Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

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This person needs to be arrested for murder.
Nope...he needs a medal. Maybe they can clean the slime off of Limpball's Medal of Freedom and give it to him.

He needs to be removed and arrested.
You don't arrest people cleared of charges.

We need to look at the people who cleared him. I don't trust them at all.
Of course you don't. :heehee: Dox them too.

Doxing is what the left does, burn your house down, shout you down etc. You crazy!!
How Ironic con-sidering how the CRCs here are working hard to dox that hero Capitol policeman.
Everyone trying to breach that door was warned repeatedly. It is public record and on tape. As first one through the broken window, Ashli was leading the assault.
Trumpsters appear to think that this was just a group tour visiting the Capitol building.

Just another day. A few spirited tourists.

I don't know how to communicate with people like this.
And she deserves to be killed because she doesn't share your far left conspiracy nut job theories?

She deserved to be killed because she ignored orders to pull back and led an attack on the House Chamber while Congressmen were sheltering for safety.

Dood --- now you're getting down right silly.

That is why she was killed. She was a risk to members of Congress on the other side of that door.
The officer was investigated and absolved from guilt.

YOU Chose to identify him in spite of knowing his name was being protected

He was an assassin. That's why. I saw the whole thing. It was a total setup.
We're not supposed to believe what we saw with out own eyes.
This wasn't a split-second act of defense.
He aimed at her for at least 30 seconds drawing a bead on her all the while attempting to hide his face from cameras.
He aimed to kill.....a woman he could have subdued easily.

He did his duty as a Capitol cop protecting those in his charge from the rabid mob. You hate that, we get it.

The fact the rabid mob stopped shows that it was not necessary to shoot Ashli in the neck.
A shot to the floor would have had a better effect as far as defense.
The murder was superfluous and without authorization.

They didn't stop but you know that. You also didn't address my previous question about your right to shoot an intruder coming into your house. Why not?

The protestors did stop after the shot.
The window was still broken out, and anyone could have gone through, but no one did.

They still came in.

You have the right to shoot intruders coming to your house only if they are a threat to your or your privacy.
You can not shoot them if the building is owned by the public and is not private, nor can you shoot them if their intent is not harmful.

So you have to ask their intent before shooting someone? You also most certainly can shoot someone breaking into a business you are protecting if they are coming at you AND you do not have to ask intent.

They did not still come in after the shot.
They stayed in the ante chamber and not where the shot was fired.

YES! You most certainly DO have to ask intent before shooting anyone.
You can not just shoot someone who is breaking in to your business.
You are required to give verbal warning and find out if they have a legal justification.
From the nonsense you wrote, then you would have a right to kill every cop serving a no-knock warrant or a child stealing apples from your yard.
Ashli Babbitt is the person that was murdered.

Image from the report below:

This made Babbit main news amongst Trump supporters and speculation started again about Babbit’s shooter.

This person needs to be arrested for murder.
Nope...he needs a medal. Maybe they can clean the slime off of Limpball's Medal of Freedom and give it to him.

He needs to be removed and arrested.
You don't arrest people cleared of charges.

We need to look at the people who cleared him. I don't trust them at all.
Of course you don't. :heehee: Dox them too.

Doxing is what the left does, burn your house down, shout you down etc. You crazy!!
How Ironic con-sidering how the CRCs here are working hard to dox that hero Capitol policeman.

Look at you, trying to get all tricky, throwing a hyphen up in there!
Not at all.
The cop could have fired a warning shot, used a taser, a club, aimed at an extremity, or many other choices.
It was very close range, so a neck hit means it was aimed at the neck, for maximum lethality.
And that is not warranted in defense, since Ashli was unarmed and not all other possibilities had been exhausted.
A taser, pepper spray, rubber bullets, a bean bag round,etc.
Anyone who tries to defend the use of deadly force on an unarmed unaware woman is clearly
a liar and the moral equivalent of dog crap!

How do you suggest she was "unaware"? Is the argument usually not "Do what the police say and you have no problems"?

I heard the cop say nothing before shooting Ashli, so since there was no warning, then she was unaware she was going to be shot. I think a warning would have been sufficient to stop her.

Because the cops weren't outside fighting with people trying to stop them all from coming in but they still came in?
Again....if they'd been properly equipped with rubber bullets and pepper bullets, a few salvos as the mob started to rush the Capitol steps would have solved the problem early on.
wowza - tweet is unavailable?

Tayler Hansen
Apr 13
The Identify of Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—

Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

Multiple Mainstream Media Outlets have known this, but they REFUSE to run the story.

Why is that?

An American Hero

Saved Congress Members from a trained assassin
If only sheer stupidity such as yours were physically painful.

Trump supporters are naturally stupid.

So what is your excuse ?
Not at all.
The cop could have fired a warning shot, used a taser, a club, aimed at an extremity, or many other choices.
It was very close range, so a neck hit means it was aimed at the neck, for maximum lethality.
And that is not warranted in defense, since Ashli was unarmed and not all other possibilities had been exhausted.
A taser, pepper spray, rubber bullets, a bean bag round,etc.
Anyone who tries to defend the use of deadly force on an unarmed unaware woman is clearly
a liar and the moral equivalent of dog crap!
They didn't have those things. I'm willing to bet if they did, they would have used them a LOT earlier. A salvo or two of rubber bullets into that crowd rushing the Capitol that would have been appropriate.

They do have many of those alternatives, and even if they didn't, a warning shot is easy to have been done.
It did not have to be a neck shot to the carotid artery.
"Warning shot"? Is this a movie?
You don't arrest people cleared of charges.
No. You whitewash murder and try to sweep this matter under the rug.
I did not whitewash anything. It is a fact. If you are cleared of charges, you are free to go.

