At least 4 folks dead, 6 injured in shooting at Capital Gazette newspaper in Maryland

This is the reign of darkness.
You could always pack up and leave the country. You're free to explore your opportunities elsewhere. Go ahead and try being a man.

I was born here. My family has been in America longer than yours. You pack.

Naw, my family was here long before you. I'm native American. My ancestors walked in as free men. Your dumb ass ancestors were dragged in with chains. Dumb ignorant loser.

Wow, so you're a Native American (which Tribe? ***). Did they cross the land bridge from Asia to N. America as free men? Or do you claim to be here since you were born here? In which case you are no different than any person of color born here, i.e. a native.

***Your tribe, based on your post, is that of the White Nationalist, aka neo fascist.

Oh, for sure....every American that supports Trump is a racist, nazi, homophobic, islamophobic, bigoted, poopy pants, huh. Moron. Every person is a "person of color", you idiot. White is also a color. Dumb ass.

White and Black are not colors, each is the absence of color. Only a dumb ass would make the claim, "White is also a color".

Much of the base that continues to support Trump, are supporting a megalomaniac; thus they reject democracy and support Authoritarianism; it's really that simple. Of course so is one's understanding that black and white are not colors.
“I can’t wait for the vigilante squads to start gunning journalists down on sight.” ~Milo Yiannopoulos

blood on his hands!
reasonable people don't call for violence in the streets again conservatives.
I assume you’re referring to Maxine Waters. She never called for violence against conservatives.

But Donald called for violence against protesters at his rallies — even offering to pay legal fees of supporters who committed violent acts against protesters — and his supporters delivered.

But you don’t want to talk about that, do you?
Big difference in addressing/responding to those who come purposely to create chaos, disrupt, and even resort to violence in the form of assault if need be, than to initiate it first....... The left initiates the bullcrap then Trump responds..... It is that the left tells people to go and do those very things that are being responded to by the conservatives now..... The Demon-crats/radical lefties have been doing it all along. Who do you think stirred up the mobs ?? Sure wasn't conservatives.

Trump is just responding and not initiating, just remember that.

Does Bill Clinton need to be responsible for Columbine or any other of he shootings that happened under his term?
What Happens in the Castle Stays in the Castle

A public school in a rich neighborhood is a prep school. Not revealing that Columbine was Preppies killing Preppies made working-class killers identify with that action. Otherwise, they would have thought, "It's something that people who are born not like me do."
Oh Gawd......

Where do these people come from?:popcorn:

I want to know the ID of the cops or DA that can't tell the difference between the two
It takes time to put together a sellable story that has a little something for everyone, and jacks up ratings. Burying any online info that contains spoilers, or contradicts the narrative takes time too. Dammit people will you quit being so impatient?

You mean links to ISIS Waters
Who’ll ever know...? The suspense, and unknown is what keeps the folks coming back.
They still haven't said why the Vegas shooter shot
First Constipation, Then Diarrhea

He was an anal-retentive accountant, which finally got to him and exploded.
Trump — who has called the press "the enemy of the people" and "sick people," and says "they don’t like our country,” — says today, "Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their job."
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.
People aren't blaming Trump for the shooter. They are blaming Trump for ramping up disrespect and violence. His words and actions contribute to people like the shooter believing they have a legitimate way to argue - with violence

Trump is a contributor

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

and stop being a hypocrite

After shooting, some in GOP blame incitement by Democrats
Bullcorn. Has the shooter uttered one word or is there anything he posted on social media that backs up your theory?
Trump — who has called the press "the enemy of the people" and "sick people," and says "they don’t like our country,” — says today, "Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their job."

Is anyone surprised when Trump flips and flops?
PRESS GAGGLE: Will he stop calling reporters the enemy of the people?

Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.
People aren't blaming Trump for the shooter. They are blaming Trump for ramping up disrespect and violence. His words and actions contribute to people like the shooter believing they have a legitimate way to argue - with violence

Trump is a contributor

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

and stop being a hypocrite

After shooting, some in GOP blame incitement by Democrats
Bullcorn. Has the shooter uttered one word or is there anything he posted on social media that backs up your theory?
already posted you numbskull but here

It's from a Twitter account belonging to Ramos - all explained here: Jarrod Ramos: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

You could always pack up and leave the country. You're free to explore your opportunities elsewhere. Go ahead and try being a man.

I was born here. My family has been in America longer than yours. You pack.

Naw, my family was here long before you. I'm native American. My ancestors walked in as free men. Your dumb ass ancestors were dragged in with chains. Dumb ignorant loser.

Wow, so you're a Native American (which Tribe? ***). Did they cross the land bridge from Asia to N. America as free men? Or do you claim to be here since you were born here? In which case you are no different than any person of color born here, i.e. a native.

***Your tribe, based on your post, is that of the White Nationalist, aka neo fascist.

Oh, for sure....every American that supports Trump is a racist, nazi, homophobic, islamophobic, bigoted, poopy pants, huh. Moron. Every person is a "person of color", you idiot. White is also a color. Dumb ass.

