At least 4 folks dead, 6 injured in shooting at Capital Gazette newspaper in Maryland

Maxine Waters has called for violence. Why don't we blame her?
She NEVER called for violence

You're an idiot. Have a nice day.
Maxine Waters: "Trump Calls For More Violence Than Anybody Else"

Trump lying about Waters calling for violence is his way of calling for violence. Trump said he would like to punch people in face, he called for people being roughed up

Maxine Waters Says She Did Not Call for Harm of Trump Staff
The factual background to the defamation action is that on July 26, 2011, the appellant entered a guilty plea on a charge of criminal harassment in the District Court of Maryland sitting in Anne Arundel County. Judge Jonas D. Legum initially imposed a 90-day jail sentence but then suspended the sentence and placed the appellant on supervised probation for a period of 18 months with the additional requirement that the appellant continue with his ongoing therapy and that he refrain from any further contact with the harassment victim or her family....

He was having some problems, so she wrote back and tried to help, suggesting a counseling center.
"'I just thought I was being friendly,' she said.
"That sparked months of emails in which Ramos alternately asked for help, called her vulgar names and told her to kill herself. He emailed her company and tried to get her fired.
"She stopped writing back and told him to stop, but he continued. When she blocked him from seeing her Facebook page, he found things she wrote on other people's pages and taunted her with it, attaching screenshots of the postings to some of his emails.
"She called police, and for months he stopped. But then he started again, nastier than ever.
"All this without having seen her in person since high school. They never met until they came to court a couple of months ago.
"Last week, Ramos, a 31-year-old federal employee, pleaded guilty in District Court to a misdemeanor harassment charge.
"Judge Jonas Legum, who called his behavior 'rather bizarre,' suspended a 90- day jail sentence and placed him on probation, ordering him to continue in therapy and not contact the victim or her family in any way.
"The case is extreme. But it provides a frightening look at the false intimacy the Internet can offer and the venom that can hide behind a computer screen.

From his court case. This shows he was mentally unstable way back, dating to at least 2011.
Ulterior Motive

The robed snakes are under orders to turn psychos loose on the public. Those who preach mercy, therapy, and second chance won't allow the rest of us a chance to live in peace. And yet these judicial scum pretend they are being humanitarian. That word only applies to humans, not to these subhuman hotheads whom the courts unleash.
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Naw, my family was here long before you. I'm native American. My ancestors walked in as free men. Your dumb ass ancestors were dragged in with chains. Dumb ignorant loser.

Wow, so you're a Native American (which Tribe? ***). Did they cross the land bridge from Asia to N. America as free men? Or do you claim to be here since you were born here? In which case you are no different than any person of color born here, i.e. a native.

***Your tribe, based on your post, is that of the White Nationalist, aka neo fascist.

Oh, for sure....every American that supports Trump is a racist, nazi, homophobic, islamophobic, bigoted, poopy pants, huh. Moron. Every person is a "person of color", you idiot. White is also a color. Dumb ass.

White and Black are not colors, each is the absence of color. Only a dumb ass would make the claim, "White is also a color".

Much of the base that continues to support Trump, are supporting a megalomaniac; thus they reject democracy and support Authoritarianism; it's really that simple. Of course so is one's understanding that black and white are not colors.

Okay, then why are black people referred to as "people of color"? You just shot yourself in the foot, pardner.

Nice spin, foolish but a good effort. You posted, "White is a color"; it is not. White people is a colloquialism:

The racial classification (Caucasian) developed by 19th-century anthropologists included peoples whose skin ranged from light (in northern Europe) to dark (in parts of North Africa and India).

Pure black is not a color, "colored people" is a colloquialism.

Actually white is the absence of color and if you mix all colors together you get black.

As for race, you are correct in the fact of there is no such thing. But since whites made it a determining factor and still do, this belief by whites must be eliminated by whites.
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.
People aren't blaming Trump for the shooter. They are blaming Trump for ramping up disrespect and violence. His words and actions contribute to people like the shooter believing they have a legitimate way to argue - with violence

Trump is a contributor

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

and stop being a hypocrite

After shooting, some in GOP blame incitement by Democrats
Bullcorn. Has the shooter uttered one word or is there anything he posted on social media that backs up your theory?
already posted you numbskull but here

It's from a Twitter account belonging to Ramos - all explained here: Jarrod Ramos: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Lol. Trump isn't mentioned anywhere as being the motivation for his insane act. The guy is insane. Idiot.

