At least 4 folks dead, 6 injured in shooting at Capital Gazette newspaper in Maryland

TV transmissions are subject to government intercept at any time. You do realize this right?

Yawn, go ahead, the masses might not know yet.

We do

Now prove your ignorance by saying that the government can not replace any TV signal at any time......
Hey genius anything that is transmitted is subject to interception. Your posts are subject to interception.
Again the government can replace your TV signal with anything they choose, and they do so with regularity
You must have one of those analog TV's and you sound like an idiot. Prove the government replaces my TV signal. I need you to describe the process. Be careful. I have a background that includes electronic communications.
Lol stupid, your digital signal can be replaced at wish by the government. They did it to me once calling an amber alert for a Toyota with a kidnapped child. They do it all the time, think you can be the first to prove me wrong

PS how many people at home watching TV are on the road with that toyota?

moronic but they do this krap

So you think an Amber alert proves the government takes over our tv signal and brainwashes us? Youre a bigger idiot than I thought.
Absolutely retard, it's called the emergency alert system. The government can replace every broadcast at once if needed.

How old r u anyway
Oh, for sure....every American that supports Trump is a racist, nazi, homophobic, islamophobic, bigoted, poopy pants, huh. Moron. Every person is a "person of color", you idiot. White is also a color. Dumb ass.

White and Black are not colors, each is the absence of color. Only a dumb ass would make the claim, "White is also a color".

Much of the base that continues to support Trump, are supporting a megalomaniac; thus they reject democracy and support Authoritarianism; it's really that simple. Of course so is one's understanding that black and white are not colors.

Okay, then why are black people referred to as "people of color"? You just shot yourself in the foot, pardner.

Nice spin, foolish but a good effort. You posted, "White is a color"; it is not. White people is a colloquialism:

The racial classification (Caucasian) developed by 19th-century anthropologists included peoples whose skin ranged from light (in northern Europe) to dark (in parts of North Africa and India).

Pure black is not a color, "colored people" is a colloquialism.

Actually white is the absence of color and if you mix all colors together you get black.

As for race, you are correct in the fact of there is no such thing. But since whites made it a determining factor and still do, this belief by whites must be eliminated by whites.
White is made up of all colors, and if you mix all colors together you get brown.

Pothead Gold at the End of Your Rainbow
Hey genius anything that is transmitted is subject to interception. Your posts are subject to interception.
Again the government can replace your TV signal with anything they choose, and they do so with regularity
You must have one of those analog TV's and you sound like an idiot. Prove the government replaces my TV signal. I need you to describe the process. Be careful. I have a background that includes electronic communications.
Lol stupid, your digital signal can be replaced at wish by the government. They did it to me once calling an amber alert for a Toyota with a kidnapped child. They do it all the time, think you can be the first to prove me wrong

PS how many people at home watching TV are on the road with that toyota?

moronic but they do this krap

So you think an Amber alert proves the government takes over our tv signal and brainwashes us? Youre a bigger idiot than I thought.
Absolutely retard, it's called the emergency alert system. The government can replace every broadcast at once if needed.

How old r u anyway
So you believe the government brainwashes us by taking over our tv signal? Youre an idiot. The emergency alert system only does what it says. It only alerts us you retard.
Lets start killing the media like Trump tells us.

Trump has never said to kill the media.

Can we get some facts before this stupid blame game occurs?
He may be conflating the President with Milo Y, who literally just said that he can't wait for people to start killing journalists, a day or two ago.

The President is the one who has a long and storied history of calling the press the "enemy of the people."

That may be so, but it’s still dishonest
We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

I can talk whitebread too. But the ignorance and lack of proper training is reflected by the following comment.

"Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal. Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so."

