At least 4 folks dead, 6 injured in shooting at Capital Gazette newspaper in Maryland

Yeah, Maxine is the blame.....Not Trump, not another fuckin white bitch, but Maxine....listen, white people are a enemy to this nation...OWN IT, BITCHES!!

It's kinda hard to disagree with this assessment given what I see posted here. Watters never called for attacks on the media. Trump has. At least Watters has the guts to stand up to this punk motherfucker instead of bowing to his ass scared of a tweet.
His supporters along with the current GOP congress and Trump, all have the blood of these people on their hands and no amount of deflection, finger pointing or escape is gonna change those facts. Trump is a danger to this nation and only through the vote can we end this nightmare this Nov. I never in a zillion years thought this country would ever ever be so blind and so hateful to allow shit like this to just go on and on and on, that's why I live for the day, white people are a minority in this country.....every single mark of corruption and hate...all stems from white people. Some, not all are indeed the anti christ.

She speaks truth. Preach it sista!
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Rage on sista! I hope your a cutter. If not... Perhaps you should consider it. Seems to be all the rage amongst today’s angst ridden youth. A real stress reliever.
Let me prepare you.....evil can only last for so long....just be prepared for the change, ignorant white bitch
Agreed. 8 years last time. But the reign of Darkness has ended. Come out, into the light.
What evidence do you have to blame the Congresswomen for this mass attack. Nothing in the link you posted suggested anything on the motive or on the shooter.

Your comment goes beyond hyperbole, and is in the realm of a damn lie!

Live updates: Shooting at Capital Gazette in Maryland - CNN

Since it is an attack on a MSM Newspaper, one must first ask themselves is this the work of someone who wanted to impress Trump, and kill what he was told were people who sold fake news.
Non Hispanic White Male Jarod Ramos, Threatened that Newspaper during Trump's fake lawsuit and battle with Univision

I guess he finally followed through with threats defending Donald Trump
Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal
Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so.

We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone. But we see that "Americans" like George Will, Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace and Joe Scarborough have left you. So have many others. These border crossings are at an all time low and that they are not the number 1 problem as it pertains to illegal immigration. Visa overstays are but Trump is doing nothing about that. Immigration is about race.
Ebonics. Pathetic. Mental slave.

You are posting ebonics? You are a mental slave? For you are pathetic.

There is nothing worse than trying to debate stupid ass white people.
Yeah, there is something worser....not placing them on ignore
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.

Only to you Trump nuts.
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.

Only to you Trump nuts.
How's that hopey changey stuff working out for ya? Racist loser.
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Rage on sista! I hope your a cutter. If not... Perhaps you should consider it. Seems to be all the rage amongst today’s angst ridden youth. A real stress reliever.
Let me prepare you.....evil can only last for so long....just be prepared for the change, ignorant white bitch
Agreed 8 years last time. But the reign of Darkness has ended. Come out, into the light.

This is the reign of darkness.
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Rage on sista! I hope your a cutter. If not... Perhaps you should consider it. Seems to be all the rage amongst today’s angst ridden youth. A real stress reliever.
Let me prepare you.....evil can only last for so long....just be prepared for the change, ignorant white bitch
Agreed 8 years last time. But the reign of Darkness has ended. Come out, into the light.

This is the reign of darkness.
You could always pack up and leave the country. You're free to explore your opportunities elsewhere. Go ahead and try being a man.
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.

Only to you Trump nuts.
How's that hopey changey stuff working out for ya? Racist loser.

Yep you are a racist loser. America is falling and you think we are on the rise.

Pay heed to the last line tiger posted. We are rounding up little children and putting them in detention centers. America has hell to pay for this.
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Rage on sista! I hope your a cutter. If not... Perhaps you should consider it. Seems to be all the rage amongst today’s angst ridden youth. A real stress reliever.
Let me prepare you.....evil can only last for so long....just be prepared for the change, ignorant white bitch
Agreed 8 years last time. But the reign of Darkness has ended. Come out, into the light.

This is the reign of darkness.
You could always pack up and leave the country. You're free to explore your opportunities elsewhere. Go ahead and try being a man.

I was born here. My family has been in America longer than yours. You pack.
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.

