As the left wets themselves over Lybia I have to ask.....

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
They've bragged about his death and our cost vs lives. That's great and all but he posed less of a threat to us than the man from Iran attempting an assassination on our soil. Not to mention Obama was dragged into Lybia kicking and screaming by the UN.

We have a REAL ENEMY THAT POSES A REAL THREAT IN IRAN. Not only do we ignore him we let this lunatic on American soil to spew his hate.

We are killing all these low level thugs and ignoring the real threats. Then the left and the MSM sits around slapping each other on the back as if we've changed the world. When in actuality all we've done is turn countries and their weapons over to an unknown probable future enemy. Meanwhile the big boys with the big weapons continue to gather strength.

The leader of Lybia was a bad man no doubt but he was under our thumb. All you lefties screamed about how each Muslim death by our hand created twice as many terrorists. Yet we don't kill or hunt the ones with the weapons and power. We hunt figureheads. Still creating terrorists I presume but without a peep from the two faced left.

And those of you claiming it cost us little and no lives are short sighted idiots. You have no fucking clue how much money or lives may be lost or spent in the future because we had no after plan. There are now thousands of shoulder fired and vehicle mounted rockets now flooding the weapons black market.

Meanwhile Iran is creating nukes and were looking the other way. I'm glad another terrorist is dead but he only had rocks and rifles to use against us.
They've bragged about his death and our cost vs lives. That's great and all but he posed less of a threat to us than the man from Iran attempting an assassination on our soil. Not to mention Obama was dragged into Lybia kicking and screaming by the UN.

We have a REAL ENEMY THAT POSES A REAL THREAT IN IRAN. Not only do we ignore him we let this lunatic on American soil to spew his hate.

We are killing all these low level thugs and ignoring the real threats. Then the left and the MSM sits around slapping each other on the back as if we've changed the world. When in actuality all we've done is turn countries and their weapons over to an unknown probable future enemy. Meanwhile the big boys with the big weapons continue to gather strength.

The leader of Lybia was a bad man no doubt but he was under our thumb. All you lefties screamed about how each Muslim death by our hand created twice as many terrorists. Yet we don't kill or hunt the ones with the weapons and power. We hunt figureheads. Still creating terrorists I presume but without a peep from the two faced left.

And those of you claiming it cost us little and no lives are short sighted idiots. You have no fucking clue how much money or lives may be lost or spent in the future because we had no after plan. There are now thousands of shoulder fired and vehicle mounted rockets now flooding the weapons black market.

Meanwhile Iran is creating nukes and were looking the other way. I'm glad another terrorist is dead but he only had rocks and rifles to use against us.

I love it. A Democrat president made the deaths of Bin Laden and Ghaddafi possible, and all the right can do is whine about it. Obama was dragged into Lybia kicking and screaming :lol::lol::lol: Where do you come up with this stuff? If memory serves me correctly, Republicans were the ones who were kicking and screaming. How many times did Buchannan change his stance on Libya? And McCain? He was against it before he was before it...or something like that.
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I love how they are comparing the cost of this one to Iraq, ignoring the Fact that in this one. We had an advantage that did not exist in Iraq. A well organized, and Armed opposition actively engaged in a Rebellion.

Who's next? Is the president going to authorize the assassination of a foreign leader every time he wants a 7 point boost in ratings? How about Hugo Chavez? He is dying anyway. So what if he was formerly Obama's comrade. We are on a roll.
Who's next? Is the president going to authorize the assassination of a foreign leader every time he wants a 7 point boost in ratings? How about Hugo Chavez? He is dying anyway. So what if he was formerly Obama's comrade. We are on a roll.


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As expected, the left missed the entire point of this post. I bet they won't miss when one of our airliners are shot down by one of the thousands of missing rockets.
Well, for my part I'm ambivalent about US involvement in Libya. There are certainly serious negative aspects.

I'm not sure if "the man from Iran" refers to an element of the Iranian leadership or to the alleged Iranian agent actually indicted. Certainly, Libya did not represent the same strategic threat to the US as did Iran or North Korea. Obama, to his credit, never pretended otherwise (the Bush administration, in contrast seemed to exaggerate Libya's nuclear capabilities Bush, Blair: Libya to dismantle WMD programs - CNN). The US intervention came because Qaddafi had grown more vulnerable, not because he had become the most dangerous man in the world.

Qaddafi was not entirely "under our thumb". He continued to support anti-American activities and had an appalling human rights record. Removing him was a genuine accomplishment.
road and bridge workers--teachers--firemen or policemen

Remember how they talked about how important it was we put Saddam On Trail and not just kill him? Now they applaud the way this went down.

Wonder how many Terrorists will be inspired by the Images of Gaddafi?

What is that quote? Those aren't my words. ???
road and bridge workers--teachers--firemen or policemen

Remember how they talked about how important it was we put Saddam On Trail and not just kill him? Now they applaud the way this went down.

Wonder how many Terrorists will be inspired by the Images of Gaddafi?

I'm not applauding the way in which it went down. And BTW, "we" didn't shoot him in the head. The rebels did.
Who's next? Is the president going to authorize the assassination of a foreign leader every time he wants a 7 point boost in ratings? How about Hugo Chavez? He is dying anyway. So what if he was formerly Obama's comrade. We are on a roll.

Nation of laws? Pffffft.....who cares. To hell with the constitution. We're rapidly devolving to ancient Rome and good times Caligula.
I love how they are comparing the cost of this one to Iraq, ignoring the Fact that in this one. We had an advantage that did not exist in Iraq. A well organized, and Armed opposition actively engaged in a Rebellion.


Well, invading nations on the basis lies tends to be expensive. And in the meantime, Bin Laden got away. Was not taken out until President Obama made it a primary goal of his to get him.
As expected, the left missed the entire point of this post. I bet they won't miss when one of our airliners are shot down by one of the thousands of missing rockets.

As far as I can tell, the US did not provide any rockets to the rebels. Some do seem to have come their way from the Libyan military, U.S. aid to help find Libyan missiles -, but it's not clear how much of the blame for that can be placed on the US. In any event, given the Lockerbie bombing, Western airliners seem safer with Qaddafi out of power.
Who's next? Is the president going to authorize the assassination of a foreign leader every time he wants a 7 point boost in ratings? How about Hugo Chavez? He is dying anyway. So what if he was formerly Obama's comrade. We are on a roll.

Sure, defend dictators that ordered the murder of Americans. You are a real asshole.

As for your other scurillous charge, any more lies for today?

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