At least 10 conservative Kansas Republican lawmakers lose

LOL you people are wetting your panties over Hillary so I'll remind you that Bob Dole was 25 points down at this point in his campaign vs Trump. Trump can absolutely win, he's going to destroy Hillary in the debates when she will be called out on her lies on national tv for all to see. She's been running and hiding for months but that's about to come to an end.

Trump may not even show up for the debates .. and of course you'll blame the media.
LOL you people are wetting your panties over Hillary so I'll remind you that Bob Dole was 25 points down at this point in his campaign vs Trump. Trump can absolutely win, he's going to destroy Hillary in the debates when she will be called out on her lies on national tv for all to see. She's been running and hiding for months but that's about to come to an end.

Trump may not even show up for the debates .. and of course you'll blame the media.
Trump's only hope to win the Whitehouse is to debate & beat Hillary
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) At least 10 conservative Republicans in the Kansas Legislature have lost their seats in the primary election.

They included Senate Majority Leader Terry Bruce, of Nickerson, who was defeated Tuesday by retired Hutchinson Community College President Ed Berger.

Four other conservative GOP senators were ousted as well. They were Tom Arpke of Salina, Forrest Knox of Altoona, Jeff Melcher of Leawood and Greg Smith of Overland Park.

At least five conservative Republicans in the House lost seats as well, all of them in Johnson County. They were Rob Bruchman of Leawood, Brett Hildabrand of Shawnee, Jerry Lunn of Overland Park, Charles Macheers of Shawnee and Craig McPherson of Overland Park.
At least 10 conservative Kansas lawmakers lose

AND :0)

Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall
Huelskamp is the third House Republican to be unseated in a primary this year
Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall

Omen of republicans losing the US House?

If they do, they will be left virtually powerless.

Republican loss of the US Senate is a foregone conclusion.

Kansas is the great GOP laboratory that blew up in their face.

They can't even fund their schools now…
LOL you people are wetting your panties over Hillary so I'll remind you that Bob Dole was 25 points down at this point in his campaign vs Trump. Trump can absolutely win, he's going to destroy Hillary in the debates when she will be called out on her lies on national tv for all to see. She's been running and hiding for months but that's about to come to an end.

Trump may not even show up for the debates .. and of course you'll blame the media.
Trump's only hope to win the Whitehouse is to debate & beat Hillary

That's true good brother .. which is why I said he may not show up.

He doesn't want to win.

Now he's suggesting that his daughter should be in his cabinet.

Surely you know by now that he doesn't want to win.
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) At least 10 conservative Republicans in the Kansas Legislature have lost their seats in the primary election.

They included Senate Majority Leader Terry Bruce, of Nickerson, who was defeated Tuesday by retired Hutchinson Community College President Ed Berger.

Four other conservative GOP senators were ousted as well. They were Tom Arpke of Salina, Forrest Knox of Altoona, Jeff Melcher of Leawood and Greg Smith of Overland Park.

At least five conservative Republicans in the House lost seats as well, all of them in Johnson County. They were Rob Bruchman of Leawood, Brett Hildabrand of Shawnee, Jerry Lunn of Overland Park, Charles Macheers of Shawnee and Craig McPherson of Overland Park.
At least 10 conservative Kansas lawmakers lose

AND :0)

Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall
Huelskamp is the third House Republican to be unseated in a primary this year
Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall

Omen of republicans losing the US House?

If they do, they will be left virtually powerless.

Republican loss of the US Senate is a foregone conclusion.

Kansas is the great GOP laboratory that blew up in their face.

They can't even fund their schools now…


What we are seeing in Kansas is the awakening of the Republican Party. A necessary evolution if the party is to survive in a more diverse America.

Kansas Republicans Are Getting Sick of Small Government

Supply-side economics has been about as good for the people of Kansas as human sacrifice was for the Mayans. Which is to say that both irrational prescriptions for winning the favor of higher powers (be they job creators or gods) imposed terrible costs on their respective civilizations while failing to fend off disaster.
Kansas Republicans Are Getting Sick of Small Government

It's the flushing of the RW cult of morons who brought them Donald Trump.