The lack of action on the part of prosecutors does not mean you are cleared of charges.
That is what a grand jury is for, and should have been used in this case.
It is an extension of "citizen's arrest".
Prosecutors are political and therefore subject to corrupt influences.
Now that's some funny stuff. All hyperbole but still funny!

Shall I show you the posts the insurrectionists made concerning their plans for Pelosi, AOC and any other Democratic women they got their hands on? Rape was the least of it.

And you suck the keisters of those people. I'm just making it clear where we all stand. You Trump cultists tongue-bathe depraved terrorists, while we patriots ... don't.

Libs aren't patriots. More emotional goo. They hate this country to the core.

I think they just hate you.

He was an assassin. That's why. I saw the whole thing. It was a total setup.
We're not supposed to believe what we saw with out own eyes.
This wasn't a split-second act of defense.
He aimed at her for at least 30 seconds drawing a bead on her all the while attempting to hide his face from cameras.
He aimed to kill.....a woman he could have subdued easily.

He did his duty as a Capitol cop protecting those in his charge from the rabid mob. You hate that, we get it.

The fact the rabid mob stopped shows that it was not necessary to shoot Ashli in the neck.
A shot to the floor would have had a better effect as far as defense.
The murder was superfluous and without authorization.

They didn't stop but you know that. You also didn't address my previous question about your right to shoot an intruder coming into your house. Why not?

The protestors did stop after the shot.
The window was still broken out, and anyone could have gone through, but no one did.

They still came in.

You have the right to shoot intruders coming to your house only if they are a threat to your or your privacy.
You can not shoot them if the building is owned by the public and is not private, nor can you shoot them if their intent is not harmful.

So you have to ask their intent before shooting someone? You also most certainly can shoot someone breaking into a business you are protecting if they are coming at you AND you do not have to ask intent.

They did not still come in after the shot.
They stayed in the ante chamber and not where the shot was fired.

YES! You most certainly DO have to ask intent before shooting anyone.
You can not just shoot someone who is breaking in to your business.
You are required to give verbal warning and find out if they have a legal justification.
From the nonsense you wrote, then you would have a right to kill every cop serving a no-knock warrant or a child stealing apples from your yard.
The double standards of rightist is on full display with this event.


This is not a left or right issue.

This is about getting down to who killed Ashli.

Her family deserves some answers.

The WH admin and the DOJ have tried to lock this down.

I thought you had established his name. Other posts you linked to said he was not at work and not staying at home, both probably for his own good. He is probably identified. do you need something more specific? Why? Wanting to take out a hit contract, but squeamish about a mistaken identity thing?

I did

post 2, 10 and 20 ---- I don't know WHAT you are referring to.
Then if you established the name and have the knowledge you seek, why do you want the name splashed across the media? He was cleared. Shouldn't you be seeking the names of the review board and wanting an examination of the examination instead?

Sure, we can petition the DOJ and the Biden admin and ask them why they did what they did.
Do you expect an honest answer, or even ANY answer from them.

I'll let you follow up on that, K.

USMB isn't 'the media'.
This person needs to be arrested for murder.
Nope...he needs a medal. Maybe they can clean the slime off of Limpball's Medal of Freedom and give it to him.

He needs to be removed and arrested.
You don't arrest people cleared of charges.

We need to look at the people who cleared him. I don't trust them at all.
Of course you don't. :heehee: Dox them too.

Doxing is what the left does, burn your house down, shout you down etc. You crazy!!
How Ironic con-sidering how the CRCs here are working hard to dox that hero Capitol policeman.

Look at you, trying to get all tricky, throwing a hyphen up in there!
And....? Was it too shiny an object for you?
This person needs to be arrested for murder.
Nope...he needs a medal. Maybe they can clean the slime off of Limpball's Medal of Freedom and give it to him.

He needs to be removed and arrested.
You don't arrest people cleared of charges.

We need to look at the people who cleared him. I don't trust them at all.
Of course you don't. :heehee: Dox them too.

Doxing is what the left does, burn your house down, shout you down etc. You crazy!!
How Ironic con-sidering how the CRCs here are working hard to dox that hero Capitol policeman.

Silly, one can't dox something that's already out there for the public to see.
Everyone trying to breach that door was warned repeatedly. It is public record and on tape. As first one through the broken window, Ashli was leading the assault.
Trumpsters appear to think that this was just a group tour visiting the Capitol building.

Just another day. A few spirited tourists.

I don't know how to communicate with people like this.
They were told to ignore their lying eyes......they are well groomed.
I did not whitewash anything. It is a fact. If you are cleared of charges, you are free to go.
No, you personally did not whitewash this travesty of justice. The DOJ and other politicians did that
silently and with no notice, which is always a significant sign it is recognized they are covering for a cold
blooded premeditated murder!

This will not stand and you can blather all you want about all the people that entered the Capitol building
and wandered around taking selfies and looking at the views.
Nothing you say about "she knew better and she had it coming" can rationalize what happened to
Ashli Babbitt.
Michael Leroy Byrd committed a cold blooded premeditated murder and it was all so unnecessary
under the circumstances. If you try to excuse it and rationalize it then you are morally, if not legally,
culpable in this disgraceful act of barbarism.

Don't forget who the president is while all this whitewashing is going on. Joe the center of
a shit storm once again.
wowza - tweet is unavailable?

Tayler Hansen
Apr 13
The Identify of Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—

Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

Multiple Mainstream Media Outlets have known this, but they REFUSE to run the story.

Why is that?

An American Hero

Saved Congress Members from a trained assassin

And you are a Saul Alinsky hero.

Just keep repeating lies, regardless of how stupid you sound.
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