As Trump play games, the EU and China enters Comprehensive Investment Agreement.

The EU doesn't care who the worlds super power economically is...they will deal with whoever is on top....and it looks like its going to be China not the USA....and this idiot OP thinks that's a good
They will live to regret every syllable in that death warrant they just signed. China does not enter agreements they procure the death of their customers.


China has been investing in soft power for 30 years. Where have you been?
Oh much longer than that..... I have been right there watching it and just watched them swallow up the future of the EU at the behest of their hapless and buyable leadership as the American left applauds the insurance of their very own death.


The Chinese have done well in Afghanistan with whom they share a border.. what with mining, metallurgy and a new railroad.. a lot of small businesses have sprung up in the north. I think they also built a power plant.

The plumb is the railroad hub and Port Gwadar.. Opens up all kinds of new markets for moving natural resources. They also have the Hazara people in common.

Yes they have managed to de facto monopolize the world's copper commodities market through their acquisition of the Afghan mineral rights. I don't see that as doing well I see it as a massive power play.
An Amoeba does well when it surrounds and digests another single celled organism for that what you mean by doing well? Along with their mining business in Afghanistan they have managed to skit and flout every environmental and safety law on the books while demanding that stupid America observe all of the international protocols which of course our untesticled politicians are only too happy to agree to as long as they get their cut. The Chinese have also monopolized Neodymium without which it would be impossible to build effective wind turbine generators. We have a different opinion about what it means to do well.

We wasted trillions in Afghanistan the last 20 years. China works with them economically and China is the problem?
China also poisoned the world. Both Afghanistan and China are evil.

There are a lot of ways to take that. All of it involving the U.S. also.
US poisoned the world?

Sure. Our manufacturing going to China to avoid environmental laws poisoned the world.

As disgusting Trump and Pence and the disgraceful Republicans continue to undermine America's democracy and health of the country, the EU and China enters a Comprehensive Investment Deal. Under the utter inept governance of the Republicans and the orange TURD of a president like Trump, America will be turned into a banana republic. President Biden can't get into office fast enough.

By al means gift your job to China, go ahead what are you waiting for you can live on unemployment and welfare right.
Xi will miss Trump. No one has done more to benefit the expansion of Chinese influence around the world that Donald J. Trump,

With all due respect, you have to be one of the most naive people on this board. The way you connect the dots is precisely the way the communists (and their treasonous backers) want you to connect them.

"Make those who see China as a growing threat actually believe that CONFRONTING us, is more DAMAGING to them and their Interests". What a coup they are running, on multiple fronts.
You have that backward. The Chinese have benefited greatly from Trump's withdrawal from the TPP. Trump's own conduct and actions have undermined US credibility to such an extent that China and Russian have stepped into the void. You are the one being naive if you think Trump's erratic conduct, his berating of our allies, his tearing up of international accords would not have an affect on US influence. You are wrong. With the exception V. Putin, no one has benefited more than Xi from Trump's presidency.

TPP may or may not have worked. Here's the problem. When we joined the TPP our unemployment went UP, our wages went DOWN.

I always find it interesting that such trade deals, always have a few low wage shytehole nations included. How about a little protection against a race to the bottom?

It's one thing to make socks overseas, but why allow all to be made elsewhere and encourage it to be imported in and bought by a dwindling Middle Class? All this amounts to is massive debt to subsidize businesses in doing so.
The EU doesn't care who the worlds super power economically is...they will deal with whoever is on top....and it looks like its going to be China not the USA....and this idiot OP thinks that's a good
They will live to regret every syllable in that death warrant they just signed. China does not enter agreements they procure the death of their customers.


China has been investing in soft power for 30 years. Where have you been?
Oh much longer than that..... I have been right there watching it and just watched them swallow up the future of the EU at the behest of their hapless and buyable leadership as the American left applauds the insurance of their very own death.
Wow...are you came right out of your own mouth and yet you still missed the point. That's exactly what poisoned the world. The fact that China was willing to host the World's most voluminous increase in all forms of pollution in order to destroy the manufacturing base of think they did that accidentally? They also did it with help from both Political parties here in the US.....look at Kemp in Georgia...he made millions off of a sub-par medical equipment agreement that he foisted on Georgians.
Xi will miss Trump. No one has done more to benefit the expansion of Chinese influence around the world that Donald J. Trump,

With all due respect, you have to be one of the most naive people on this board. The way you connect the dots is precisely the way the communists (and their treasonous backers) want you to connect them.