And anyone else with similar beliefs. So if you are teaching your children in this way you are raising another generation of ignorant inbred white children who grow up to be dumb ass adults calling themselves P@triot.
Fellow conservatives please note this vile castigation. It differes greatly from the typical liberal emotional palaver and is a Core of their aberrant causes
The bolded part contains nothing inflammatory nor racially insensitive. In fact it states that color is not the issue and law is the issue
Liberals cannot permit such a factual statement to stand, it MUST be about race (emotion) and cannot possibly be about law(fact). In fact, future “white” children need to be pre dismissed as racist if they harbor and utter such factual statements
So.........the Annapolis mass murderer was just your standard crazy. No politics about it at all.

He was one of these Facebook stalkers and they convicted him of making this woman's life hell for two years, but gave him probation, no prison time. What a mistake. The local Annapolis newspaper wrote about it as a cautionary warning to people, he sued them for defamation and lost since he'd been convicted for exactly what they talked about. So he broods about this and comes in and shoots up the newspaper office. All this takes YEARS --- he does a lot of angry rumination, apparently.

There is no way to fix any of this unless we develop a society that has zero tolerance for crime. Anyone does bad things, they get promptly deported or executed. Don't bother with prisons except in the rare case of doubt about whodunnit. Quickly and permanently getting rid of the criminals would definitely solve the crime problem and clean up the sorry genetics putting out so many criminals, too.
We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

I can talk whitebread too. But the ignorance and lack of proper training is reflected by the following comment.

"Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal. Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so."

And anyone else with similar beliefs. So if you are teaching your children in this way you are raising another generation of ignorant inbred white children who grow up to be dumb ass adults calling themselves P@triot.
Fellow conservatives please note this vile castigation. It differes greatly from the typical liberal emotional palaver and is a Core of their aberrant causes
The bolded part contains nothing inflammatory nor racially insensitive. In fact it states that color is not the issue and law is the issue
Liberals cannot permit such a factual statement to stand, it MUST be about race (emotion) and cannot possibly be about law(fact). In fact, future “white” children need to be pre dismissed as racist if they harbor and utter such factual statements

I don't care what you conservatives think. If this was not about race, you'd be talking about a northern border wall and visa overstays.
Okay, then why are black people referred to as "people of color"? You just shot yourself in the foot, pardner.

Nice spin, foolish but a good effort. You posted, "White is a color"; it is not. White people is a colloquialism:

The racial classification (Caucasian) developed by 19th-century anthropologists included peoples whose skin ranged from light (in northern Europe) to dark (in parts of North Africa and India).

Pure black is not a color, "colored people" is a colloquialism.

Actually white is the absence of color and if you mix all colors together you get black.

As for race, you are correct in the fact of there is no such thing. But since whites made it a determining factor and still do, this belief by whites must be eliminated by whites.

True. My comment, People of Color, includes all people, even an albino has some hint of color.

And just to be obtuse, In physics, a color is visible light with a specific wavelength. Black and white are not colors because they do not have specific wavelengths. Instead, white light contains all wavelengths of visible light. Black, on the other hand, is the absence of visible light.

LOL! Fair enough. But we aren't talking about physics.

I know, it just seemed to me that the color of one's skin, or tint of their hair has nothing to do with the character of their soul.

It shouldn't but many people you see posting here think it does.

What evidence do you have to blame the Congresswomen for this mass attack. Nothing in the link you posted suggested anything on the motive or on the shooter.

Your comment goes beyond hyperbole, and is in the realm of a damn lie!

Live updates: Shooting at Capital Gazette in Maryland - CNN

Since it is an attack on a MSM Newspaper, one must first ask themselves is this the work of someone who wanted to impress Trump, and kill what he was told were people who sold fake news.
These nut jobs scare the hell out of me, they walk the streets with normal people yet carry hate that knows no borders. I really hope the families are able to handle the deaths of love ones.
We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

I can talk whitebread too. But the ignorance and lack of proper training is reflected by the following comment.

"Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal. Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so."