Only to you Trump nuts.
How's that hopey changey stuff working out for ya? Racist loser.
Worked great...Economy improved...Gay Marriage was more DADT.....OBL dead.
Rage on sista! I hope your a cutter. If not... Perhaps you should consider it. Seems to be all the rage amongst today’s angst ridden youth. A real stress reliever.
Let me prepare you.....evil can only last for so long....just be prepared for the change, ignorant white bitch
Agreed 8 years last time. But the reign of Darkness has ended. Come out, into the light.

This is the reign of darkness.
You could always pack up and leave the country. You're free to explore your opportunities elsewhere. Go ahead and try being a man.

I was born here. My family has been in America longer than yours. You pack.
Naw, my family was here long before you. I'm native American. My ancestors walked in as free men. Your dumb ass ancestors were dragged in with chains. Dumb ignorant loser.
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.

Only to you Trump nuts.
How's that hopey changey stuff working out for ya? Racist loser.
Worked great...Economy improved...Gay Marriage was more DADT.....OBL dead.
You forgot obungocare is also dead. Hundreds of millions of taxpayer's hard earned money wasted. Good job. You guys really fixed our health care system. As far as the economy, that's Trump's. Obama never had one quarter over a 3 GDP.
Let me prepare you.....evil can only last for so long....just be prepared for the change, ignorant white bitch
Agreed 8 years last time. But the reign of Darkness has ended. Come out, into the light.

This is the reign of darkness.
You could always pack up and leave the country. You're free to explore your opportunities elsewhere. Go ahead and try being a man.

I was born here. My family has been in America longer than yours. You pack.

Naw, my family was here long before you. I'm native American. My ancestors walked in as free men. Your dumb ass ancestors were dragged in with chains. Dumb ignorant loser.

Wow, so you're a Native American (which Tribe? ***). Did they cross the land bridge from Asia to N. America as free men? Or do you claim to be here since you were born here? In which case you are no different than any person of color born here, i.e. a native.

***Your tribe, based on your post, is that of the White Nationalist, aka neo fascist.
Agreed 8 years last time. But the reign of Darkness has ended. Come out, into the light.

This is the reign of darkness.
You could always pack up and leave the country. You're free to explore your opportunities elsewhere. Go ahead and try being a man.

I was born here. My family has been in America longer than yours. You pack.

Naw, my family was here long before you. I'm native American. My ancestors walked in as free men. Your dumb ass ancestors were dragged in with chains. Dumb ignorant loser.

Wow, so you're a Native American (which Tribe? ***). Did they cross the land bridge from Asia to N. America as free men? Or do you claim to be here since you were born here? In which case you are no different than any person of color born here, i.e. a native.

***Your tribe, based on your post, is that of the White Nationalist, aka neo fascist.
Oh, for sure....every American that supports Trump is a racist, nazi, homophobic, islamophobic, bigoted, poopy pants, huh. Moron. Every person is a "person of color", you idiot. White is also a color. Dumb ass.
Rage on sista! I hope your a cutter. If not... Perhaps you should consider it. Seems to be all the rage amongst today’s angst ridden youth. A real stress reliever.
calm down. statistically, angry dumb as shit white men like you can get so angry they end up as mass shooters or swallowing a bullet
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.
People aren't blaming Trump for the shooter. They are blaming Trump for ramping up disrespect and violence. His words and actions contribute to people like the shooter believing they have a legitimate way to argue - with violence

Trump is a contributor

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

and stop being a hypocrite

After shooting, some in GOP blame incitement by Democrats
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.

Only to you Trump nuts.
How's that hopey changey stuff working out for ya? Racist loser.

Yep you are a racist loser. America is falling and you think we are on the rise.

Pay heed to the last line tiger posted. We are rounding up little children and putting them in detention centers. America has hell to pay for this.
Rounding up little children. I hsve not noticed any missing children that have been rounded up.

I will give you this. Leave the children in the desert. This rounding up criminals breaking into the country might be best dealt with by leaving them, children included and letting the desert take its own.
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.
People aren't blaming Trump for the shooter. They are blaming Trump for ramping up disrespect and violence. His words and actions contribute to people like the shooter believing they have a legitimate way to argue - with violence

Trump is a contributor

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

and stop being a hypocrite

After shooting, some in GOP blame incitement by Democrats

As it turns out this is the fault of the paper itself. They had Ramos arrested for making threats and chose not to prosecute. The thinking was, punishment would only hurt his feelings and make it worse.

So how did all that sensitivity work out for ya?

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