As we watch the Repub House caucus ineffectually try to compromise on a new Speaker


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
I think we need to broaden our gaze in terms of who should be held responsible. The reflexive response is the extremist wing of the POT. Those who are perfectly fine with seeing the US default on the debt, not fund the government, and allow the House to essentially shut down when we need responsible governance. A group that has been come to be known as the Freedom Caucus.

Their collective flame throwing idiocy makes them an easy target. It's as though they are in a competition to see who can show themselves to be the biggest embarrassment to the country. It's bad when letting your date grope your tits in a crowded theater doesn't come close to the top of the list.

But the root of the problem isn't the buffoons with an (R) beside their names who have been sent to DC. It's the people who sent them there. The fact that most of them come from heavily gerrymandered districts does not excuse those voters. They see what is happening and they like it. Whether that can be attributed to Trumpery, or the 24/7 disinformation spewed from the media sources they use, or willful ignorance, it really doesn't matter.

The frightening truth is the chaos unfolding in front of our eyes is a reflection of what a small percentage of our fellow Americans desire. I offer as evidence the fact that previously unimaginable hacks like MTG did not lose their re-election bids in a landslide. Their constituents sent them back to Washington under the misguided notion petulant bomb throwing moves the country forward when the opposite is true.
I think we need to broaden our gaze in terms of who should be held responsible. The reflexive response is the extremist wing of the POT. Those who are perfectly fine with seeing the US default on the debt, not fund the government, and allow the House to essentially shut down when we need responsible governance.

34 trillion in debt and growing is not responsible governance. Blame those who will shut it down but you can't do so without also blaming those who ran the debt up.
I think we need to broaden our gaze in terms of who should be held responsible. The reflexive response is the extremist wing of the POT. Those who are perfectly fine with seeing the US default on the debt, not fund the government, and allow the House to essentially shut down when we need responsible governance. A group that has been come to be known as the Freedom Caucus.

Their collective flame throwing idiocy makes them an easy target. It's as though they are in a competition to see who can show themselves to be the biggest embarrassment to the country. It's bad when letting your date grope your tits in a crowded theater doesn't come close to the top of the list.

But the root of the problem isn't the buffoons with an (R) beside their names who have been sent to DC. It's the people who sent them there. The fact that most of them come from heavily gerrymandered districts does not excuse those voters. They see what is happening and they like it. Whether that can be attributed to Trumpery, or the 24/7 disinformation spewed from the media sources they use, or willful ignorance, it really doesn't matter.

The frightening truth is the chaos unfolding in front of our eyes is a reflection of what a small percentage of our fellow Americans desire. I offer as evidence the fact that previously unimaginable hacks like MTG did not lose their re-election bids in a landslide. Their constituents sent them back to Washington under the misguided notion petulant bomb throwing moves the country forward when the opposite is true.
Are you for bipartisan cooperation in Congress?
All I know is that they had better figure it out and quick.

We have two issues that are imminent. One is the global Jihad/day of rage today that Hamas has requested to strike against Israel and America.

The other is the budget stop gap that expires in a few days....effectively shutting down our government.

Then there's the global support for other nations who also are just trying to stay afloat. Nothing much happens until congress gets their feces together.
34 trillion in debt and growing is not responsible governance. Blame those who will shut it down but you can't do so without also blaming those who ran the debt up.
The way to address the national debt is to build a bipartisan consensus as to what can be done about it. Not act like children who didn't get their way. And after Trump's irresponsible tax cuts let's not engage in finger pointing. Repubs have done a great job pretending they care about deficits but that's only the case when a Dem is in the WH.
The way to address the national debt is to build a bipartisan consensus as to what can be done about it.

I've heard this for years.

Not act like children who didn't get their way. And after Trump's irresponsible tax cuts let's not engage in finger pointing. Repubs have done a great job pretending they care about deficits but that's only the case when a Dem is in the WH.

Spend, spend, spend is acting like children.
“I just shared with my colleagues that I was withdrawing my name as a candidate for speaker-designee,” Mr. Scalise said. “If you look at where our conference is, there’s still work to be done. Our conference still has to come together, and it’s not there. There are still some people that have their own agendas.”

His abrupt exit left Republicans back at square one, as fractured as ever over who should lead them and trading recriminations about the disarray in which they found themselves.

They planned a Friday morning meeting to discuss how to move forward.

“Steve won fair and square, and yet we had people who refused to vote for him,” said Representative Don Bacon of Nebraska, adding, “If you reward bad behavior, you’re going to get more of it.”

Rewarding bad behavior is returning nitwits like MTG to Congress after they have clearly displayed to all paying attention they have no interest in, or ability to, govern.
Shaking your rattle like a baby will not achieve the goal of fiscal responsibility.

Neither will continually kicking the can down the road.

Where were the cries of "spend, spend, spend" when Trump was adding trillions to the debt so he could temporarily give the stock market a sugar high?

Read, I condemned it constantly. If it was wrong for Trump (and it was) it's still wrong today.
Hamas has requested to strike against Israel and America. A.

The other is the budget stop gap that expires in a few days....effectively shutting down our government. B.

Then there's the global support for other nations who also are just trying to stay afloat. C.

a. Congress can’t won’t do crap about hamas day of terror.
b. Been like that since Obiden 1.0 stimulus. Yawning.
c. Who cares? Not our problem at $33T

you folks is crazy
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Neither will continually kicking the can down the road.

Read, I condemned it constantly. If it was wrong for Trump (and it was) it's still wrong today.
I assume you understand moving towards a balanced budget will require increased taxes as well as reduced spending? IOW, get ready for a deep recession........possible depression.......which will cause the annual budget deficit to climb.
I assume you understand moving towards a balanced budget will require increased taxes as well as reduced spending?

I fully supported Biden saying the rich need to pay their fair share. Unfortunately he didn't really believe it himself.

IOW, get ready for a deep recession........possible depression.......which will cause the annual budget deficit to climb.

I'm good with it all falling apart. At least we pay and not the future generations.
I assume you understand moving towards a balanced budget will require increased taxes as well as reduced spending? IOW, get ready for a deep recession........possible depression.......which will cause the annual budget deficit to climb.

so, according to you there is no solution? Uh….cut GOVT by 75% for starters. No pensions. Thats a start.
All I know is that they had better figure it out and quick.

We have two issues that are imminent. One is the global Jihad/day of rage today that Hamas has requested to strike against Israel and America.

The other is the budget stop gap that expires in a few days....effectively shutting down our government.

Then there's the global support for other nations who also are just trying to stay afloat. Nothing much happens until congress gets their feces together.
A few days? Try a month.....11/17/23....Plenty of time.

You are just mad that because of the Hamas attack congress is not getting the attention of the MSM as it normally would.....Sucks to be a leftist right now doesn't it?
I assume you understand moving towards a balanced budget will require increased taxes as well as reduced spending? IOW, get ready for a deep recession........possible depression.......which will cause the annual budget deficit to climb.
That sounds counter intuitive
so, according to you there is no solution? Uh….cut GOVT by 75% for starters. No pensions. Thats a start.
There hasn't been civil service pensions (CSRS) since 1987 when FERS came into being, some 36 years ago.

The only fed workers getting bennies under the old plan were those who were hired/retired before '87.

With every year that passes fewer former .gov employees receive a CSRS pension.


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