Asteroid TB145: The bizarre space rock sports features similar to a human skull


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
2015 TB145 is a sub-kilometer asteroid, classified as near-Earth object and potentially hazardous asteroid of the Apollo group, approximately 600 meters (2,000 feet) in diameter.


The US space agency said observations by NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility in Hawaii support the dead comet theory.
It safely passed 1.27 lunar distances from Earth on 31 October 2015 at 17:01 UTC., and will pass by Earth again in November 2018.
The asteroid has not been observed since 2015.
Asteroid 2015 TB145 pops up again this year in November, shortly after Halloween, at a distance of 105 lunar distances.
Thomas Müller, a researcher from the Max-Planck Institute, said:
“The next slightly more exciting encounter will be around Halloween’s day in the year 2088, when the object approaches Earth to a distance of about 20 lunar distances.
The asteroid was noted for having an unusual elliptical path which brings it close to Earth roughly once every three years.
“The encounter on Halloween’s day 2015 was the closest approach of an object of that size since 2006, and the next known similar event is the passage of 137108 on August 7, 2027.
We are suppose to be seeing it again and then this week we have this.
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