Ashli Babbitt's death ruled homicide; Biden still hiding the name of her killer

If a cop dropped dead from a heart attack during the riot, it would be from natural causes as well. The proximate cause of the heart attack would have been the riot. The stress of Trumpist insurgents attacking the Capitol no doubt contributed to Sicknick’s untimely death.
Put up (provide a link) I'd be happy to see if you have any facts showing the legal cause of death for Sicknick. Either that or STFU and go away Troll.
But antifa attempting to burn down a federal courthouse with everyone inside it, isn't "serious business"?

I'm pretty sure everybody who doesn't support violence agrees that anyone caught doing that should be punished to the fullest extent. They probably wouldn't feel too much sympathy for any one killed while attempting to burn down any building with people in it.

By your distorted and one-sided logic, I supposed you believe that the students who were shot at the Kent State protest were "insurrectionists" and deserved what they got, too. Right?

How about those protestors in the Tienanmen Square, who were murdered by Chinese soldiers? Or when those unarmed civilians were murdered by the British, during the Boston Massacre in 1770?

Fuck, dude. For some liberal who so highly values the right to protest, you sure are a fuckin' nazi bastard.
Kent State students weren't breaking thru a door in a mob, threatening trapped people.
You dope - Obviously if it wasn’t a suicide or accidental death, then it was a homicide.
I give not one F for Q-Kook Ashli who was attempting to crawl through a busted out window :icon_rolleyes:
All police shootings that result in death are "homicides." The question is whether they were justified. They were in this case. She should not have been part of the assault on the capitol building nor should she have been threatening a police officer.

I already know you don't have a problem with cops killing unarmed protesters. No need to reiterate.
...and you have no problem with insurrectionists and insurrectionists that kill and maim cops.

No one killed a cop on January 6th. The only homicide was a cop killing an unarmed woman, which you cheered.
How quickly orange cultists want us to forget reality.
It's interesting to hear now, that cops are no longer allowed to shoot criminals breaking in and attack political leaders.

I wonder if that standard only applies to Trump supporters attempting to Lynch political leaders and force them to overturn the election.

Nonsense .....pure media hyperbole.....just a demonstrarion that went a little too far or not far enough depending on how you perceive it.

No political leader was dare you try to deceive? You sound like one of the idiot talking heads on cnn. Get a grip....

Definitely not a attempted insurrection.....more like a college prank or panty raid as occurred back in the day.

If a cop had shot one of the negroid blm rioters you would be screaming to high heave.....can anyone say HYPOCRITE

If the mob BLM rioters had been breaking into our capital and attempting to lynch Pence, Pelosi and others and been shot in the process - they deserved it. If rioters were breaking into a private business and attempting to trash and loot it, and got shot - they deserved it.

Speaking of HYPOCRITE - weren't you one of the loons who fully supported Rittenhouse shooting unarmed protestors and though more should have been shot during the riots?

No one was trying to lynch pence or anyone watch too much t.v. news

Rittenhouse was engaged in self defense. about totally ignoring reality. That orange drug is a powerful one.
Very Sad.

Definitely, Jan 6 Rebellion was misguided and illegal and it gave more power to dems. I am not justifying illegal action.

Yet we should remember this lady who gave her life for our Freedom.
You dope - Obviously if it wasn’t a suicide or accidental death, then it was a homicide.
I give not one F for Q-Kook Ashli who was attempting to crawl through a busted out window
Really? How about a heart condition? Better yet, how about you have no clue because there is not legal cause of death for Sicknick. If there is one, please provide a link as I would like to see it. Yes, we know you hate women.
Thoughts & Prayers.
Middle fingers to you and yours
This is saying "thoughts & prayers" like we hear from the Right everytime school kids or movie goers or church worshippers get gunned done, I've gotten a lot of rude, personal comments. I guess that means all those "thoughts & prayers" in the past were totally insincere.
Two middle fingers
We will assume you made the same gesture to all who said "thoughts & prayers" to all killed in mass shootings. After all, you don't want to be inconsistent. That would be wrong.
Very Sad.

Definitely, Jan 6 Rebellion was misguided and illegal and it gave more power to dems. I am not justifying illegal action.

Yet we should remember this lady who gave her life for our Freedom.
And how did that work out for her?
On January 6th, 2021, Ashli Elizabeth Babbitt was executed by a Capitol Police Officer who seemed to hold no restraint. 50 days later, the Capitol Police Officer responsible has been identified in photos before and during the shooting. The Police Lieutenant’s name is being withheld from Ashli Babbit’s attorneys. You can see the Officer disregards nearly every basic firearm safety rule in the book. His finger is wrapped around the trigger, while his firearm is aimed in the direction of his colleagues. The Officer could not see three uniformed Officers against the wall nearest to Ashli, was not able to

Anyhow the name is known and was posted on here weeks all the news agencies appear to have been forced to withhold the name....not that the name is of any importance.

What is known is that he was a black capitol cop who had been heard to say he wanted to shoot a Trump supporter.
So what's his name? OP wants to know. I see it appears they are still hiding the name.

Well, Redpill and Gateway Pundit aren't the most credible sources, tbh. He was identified by photos that didn't necessarily have anything to do with the shooting of Babbitt, and immediately redirected attention to how he was holding the weapon, they were weak evidence to start with.

Like you said, it doesn't matter. The man is in hiding because right wingnuts would either kill him or harrass him to death. OP can complain all he likes, but the officer has been cleared.
Definitely, everyone involved in Jan 6 Rebellion violated the law and made a mistake. It gave more power to Dems.

Nevertheless everyone who stands for Freedom should remember Ashli Elizabeth Babbitt.

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