"Make those who see China as a growing threat actually believe that CONFRONTING us, is more DAMAGING to them and their Interests". What a coup they are running, on multiple fronts.
You have that backward. The Chinese have benefited greatly from Trump's withdrawal from the TPP. Trump's own conduct and actions have undermined US credibility to such an extent that China and Russian have stepped into the void. You are the one being naive if you think Trump's erratic conduct, his berating of our allies, his tearing up of international accords would not have an affect on US influence. You are wrong. With the exception V. Putin, no one has benefited more than Xi from Trump's presidency.

TPP may or may not have worked. Here's the problem. When we joined the TPP our unemployment went UP, our wages went DOWN.

I always find it interesting that such trade deals, always have a few low wage shytehole nations included. How about a little protection against a race to the bottom?

It's one thing to make socks overseas, but why allow all to be made elsewhere and encourage it to be imported in and bought by a dwindling Middle Class? All this amounts to is massive debt to subsidize businesses in doing so.
US manufacturing output has been more or less stagnant for decades. Regardless of Trump. Although our exports went down as his trade wars progressed.

I don't know about Canada, but in the US real wages GROWTH have overall decreased since the free trade embrace of the 1980s. But avg wages measured in constant dollars have absolutely increased.

Our GNP growth has excelled.

But if you compare the rise in gnp to the rise in overall wages …. workers are not keeping pace.

I don't know who said it, but imo it's true that if we actually have class warfare in the US, the upper class is winning.
The EU doesn't care who the worlds super power economically is...they will deal with whoever is on top....and it looks like its going to be China not the USA....and this idiot OP thinks that's a good
They will live to regret every syllable in that death warrant they just signed. China does not enter agreements they procure the death of their customers.


China has been investing in soft power for 30 years. Where have you been?
Oh much longer than that..... I have been right there watching it and just watched them swallow up the future of the EU at the behest of their hapless and buyable leadership as the American left applauds the insurance of their very own death.


The Chinese have done well in Afghanistan with whom they share a border.. what with mining, metallurgy and a new railroad.. a lot of small businesses have sprung up in the north. I think they also built a power plant.

The plumb is the railroad hub and Port Gwadar.. Opens up all kinds of new markets for moving natural resources. They also have the Hazara people in common.

Yes they have managed to de facto monopolize the world's copper commodities market through their acquisition of the Afghan mineral rights. I don't see that as doing well I see it as a massive power play.
An Amoeba does well when it surrounds and digests another single celled organism for that what you mean by doing well? Along with their mining business in Afghanistan they have managed to skit and flout every environmental and safety law on the books while demanding that stupid America observe all of the international protocols which of course our untesticled politicians are only too happy to agree to as long as they get their cut. The Chinese have also monopolized Neodymium without which it would be impossible to build effective wind turbine generators. We have a different opinion about what it means to do well.

We wasted trillions in Afghanistan the last 20 years. China works with them economically and China is the problem?
China also poisoned the world. Both Afghanistan and China are evil.

There are a lot of ways to take that. All of it involving the U.S. also.
US poisoned the world?

Sure. Our manufacturing going to China to avoid environmental laws poisoned the world.
We are the only country that outsources mfg to China? And I am specifically discussing COVID

As disgusting Trump and Pence and the disgraceful Republicans continue to undermine America's democracy and health of the country, the EU and China enters a Comprehensive Investment Deal. Under the utter inept governance of the Republicans and the orange TURD of a president like Trump, America will be turned into a banana republic. President Biden can't get into office fast enough.

I posted this a few days ago. Europe had been in discussions with China since 2013, on the insistence of the Trump admin, Europe did NOT sign this. Once Trump lost the election, they quickly moved forward. When Bidens team asked them to wait until after he took power, they said, "yeah, no, it's cool, we are going ahead with this now". Ask yourself why they felt the need to push this through so rapidly...

If you are going to blame Trump, you should blame Trump for losing the 2020 election and all those behind his loss. There is a push to replace America with China as the global economic and military leader. Trump was making this impossible. Now Europe (and others may follow) are realizing which way their bread is buttered. They don't seem so certain of U.S support against the communists in their neighbourhood.