White and Black are not colors, each is the absence of color. Only a dumb ass would make the claim, "White is also a color".

Much of the base that continues to support Trump, are supporting a megalomaniac; thus they reject democracy and support Authoritarianism; it's really that simple. Of course so is one's understanding that black and white are not colors.
Okay, then why are black people referred to as "people of color"? You just shot yourself in the foot, pardner.
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.

People aren't blaming Trump for the shooter. They are blaming Trump for ramping up disrespect and violence. His words and actions contribute to people like the shooter believing they have a legitimate way to argue - with violence

Trump is a contributor

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

and stop being a hypocrite

After shooting, some in GOP blame incitement by Democrats

Bullcorn. Has the shooter uttered one word or is there anything he posted on social media that backs up your theory?

The shooter's motive is only known by him. We've seen the violence of Eric Rudolph and its not a reach to guess his motive, and that of Scott Roeder, both felt they were doing God's work by committing murder.

Words have consequences. Trump's call to violence has been posted on this message board a dozen times, and his supporters ire at LE, Reporters and News Anchors has risen to a high level, as can be seen in the rhetoric posted by his supporters in nearly every thread.
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.
People aren't blaming Trump for the shooter. They are blaming Trump for ramping up disrespect and violence. His words and actions contribute to people like the shooter believing they have a legitimate way to argue - with violence

Trump is a contributor

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

and stop being a hypocrite

After shooting, some in GOP blame incitement by Democrats
Bullcorn. Has the shooter uttered one word or is there anything he posted on social media that backs up your theory?
already posted you numbskull but here

It's from a Twitter account belonging to Ramos - all explained here: Jarrod Ramos: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Lol. Trump isn't mentioned anywhere as being the motivation for his insane act. The guy is insane. Idiot.
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.

People aren't blaming Trump for the shooter. They are blaming Trump for ramping up disrespect and violence. His words and actions contribute to people like the shooter believing they have a legitimate way to argue - with violence

Trump is a contributor

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

and stop being a hypocrite

After shooting, some in GOP blame incitement by Democrats

Bullcorn. Has the shooter uttered one word or is there anything he posted on social media that backs up your theory?

The shooter's motive is only known by him. We've seen the violence of Eric Rudolph and its not a reach to guess his motive, and that of Scott Roeder, both felt they were doing God's work by committing murder.

Words have consequences. Trump's call to violence has been posted on this message board a dozen times, and his supporters ire at LE, Reporters and News Anchors has risen to a high level, as can be seen in the rhetoric posted by his supporters in nearly every thread.
Maxine Waters has called for violence. Why don't we blame her?
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.
People aren't blaming Trump for the shooter. They are blaming Trump for ramping up disrespect and violence. His words and actions contribute to people like the shooter believing they have a legitimate way to argue - with violence

Trump is a contributor

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

and stop being a hypocrite

After shooting, some in GOP blame incitement by Democrats
Bullcorn. Has the shooter uttered one word or is there anything he posted on social media that backs up your theory?
already posted you numbskull but here

It's from a Twitter account belonging to Ramos - all explained here: Jarrod Ramos: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |


Lol. Trump isn't mentioned anywhere as being the motivation for his insane act. The guy is insane. Idiot.
Most mass shooters are insane, but not legally as a defense in courts.

And the Shooter in his own words says the newspaper referring to Trump as unqualified "could end badly - again" we all know implied threats when we see/hear them.

and the woman he stalked warned police “he will be your next mass shooter.”

so we have a man everyone believes will be a mass shooter, attacking a newspaper with threats because the newspaper called trump unqualified.

refute any of those facts if you can

and then we have Trump admitting he ramps people up into being angry and violent can't refute that)
Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics
I was born here. My family has been in America longer than yours. You pack.

Naw, my family was here long before you. I'm native American. My ancestors walked in as free men. Your dumb ass ancestors were dragged in with chains. Dumb ignorant loser.

Wow, so you're a Native American (which Tribe? ***). Did they cross the land bridge from Asia to N. America as free men? Or do you claim to be here since you were born here? In which case you are no different than any person of color born here, i.e. a native.

***Your tribe, based on your post, is that of the White Nationalist, aka neo fascist.

Oh, for sure....every American that supports Trump is a racist, nazi, homophobic, islamophobic, bigoted, poopy pants, huh. Moron. Every person is a "person of color", you idiot. White is also a color. Dumb ass.

White and Black are not colors, each is the absence of color. Only a dumb ass would make the claim, "White is also a color".

Much of the base that continues to support Trump, are supporting a megalomaniac; thus they reject democracy and support Authoritarianism; it's really that simple. Of course so is one's understanding that black and white are not colors.

Okay, then why are black people referred to as "people of color"? You just shot yourself in the foot, pardner.

Nice spin, foolish but a good effort. You posted, "White is a color"; it is not. White people is a colloquialism:

The racial classification (Caucasian) developed by 19th-century anthropologists included peoples whose skin ranged from light (in northern Europe) to dark (in parts of North Africa and India).

Pure black is not a color, "colored people" is a colloquialism.

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