Assholes making trouble in Oregon

For the third time.....and do pay attention this time, please.......the computers, the evacuator and the files.

You keep telling this lie, but there is no evidence that computes have been taken from the facility. Nor even that any files were accessed. Do you think that when the BLM people left, they put their passwords on the machines so that Bundy would be able to log in?

Not only is what you claim founded on nothing, it is absurd.

And they took the evacuator? Are you REALLY going to tell that whopper? Where did they take it? Did they sell it?
And they've taken property. Which is the very definition of theft.

What property? Specifically?

For the third time.....and do pay attention this time, please.......the computers, the evacuator and the files.
they haven't stolen anything yet, they're still in the building correct? I think one needs to leave with the materials to be burglary don't you think? And if the doors were open it isn't breaking and entering either. So dude so far you got jack.

Go into a post office and start moving around the stamp machine, maybe block the door with it...we'll see what you get charged with, shall we?
And they've taken property. Which is the very definition of theft.

What property? Specifically?

For the third time.....and do pay attention this time, please.......the computers, the evacuator and the files.
they haven't stolen anything yet, they're still in the building correct? I think one needs to leave with the materials to be burglary don't you think? And if the doors were open it isn't breaking and entering either. So dude so far you got jack.

Of course they have. They've taken possession of all three and denied possession of all three to their rightful owners. That's theft.

And the doors weren't open.

So far we've got breaking and entering, seditious conspiracy, burglary, theft, destruction of property, and trespass.

They're looking at 30 years or potential time in jail so far. And they're just getting started.
they have stolen files information computers they are tearing down fences they are taking heavy equipment and using it to tear up fences ....oh yeah ...they have closed down schools for a week....they have stolen the domestic tranquility of the community

They've stolen computers and heavy equipment?


Like most Communists, you just make shit up.
They haven't stolen shit, lol. Progressives think that government "property" are holy relics lol. you can walk into any government building or land and walk away with anything you want? That would be a big surprise to all those government workers who have been prosecuted for "stealing" government property over the years.
isn't there something called the freedom of information act? I mean, do you know what country you live in?

Can you show me anywhere in the Freedom of Information Act where anyone can just seize a federal building and start looting its files.

Because I'm pretty sure you've imagined it.
seize a federal building? how did they do that? if it's abandoned then there are no files, so your point is useless.
And they've taken property. Which is the very definition of theft.

What property? Specifically?

For the third time.....and do pay attention this time, please.......the computers, the evacuator and the files.
they haven't stolen anything yet, they're still in the building correct? I think one needs to leave with the materials to be burglary don't you think? And if the doors were open it isn't breaking and entering either. So dude so far you got jack.

Go into a post office and start moving around the stamp machine, maybe block the door with it...we'll see what you get charged with, shall we?
why would I want to do that? I have nothing against the post office nor do I care the mail that goes through there it isn't theirs.
Ouch. The Feds do not take kindly to the theft of their records:

18 U.S.C. § 641 : US Code - Section 641: Public money, property or records

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his
use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or
disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the
United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any
property made or being made under contract for the United States or
any department or agency thereof; or
Whoever receives, conceals, or retains the same with intent to
convert it to his use or gain, knowing it to have been embezzled,
stolen, purloined or converted -
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten
years, or both; but if the value of such property in the aggregate,
combining amounts from all the counts for which the defendant is
convicted in a single case, does not exceed the sum of $1,000, he
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one
year, or both.

A year to 10 years depending on what value the government applies to the records.
And they've taken property. Which is the very definition of theft.

What property? Specifically?

For the third time.....and do pay attention this time, please.......the computers, the evacuator and the files.
they haven't stolen anything yet, they're still in the building correct? I think one needs to leave with the materials to be burglary don't you think? And if the doors were open it isn't breaking and entering either. So dude so far you got jack.

Of course they have. They've taken possession of all three and denied possession of all three to their rightful owners. That's theft.

And the doors weren't open.

So far we've got breaking and entering, seditious conspiracy, burglary, theft, destruction of property, and trespass.

They're looking at 30 years or potential time in jail so far. And they're just getting started.
Personally....I'd like to see they take the advice of those on this thread saying what they are doing isn't against the law..............and try it on another piece of federal property......Camp Pendleton.
And they've taken property. Which is the very definition of theft.

What property? Specifically?

For the third time.....and do pay attention this time, please.......the computers, the evacuator and the files.
they haven't stolen anything yet, they're still in the building correct? I think one needs to leave with the materials to be burglary don't you think? And if the doors were open it isn't breaking and entering either. So dude so far you got jack.

