Asians make most racist commercial in history: Laundry washes the black off black guy!

Yes. Anti black racism is extreme in Asian communities. I wonder why the left is not more vocal about this horrible racist culture.

What do you recommend? The usual RW "cure" of invasion and/or "bombing them back to the Stone Age"?

Since WWI all wars weve been involved in have been led by Democrats except for the Bush wars and Reagan's Grenada Truman dropped the bomb, I know blaming all war on right wingers feels good but its not true.
Yes. Anti black racism is extreme in Asian communities. I wonder why the left is not more vocal about this horrible racist culture.

What do you recommend? The usual RW "cure" of invasion and/or "bombing them back to the Stone Age"?

Since WWI all wars weve been involved in have been led by Democrats except for the Bush wars and Reagan's Grenada Truman dropped the bomb, I know blaming all war on right wingers feels good but its not true.

Vietnam was set up by Eisenhower. Or more accurately, Eisenhower's failure to see through Dulles.

Of course that's not quite the same thing as who a war was "led by". Vietnam was led (primarily) by both LBJ and Nixon.
Most asian countries are somewhat racist towards white people.

But they are absolutely brutal with their racism when it comes to blacks.
I never realized that until I got drunk with some asian dudes. They despise black people, mostly.

To most of them, blacks are the least evolved human race, while Asians are the most evolved, in a good way of course.

The fact is that subsahara African ethnicities have the most complex DNA of any race of people and are more 'evolved' in terms of DNA.
Since WWI all wars weve been involved in have been led by Democrats except for the Bush wars and Reagan's Grenada Truman dropped the bomb, I know blaming all war on right wingers feels good but its not true.
Yeah, you know some of those wars were our ENEMIES fault.
Yes. Anti black racism is extreme in Asian communities. I wonder why the left is not more vocal about this horrible racist culture.

What do you recommend? The usual RW "cure" of invasion and/or "bombing them back to the Stone Age"?

Since WWI all wars weve been involved in have been led by Democrats except for the Bush wars and Reagan's Grenada Truman dropped the bomb, I know blaming all war on right wingers feels good but its not true.

Vietnam was set up by Eisenhower. Or more accurately, Eisenhower's failure to see through Dulles.

Of course that's not quite the same thing as who a war was "led by". Vietnam was led (primarily) by both LBJ and Nixon.
It doesnt matter if it were a Democrat or REpublican in the Oval Office at the time, we would have gone into Vietnam all the same under either party.
The legal issues in America over segregation were tied specifically to the history
of European land owners enslaving Black slaves from Africa (and also Irish slaves from
Europe are part of that history, which may also explain animosity between black and white
since the Irish slaves were forcibly raped by black slaves to produce darker skin slaves worth more).

A cross between Irish and African slaves produced a LIGHTER colored skin, not darker and the lighter were the more valuable as they were perceived as more intelligent and thus more trainable. A lot of black people today still hold to that nonsense.
Holy shit!!! The ultra racist Asians have out done themselves with this one.

Outrage erupts over 'racist' Chinese detergent ad -

Now that's some funny shit....but guess what? Not one nigga on the planet is insulted by a matter of fact, the way black men worship anything that ain't black, I suspect any day now a demand from nigga's to have it shown here...that's how much nigga black men don't give a shit....hate to burst your bubble. The only true way to really embarrass, hurt or piss a nigga off......have a shortage of white woman!!

And just a little side note...anybody that eats dogs, can swallow a live fish whole, can pay a huge amount of money for a sharks fin and live in America their whole lives and you still need a translator to know what the fuck they sayin......I'm not impressed at all!!
The legal issues in America over segregation were tied specifically to the history
of European land owners enslaving Black slaves from Africa (and also Irish slaves from
Europe are part of that history, which may also explain animosity between black and white
since the Irish slaves were forcibly raped by black slaves to produce darker skin slaves worth more).

