
The media is more than happy to dig up the dirt on Trump, even fabricate it at times.
They weren't forthcoming with the dirt on Hillary, even hiding it.

Assange evened the playing field IMO.

You may think he's a criminal, but, I think it's equally criminal when the MSM hides the truth. After all, that's what they're here for,
not to sway an election as they tried to do.

I do not think he is a criminal, he deals in stolen merchandise...that is a criminal activity

Sent from my iPhone using

Your Government engages in terrible criminal behavior daily. That's the truth.

Pointing to the criminal behavior of one person does not excuse the criminal behavior of another

Sent from my iPhone using
And you have no issues with one of the sides doing it. It just amazes me.

It is you that has no issues with one side doing it, you are the one defending a criminal, not me.

Sent from my iPhone using
At least I'm defending him, you on the other hand have given a complete pass and ignored what the party has been doing. Sounds more like sour grapes that your side was caught with their hand in the cookie jar
I do not think he is a criminal, he deals in stolen merchandise...that is a criminal activity

Sent from my iPhone using

Your Government engages in terrible criminal behavior daily. That's the truth.

Pointing to the criminal behavior of one person does not excuse the criminal behavior of another

Sent from my iPhone using
And you have no issues with one of the sides doing it. It just amazes me.

It is you that has no issues with one side doing it, you are the one defending a criminal, not me.

Sent from my iPhone using
At least I'm defending him, you on the other hand have given a complete pass and ignored what the party has been doing. Sounds more like sour grapes that your side was caught with their hand in the cookie jar

You have been defending him all day. What the other party did is not the discussion at hand, it is the actions of Assange.

Had he allowed everyone to see all that he had instead of playing the puppet master I would at least have had some respect for him. But I the end he is really no different than the other party

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You'd rather your Government continue to lie to you 24/7? Personally, i think a Wikileaks is vital to our Democracy's survival. Our Media certainly isn't credible. It's all owned by just a handful of Corporations. And they're in bed with Government. So you won't get much truth from them. Wikileaks is a miracle. People all over the world should be thanking Assange. Without him, there would only be Government lies.

The government tells us a 1000 lie and Assange let’s is in on one of them and keeps the rest to himself, and for that you bow down and worship him.


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Yeah i admit it, i don't like being lied to. And that's what Governments do 24/7. Without a Wikileaks, we would never get any truth. Today's 'Journalism' = a small handful of large Corporations owning and attempting to control all media information folks receive. The days of a 'Watchdog Press' are long gone. We desperately need outside independent groups like Wikileaks. Otherwise, lies is we would have as our 'Information.'

You are still being lied to and Assange is lying to you when he tells you he wants the truth to be known and then only gives you a small tiny fraction of the truth

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He exposes your Government's never-ending lies. You just need to stop focusing on Wikileaks exposing your Democratic Party's corruption. You're obviously very bitter about it. But you were simply given the truth about your Party. So you should stop hating Assange, and instead start holding your Party's leaders accountable. Direct that hate and anger at the actual culprits.

I am not a Dem and never have been. But I did give my party leaders a lot of grief about nominating Johnson again.

As for Assange, he does not expose never ending lies, he exposed a few and keeps the rest to himself. When was the last thing he exposed? Or do you think the government quit lying to us?

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Wikileaks has released close to 3,000 documents this year. They can't all be bombshells.
Russia Russia Russia

Most of those folks now hating on Wikileaks, were very supportive in the past. They only became haters after it exposed their Party's awful corruption. They're disingenuous hypocrites.
Laddy, I've never been the groupie of assange as you are. Assange is no more pro democracy /human rights than is Vlad.

Again, the Russia Boogeyman meme. Wikileaks was around long before your tired meme. You're a hater now because it exposed your Party's corruption. Your hate & anger is being misdirected. You're directing at someone who gave you truth. But you should be directing it at your Party's leadership. You should be thanking Assange.
Your idiocy over Assange is not my problem.

Your hate and anger is misguided. You should be angry at your Party's leaders. They allowed Clinton and Wasserman-Schultz to rig the Primaries. And do you really think they would have ever fessed up to that? Not a chance my friend.
The primary was not rigged as you and Sanders supporters were made to believe, it was all Russian and rightwing PROPAGANDA....

Other wise you and your ilk could actually show us the alleged emails that showed such.

