As Sham Impeachment Trial Begins, Democrats Try To Re-write History By Denying Their Owns Calls For Violence

Right, they need to gin up the emotional content as much as possible instead of trying to actually prove TRUMP! caused it.
Incited is not the same as ordered it or the only cause for it.

The bottom line to those who know the truth, is that the election was not stolen from Trump, democrats voted like our lives depended on it..... and we truly believed it did! Thus the 81 million of us citizens voting for Biden! Biden didn't get us to vote, Trump did.

So, in our eyes, Trump's fabrication and lies that he and his lawyers, friends, and media spread about the election being stole from him, with no actual proof, over and over and over and over and over again...on the net, in his rallies, in social media ads, in his tweets, and retweets,

Set up, what happened on Jan. 6th....

If his followers were never told about his BIG LIE that the election was stolen from him...

They would not have been at the rally on that day of the electoral votes being counted and certified by the joint session of Congress.

The rioters would have had no reason to stop the steal, that Trump falsely convinced them was true, they would not have been put in to a frenzy if it were not for his BIG LIE.
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Highly edited piece of crap..
Yeah, they could have shown all three hours of the thugs!! :rolleyes:
How many of them incited an armed attack on the U.S. Government?

How many was it in that mob trying to get into the White House and kill everyone there? When Trump came out and stood in front of that church later? Some time last summer, I guess. They were DOING an armed attack on the U.S. Government --- I watched it live, all those blacks and antifas throwing themselves at that chain link fence, and it was sure starting to give. Horrible.

That flag-waving, anthem-singing demonstration at the Capitol was nothing compared to that.
I turned off because the lying sons of bitches made me ill.

Was the video they showed of the riot at the Capitol a lie? Do you realize how close we came to having our democracy overthrown? How close we came to having a President-for-Life? How close we came to becoming a banana republic or a Fourth Reich?
Having our Democracy overthrown? By a guy in pajamas and a horn hat?

Grow the fuck up.

You grow up! Many ppl in the 1930's laughed at Hitler with his Charlie Chaplin mustache and the short pants he sometimes wore, and they called him a clown.
Do you realize how close we came to having our democracy overthrown?
You seriously think a bunch of yahoos breaking into the capital building came close to overthrowing our democracy? Grow the fuck up, retard.

You and the Trumptards are the Retards and Crazies. The riot was just the beginning if Trump had his way. Retards like you, the Pillow Guy, Michael Flynn, and Sidney Powell, wanted to impose Martial Law, and spoke about it in the Oval Office. Imagine, a Trumptard Cultist calling ME a Retard! How laughable! As for growing up, any follower of Trump who looked up to that Clown as a Daddy Figure is the one who has to grow up! The Con Artist didn't even accompany his sheep to the Riot, but retired to the safety of the White House instead!
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I turned off because the lying sons of bitches made me ill.

Was the video they showed of the riot at the Capitol a lie? Do you realize how close we came to having our democracy overthrown? How close we came to having a President-for-Life? How close we came to becoming a banana republic or a Fourth Reich?

^^^ :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: you people are bat shit crazy :cuckoo:

I turned off because the lying sons of bitches made me ill.

Was the video they showed of the riot at the Capitol a lie? Do you realize how close we came to having our democracy overthrown? How close we came to having a President-for-Life? How close we came to becoming a banana republic or a Fourth Reich?
Having our Democracy overthrown? By a guy in pajamas and a horn hat?

Grow the fuck up.

You grow up! Many ppl in the 1930's laughed at Hitler with his Charlie Chaplin mustache and the short pants he sometimes wore, and they called him a clown.
Pretty sure horn hat guy’s 15 minutes are over, Buttercup.
I turned off because the lying sons of bitches made me ill.

Was the video they showed of the riot at the Capitol a lie? Do you realize how close we came to having our democracy overthrown? How close we came to having a President-for-Life? How close we came to becoming a banana republic or a Fourth Reich?
Auntie Em! Auntie Em! You looneytunes are scared of your own shadows. As for a Fourth Reich, looks like the new Gestapo Government is all lined up for just that.
You and the Trumptards are the Retards and Crazies.
Nice retort, peewee.

Are you soft in the head or what?

No, everything I said made perfect sense. I don't know about you though. Are you a Trumptard?
Are you a poor brainless libber sheeple?

If you're a Trumptard, then YOU'RE the sheeple. After Trump sent his retarded sheep to the Capitol Riot, he retreated to the safety of the White House, while laughing to himself. He threw them under the bus! Talk about being brainless!!
You and the Trumptards are the Retards and Crazies.
Nice retort, peewee.

Are you soft in the head or what?

No, everything I said made perfect sense. I don't know about you though. Are you a Trumptard?
Are you a poor brainless libber sheeple?

If you're a Trumptard, then YOU'RE the sheeple. After Trump sent his retarded sheep to the Capitol Riot, he retreated to the White House, while laughing to himself. He threw them under the bus!
And you are an ignorant libber polly parrot. Plus lets not forget about actual violence, with burning businesses, killing shop owners, and occupying cities for days and weeks. You know, your ilk thugs, remember? Oh if you only had a brain...
If you're a Trumptard, then YOU'RE the sheeple. After Trump sent his retarded sheep to the Capitol Riot, he retreated to the safety of the White House, while laughing to himself. He threw them under the bus!
Triggered imbeciles need to use all caps to show just how seriously mad they are. Too funny.

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