Stupid ass...stop posting nonsense, many Irish women chose to marry Black men which outraged White Men who then made it illegal.
Eleanor Butler, known as “Irish Nell”, was an Irish servant who had been brought to Maryland by Lord Baltimore in the late 1670s. She completed her indenture and was a free woman. She served Major William Boarman in St. Mary’s Parish. Boarman was a prominent Catholic planter in the colony, mentioned at a Puritan court in 1655 as confessedly being a “Roman Catholick…borne and bred so.”

In August 1681 Eleanor was married to Charles, one of Boarman’s slaves. This ceremony was performed on the plantation grounds by Father Hubbert, a Catholic priest. The wedding was attended by a large crowd of guests and well wishers. According to the 1664 law her punishment was that she would be enslaved alongside her husband, as long as he was alive. But worse than that, their children were to be slaves. From 1749 to 1787 the descendants of this marriage sued for their freedom multiple times on the basis that Eleanor was a white woman. They eventually won and were granted their freedom. The Boarmans were ordered to pay damages. The court depositions (27 May 1767) reveal vital details about this case. It appears that Lord Baltimore tried to prevent the marriage. As the Governor of the colony he was disturbed that a white Catholic woman would marry a black slave by choice, and aghast that some members of the elite Catholic ruling class apparently endorsed the marriage.

Sixty-three year old Thomas Bowling, who personally knew two of Eleanor’s children, presented hearsay evidence. He told the court that his mother had spoken to Eleanor about her marriage. He relayed the following account of what happened when Lord Baltimore warned Butler about the consequences of this marriage

“…if she would marry a white man her children might be a Credit in the world, otherwise they wou’d be in slavery, upon which she fell a crying, and said it was to her Choice, she wou’d rather have Charles than have your Lordship, upon which he said marry him if you will and so were married…”
All of the depositions generally support the proposition that Butler broke the racial line by choice and that she was willing to be enslaved alongside her husband out of personal conviction and not coercion.

New Law
A month after the wedding Lord Baltimore is thought to have influenced the passing of a new law which sought to further prevent such interracial marriages in future. It imposed a financial penalty on Masters or mistresses who allowed their female servants to marry male slaves.

The “Forced Breeding” myth in the “Irish slaves” meme
Most asian countries are somewhat racist towards white people.

But they are absolutely brutal with their racism when it comes to blacks.

It was certainly that way in Japan in the 60's. The Black sailors weren't allowed in most places. They had to go to special bars and prostitutes, and had to pay double what the rest of us paid for everything. But then, the Blacks always commit most of the rapes and robberies, and the Japs don't have to be politically correct and pretend it's not true like we do here.
Most asian countries are somewhat racist towards white people.

But they are absolutely brutal with their racism when it comes to blacks.

It was certainly that way in Japan in the 60's. The Black sailors weren't allowed in most places. They had to go to special bars and prostitutes, and had to pay double what the rest of us paid for everything. But then, the Blacks always commit most of the rapes and robberies, and the Japs don't have to be politically correct and pretend it's not true like we do here.
That's odd because the highest number of rapes and robberies committed in this country are by whites, it's been this way for decades.
White privilege at work again...smh.
Stupid ass...stop posting nonsense, many Irish women chose to marry Black men which outraged White Men who then made it illegal.
Show us one example of an Irish woman prior to 1840 who voluntarily married a black man.

I am sure that they existed, but it was so rare, it is hardly the explanation for all the white black half breeds in the South and West.

The people who owned slaves wanted to cross breed ethnic groups and races to get an improved breed, it is called heterosis, and they used Irish slaves as well as black slaves to do it. The laws against inter-racial breeding were intended to stop this sort of abuse.

This is going to play out in further inter-racial mixing that will largely break down the idea of races, much like it did in most of Catholic areas of the Carribean and Brazil. I dont know how many times I have heard from Puerto Ricans and Dominicans that their families had people of all races in it, much like George Zimmerman's family does, and yet he is generally considered white still.
Most asian countries are somewhat racist towards white people.

But they are absolutely brutal with their racism when it comes to blacks.