Instead we get emails of DNC workers talking about bernie and frustrated with Bernie, and the author of the pushed propaganda claims it was done early in the campaign to hurt Bernie.... but if you find the actual DATE of the emails, it was AFTER Hillary had already won the primary against Bernie, overwhelmingly, by the popular vote and not just delegates.... and Bernie had chosen to run out the primary till the convention instead of admitting Hillary won and ending the primary..... that was hurtful to the DNC and the candidate the MAJORITY of democrats had already chosen.....

there was nothing their trash talk of the situation that affected Bernie and his LOSS..... he had already lost the primary, by millions in the popular vote, OUTSIDE of the super delegates.

The drop of the STOLEN DNC emails and the propaganda stories that Assange coordinated with a so called journalist to write these negative stories dropped with the wikileaks releases purpose was to drive division among the suppress the Democratic vote

it was no whistle blower release.....

and the super delegates was and is a system that the democrats have used for decades and decades.... it was NOTHING that Hillary created....all of those propaganda articles dropped on that issue blaming Hillary and the DNC like they were sticking it to Bernie were all LIES..... Bernie signed off when he became a so called new found Democrat, papers with the DNC acknowledging the RULES OF THE CONTEST, before he ever joined... If he didn't like them, he should have run as an Independent, which he is...instead of USING the DNC.

And may I remind you, she lost in 2008 because of the super delegates that went to Obama.... the rules of the game are the rules of the game.... sometimes you win with them and sometimes you lose.

So KINDLY show what emails you read of the DNC that were on wikileaks, that you think was illegally done against Bernie, Comrade....or stop your propaganda bull crap.
What I found amazing was that no one could refute what Assange was pitching. That was incredible.
why would he need to ''pitch'' anything, if all he wanted is for us to know the truth??

Why is the USA his primary target?

Why don't we see any stolen military intelligence from Russia, or any negative releases on their intelligence gathering? Nothing ever, from Assange on Russia??? Isn't that odd???
WikiLeaks - Spy Files Russia

Now that you have seen what you thought didn't exist. Were you able to make anything out of them?
What are you giving me with that link and how does it relate to my post??
They are Russian documents released by wikileaks. It refutes your post.
Yeah i admit it, i don't like being lied to. And that's what Governments do 24/7. Without a Wikileaks, we would never get any truth. Today's 'Journalism' = a small handful of large Corporations owning and attempting to control all media information folks receive. The days of a 'Watchdog Press' are long gone. We desperately need outside independent groups like Wikileaks. Otherwise, lies is we would have as our 'Information.'

You are still being lied to and Assange is lying to you when he tells you he wants the truth to be known and then only gives you a small tiny fraction of the truth

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The media is more than happy to dig up the dirt on Trump, even fabricate it at times.
They weren't forthcoming with the dirt on Hillary, even hiding it.

Assange evened the playing field IMO.

You may think he's a criminal, but, I think it's equally criminal when the MSM hides the truth. After all, that's what they're here for,
not to sway an election as they tried to do.

I do not think he is a criminal, he deals in stolen merchandise...that is a criminal activity

Sent from my iPhone using

Your Government engages in terrible criminal behavior daily. That's the truth.

Pointing to the criminal behavior of one person does not excuse the criminal behavior of another

Sent from my iPhone using

So you wanna hang Assange, but give your Government a complete free pass. You really should rethink that stance.
it's just more of Dshrutes world view. And it's not all wrong. But he has to fit everything into a conspiracy theory.

And the funny thing is Exxon board of directors may well think that democracy is necessary to their profits
You are still being lied to and Assange is lying to you when he tells you he wants the truth to be known and then only gives you a small tiny fraction of the truth

Sent from my iPhone using
The media is more than happy to dig up the dirt on Trump, even fabricate it at times.
They weren't forthcoming with the dirt on Hillary, even hiding it.

Assange evened the playing field IMO.

You may think he's a criminal, but, I think it's equally criminal when the MSM hides the truth. After all, that's what they're here for,
not to sway an election as they tried to do.

I do not think he is a criminal, he deals in stolen merchandise...that is a criminal activity

Sent from my iPhone using

Your Government engages in terrible criminal behavior daily. That's the truth.

Pointing to the criminal behavior of one person does not excuse the criminal behavior of another

Sent from my iPhone using

So you wanna hang Assange, but give your Government a complete free pass. You really should rethink that stance.
When the US interfers with an election to SUPPRESS democracy let me know.

