At 2:45 p.m., or within one minute after shooting Ashli, Lt. Byrd made the following radio call:

I love law and order. I wish there had been some.
I don't believe you, as there was plenty. You don't get to trash the Capitol building and walk away clean. Refuse to obey a lawful order from a LEO who happens to have a firearm trained at you? That's your ass. I have zero sympathy for this oath violating terrorist shot through the window.
I don't believe you, as there was plenty. You don't get to trash the Capitol building and walk away clean. Refuse to obey a lawful order from a LEO who happens to have a firearm trained at you? That's your ass. I have zero sympathy for this oath violating terrorist shot through the window.
He didn't give any order. He simply shot her.
There is no excuse on this rock for shooting an unarmed woman

She was armed with an angry Republican mob that had injured 140 Capitol Police

What would they have done if they had gotten through to the Congress members?
Bull shit answer
Bullshit? I need more information. Who else was shot by the police? Did you not see the video of the police waving protesters into the building? And she was definitely cute.

She was armed with an angry Republican mob that had injured 140 Capitol Police

What would they have done if they had gotten through to the Congress members?
One would hope tar and feather them, but alas they forgot to bring tar and feathers, much like they forgot to bring guns.
The Republican Mob was repeatedly ordered to fall back or be shot.
If your side had bothered to watch the Jan 6 Committee hearings you would know that
Office Birdbrains radio'd shots were fired, when the only shot was his

He lied, because he shot an unarmed woman, and knew it


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