assault on science

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Michael E. Mann - Get the anti-science bent out of politics

As a scientist, I shouldn't have a stake in the upcoming midterm elections, but unfortunately, it seems that I -- and indeed all my fellow climate scientists -- do.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) has threatened that, if he becomes chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, he will launch what would be a hostile investigation of climate science. The focus would be on e-mails stolen from scientists at the University of East Anglia in Britain last fall that climate-change deniers have falsely claimed demonstrate wrongdoing by scientists, including me. Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) may do the same if he takes over a committee on climate change and energy security.

My employer, Penn State University, exonerated me after a thorough investigation of my e-mails in the East Anglia archive. Five independent investigations in Britain and the United States, and a thorough recent review by the Environmental Protection Agency, also have cleared the scientists of accusations of impropriety.

Nonetheless, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is investigating my previous employer, the University of Virginia, based on the stolen e-mails. A judge rejected his initial subpoena, finding that Cuccinelli had failed to provide objective evidence of wrongdoing. Undeterred, Cuccinelli appealed the decision to the Virginia Supreme Court and this week issued a new civil subpoena.

What could Issa, Sensenbrenner and Cuccinelli possibly think they might uncover now, a year after the e-mails were published?

The truth is that they don't expect to uncover anything. Instead, they want to continue a 20-year assault on climate research, questioning basic science and promoting doubt where there is none.
Old Rocks- how many people would need to be interviewed to perform a thorough investigation? Careful now, this is a trick question, hehe.

Exonerated my ass. He wasn't even investigated!
Sorry, Mann,

but if you "lie" down with dogs,

odds are

you'll get up with fleas...

p.s. You can stop calling yourself a scientist, now that we all know you're nothing but a (faked) number-crunching money grubber.


Can you believe the audacity of this Mann dude??? Someone STOLE proof of their fraudulent scam? Cripes.
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come on Old Rocks. tell us how many people should have been interviewed. and what areas should have been covered.

a. 1-3 people
b. 4-10 people
c. as many as it takes to apply the whitewash?

I'm Canadian, eh. nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean? say no more.
And that investigation was exactly like a Monty Python skit.
A rise of 2 degrees poses huge risks for Canada: study -

Canada’s Arctic sea ice might be halved, runoff in the Saskatchewan River basin would be reduced, and shipping through the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway could cost more, according to a report on climate change released in Ottawa.

Described as the first ever comprehensive illustration of expected climate change in Canada, the report is a joint project of the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy and the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. The research is covered in depth on the website of the roundtable, as well as in the October issue of Canadian Geographic, which features a wide range of articles on climate change’s effect on Canadian resources, Halifax’s rising harbour, and the impact on global warming on health care.

Also available is a detailed poster/map that looks at what would happen to Canada if the temperature increases between 1 and 5 degrees Celsius.
Ian, I really don't know what you mean by the nudge, nudge, wink, wink bullshit. My wife and I have made several very enjoyable trips into Canada. The longest, a ramble up to Yellowknife in 1975 for about three weeks. Loved the country and the people. The only other nation that I would consider emigrating to. Was offhandedly offered a job at Hay River and only found out later that the man was serious. I think I would have taken that job, had I realized that.

Watched a marvelous display of the Northern Lights from the park on the hill above Peace River. Had my banjo along, and a 1 gallon coffee pot. I would set up the coffee pot, get it going, and start playing the banjo. Met a lot of wonderful people that way.
The guy was a scamster and a fraud. Attacking him is not attacking science. It is like attacking Bernie Madhoff is attacking investors. Total false equivalence
A rise of 2 degrees poses huge risks for Canada: study -

Canada’s Arctic sea ice might be halved, runoff in the Saskatchewan River basin would be reduced, and shipping through the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway could cost more, according to a report on climate change released in Ottawa.

Described as the first ever comprehensive illustration of expected climate change in Canada, the report is a joint project of the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy and the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. The research is covered in depth on the website of the roundtable, as well as in the October issue of Canadian Geographic, which features a wide range of articles on climate change’s effect on Canadian resources, Halifax’s rising harbour, and the impact on global warming on health care.