Of course they have. They've taken possession of all three and denied possession of all three to their rightful owners. That's theft.

And the doors weren't open.

So far we've got breaking and entering, seditious conspiracy, burglary, theft, destruction of property, and trespass.

They're looking at 30 years or potential time in jail so far. And they're just getting started.
you know this? you've seen the fbi reports? really? I think you have your head buried somewhere and in the air isn't the place I'm thinking of. You know shit at this moment and you are babbling like a brook.
Nope. According to me, the Bundy group is going through files. Whether or not they're going through computer files is still undefined. As I've already said and you've quoted me saying.

Meaning that you're intentionally lying, and attributing to me a position I haven't adopted. Which is a strawman.

The fact that seditious conspirators have seized and taken possession of the computers, the evacutor and the files isn't in dispute. The conspirators have already admitted to all of it.

Oh, I am lying? You mean I'm the one claiming they "stole" computers that are still in the building?

Nah, that was you. Hey, you're a leftist, lying is what you do.

Oh and Pinocchio, where did they take the "evacuator?"

This is the type of equipment (a skip loader) that Skylar is lying that Bundy "stole."

Did he put it in his back pocket and smuggle it out?

LOL, nah, you're just lying, as always..
They've stolen computers and heavy equipment?


Like most Communists, you just make shit up.
They haven't stolen shit, lol. Progressives think that government "property" are holy relics lol. you can walk into any government building or land and walk away with anything you want? That would be a big surprise to all those government workers who have been prosecuted for "stealing" government property over the years.
isn't there something called the freedom of information act? I mean, do you know what country you live in?

Can you show me anywhere in the Freedom of Information Act where anyone can just seize a federal building and start looting its files.

Because I'm pretty sure you've imagined it.
seize a federal building? how did they do that? if it's abandoned then there are no files, so your point is useless.

Who says the buidling as 'abandoned'? By your standards, every time you leave your house its been 'abandoned' and thus anyone can just move in.

The words you're looking for are 'went home for the weekend'.

The only one saying its been 'abandoned' is you citing yourself. Which is legally meaningless.
they have stolen files information computers they are tearing down fences they are taking heavy equipment and using it to tear up fences ....oh yeah ...they have closed down schools for a week....they have stolen the domestic tranquility of the community

They've stolen computers and heavy equipment?


Like most Communists, you just make shit up.
They haven't stolen shit, lol. Progressives think that government "property" are holy relics lol. you can walk into any government building or land and walk away with anything you want? That would be a big surprise to all those government workers who have been prosecuted for "stealing" government property over the years.
isn't there something called the freedom of information act? I mean, do you know what country you live in?

Can you show me anywhere in the Freedom of Information Act where anyone can just seize a federal building and start looting its files.

Because I'm pretty sure you've imagined it.
I did not imagine the freedom of information act: here link:
Oregon Freedom of Information - State Freedom of Information Acts - Freedom of Information Acts

The Oregon Public Records Law is a series of laws designed to guarantee that the public has access to public records of government bodies at all levels in Oregon. The law was first enacted in 1973. The goal of the legislation is “…to encourage state agencies to inform the public, the Legislative Assembly and the Governor of matters of public interest and concern. It is further the policy of this state to guarantee to its citizens the right to know about the activities of their government, to benefit from the information developed by state agencies at public expense and to enjoy equal access to the information services of state agencies.” Chapter 192 of the Oregon code defines the law.
The Oregon Public Meetings Law provides the methods by which public meetings are conducted. The statement of purpose of the Open Meetings Act states, “the Oregon form of government requires an informed public aware of the deliberations and decisions of governing bodies and the information upon which such decisions were made. It is the intent of ORS 192.610 to 192.690 that decisions of governing bodies be arrived at openly.”
- See more at: Oregon Freedom of Information - State Freedom of Information Acts - Freedom of Information Acts
They haven't stolen shit, lol. Progressives think that government "property" are holy relics lol. you can walk into any government building or land and walk away with anything you want? That would be a big surprise to all those government workers who have been prosecuted for "stealing" government property over the years.
isn't there something called the freedom of information act? I mean, do you know what country you live in?

Can you show me anywhere in the Freedom of Information Act where anyone can just seize a federal building and start looting its files.

Because I'm pretty sure you've imagined it.
seize a federal building? how did they do that? if it's abandoned then there are no files, so your point is useless.

Who says the buidling as 'abandoned'? By your standards, every time you leave your house its been 'abandoned' and thus anyone can just move in.

The words you're looking for are 'went home for the weekend'.