Moderate vs the insane.
LOL you people are wetting your panties over Hillary so I'll remind you that Bob Dole was 25 points down at this point in his campaign vs Trump. Trump can absolutely win, he's going to destroy Hillary in the debates when she will be called out on her lies on national tv for all to see. She's been running and hiding for months but that's about to come to an end.

Trump may not even show up for the debates .. and of course you'll blame the media.
Trump's only hope to win the Whitehouse is to debate & beat Hillary

That's true good brother .. which is why I said he may not show up.

He doesn't want to win.

Now he's suggesting that his daughter should be in his cabinet.

Surely you know by now that he doesn't want to win.
I have my doubts but I could be wrong
Some cuts in govt and education are fine. What they did was way ovet the top. Now they are seeing the results.
It is no secret that the collapse of the American automobile industry is what caused the detroit disaster. Whenever there exists a high population of semi-skilled people, who no longer have jobs, you are going to have a disaster. What amuses me is that the Right on this board blames this on democrats, but fail to say exactly what would solve the problem, and turn Detroit into a prosperous, safe city, where most would have a job, be well educated, and a future.

I guess that pointing the finger is what republicans do best.

They did solve the democrat mess, they took over the city, put it into bankruptcy...and turned Michigan into the 24th? Right to work state, it will take 10 years or so for Detroit to recover.

Oh! So, now, Detroit's problems have been solved then! Jobs are coming, crime will decrease, drug abuse will decrease, poverty all but eliminated, urban blight will be a thing of the past! I guess then that everything is rosey up there now! Silly me! I thought that all those problems were just as real up there today as it has been since VW, Honda, and Toyota took away all those American jobs. Thank you, republicans. Everything is good now!
It is no secret that the collapse of the American automobile industry is what caused the detroit disaster. Whenever there exists a high population of semi-skilled people, who no longer have jobs, you are going to have a disaster. What amuses me is that the Right on this board blames this on democrats, but fail to say exactly what would solve the problem, and turn Detroit into a prosperous, safe city, where most would have a job, be well educated, and a future.

I guess that pointing the finger is what republicans do best.

They did solve the democrat mess, they took over the city, put it into bankruptcy...and turned Michigan into the 24th? Right to work state, it will take 10 years or so for Detroit to recover.

Oh! So, now, Detroit's problems have been solved then! Jobs are coming, crime will decrease, drug abuse will decrease, poverty all but eliminated, urban blight will be a thing of the past! I guess then that everything is rosey up there now! Silly me! I thought that all those problems were just as real up there today as it has been since VW, Honda, and Toyota took away all those American jobs. Thank you, republicans. Everything is good now!

Can you comprehend? I said it would take 10 years or so

VW, Honda, and Toyota

What jobs did they take away? They created 1,000s of direct jobs and 10,000s of indirect jobs by opening up plants in the U.S.A.
Come on, Bear. Nobody is that clueless.

What industry is going to move there and return those jobs, BTW?

Sorry to sed you are so clueless and didn't realize overseas car company's built plants in the South..

I read about this guy a few years ago, but I never wanted to post it, unless it was to win an argument :)

Gilbertville: A Billionaire's Drive To Rebuild The Motor City

Ok. I understand. Detroit is a democrat disaster, but has been resolved because michigan passed a right to work law, and in 10 years, all the jobs will be back to Detroit. In the meantime, the foreign car industry has built new plants in the South, so all those Southern workers will presumably send money to their unemployed brothers in Detroit, and end urban decay, there.

I'm afraid that your link about some billionaire saving Detroit was unreadable, since anything published by Forbes requires me to disable my ad-blocker in order to read it, and I'm not going to do that.

But, I am pleased that it is now just a matter of time before Detroit will be just like it was back in the 1950's before Packard started the ball rolling downhill by closing down it's auto plant, because of something or other that us democrats did.
Come on, Bear. Nobody is that clueless.

What industry is going to move there and return those jobs, BTW?

Sorry to sed you are so clueless and didn't realize overseas car company's built plants in the South..

I read about this guy a few years ago, but I never wanted to post it, unless it was to win an argument :)

Gilbertville: A Billionaire's Drive To Rebuild The Motor City

Ok. I understand. Detroit is a democrat disaster, but has been resolved because michigan passed a right to work law, and in 10 years, all the jobs will be back to Detroit. In the meantime, the foreign car industry has built new plants in the South, so all those Southern workers will presumably send money to their unemployed brothers in Detroit, and end urban decay, there.

