Ask Joe (a new advice column just for USMB members)

son will be 31 ish or 32 ish..damn i guess a good mother would know let me think....omg 32 ish....this year..he is dating a young lady who just passed the va bar....oddly we all live in dude...when do i get grandkids? i mean damn i am even using the ....i am old and dying line and it gets me nowhere? so when? and i want a decent date?
My oldest married a woman that passed the bar in Germany.

He wishes the bitch had kept walking.
son will be 31 ish or 32 ish..damn i guess a good mother would know let me think....omg 32 ish....this year..he is dating a young lady who just passed the va bar....oddly we all live in dude...when do i get grandkids? i mean damn i am even using the ....i am old and dying line and it gets me nowhere? so when? and i want a decent date?
I sympathize.

I have two He-Man Woman Hater sons.

One divorced the bitch that passed the bar in Germany, the other is Hell bent on being a pro bass fisherman, and says the only women he meets on the water and at the weigh ins are dykes.

What to do, what to do?
son will be 31 ish or 32 ish..damn i guess a good mother would know let me think....omg 32 ish....this year..he is dating a young lady who just passed the va bar....oddly we all live in dude...when do i get grandkids? i mean damn i am even using the ....i am old and dying line and it gets me nowhere? so when? and i want a decent date?
I sympathize.

I have two He-Man Woman Hater sons.

One divorced the bitch that passed the bar in Germany, the other is Hell bent on being a pro bass fisherman, and says the only women he meets on the water and at the weigh ins are dykes.

What to do, what to do? are one weird fucking dude.
1. Joe. Do you walk the English walk or talk the English talk?

2. Has there been subversive effort to displace this thread with some pale imitation? If so, do you have any helpful advice for dealing with this situation (bombing nuclear facilities in Iran not being on the table for the time being).
Dear Joe~
(Commentary) First, it's disturbing to find another awesome thread abandoned. /commentary

I've been presented with a challenge.
I could go forth and accept the challenge or make the choice to lose the challenge.

What would you do?

Sarah G


:dunno: Drink beer?

:beer: "Sometimes, the only winning move is not to play."
I sympathize.
I have two He-Man Woman Hater sons.
One divorced the bitch that passed the bar in Germany, the other is Hell bent on being a pro bass fisherman, and says the only women he meets on the water and at the weigh ins are dykes.

What to do, what to do?

Party like it's 1999, of course!


1. Joe. Do you walk the English walk or talk the English talk?

2. Has there been subversive effort to displace this thread with some pale imitation? If so, do you have any helpful advice for dealing with this situation (bombing nuclear facilities in Iran not being on the table for the time being).

1. I understand much of the English language, but my native tongue is 'American'.

2. My sources say no..... for now. That said, any Military Industrial Complex worth it's salt will keep any and all subversive efforts fresh in the minds of it's citizens, even the imaginary ones, and the Complex being built by USMB is definitely worth it's salt.

She-Who-Must-Never-Be-Named appreciates your contributions here. :thup:
Sometimes, the only way to be sure is to dust-off and nuke 'em from space.




No politics!

Joe, which of the above does not belong and why?
Let's see....

Beer and Shrillary are both all to real while the other two are imaginary...

The Harry Potter stories have 'Butter Beer' and Shrillary is all about politics, even No politics!....

I'm going to go with Shrillary, because that's one politician who shouldn't belong. At least in a current political race.

The best thing she could do for her country and her party right now would be to formally withdraw from 2016, install herself as the wise old matriarchal bitch of the D party, and pass the torch of leadership on to the next generation.
Hello Joe-

I want to know if the be all and end all really is.

Thank you, Esme :)
Gimme some Time on this one... it seems important.
Dear Joe,

if a woman starts moaning "Oh, God, oh GOD" even before you've started to pollinate the flower, is that good or bad?
Why the hell are you gardening with a moaning woman nearby?

Go see what she wants.
Hello Joe-

I want to know if the be all and end all really is.

Thank you, Esme :)

Both are indeed real. At least with regards to the Timeline.

The be all happens only once in every moment while the end all has only two occurrences: One so long ago it can never be known, and the other so long from now as to not be worried about.

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