The only one saying its been 'abandoned' is you citing yourself. Which is legally meaningless.
it is if I'm away from it for over 24 hours. you should really look up the term.
Nope. According to me, the Bundy group is going through files. Whether or not they're going through computer files is still undefined. As I've already said and you've quoted me saying.

Meaning that you're intentionally lying, and attributing to me a position I haven't adopted. Which is a strawman.

The fact that seditious conspirators have seized and taken possession of the computers, the evacutor and the files isn't in dispute. The conspirators have already admitted to all of it.

Oh, I am lying? You mean I'm the one claiming they "stole" computers that are still in the building?

You're that lied and claimed 'According to Skylar, the Bundy group is going through computer files.'

You know that's not my position. You've quoted me saying otherwise. You intentionally lied, intentionally misrepresented my position.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie or use the Strawman fallacy.

Oh and Pinocchio, where did they take the "evacuator?"

From where its rightful owners left it. Possession was deprived from its rightful owners with the seditious conspirators taking possession and use of the same. With the seditious conspirators then using it to destroy government property.

And stupidly, admitting to it.
Nope. According to me, the Bundy group is going through files. Whether or not they're going through computer files is still undefined. As I've already said and you've quoted me saying.

Meaning that you're intentionally lying, and attributing to me a position I haven't adopted. Which is a strawman.

The fact that seditious conspirators have seized and taken possession of the computers, the evacutor and the files isn't in dispute. The conspirators have already admitted to all of it.

Oh, I am lying? You mean I'm the one claiming they "stole" computers that are still in the building?

You're that lied and claimed 'According to Skylar, the Bundy group is going through computer files.'

You know that's not my position. You've quoted me saying otherwise. You intentionally lied, intentionally misrepresented my position.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie or use the Strawman fallacy.

Oh and Pinocchio, where did they take the "evacuator?"

From where its rightful owners left it. Possession was deprived from its rightful owners with the seditious conspirators taking possession and use of the same. With the seditious conspirators then using it to destroy government property.

And stupidly, admitting to it.
good thing you have an ass for anchor, cause dude you're getting out there. you can walk into any government building or land and walk away with anything you want? That would be a big surprise to all those government workers who have been prosecuted for "stealing" government property over the years.
isn't there something called the freedom of information act? I mean, do you know what country you live in?

Can you show me anywhere in the Freedom of Information Act where anyone can just seize a federal building and start looting its files.

Because I'm pretty sure you've imagined it.
seize a federal building? how did they do that? if it's abandoned then there are no files, so your point is useless.

Who says the buidling as 'abandoned'? By your standards, every time you leave your house its been 'abandoned' and thus anyone can just move in.

The words you're looking for are 'went home for the weekend'.

The only one saying its been 'abandoned' is you citing yourself. Which is legally meaningless.
it is if I'm away from it for over 24 hours. you should really look up the term.

Show me, don't tell me. And remember, this is federal land. So it needs to be a federal definition.

Not just whatever horseshit you make up.

Now what are the odds you can't back your pseudo-legal gibberish with anything more than you citing yourself?
Nope. According to me, the Bundy group is going through files. Whether or not they're going through computer files is still undefined. As I've already said and you've quoted me saying.

Meaning that you're intentionally lying, and attributing to me a position I haven't adopted. Which is a strawman.

The fact that seditious conspirators have seized and taken possession of the computers, the evacutor and the files isn't in dispute. The conspirators have already admitted to all of it.

Oh, I am lying? You mean I'm the one claiming they "stole" computers that are still in the building?

You're that lied and claimed 'According to Skylar, the Bundy group is going through computer files.'

You know that's not my position. You've quoted me saying otherwise. You intentionally lied, intentionally misrepresented my position.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie or use the Strawman fallacy.

Oh and Pinocchio, where did they take the "evacuator?"

From where its rightful owners left it. Possession was deprived from its rightful owners with the seditious conspirators taking possession and use of the same. With the seditious conspirators then using it to destroy government property.

And stupidly, admitting to it.
good thing you have an ass for anchor, cause dude you're getting out there.

Says the poor soul who just insisted that workers going home for the weekend means that their place of work is 'abandoned'. And thus can't have any files in it. For....some reason. You never could explain that.

You really are just making this shit up as you go along, aren't you?

Personal property left by an owner who intentionally relinquishes all rights to its control. Real property may not be abandoned.

Abandoned Property

But tell me again how workers going home for a holiday weekend means they've 'abandoned' their place of work?

And where did you ever get the batshit idea that records can't be a building because workers go home for the weekend?
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