More and more, China is going to eat up allies, since there is nobody defending capitalism and American Interests. Soon, Taiwan will be Chinas alone again, along with all their technology and trade resources. Japan will be squeezed even harder. Australia may become a resort for the Communists.

Not to worry, there are bigger issues, such as making multi-identity crises and diversity quotas. These will be dealt with first.

Nobody is practicing capitalism so there is nothing to defend.

I started, built, sold three companies, competed with other companies and didn't take bailouts. That's not capitalism?
The EU doesn't care who the worlds super power economically is...they will deal with whoever is on top....and it looks like its going to be China not the USA....and this idiot OP thinks that's a good
They will live to regret every syllable in that death warrant they just signed. China does not enter agreements they procure the death of their customers.


China has been investing in soft power for 30 years. Where have you been?
Oh much longer than that..... I have been right there watching it and just watched them swallow up the future of the EU at the behest of their hapless and buyable leadership as the American left applauds the insurance of their very own death.


The Chinese have done well in Afghanistan with whom they share a border.. what with mining, metallurgy and a new railroad.. a lot of small businesses have sprung up in the north. I think they also built a power plant.

The plumb is the railroad hub and Port Gwadar.. Opens up all kinds of new markets for moving natural resources. They also have the Hazara people in common.

Yes they have managed to de facto monopolize the world's copper commodities market through their acquisition of the Afghan mineral rights. I don't see that as doing well I see it as a massive power play.
An Amoeba does well when it surrounds and digests another single celled organism for that what you mean by doing well? Along with their mining business in Afghanistan they have managed to skit and flout every environmental and safety law on the books while demanding that stupid America observe all of the international protocols which of course our untesticled politicians are only too happy to agree to as long as they get their cut. The Chinese have also monopolized Neodymium without which it would be impossible to build effective wind turbine generators. We have a different opinion about what it means to do well.

We wasted trillions in Afghanistan the last 20 years. China works with them economically and China is the problem?
China also poisoned the world. Both Afghanistan and China are evil.

There are a lot of ways to take that. All of it involving the U.S. also.
US poisoned the world?

Sure. Our manufacturing going to China to avoid environmental laws poisoned the world.
We are the only country that outsources mfg to China? And I am specifically discussing COVID

No we aren't. What other countries do is not my problem.
The EU doesn't care who the worlds super power economically is...they will deal with whoever is on top....and it looks like its going to be China not the USA....and this idiot OP thinks that's a good
They will live to regret every syllable in that death warrant they just signed. China does not enter agreements they procure the death of their customers.


China has been investing in soft power for 30 years. Where have you been?
Oh much longer than that..... I have been right there watching it and just watched them swallow up the future of the EU at the behest of their hapless and buyable leadership as the American left applauds the insurance of their very own death.


The Chinese have done well in Afghanistan with whom they share a border.. what with mining, metallurgy and a new railroad.. a lot of small businesses have sprung up in the north. I think they also built a power plant.

The plumb is the railroad hub and Port Gwadar.. Opens up all kinds of new markets for moving natural resources. They also have the Hazara people in common.

Yes they have managed to de facto monopolize the world's copper commodities market through their acquisition of the Afghan mineral rights. I don't see that as doing well I see it as a massive power play.
An Amoeba does well when it surrounds and digests another single celled organism for that what you mean by doing well? Along with their mining business in Afghanistan they have managed to skit and flout every environmental and safety law on the books while demanding that stupid America observe all of the international protocols which of course our untesticled politicians are only too happy to agree to as long as they get their cut. The Chinese have also monopolized Neodymium without which it would be impossible to build effective wind turbine generators. We have a different opinion about what it means to do well.

We wasted trillions in Afghanistan the last 20 years. China works with them economically and China is the problem?
China also poisoned the world. Both Afghanistan and China are evil.

There are a lot of ways to take that. All of it involving the U.S. also.
US poisoned the world?

Sure. Our manufacturing going to China to avoid environmental laws poisoned the world.
We are the only country that outsources mfg to China? And I am specifically discussing COVID

No we aren't. What other countries do is not my problem.
Maybe Azog needs his own thread

As disgusting Trump and Pence and the disgraceful Republicans continue to undermine America's democracy and health of the country, the EU and China enters a Comprehensive Investment Deal. Under the utter inept governance of the Republicans and the orange TURD of a president like Trump, America will be turned into a banana republic. President Biden can't get into office fast enough.

