Ask 5 people you know that are "uninsured" and make under $11,000


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
and ask them why aren't they registered with Medicaid?
In Iowa for example here is your requirement:

"General Program Requirements
In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be a resident of the state of Iowa, a U.S. national, citizen or permanent resident in need of health care/insurance assistance, whose financial situation would be characterized as low income or very low income. " - Iowa Medicaid Program

I know one such person who's SS check is $860 a month. He would qualify. Right now! Yet he was like 14 million other people..

Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data, nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.
The Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) estimates that about 9 million of these individuals actually were enrolled in Medicaid during the year,
but were categorized as uninsured in the Census survey.

So if 14 million people ALREADY Eligible just needed to sign up ... why were they counted as part of the 46 million uninsured??
Just like 10 million were counted BUT ARE NOT CITIZENS.. or 18 million that don't want health insurance as they don't NEED to spend the money on it!

That leave 4 million!

So again ask 5 people if they are uninsured and if so do they make less then the Federal poverty level of $11,000 for a single person or $23,000 for family of 4!

You will find at least ONE I guarantee that is "uninsured" makes less then $11,000 AND should REGISTER with medicaid!
Lots of exclamations points makes me want to believe you more.

5 exclamation points and that's ALL you got out of the FACT that Obamacare is based on a Lie?
$850 billion a year in wasted medical services and you don't get excited?

No wonder you are an Obamatron... you can only handle 30 second sound bites and phony headlines.
Any research or logical thinking is something people like you find foreign!!!!!
So folks know any people that should enroll in Medicaid that are part of the 14 million that all they need do is register with Medicaid and they are no longer counted as "uninsured"!
But why then if CMS /Medicaid haven't UNDER laws prior to ACA did they not register these people but instead lie by including them as part of the 46 million uninsured?

This is so wrong on so many levels!
A) Folks if these people can't enroll 14 million that are eligible how are they going to handle 1/6th of the economy?
B) Those idiots repeating 46 million uninsured are truly ignorant!

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