yes, changing the rules just before an election to allow for less accurate vote counts is fraudulent.

Do I really have to post all the things Democrats have said over the last 4 years to incite violence? Do I really need to post the stats on how many people have been killed and how many businesses ruined by ”peaceful” rioting, looting and burning condoned by the Democrats?
I turned off because the lying sons of bitches made me ill.

Was the video they showed of the riot at the Capitol a lie? Do you realize how close we came to having our democracy overthrown? How close we came to having a President-for-Life? How close we came to becoming a banana republic or a Fourth Reich?

We did just this by allowing the election fraud. Yes, changing the rules just before an election to allow for less accurate vote counts is fraudulent.
Fraudulent? Seek help! You need it very badly.

Do I really have to post all the things Democrats have said over the last 4 years to incite violence? Do I really need to post the stats on how many people have been killed and how many businesses ruined by ”peaceful” rioting, looting and burning condoned by the Democrats?

Exactly what you supported for 4 years and will continue to support as long as that “terrorism” is on your side of the aisle.
...changing the rules just before an election to allow for less accurate vote counts is fraudulent.
Not if that State's own Supreme Court rules otherwise - and not if the US Supreme Court refuses to hear such a case for lack of merit and standing.

I mean... after all... it's all about States' Rights... Home Rule... with right-wingers, isn't it? Well... these States exercised their rights to Rule at Home :auiqs.jpg:

Face it... rule changes were done in accordance with State Law... you-and-yours were simply out-smarted, and you're pi$$ed about it. Funny stuff.
...Why hasn’t Trump been arrested? Weird, huh?
I was focused upon the actual Insurrectionists.

The United States Senate is dealing with the Chief Inciter as I write this.

And, regardless of what the Senate decides, there are
plenty of civil and criminal charges (DC et al) awaiting your Baboon-God once the Senate Trial is over.

Patience... patience... :abgg2q.jpg:
The DOJ doesn’t have to wait for Trump to be 100% EXONERATED in the Senate again, Dummy.

why hasn’t Trump been arrested?
I turned off because the lying sons of bitches made me ill.

Was the video they showed of the riot at the Capitol a lie? Do you realize how close we came to having our democracy overthrown? How close we came to having a President-for-Life? How close we came to becoming a banana republic or a Fourth Reich?

We did just this by allowing the election fraud. Yes, changing the rules just before an election to allow for less accurate vote counts is fraudulent.
Fraudulent? Seek help! You need it very badly.

Yes, fraudulent.

Let me guess, you still believe in Russian collusion. If so, it isn’t me who needs help.

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