I posted this a few days ago. Europe had been in discussions with China since 2013, on the insistence of the Trump admin, Europe did NOT sign this. Once Trump lost the election, they quickly moved forward. When Bidens team asked them to wait until after he took power, they said, "yeah, no, it's cool, we are going ahead with this now". Ask yourself why they felt the need to push this through so rapidly...

If you are going to blame Trump, you should blame Trump for losing the 2020 election and all those behind his loss. There is a push to replace America with China as the global economic and military leader. Trump was making this impossible. Now Europe (and others may follow) are realizing which way their bread is buttered. They don't seem so certain of U.S support against the communists in their neighbourhood.

More and more, China is going to eat up allies, since there is nobody defending capitalism and American Interests. Soon, Taiwan will be Chinas alone again, along with all their technology and trade resources. Japan will be squeezed even harder. Australia may become a resort for the Communists.

Not to worry, there are bigger issues, such as making multi-identity crises and diversity quotas. These will be dealt with first.

Nobody is practicing capitalism so there is nothing to defend.

I started, built, sold three companies, competed with other companies and didn't take bailouts. That's not capitalism?

You can claim whatever you want. It's worthless. We spent billions to bail out failed businesses. Tell me where we find that in Capitalism.

As disgusting Trump and Pence and the disgraceful Republicans continue to undermine America's democracy and health of the country, the EU and China enters a Comprehensive Investment Deal. Under the utter inept governance of the Republicans and the orange TURD of a president like Trump, America will be turned into a banana republic. President Biden can't get into office fast enough.

I posted this a few days ago. Europe had been in discussions with China since 2013, on the insistence of the Trump admin, Europe did NOT sign this. Once Trump lost the election, they quickly moved forward. When Bidens team asked them to wait until after he took power, they said, "yeah, no, it's cool, we are going ahead with this now". Ask yourself why they felt the need to push this through so rapidly...

If you are going to blame Trump, you should blame Trump for losing the 2020 election and all those behind his loss. There is a push to replace America with China as the global economic and military leader. Trump was making this impossible. Now Europe (and others may follow) are realizing which way their bread is buttered. They don't seem so certain of U.S support against the communists in their neighbourhood.

More and more, China is going to eat up allies, since there is nobody defending capitalism and American Interests. Soon, Taiwan will be Chinas alone again, along with all their technology and trade resources. Japan will be squeezed even harder. Australia may become a resort for the Communists.

Not to worry, there are bigger issues, such as making multi-identity crises and diversity quotas. These will be dealt with first.

Nobody is practicing capitalism so there is nothing to defend.

I started, built, sold three companies, competed with other companies and didn't take bailouts. That's not capitalism?

You can claim whatever you want. It's worthless. We spent billions to bail out failed businesses. Tell me where we find that in Capitalism.

Its not a claim. Its fact. I have been against every single bailout for private/public. Every. Single. One. I wasn't involved in any of these bailouts.

As disgusting Trump and Pence and the disgraceful Republicans continue to undermine America's democracy and health of the country, the EU and China enters a Comprehensive Investment Deal. Under the utter inept governance of the Republicans and the orange TURD of a president like Trump, America will be turned into a banana republic. President Biden can't get into office fast enough.

I posted this a few days ago. Europe had been in discussions with China since 2013, on the insistence of the Trump admin, Europe did NOT sign this. Once Trump lost the election, they quickly moved forward. When Bidens team asked them to wait until after he took power, they said, "yeah, no, it's cool, we are going ahead with this now". Ask yourself why they felt the need to push this through so rapidly...

If you are going to blame Trump, you should blame Trump for losing the 2020 election and all those behind his loss. There is a push to replace America with China as the global economic and military leader. Trump was making this impossible. Now Europe (and others may follow) are realizing which way their bread is buttered. They don't seem so certain of U.S support against the communists in their neighbourhood.

More and more, China is going to eat up allies, since there is nobody defending capitalism and American Interests. Soon, Taiwan will be Chinas alone again, along with all their technology and trade resources. Japan will be squeezed even harder. Australia may become a resort for the Communists.