It was certainly that way in Japan in the 60's. The Black sailors weren't allowed in most places. They had to go to special bars and prostitutes, and had to pay double what the rest of us paid for everything. But then, the Blacks always commit most of the rapes and robberies, and the Japs don't have to be politically correct and pretend it's not true like we do here.
That's odd because the highest number of rapes and robberies committed in this country are by whites, it's been this way for decades.
White privilege at work again...smh.
Not proportionately.

It is well known today that the 12% of the population labeled 'black' is responsible for over 40% of most violent crimes and over 50% of murders.
Most asian countries are somewhat racist towards white people.

But they are absolutely brutal with their racism when it comes to blacks.

It was certainly that way in Japan in the 60's. The Black sailors weren't allowed in most places. They had to go to special bars and prostitutes, and had to pay double what the rest of us paid for everything. But then, the Blacks always commit most of the rapes and robberies, and the Japs don't have to be politically correct and pretend it's not true like we do here.
That's odd because the highest number of rapes and robberies committed in this country are by whites, it's been this way for decades.
White privilege at work again...smh.
Not proportionately.

It is well known today that the 12% of the population labeled 'black' is responsible for over 40% of most violent crimes and over 50% of murders.
I see the English language is above your comprehension level...
When you can cite a reputable source that whites don't commit more rapes and robberies than Black people than your status as an imbecile will be revoked...
Stupid ass...stop posting nonsense, many Irish women chose to marry Black men which outraged White Men who then made it illegal.
Show us one example of an Irish woman prior to 1840 who voluntarily married a black man.

I am sure that they existed, but it was so rare, it is hardly the explanation for all the white black half breeds in the South and West.

The people who owned slaves wanted to cross breed ethnic groups and races to get an improved breed, it is called heterosis, and they used Irish slaves as well as black slaves to do it. The laws against inter-racial breeding were intended to stop this sort of abuse.

This is going to play out in further inter-racial mixing that will largely break down the idea of races, much like it did in most of Catholic areas of the Carribean and Brazil. I dont know how many times I have heard from Puerto Ricans and Dominicans that their families had people of all races in it, much like George Zimmerman's family does, and yet he is generally considered white still.

Unfortunately you aren't aware of the number or instance of white women choosing to have intercourse with Slaves and Freed Black Men, you are also ignorant of the common practice of inter-racial sex in the South...
How old are you???
Most asian countries are somewhat racist towards white people.

But they are absolutely brutal with their racism when it comes to blacks.

It was certainly that way in Japan in the 60's. The Black sailors weren't allowed in most places. They had to go to special bars and prostitutes, and had to pay double what the rest of us paid for everything. But then, the Blacks always commit most of the rapes and robberies, and the Japs don't have to be politically correct and pretend it's not true like we do here.
That's odd because the highest number of rapes and robberies committed in this country are by whites, it's been this way for decades.
White privilege at work again...smh.
Not proportionately.

It is well known today that the 12% of the population labeled 'black' is responsible for over 40% of most violent crimes and over 50% of murders.
But then, the Blacks always commit most of the rapes and robberies, and the Japs don't have to be politically correct and pretend it's not true like we do here.

Is English a second language for you or are you just stupid???
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I see the English language is above your comprehension level...
When you can cite a reputable source that whites don't commit more rapes and robberies than Black people than your status as an imbecile will be revoked...
Lol, no it wont. You libtards are well known for labeling anyone that disagree with you as stupid, ignorant or evil.

The stats I gave the link to are all sourced.

If you dont like it, stuff it.
I see the English language is above your comprehension level...
When you can cite a reputable source that whites don't commit more rapes and robberies than Black people than your status as an imbecile will be revoked...
Lol, no it wont. You libtards are well known for labeling anyone that disagree with you as stupid, ignorant or evil.

The stats I gave the link to are all sourced.

If you dont like it, stuff it.
So I see that you are indeed stupid and the English language escapes your primitive intellect...

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