I'm afraid that your link about some billionaire saving Detroit was unreadable, since anything published by Forbes requires me to disable my ad-blocker in order to read it, and I'm not going to do that.

But, I am pleased that it is now just a matter of time before Detroit will be just like it was back in the 1950's before Packard started the ball rolling downhill by closing down it's auto plant, because of something or other that us democrats did.

Huh? The unemployed workers in Detroit caused their own problems, they voted for democrats..why are you trying to pass the buck? The writing was on the wall in the mid a fricken 1/3 rd of that town residence is gone, a black bear a year ago was spotted in the hood buying crack.

You got Google , since you are so lazy here is another link

Detroit's Billionaires Hope to Change Downtown with Development Spree
Come on, Bear. Nobody is that clueless.

What industry is going to move there and return those jobs, BTW?

Sorry to sed you are so clueless and didn't realize overseas car company's built plants in the South..

I read about this guy a few years ago, but I never wanted to post it, unless it was to win an argument :)

Gilbertville: A Billionaire's Drive To Rebuild The Motor City

Ok. I understand. Detroit is a democrat disaster, but has been resolved because michigan passed a right to work law, and in 10 years, all the jobs will be back to Detroit. In the meantime, the foreign car industry has built new plants in the South, so all those Southern workers will presumably send money to their unemployed brothers in Detroit, and end urban decay, there.

I'm afraid that your link about some billionaire saving Detroit was unreadable, since anything published by Forbes requires me to disable my ad-blocker in order to read it, and I'm not going to do that.

But, I am pleased that it is now just a matter of time before Detroit will be just like it was back in the 1950's before Packard started the ball rolling downhill by closing down it's auto plant, because of something or other that us democrats did.

Huh? The unemployed workers in Detroit caused their own problems, they voted for democrats..why are you trying to pass the buck? The writing was on the wall in the mid a fricken 1/3 rd of that town residence is gone, a black bear a year ago was spotted in the hood buying crack.

You got Google , since you are so lazy here is another link

Detroit's Billionaires Hope to Change Downtown with Development Spree

Well, I guess that I am still confused. My original question was, if the democrats caused the mess in Detroit, exactly what is the republican plan to fix it, that the democrats are not already doing? So far, the only thing that you have come up with is that Michigan passed a right to work law.

I don't consider a couple of billionaires trying to revitalize the city to be a republican plan which could be initiated if people in Detroit simply stop voting democratic. In fact, the article has absolutely nothing to do with republicans, as far as i could tell. Frankly, it sounds like the only thing the republicans have to offer Detroit is a right to work law, which isn't going to make a hell of a lot of difference where there IS no work.
Kansas is a mess. A regressive place to live. Brownbacks policies simply have nothing positive. Case closed. If you cant fund the schools you are a total loser.
Come on, Bear. Nobody is that clueless.

What industry is going to move there and return those jobs, BTW?

Sorry to sed you are so clueless and didn't realize overseas car company's built plants in the South..

I read about this guy a few years ago, but I never wanted to post it, unless it was to win an argument :)

Gilbertville: A Billionaire's Drive To Rebuild The Motor City

Ok. I understand. Detroit is a democrat disaster, but has been resolved because michigan passed a right to work law, and in 10 years, all the jobs will be back to Detroit. In the meantime, the foreign car industry has built new plants in the South, so all those Southern workers will presumably send money to their unemployed brothers in Detroit, and end urban decay, there.

I'm afraid that your link about some billionaire saving Detroit was unreadable, since anything published by Forbes requires me to disable my ad-blocker in order to read it, and I'm not going to do that.

But, I am pleased that it is now just a matter of time before Detroit will be just like it was back in the 1950's before Packard started the ball rolling downhill by closing down it's auto plant, because of something or other that us democrats did.

Huh? The unemployed workers in Detroit caused their own problems, they voted for democrats..why are you trying to pass the buck? The writing was on the wall in the mid a fricken 1/3 rd of that town residence is gone, a black bear a year ago was spotted in the hood buying crack.