Not to worry, there are bigger issues, such as making multi-identity crises and diversity quotas. These will be dealt with first.

Nobody is practicing capitalism so there is nothing to defend.

I started, built, sold three companies, competed with other companies and didn't take bailouts. That's not capitalism?

You can claim whatever you want. It's worthless. We spent billions to bail out failed businesses. Tell me where we find that in Capitalism.

Its not a claim. Its fact. I have been against every single bailout for private/public. Every. Single. One. I wasn't involved in any of these bailouts.

It's irrelevant what you were against. We did it. Now where in Capitalism do we find this? You may want Capitalism but that is not what we have.

As disgusting Trump and Pence and the disgraceful Republicans continue to undermine America's democracy and health of the country, the EU and China enters a Comprehensive Investment Deal. Under the utter inept governance of the Republicans and the orange TURD of a president like Trump, America will be turned into a banana republic. President Biden can't get into office fast enough.

I posted this a few days ago. Europe had been in discussions with China since 2013, on the insistence of the Trump admin, Europe did NOT sign this. Once Trump lost the election, they quickly moved forward. When Bidens team asked them to wait until after he took power, they said, "yeah, no, it's cool, we are going ahead with this now". Ask yourself why they felt the need to push this through so rapidly...

If you are going to blame Trump, you should blame Trump for losing the 2020 election and all those behind his loss. There is a push to replace America with China as the global economic and military leader. Trump was making this impossible. Now Europe (and others may follow) are realizing which way their bread is buttered. They don't seem so certain of U.S support against the communists in their neighbourhood.

More and more, China is going to eat up allies, since there is nobody defending capitalism and American Interests. Soon, Taiwan will be Chinas alone again, along with all their technology and trade resources. Japan will be squeezed even harder. Australia may become a resort for the Communists.

Not to worry, there are bigger issues, such as making multi-identity crises and diversity quotas. These will be dealt with first.

Nobody is practicing capitalism so there is nothing to defend.

I started, built, sold three companies, competed with other companies and didn't take bailouts. That's not capitalism?

You can claim whatever you want. It's worthless. We spent billions to bail out failed businesses. Tell me where we find that in Capitalism.

Its not a claim. Its fact. I have been against every single bailout for private/public. Every. Single. One. I wasn't involved in any of these bailouts.

It's irrelevant what you were against. We did it. Now where in Capitalism do we find this? You may want Capitalism but that is not what we have.

What is it that we have? I'm not a fan of huge corporations, btw since my companies were never afforded the same tax considerations. I prefer building small businesses and selling them.

As disgusting Trump and Pence and the disgraceful Republicans continue to undermine America's democracy and health of the country, the EU and China enters a Comprehensive Investment Deal. Under the utter inept governance of the Republicans and the orange TURD of a president like Trump, America will be turned into a banana republic. President Biden can't get into office fast enough.

I posted this a few days ago. Europe had been in discussions with China since 2013, on the insistence of the Trump admin, Europe did NOT sign this. Once Trump lost the election, they quickly moved forward. When Bidens team asked them to wait until after he took power, they said, "yeah, no, it's cool, we are going ahead with this now". Ask yourself why they felt the need to push this through so rapidly...

If you are going to blame Trump, you should blame Trump for losing the 2020 election and all those behind his loss. There is a push to replace America with China as the global economic and military leader. Trump was making this impossible. Now Europe (and others may follow) are realizing which way their bread is buttered. They don't seem so certain of U.S support against the communists in their neighbourhood.

More and more, China is going to eat up allies, since there is nobody defending capitalism and American Interests. Soon, Taiwan will be Chinas alone again, along with all their technology and trade resources. Japan will be squeezed even harder. Australia may become a resort for the Communists.

Not to worry, there are bigger issues, such as making multi-identity crises and diversity quotas. These will be dealt with first.

Nobody is practicing capitalism so there is nothing to defend.

I started, built, sold three companies, competed with other companies and didn't take bailouts. That's not capitalism?

You can claim whatever you want. It's worthless. We spent billions to bail out failed businesses. Tell me where we find that in Capitalism.

Its not a claim. Its fact. I have been against every single bailout for private/public. Every. Single. One. I wasn't involved in any of these bailouts.

It's irrelevant what you were against. We did it. Now where in Capitalism do we find this? You may want Capitalism but that is not what we have.

