As we watch the Repub House caucus ineffectually try to compromise on a new Speaker

Interesting. All along I've been wishing that the silent Republicans would say something, and instead, maybe it will ultimately be the donors who put their foot down.
So our "democracy" is really a joke. The billionaires own the pols, our votes don't matter.
Sure thing, Q.
Most who voted for Biden only did so because we were voting against the cult, and you know it. There was/is no soul-selling for the mediocre Biden, and you know it. You people don't even realize you're lying any more.
The Cult? How about voting with the "deep state" for a coup?
The FBI hid Biden's crimes, they censored the facts, see the "Twitter Files", google "Zuckerbucks", the 51 traitors lied about Hunter's laptop, the MSM was complicit with their bias, 81m votes my ass.

Yes you sold your souls, for open borders, for a traitor president and his crime family, for a joke VP, for a 75% "wrong track" number, enjoy!
I think we need to broaden our gaze in terms of who should be held responsible. The reflexive response is the extremist wing of the POT. Those who are perfectly fine with seeing the US default on the debt, not fund the government, and allow the House to essentially shut down when we need responsible governance. A group that has been come to be known as the Freedom Caucus.

Their collective flame throwing idiocy makes them an easy target. It's as though they are in a competition to see who can show themselves to be the biggest embarrassment to the country. It's bad when letting your date grope your tits in a crowded theater doesn't come close to the top of the list.

But the root of the problem isn't the buffoons with an (R) beside their names who have been sent to DC. It's the people who sent them there. The fact that most of them come from heavily gerrymandered districts does not excuse those voters. They see what is happening and they like it. Whether that can be attributed to Trumpery, or the 24/7 disinformation spewed from the media sources they use, or willful ignorance, it really doesn't matter.

The frightening truth is the chaos unfolding in front of our eyes is a reflection of what a small percentage of our fellow Americans desire. I offer as evidence the fact that previously unimaginable hacks like MTG did not lose their re-election bids in a landslide. Their constituents sent them back to Washington under the misguided notion petulant bomb throwing moves the country forward when the opposite is true.
Republican's don't need your input....Thanks...
Let me help you fix that. Repubs sold their soul for a pathologically lying, sexual predator who is unelectable because (among other things) of his failed coup.
There was a coup in 2020, by the democrats:
The FBI hid Biden's crimes, they censored the facts, see the "Twitter Files", google "Zuckerbucks", the 51 traitors lied about Hunter's laptop, the MSM was complicit with their bias, 81m votes my ass. Yes there was a coup, a successful one.
to their detriment sometimes, the GOP members of congress actually think for themselves and vote their conscience. Whereas that dems blindly vote in a block for whatever their masters tell them to. Think about it, which do you really think is better?
Putting aside the fallacy of Dems voting as a monolithic block, something Repubs were known for until recently, the problem isn't so much Repubs thinking for themselves as it is what they're thinking.
People should rebel against those squatting in Congress, occupying seats where the people's representatives should be. These detestable slackers have proven themselves unworthy and deserve being fired.
I read your post as being against both the Republicans and Democrats.
Both parties have failed us, and led us to point of the fiscal cliff.
Neither party is acting responsibly.
Putting aside the fallacy of Dems voting as a monolithic block, something Repubs were known for until recently, the problem isn't so much Repubs thinking for themselves as it is what they're thinking.
OK, what are they "thinking" that bothers you? is it constitutional patriotism?, is it sane fiscal policy? is it sound borders? is it peace through strength? is it the first and second amendments?
Change the system, get money out of politics, add term limits, clean up redistricting, and things improve overnight.
Dems are for campaign finance reform and the end of gerrymandering. Repubs are for the status quo.
I read your post as being against both the Republicans and Democrats.
Both parties have failed us, and led us to point of the fiscal cliff.
Neither party is acting responsibly.
a small segment of the GOP is trying to act responsibly, but they are being stomped out by the govt tit suckers in both parties.
Dems are for campaign finance reform and the end of gerrymandering. Repubs are for the status quo.
wrong, you have it completely backwards, but thats understandable, you have been indoctrinated and are a member of the cult.
OK, what are they "thinking" that bothers you? is is constitutional patriotism?, is it sane fiscal policy? is it sound borders? is it peace through strength? is it the first and second amendments?
Far too many things to list them all but at the top of the list would be thinking failed coups are cool, defaulting on the debt is awesome, voter suppression is dope, forcing a woman to bring a pregnancy to term is super, and climate change is a hoax.
wrong, you have it completely backwards, but thats understandable, you have been indoctrinated and are a member of the cult.
Dems introduced federal legislation requiring districts to be drawn by independent commissions and Repubs opposed it. You didn't know that?
a small segment of the GOP is trying to act responsibly
A small segment of the POT is stamping their feet and hoping people don't remember their abject hypocrisy going back to when Dear Leader was prez.
The Cult? How about voting with the "deep state" for a coup?
The FBI hid Biden's crimes, they censored the facts, see the "Twitter Files", google "Zuckerbucks", the 51 traitors lied about Hunter's laptop, the MSM was complicit with their bias, 81m votes my ass.

Yes you sold your souls, for open borders, for a traitor president and his crime family, for a joke VP, for a 75% "wrong track" number, enjoy!
Every now and then you make sense… and then you don’t

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