You got Google , since you are so lazy here is another link

Detroit's Billionaires Hope to Change Downtown with Development Spree

Well, I guess that I am still confused. My original question was, if the democrats caused the mess in Detroit, exactly what is the republican plan to fix it, that the democrats are not already doing? So far, the only thing that you have come up with is that Michigan passed a right to work law.

I don't consider a couple of billionaires trying to revitalize the city to be a republican plan which could be initiated if people in Detroit simply stop voting democratic. In fact, the article has absolutely nothing to do with republicans, as far as i could tell. Frankly, it sounds like the only thing the republicans have to offer Detroit is a right to work law, which isn't going to make a hell of a lot of difference where there IS no work.
The RTW law made a lot of difference in Georgia, North carolina and south carolina..

I used to have to come down here on business at least 3 or 4 Times a month in the 1980s..the place was Barney fife was like the movie deliverance...

In the past 30 years it has exploded into a manufacturing power house.

Just the little upstate of south carolina alone..and as we speak Volvo is building a car manufacturing plant down state along with Boeing who is down there already

10 fastest growing U.S. cities - Greenville, S.C. (9) - CNNMoney

Once known for textile manufacturing,Greenville has become an international powerhouse, hosting companies from all parts of the globe.

The city, along with Spartanburg, Anderson and other nearby towns known as "The Upstate," boast more than 250 international firms, including BMW (Germany), Michelin (France), GlaxoSmithKline (United Kingdom) and Kyocera (Japan).

"That's the highest international investment per capita in the nation," said Nancy Whitworth, Greenville's Director of Economic Development.
Come on, Bear. Nobody is that clueless.

What industry is going to move there and return those jobs, BTW?

Sorry to sed you are so clueless and didn't realize overseas car company's built plants in the South..

I read about this guy a few years ago, but I never wanted to post it, unless it was to win an argument :)

Gilbertville: A Billionaire's Drive To Rebuild The Motor City

Ok. I understand. Detroit is a democrat disaster, but has been resolved because michigan passed a right to work law, and in 10 years, all the jobs will be back to Detroit. In the meantime, the foreign car industry has built new plants in the South, so all those Southern workers will presumably send money to their unemployed brothers in Detroit, and end urban decay, there.

I'm afraid that your link about some billionaire saving Detroit was unreadable, since anything published by Forbes requires me to disable my ad-blocker in order to read it, and I'm not going to do that.

But, I am pleased that it is now just a matter of time before Detroit will be just like it was back in the 1950's before Packard started the ball rolling downhill by closing down it's auto plant, because of something or other that us democrats did.

Huh? The unemployed workers in Detroit caused their own problems, they voted for democrats..why are you trying to pass the buck? The writing was on the wall in the mid a fricken 1/3 rd of that town residence is gone, a black bear a year ago was spotted in the hood buying crack.

You got Google , since you are so lazy here is another link

Detroit's Billionaires Hope to Change Downtown with Development Spree

Well, I guess that I am still confused. My original question was, if the democrats caused the mess in Detroit, exactly what is the republican plan to fix it, that the democrats are not already doing? So far, the only thing that you have come up with is that Michigan passed a right to work law.

I don't consider a couple of billionaires trying to revitalize the city to be a republican plan which could be initiated if people in Detroit simply stop voting democratic. In fact, the article has absolutely nothing to do with republicans, as far as i could tell. Frankly, it sounds like the only thing the republicans have to offer Detroit is a right to work law, which isn't going to make a hell of a lot of difference where there IS no work.
The RTW law made a lot of difference in Georgia, North carolina and south carolina..

I used to have to come down here on business at least 3 or 4 Times a month in the 1980s..the place was Barney fife was like the movie deliverance...

In the past 30 years it has exploded into a manufacturing power house.

Just the little upstate of south carolina alone..and as we speak Volvo is building a car manufacturing plant down state along with Boeing who is down there already

10 fastest growing U.S. cities - Greenville, S.C. (9) - CNNMoney

Once known for textile manufacturing,Greenville has become an international powerhouse, hosting companies from all parts of the globe.

The city, along with Spartanburg, Anderson and other nearby towns known as "The Upstate," boast more than 250 international firms, including BMW (Germany), Michelin (France), GlaxoSmithKline (United Kingdom) and Kyocera (Japan).

"That's the highest international investment per capita in the nation," said Nancy Whitworth, Greenville's Director of Economic Development.