Also available is a detailed poster/map that looks at what would happen to Canada if the temperature increases between 1 and 5 degrees Celsius.

How sad, the alarmists are reduced to rehashing decade old material that has allready been put out to pasture as false.

They really are dumb.
Scientists are innocent people. They don't understand that the GOP is after them they same way they are after the gays and the feminists and the blacks and the Muslims and the atheists and the Hispanics. But they're smart. They will figure it out.
A scammer faking numbers is a scammer faking numbers, no matter if he works at a college or if he works at the local used car lot, or in the OMB massaging numbers for 0bamacare.

The issue is not the occupation, the issue is the lying.

Rdean defending 'scientists' who lie is sort of like some Catholic who thinks the local pedophile priest should be allowed unrestricted access to the boy's choir.
scientists are innocent people. They don't understand that the gop is after them they same way they are after the gays and the feminists and the blacks and the muslims and the atheists and the hispanics. But they're smart. They will figure it out.

come on Old Rocks. tell us how many people should have been interviewed. and what areas should have been covered.

a. 1-3 people
b. 4-10 people
c. as many as it takes to apply the whitewash?

I'm Canadian, eh. nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean? say no more.
And that investigation was exactly like a Monty Python skit.

Old Rocks- the answer is a., eh?

Mann, Gerry North and Donald Kennedy were the only ones interviewed. While the leader of the NAS investigation (North) which concluded that the hockey stick methodologies were wrong but the conclusions plausible, and the editor of Science Magazine which has a habit of accepting pro-AGW articles without proper archived data (against its own rules) are reasonable invitees, where was the representation from the other side? Softball questions, acceptance of incomplete answers, avoidance of controversial areas, and, contrary to Penn rules, no transcripts of the interviews or documentation of the materials inspected. Pretty much adds up to a total whitewash. Just like the british inquiries that are taking so much heat from the govt for incompetence and incompleteness.
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What a joke of an article. Since when is exposing lack of scientific integrity an attack on science? If there is no scientific integrity, there is no science.

The article is lame but leave it to dilettantes to think it has any merit.
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Scientists are innocent people. They don't understand that the GOP is after them they same way they are after the gays and the feminists and the blacks and the Muslims and the atheists and the Hispanics. But they're smart. They will figure it out.

They're same people who tried to convince us that Terry Schiavo wasn't brain dead! If they're saying "scam", then it's just because they're trying to deflect attention from their own twisting of the facts.
Scientists are innocent people. They don't understand that the GOP is after them they same way they are after the gays and the feminists and the blacks and the Muslims and the atheists and the Hispanics. But they're smart. They will figure it out.

They're same people who tried to convince us that Terry Schiavo wasn't brain dead! If they're saying "scam", then it's just because they're trying to deflect attention from their own twisting of the facts.
Well, Schaivo wasn't brain dead, now was she?

So, you are being irrelevant yet again.
Scientists are innocent people. They don't understand that the GOP is after them they same way they are after the gays and the feminists and the blacks and the Muslims and the atheists and the Hispanics. But they're smart. They will figure it out.

They're same people who tried to convince us that Terry Schiavo wasn't brain dead! If they're saying "scam", then it's just because they're trying to deflect attention from their own twisting of the facts.
Well, Schaivo wasn't brain dead, now was she?

So, you are being irrelevant yet again.

Yes she was. What evidence do you have that she wasn't? To my knowledge it was confirmed on aotopsy. Are you trying to rewrite history? I think you've just proven my point. There IS an assault on science!
They're same people who tried to convince us that Terry Schiavo wasn't brain dead! If they're saying "scam", then it's just because they're trying to deflect attention from their own twisting of the facts.
Well, Schaivo wasn't brain dead, now was she?

So, you are being irrelevant yet again.

Yes she was. ....
No, she wasn't. She was in a persistent vegetative state, which is not brain death.

Accuracy is not your strong suit.
Reality is not your strong suit, Si.

It will not be just an attack on Micheal Mann, it will be an attack on all scientists involved in climate studies, from climatologists, to geologists and biologists.

This is the direction of the Republican Party now. Antiscience, and determined to defund both science and science education.

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