And I realize that the US has removed democratically elected govts. Sometimes without clear evidence that they intend to install a totalitarian state.
Most of those folks now hating on Wikileaks, were very supportive in the past. They only became haters after it exposed their Party's awful corruption. They're disingenuous hypocrites.
Laddy, I've never been the groupie of assange as you are. Assange is no more pro democracy /human rights than is Vlad.

Again, the Russia Boogeyman meme. Wikileaks was around long before your tired meme. You're a hater now because it exposed your Party's corruption. Your hate & anger is being misdirected. You're directing at someone who gave you truth. But you should be directing it at your Party's leadership. You should be thanking Assange.
Your idiocy over Assange is not my problem.

Your hate and anger is misguided. You should be angry at your Party's leaders. They allowed Clinton and Wasserman-Schultz to rig the Primaries. And do you really think they would have ever fessed up to that? Not a chance my friend.
The primary was not rigged as you and Sanders supporters were made to believe, it was all Russian and rightwing PROPAGANDA....

Other wise you and your ilk could actually show us the alleged emails that showed such.

Instead we get emails of DNC workers talking about bernie and frustrated with Bernie, and the author of the pushed propaganda claims it was done early in the campaign to hurt Bernie.... but if you find the actual DATE of the emails, it was AFTER Hillary had already won the primary against Bernie, overwhelmingly, by the popular vote and not just delegates.... and Bernie had chosen to run out the primary till the convention instead of admitting Hillary won and ending the primary..... that was hurtful to the DNC and the candidate the MAJORITY of democrats had already chosen.....

there was nothing their trash talk of the situation that affected Bernie and his LOSS..... he had already lost the primary, by millions in the popular vote, OUTSIDE of the super delegates.

The drop of the STOLEN DNC emails and the propaganda stories that Assange coordinated with a so called journalist to write these negative stories dropped with the wikileaks releases purpose was to drive division among the suppress the Democratic vote

it was no whistle blower release.....

and the super delegates was and is a system that the democrats have used for decades and decades.... it was NOTHING that Hillary created....all of those propaganda articles dropped on that issue blaming Hillary and the DNC like they were sticking it to Bernie were all LIES..... Bernie signed off when he became a so called new found Democrat, papers with the DNC acknowledging the RULES OF THE CONTEST, before he ever joined... If he didn't like them, he should have run as an Independent, which he is...instead of USING the DNC.

And may I remind you, she lost in 2008 because of the super delegates that went to Obama.... the rules of the game are the rules of the game.... sometimes you win with them and sometimes you lose.

So KINDLY show what emails you read of the DNC that were on wikileaks, that you think was illegally done against Bernie, Comrade....or stop your propaganda bull crap.

Wow, that's so sad. You're giving your corrupt Party-leadership a complete free pass. That's some very sad denial there.
The media is more than happy to dig up the dirt on Trump, even fabricate it at times.
They weren't forthcoming with the dirt on Hillary, even hiding it.

Assange evened the playing field IMO.

You may think he's a criminal, but, I think it's equally criminal when the MSM hides the truth. After all, that's what they're here for,
not to sway an election as they tried to do.

I do not think he is a criminal, he deals in stolen merchandise...that is a criminal activity

Sent from my iPhone using

Your Government engages in terrible criminal behavior daily. That's the truth.

Pointing to the criminal behavior of one person does not excuse the criminal behavior of another

Sent from my iPhone using

So you wanna hang Assange, but give your Government a complete free pass. You really should rethink that stance.
When the US interfers with an election to SUPPRESS democracy let me know.

And I realize that the US has removed democratically elected govts. Sometimes without clear evidence that they intend to install a totalitarian state.

Ha, SAY WHAAT!? Guess you've never heard of the CIA. It's been killing foreign leaders and overthrowing Democratically-Elected Governments for years, I'm completely flabbergasted you're so woefully uninformed.
I do not think he is a criminal, he deals in stolen merchandise...that is a criminal activity

Sent from my iPhone using

Your Government engages in terrible criminal behavior daily. That's the truth.

Pointing to the criminal behavior of one person does not excuse the criminal behavior of another

Sent from my iPhone using

So you wanna hang Assange, but give your Government a complete free pass. You really should rethink that stance.
When the US interfers with an election to SUPPRESS democracy let me know.

And I realize that the US has removed democratically elected govts. Sometimes without clear evidence that they intend to install a totalitarian state.

Ha, SAY WHAAT!? Guess you've never heard of the CIA. It's been killing foreign leaders and overthrowing Democratically-Elected Governments for years, I'm completely flabbergasted you're so woefully uninformed.
Absolutely they have done so.