Well, then, I'm sure that when I visit Detroit in 10 years, it will be a another Seattle Washington, that just reeks of industrial prosperity. This, in spite of the fact that automobiles are no longer manufactured by people. they are manufactured chiefly by robots.

Come on, Bear. Nobody is that clueless.

What industry is going to move there and return those jobs, BTW?

Sorry to sed you are so clueless and didn't realize overseas car company's built plants in the South..

I read about this guy a few years ago, but I never wanted to post it, unless it was to win an argument :)

Gilbertville: A Billionaire's Drive To Rebuild The Motor City

Ok. I understand. Detroit is a democrat disaster, but has been resolved because michigan passed a right to work law, and in 10 years, all the jobs will be back to Detroit. In the meantime, the foreign car industry has built new plants in the South, so all those Southern workers will presumably send money to their unemployed brothers in Detroit, and end urban decay, there.

I'm afraid that your link about some billionaire saving Detroit was unreadable, since anything published by Forbes requires me to disable my ad-blocker in order to read it, and I'm not going to do that.

But, I am pleased that it is now just a matter of time before Detroit will be just like it was back in the 1950's before Packard started the ball rolling downhill by closing down it's auto plant, because of something or other that us democrats did.

Huh? The unemployed workers in Detroit caused their own problems, they voted for democrats..why are you trying to pass the buck? The writing was on the wall in the mid a fricken 1/3 rd of that town residence is gone, a black bear a year ago was spotted in the hood buying crack.

You got Google , since you are so lazy here is another link

Detroit's Billionaires Hope to Change Downtown with Development Spree

Well, I guess that I am still confused. My original question was, if the democrats caused the mess in Detroit, exactly what is the republican plan to fix it, that the democrats are not already doing? So far, the only thing that you have come up with is that Michigan passed a right to work law.

I don't consider a couple of billionaires trying to revitalize the city to be a republican plan which could be initiated if people in Detroit simply stop voting democratic. In fact, the article has absolutely nothing to do with republicans, as far as i could tell. Frankly, it sounds like the only thing the republicans have to offer Detroit is a right to work law, which isn't going to make a hell of a lot of difference where there IS no work.

The RTW laws take time like I already said, the days of $30 dollar an hour janitors are long gone.

But what would you rather have people waking up a 7 am and punching a time clock..or waking up at noon with no job collecting welfare?
Sorry to sed you are so clueless and didn't realize overseas car company's built plants in the South..

I read about this guy a few years ago, but I never wanted to post it, unless it was to win an argument :)

Gilbertville: A Billionaire's Drive To Rebuild The Motor City

Ok. I understand. Detroit is a democrat disaster, but has been resolved because michigan passed a right to work law, and in 10 years, all the jobs will be back to Detroit. In the meantime, the foreign car industry has built new plants in the South, so all those Southern workers will presumably send money to their unemployed brothers in Detroit, and end urban decay, there.

I'm afraid that your link about some billionaire saving Detroit was unreadable, since anything published by Forbes requires me to disable my ad-blocker in order to read it, and I'm not going to do that.

But, I am pleased that it is now just a matter of time before Detroit will be just like it was back in the 1950's before Packard started the ball rolling downhill by closing down it's auto plant, because of something or other that us democrats did.

Huh? The unemployed workers in Detroit caused their own problems, they voted for democrats..why are you trying to pass the buck? The writing was on the wall in the mid a fricken 1/3 rd of that town residence is gone, a black bear a year ago was spotted in the hood buying crack.

You got Google , since you are so lazy here is another link

Detroit's Billionaires Hope to Change Downtown with Development Spree

Well, I guess that I am still confused. My original question was, if the democrats caused the mess in Detroit, exactly what is the republican plan to fix it, that the democrats are not already doing? So far, the only thing that you have come up with is that Michigan passed a right to work law.

I don't consider a couple of billionaires trying to revitalize the city to be a republican plan which could be initiated if people in Detroit simply stop voting democratic. In fact, the article has absolutely nothing to do with republicans, as far as i could tell. Frankly, it sounds like the only thing the republicans have to offer Detroit is a right to work law, which isn't going to make a hell of a lot of difference where there IS no work.
The RTW law made a lot of difference in Georgia, North carolina and south carolina..