And anyone else with similar beliefs. So if you are teaching your children in this way you are raising another generation of ignorant inbred white children who grow up to be dumb ass adults calling themselves P@triot.
Teach them the truth. Democrats fought a war to keep their human trafficking alive and are hellbent on doing so again.

The truth is that WHITES did this. WHITES, republican, democrat, independent, Libertarian, whatever..
As it turns out this is the fault of the paper itself. T
Just like the GOP Congressmen who got shot playing softball were at fault for angering the shooter?

wow! you're seriously consistent
You are almost correct. If the congressman had received threats from the man who shot him. If as a result of threatening to shoot the congressman the shooter was arrested. If once the shooter was arrested the congressman said he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings and let the man go, then yes. Getting shot would certainly be his own fault.

It was the paper that gave Ramos his sense of vindication. He never thought that by letting him go, the paper was showing mercy. He thought they couldn't touch him. He could do anything and nothing would happen to him. It was encouraging his worst motivations. Yes, the paper was asking for it and 5 people are dead. Next time hang the bastard the first time.
We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

I can talk whitebread too. But the ignorance and lack of proper training is reflected by the following comment.

"Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal. Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so."

And anyone else with similar beliefs. So if you are teaching your children in this way you are raising another generation of ignorant inbred white children who grow up to be dumb ass adults calling themselves P@triot.
Fellow conservatives please note this vile castigation. It differes greatly from the typical liberal emotional palaver and is a Core of their aberrant causes
The bolded part contains nothing inflammatory nor racially insensitive. In fact it states that color is not the issue and law is the issue
Liberals cannot permit such a factual statement to stand, it MUST be about race (emotion) and cannot possibly be about law(fact). In fact, future “white” children need to be pre dismissed as racist if they harbor and utter such factual statements

I don't care what you conservatives think. If this was not about race, you'd be talking about a northern border wall and visa overstays.
Perhaps you want open borders because it’s about race.
We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

I can talk whitebread too. But the ignorance and lack of proper training is reflected by the following comment.

"Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal. Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so."

And anyone else with similar beliefs. So if you are teaching your children in this way you are raising another generation of ignorant inbred white children who grow up to be dumb ass adults calling themselves P@triot.
Fellow conservatives please note this vile castigation. It differes greatly from the typical liberal emotional palaver and is a Core of their aberrant causes
The bolded part contains nothing inflammatory nor racially insensitive. In fact it states that color is not the issue and law is the issue
Liberals cannot permit such a factual statement to stand, it MUST be about race (emotion) and cannot possibly be about law(fact). In fact, future “white” children need to be pre dismissed as racist if they harbor and utter such factual statements

I don't care what you conservatives think. If this was not about race, you'd be talking about a northern border wall and visa overstays.
Don't see anything about race in this shooting. I could be wrong but I think he was white nut job.
We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

I can talk whitebread too. But the ignorance and lack of proper training is reflected by the following comment.

"Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal. Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so."

And anyone else with similar beliefs. So if you are teaching your children in this way you are raising another generation of ignorant inbred white children who grow up to be dumb ass adults calling themselves P@triot.
Teach them the truth. Democrats fought a war to keep their human trafficking alive and are hellbent on doing so again.

The truth is that WHITES did this. WHITES, republican, democrat, independent, Libertarian, whatever..
You know what you have to do. Do it. Don't wait any longer.
We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

I can talk whitebread too. But the ignorance and lack of proper training is reflected by the following comment.

"Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal. Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so."

And anyone else with similar beliefs. So if you are teaching your children in this way you are raising another generation of ignorant inbred white children who grow up to be dumb ass adults calling themselves P@triot.
Fellow conservatives please note this vile castigation. It differes greatly from the typical liberal emotional palaver and is a Core of their aberrant causes
The bolded part contains nothing inflammatory nor racially insensitive. In fact it states that color is not the issue and law is the issue
Liberals cannot permit such a factual statement to stand, it MUST be about race (emotion) and cannot possibly be about law(fact). In fact, future “white” children need to be pre dismissed as racist if they harbor and utter such factual statements

I don't care what you conservatives think. If this was not about race, you'd be talking about a northern border wall and visa overstays.
Well you have understand a lot of Progressive see race in anything negative and lately they have posted the blame on Trump.
We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

I can talk whitebread too. But the ignorance and lack of proper training is reflected by the following comment.

"Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal. Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so."

And anyone else with similar beliefs. So if you are teaching your children in this way you are raising another generation of ignorant inbred white children who grow up to be dumb ass adults calling themselves P@triot.
Fellow conservatives please note this vile castigation. It differes greatly from the typical liberal emotional palaver and is a Core of their aberrant causes
The bolded part contains nothing inflammatory nor racially insensitive. In fact it states that color is not the issue and law is the issue
Liberals cannot permit such a factual statement to stand, it MUST be about race (emotion) and cannot possibly be about law(fact). In fact, future “white” children need to be pre dismissed as racist if they harbor and utter such factual statements

I don't care what you conservatives think. If this was not about race, you'd be talking about a northern border wall and visa overstays.
Don't see anything about race in this shooting. I could be wrong but I think he was white nut job.

White is a race. And this was white on white crime. Note how that's ignored. But the comment I was referring to was about so called illegals.
We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

I can talk whitebread too. But the ignorance and lack of proper training is reflected by the following comment.

"Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal. Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so."

And anyone else with similar beliefs. So if you are teaching your children in this way you are raising another generation of ignorant inbred white children who grow up to be dumb ass adults calling themselves P@triot.
Teach them the truth. Democrats fought a war to keep their human trafficking alive and are hellbent on doing so again.

The truth is that WHITES did this. WHITES, republican, democrat, independent, Libertarian, whatever..
You know what you have to do. Do it. Don't wait any longer.

You know what you have to do also. Stay out of adult conversations.
We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

I can talk whitebread too. But the ignorance and lack of proper training is reflected by the following comment.

"Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal. Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so."

And anyone else with similar beliefs. So if you are teaching your children in this way you are raising another generation of ignorant inbred white children who grow up to be dumb ass adults calling themselves P@triot.
Fellow conservatives please note this vile castigation. It differes greatly from the typical liberal emotional palaver and is a Core of their aberrant causes
The bolded part contains nothing inflammatory nor racially insensitive. In fact it states that color is not the issue and law is the issue
Liberals cannot permit such a factual statement to stand, it MUST be about race (emotion) and cannot possibly be about law(fact). In fact, future “white” children need to be pre dismissed as racist if they harbor and utter such factual statements

I don't care what you conservatives think. If this was not about race, you'd be talking about a northern border wall and visa overstays.
Perhaps you want open borders because it’s about race.

Perhaps you haven't noticed but the southern border is closed and the northern one is wide open.
We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

I can talk whitebread too. But the ignorance and lack of proper training is reflected by the following comment.

"Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal. Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so."

And anyone else with similar beliefs. So if you are teaching your children in this way you are raising another generation of ignorant inbred white children who grow up to be dumb ass adults calling themselves P@triot.
Fellow conservatives please note this vile castigation. It differes greatly from the typical liberal emotional palaver and is a Core of their aberrant causes
The bolded part contains nothing inflammatory nor racially insensitive. In fact it states that color is not the issue and law is the issue
Liberals cannot permit such a factual statement to stand, it MUST be about race (emotion) and cannot possibly be about law(fact). In fact, future “white” children need to be pre dismissed as racist if they harbor and utter such factual statements

I don't care what you conservatives think. If this was not about race, you'd be talking about a northern border wall and visa overstays.
Don't see anything about race in this shooting. I could be wrong but I think he was white nut job.
Typically its always a white nut job. The difference being if he was Black it would reflect on all Blacks or if he was Mexican it would reflect on all Mexicans. Only when the shooters are white are they considered deranged.

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