But Assagne leaked material damaging to Clinton when her poll numbers went up. He demonstrated an agenda aimed AGAINTS US democracy. Nothing the US has done, or he has done, excuses that .. crime. And it was a crime.
What I found amazing was that no one could refute what Assange was pitching. That was incredible.
why would he need to ''pitch'' anything, if all he wanted is for us to know the truth??

Why is the USA his primary target?

Why don't we see any stolen military intelligence from Russia, or any negative releases on their intelligence gathering? Nothing ever, from Assange on Russia??? Isn't that odd???
WikiLeaks - Spy Files Russia

Now that you have seen what you thought didn't exist. Were you able to make anything out of them?
What are you giving me with that link and how does it relate to my post??
They are Russian documents released by wikileaks. It refutes your post.
NOPE! Those were released AFTER Americans pointng out that wikileaks was a Russian Pawn....

they were released in September of 2017.... a handful of Russian documents to try to refute that wikileaks has never released anything on Russia.....

WHAT ABOUT the previous 10 years PRIOR to the 2016 election.....

We ain't no dummy to that bull crap....

a day late, and a dollar short! It refutes NOTHING..... surely, you can see this...???
Your Government engages in terrible criminal behavior daily. That's the truth.

Pointing to the criminal behavior of one person does not excuse the criminal behavior of another

Sent from my iPhone using
And you have no issues with one of the sides doing it. It just amazes me.

It is you that has no issues with one side doing it, you are the one defending a criminal, not me.

Sent from my iPhone using
At least I'm defending him, you on the other hand have given a complete pass and ignored what the party has been doing. Sounds more like sour grapes that your side was caught with their hand in the cookie jar

You have been defending him all day. What the other party did is not the discussion at hand, it is the actions of Assange.

Had he allowed everyone to see all that he had instead of playing the puppet master I would at least have had some respect for him. But I the end he is really no different than the other party

Sent from my iPhone using
If not for what the other party did, Assange wouldn't have been exposing the corruption. So, yes it IS part of the discussion
Pointing to the criminal behavior of one person does not excuse the criminal behavior of another

Sent from my iPhone using
And you have no issues with one of the sides doing it. It just amazes me.

It is you that has no issues with one side doing it, you are the one defending a criminal, not me.

Sent from my iPhone using
At least I'm defending him, you on the other hand have given a complete pass and ignored what the party has been doing. Sounds more like sour grapes that your side was caught with their hand in the cookie jar

You have been defending him all day. What the other party did is not the discussion at hand, it is the actions of Assange.

Had he allowed everyone to see all that he had instead of playing the puppet master I would at least have had some respect for him. But I the end he is really no different than the other party

Sent from my iPhone using
If not for what the other party did, Assange wouldn't have been exposing the corruption. So, yes it IS part of the discussion
Ah, but then why not expose Trump's corruption? The funny thing is we could never be sure Hillary wasn't compromised into doing stuff for despots because of money she got for her Foundation, but Trump was just as compromised as she was .... even if he didn't collude, his sons admit he's financially dependent upon Russia.
And you have no issues with one of the sides doing it. It just amazes me.

It is you that has no issues with one side doing it, you are the one defending a criminal, not me.

Sent from my iPhone using
At least I'm defending him, you on the other hand have given a complete pass and ignored what the party has been doing. Sounds more like sour grapes that your side was caught with their hand in the cookie jar

You have been defending him all day. What the other party did is not the discussion at hand, it is the actions of Assange.

Had he allowed everyone to see all that he had instead of playing the puppet master I would at least have had some respect for him. But I the end he is really no different than the other party

Sent from my iPhone using
If not for what the other party did, Assange wouldn't have been exposing the corruption. So, yes it IS part of the discussion
Ah, but then why not expose Trump's corruption? The funny thing is we could never be sure Hillary wasn't compromised into doing stuff for despots because of money she got for her Foundation, but Trump was just as compromised as she was .... even if he didn't collude, his sons admit he's financially dependent upon Russia.
Why? Because you had the MSM doing that, remember?????
What I found amazing was that no one could refute what Assange was pitching. That was incredible.
why would he need to ''pitch'' anything, if all he wanted is for us to know the truth??

Why is the USA his primary target?