I used to have to come down here on business at least 3 or 4 Times a month in the 1980s..the place was Barney fife was like the movie deliverance...

In the past 30 years it has exploded into a manufacturing power house.

Just the little upstate of south carolina alone..and as we speak Volvo is building a car manufacturing plant down state along with Boeing who is down there already

10 fastest growing U.S. cities - Greenville, S.C. (9) - CNNMoney

Once known for textile manufacturing,Greenville has become an international powerhouse, hosting companies from all parts of the globe.

The city, along with Spartanburg, Anderson and other nearby towns known as "The Upstate," boast more than 250 international firms, including BMW (Germany), Michelin (France), GlaxoSmithKline (United Kingdom) and Kyocera (Japan).

"That's the highest international investment per capita in the nation," said Nancy Whitworth, Greenville's Director of Economic Development.

Well, then, I'm sure that when I visit Detroit in 10 years, it will be a another Seattle Washington, that just reeks of industrial prosperity. This, in spite of the fact that automobiles are no longer manufactured by people. they are manufactured chiefly by robots.

You do know Seattle Washington is propped up with EX military and government defense union jobs right?

I made a few threads about it.

Government defense jobs are not going to detroit. Unless it's WWIII.
Ok. I understand. Detroit is a democrat disaster, but has been resolved because michigan passed a right to work law, and in 10 years, all the jobs will be back to Detroit. In the meantime, the foreign car industry has built new plants in the South, so all those Southern workers will presumably send money to their unemployed brothers in Detroit, and end urban decay, there.

I'm afraid that your link about some billionaire saving Detroit was unreadable, since anything published by Forbes requires me to disable my ad-blocker in order to read it, and I'm not going to do that.

But, I am pleased that it is now just a matter of time before Detroit will be just like it was back in the 1950's before Packard started the ball rolling downhill by closing down it's auto plant, because of something or other that us democrats did.

Huh? The unemployed workers in Detroit caused their own problems, they voted for democrats..why are you trying to pass the buck? The writing was on the wall in the mid a fricken 1/3 rd of that town residence is gone, a black bear a year ago was spotted in the hood buying crack.

You got Google , since you are so lazy here is another link

Detroit's Billionaires Hope to Change Downtown with Development Spree

Well, I guess that I am still confused. My original question was, if the democrats caused the mess in Detroit, exactly what is the republican plan to fix it, that the democrats are not already doing? So far, the only thing that you have come up with is that Michigan passed a right to work law.

I don't consider a couple of billionaires trying to revitalize the city to be a republican plan which could be initiated if people in Detroit simply stop voting democratic. In fact, the article has absolutely nothing to do with republicans, as far as i could tell. Frankly, it sounds like the only thing the republicans have to offer Detroit is a right to work law, which isn't going to make a hell of a lot of difference where there IS no work.
The RTW law made a lot of difference in Georgia, North carolina and south carolina..

I used to have to come down here on business at least 3 or 4 Times a month in the 1980s..the place was Barney fife was like the movie deliverance...

In the past 30 years it has exploded into a manufacturing power house.

Just the little upstate of south carolina alone..and as we speak Volvo is building a car manufacturing plant down state along with Boeing who is down there already

10 fastest growing U.S. cities - Greenville, S.C. (9) - CNNMoney

Once known for textile manufacturing,Greenville has become an international powerhouse, hosting companies from all parts of the globe.

The city, along with Spartanburg, Anderson and other nearby towns known as "The Upstate," boast more than 250 international firms, including BMW (Germany), Michelin (France), GlaxoSmithKline (United Kingdom) and Kyocera (Japan).

"That's the highest international investment per capita in the nation," said Nancy Whitworth, Greenville's Director of Economic Development.

Well, then, I'm sure that when I visit Detroit in 10 years, it will be a another Seattle Washington, that just reeks of industrial prosperity. This, in spite of the fact that automobiles are no longer manufactured by people. they are manufactured chiefly by robots.

You do know Seattle Washington is propped up with EX military and government defense union jobs right?

I made a few threads about it.

Government defense jobs are not going to detroit. Unless it's WWIII.

so, the republican plan to rebuild detroit is to have them build government contracted stuff?

Ahhh! Nothing like private enterprise to make America great again!

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