What is it that we have? I'm not a fan of huge corporations, btw since my companies were never afforded the same tax considerations. I prefer building small businesses and selling them.

And that's great. I believe we have a system that could be called Corporate Socialism.

The little people get a bone now and then but Corporations have got Trillions.
The EU doesn't care who the worlds super power economically is...they will deal with whoever is on top....and it looks like its going to be China not the USA....and this idiot OP thinks that's a good
They will live to regret every syllable in that death warrant they just signed. China does not enter agreements they procure the death of their customers.


China has been investing in soft power for 30 years. Where have you been?
Oh much longer than that..... I have been right there watching it and just watched them swallow up the future of the EU at the behest of their hapless and buyable leadership as the American left applauds the insurance of their very own death.


The Chinese have done well in Afghanistan with whom they share a border.. what with mining, metallurgy and a new railroad.. a lot of small businesses have sprung up in the north. I think they also built a power plant.

The plumb is the railroad hub and Port Gwadar.. Opens up all kinds of new markets for moving natural resources. They also have the Hazara people in common.

Yes they have managed to de facto monopolize the world's copper commodities market through their acquisition of the Afghan mineral rights. I don't see that as doing well I see it as a massive power play.
An Amoeba does well when it surrounds and digests another single celled organism for that what you mean by doing well? Along with their mining business in Afghanistan they have managed to skit and flout every environmental and safety law on the books while demanding that stupid America observe all of the international protocols which of course our untesticled politicians are only too happy to agree to as long as they get their cut. The Chinese have also monopolized Neodymium without which it would be impossible to build effective wind turbine generators. We have a different opinion about what it means to do well.

We wasted trillions in Afghanistan the last 20 years. China works with them economically and China is the problem?
China also poisoned the world. Both Afghanistan and China are evil.

There are a lot of ways to take that. All of it involving the U.S. also.
US poisoned the world?

Sure. Our manufacturing going to China to avoid environmental laws poisoned the world.
We are the only country that outsources mfg to China? And I am specifically discussing COVID

No we aren't. What other countries do is not my problem.
You just said it was? You are all over the place.
The EU doesn't care who the worlds super power economically is...they will deal with whoever is on top....and it looks like its going to be China not the USA....and this idiot OP thinks that's a good
They will live to regret every syllable in that death warrant they just signed. China does not enter agreements they procure the death of their customers.


China has been investing in soft power for 30 years. Where have you been?
Oh much longer than that..... I have been right there watching it and just watched them swallow up the future of the EU at the behest of their hapless and buyable leadership as the American left applauds the insurance of their very own death.


The Chinese have done well in Afghanistan with whom they share a border.. what with mining, metallurgy and a new railroad.. a lot of small businesses have sprung up in the north. I think they also built a power plant.

The plumb is the railroad hub and Port Gwadar.. Opens up all kinds of new markets for moving natural resources. They also have the Hazara people in common.

Yes they have managed to de facto monopolize the world's copper commodities market through their acquisition of the Afghan mineral rights. I don't see that as doing well I see it as a massive power play.
An Amoeba does well when it surrounds and digests another single celled organism for that what you mean by doing well? Along with their mining business in Afghanistan they have managed to skit and flout every environmental and safety law on the books while demanding that stupid America observe all of the international protocols which of course our untesticled politicians are only too happy to agree to as long as they get their cut. The Chinese have also monopolized Neodymium without which it would be impossible to build effective wind turbine generators. We have a different opinion about what it means to do well.

We wasted trillions in Afghanistan the last 20 years. China works with them economically and China is the problem?
China also poisoned the world. Both Afghanistan and China are evil.

There are a lot of ways to take that. All of it involving the U.S. also.
US poisoned the world?

Sure. Our manufacturing going to China to avoid environmental laws poisoned the world.
We are the only country that outsources mfg to China? And I am specifically discussing COVID

No we aren't. What other countries do is not my problem.
You just said it was? You are all over the place.

If you say so.

As disgusting Trump and Pence and the disgraceful Republicans continue to undermine America's democracy and health of the country, the EU and China enters a Comprehensive Investment Deal. Under the utter inept governance of the Republicans and the orange TURD of a president like Trump, America will be turned into a banana republic. President Biden can't get into office fast enough.
Your headline and supporting link do not relate to each other

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