Why don't we see any stolen military intelligence from Russia, or any negative releases on their intelligence gathering? Nothing ever, from Assange on Russia??? Isn't that odd???
WikiLeaks - Spy Files Russia

Now that you have seen what you thought didn't exist. Were you able to make anything out of them?
What are you giving me with that link and how does it relate to my post??
They are Russian documents released by wikileaks. It refutes your post.
NOPE! Those were released AFTER Americans pointng out that wikileaks was a Russian Pawn....

they were released in September of 2017.... a handful of Russian documents to try to refute that wikileaks has never released anything on Russia.....

WHAT ABOUT the previous 10 years PRIOR to the 2016 election.....

We ain't no dummy to that bull crap....

a day late, and a dollar short! It refutes NOTHING..... surely, you can see this...???
I'll be honest with you, I'm not Russian, I couldn't care less if he exposes them or not. I'm concerned with the activities of my own government.
Your Government engages in terrible criminal behavior daily. That's the truth.

Pointing to the criminal behavior of one person does not excuse the criminal behavior of another

Sent from my iPhone using

So you wanna hang Assange, but give your Government a complete free pass. You really should rethink that stance.
When the US interfers with an election to SUPPRESS democracy let me know.

And I realize that the US has removed democratically elected govts. Sometimes without clear evidence that they intend to install a totalitarian state.

Ha, SAY WHAAT!? Guess you've never heard of the CIA. It's been killing foreign leaders and overthrowing Democratically-Elected Governments for years, I'm completely flabbergasted you're so woefully uninformed.
Absolutely they have done so.

But Assagne leaked material damaging to Clinton when her poll numbers went up. He demonstrated an agenda aimed AGAINTS US democracy. Nothing the US has done, or he has done, excuses that .. crime. And it was a crime.

Like i said, Wikileaks was around long before y'all's Russia meme. It's been exposing Government corruption all around the world for years. Your hate & anger shouldn't be directed at Wikileaks, it should be directed at Clinton and Party leaders. They're corrupt. You should be thanking Wikileaks for telling you the truth.
QUOTE="Dschrute3, post: 20428233, member: 60585"]Your Government engages in terrible criminal behavior daily. That's the truth.

Pointing to the criminal behavior of one person does not excuse the criminal behavior of another

Sent from my iPhone using
And you have no issues with one of the sides doing it. It just amazes me.

It is you that has no issues with one side doing it, you are the one defending a criminal, not me.

Sent from my iPhone using
At least I'm defending him, you on the other hand have given a complete pass and ignored what the party has been doing. Sounds more like sour grapes that your side was caught with their hand in the cookie jar

There is no question that Assange is due our gratitude. It is clear that many in the media are owned and controlled by the State. Assange clearly is not. For this and his exposing government corruption and criminality, we owe him a great deal.

Now...what is amazingly absurd about the recent developments on Assange, is the American MSM ALSO wants his scalp. Proof they are owned and controlled by the State. It seems we are living in an Orwellian state more every day.

This from Greenwald exposes the corruption of the American MSM.
Ecuador Will Imminently Withdraw Asylum for Julian Assange and Hand Him Over to the U.K. What Comes Next?

But if, as seems quite likely, the Trump administration finally announces that it intends to prosecute Assange for publishing classified U.S. government documents, we will be faced with the bizarre spectacle of U.S. journalists — who have spent the last two years melodramatically expressing grave concern over press freedom due to insulting tweets from Trump about Wolf Blitzer and Chuck Todd, or his mean treatment of Jim Acosta — possibly cheering for a precedent that would be the gravest press freedom threat in decades.

That precedent would be one that could easily be used to put them in a prison cell alongside Assange for the new “crime” of publishing any documents that the U.S. government has decreed should not be published. When it comes to press freedom threats, such an indictment would not be in the same universe as name-calling tweets by Trump directed at various TV personalities.

When it came to denouncing due process denials and the use of torture at Guantánamo, it was not difficult for journalists to set aside their personal dislike for Al Qaeda sympathizers to denounce the dangers of those human rights and legal abuses. When it comes to free speech assaults, journalists are able to set aside their personal contempt for a person’s opinions to oppose the precedent that the government can punish people for expressing noxious ideas.

It should not be this difficult for journalists to set aside their personal emotions about Assange to recognize the profound dangers — not just to press freedoms but to themselves — if the U.S. government succeeds in keeping Assange imprisoned for years to come, all due to its attempts to prosecute him for publishing classified or stolen documents. That seems the highly likely scenario once Ecuador hands over Assange to the U.K.

Ecuador Will Imminently Withdraw Asylum for Julian Assange and Hand Him Over to the U.K. What Comes Next?

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