He is not insane, he is grounded in hate and planned revenge. Once again, a person who was not fully vetted was able to own or possess a gun, and took the lives of five innocent people.

What is insane, is too allow the NRA to control the debate on guns, and pack the congress using bribery and threats. Any member of The Congress who supports gun control will be challenged by a well funded opponent, selected by and financially supported by the NRA, in the next election.
Yes I agree, like morons that believe in the DEEP STATE!:5_1_12024::twirl::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

Yawn, and only morons see the need to refute something that they isn't real



Tell me can they interrupt your TV signal if they choose?

Are you wearing your meat helmet or tinfoil hat.right now?

Neither but I am saluting the greatest American hero of modern times, Edward Snowden

PS you forgot to answer, if they can they interrupt your TV signal if they choose?
You sound like an idiot. You do realize TV signals are transmitted right?

TV transmissions are subject to government intercept at any time. You do realize this right?

Yawn, go ahead, the masses might not know yet.

We do

Now prove your ignorance by saying that the government can not replace any TV signal at any time......
Hey genius anything that is transmitted is subject to interception. Your posts are subject to interception.
  • Thanks
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Wow, so you're a Native American (which Tribe? ***). Did they cross the land bridge from Asia to N. America as free men? Or do you claim to be here since you were born here? In which case you are no different than any person of color born here, i.e. a native.

***Your tribe, based on your post, is that of the White Nationalist, aka neo fascist.

Oh, for sure....every American that supports Trump is a racist, nazi, homophobic, islamophobic, bigoted, poopy pants, huh. Moron. Every person is a "person of color", you idiot. White is also a color. Dumb ass.

White and Black are not colors, each is the absence of color. Only a dumb ass would make the claim, "White is also a color".

Much of the base that continues to support Trump, are supporting a megalomaniac; thus they reject democracy and support Authoritarianism; it's really that simple. Of course so is one's understanding that black and white are not colors.

Okay, then why are black people referred to as "people of color"? You just shot yourself in the foot, pardner.

Nice spin, foolish but a good effort. You posted, "White is a color"; it is not. White people is a colloquialism:

The racial classification (Caucasian) developed by 19th-century anthropologists included peoples whose skin ranged from light (in northern Europe) to dark (in parts of North Africa and India).

Pure black is not a color, "colored people" is a colloquialism.

Actually white is the absence of color and if you mix all colors together you get black.

As for race, you are correct in the fact of there is no such thing. But since whites made it a determining factor and still do, this belief by whites must be eliminated by whites.

True. My comment, People of Color, includes all people, even an albino has some hint of color.

And just to be obtuse, In physics, a color is visible light with a specific wavelength. Black and white are not colors because they do not have specific wavelengths. Instead, white light contains all wavelengths of visible light. Black, on the other hand, is the absence of visible light.
Yawn, and only morons see the need to refute something that they isn't real



Tell me can they interrupt your TV signal if they choose?

Are you wearing your meat helmet or tinfoil hat.right now?

Neither but I am saluting the greatest American hero of modern times, Edward Snowden

PS you forgot to answer, if they can they interrupt your TV signal if they choose?
You sound like an idiot. You do realize TV signals are transmitted right?

TV transmissions are subject to government intercept at any time. You do realize this right?

Yawn, go ahead, the masses might not know yet.

We do

Now prove your ignorance by saying that the government can not replace any TV signal at any time......
Hey genius anything that is transmitted is subject to interception. Your posts are subject to interception.
Again the government can replace your TV signal with anything they choose, and they do so with regularity
Oh, for sure....every American that supports Trump is a racist, nazi, homophobic, islamophobic, bigoted, poopy pants, huh. Moron. Every person is a "person of color", you idiot. White is also a color. Dumb ass.

White and Black are not colors, each is the absence of color. Only a dumb ass would make the claim, "White is also a color".

Much of the base that continues to support Trump, are supporting a megalomaniac; thus they reject democracy and support Authoritarianism; it's really that simple. Of course so is one's understanding that black and white are not colors.

Okay, then why are black people referred to as "people of color"? You just shot yourself in the foot, pardner.

Nice spin, foolish but a good effort. You posted, "White is a color"; it is not. White people is a colloquialism:

The racial classification (Caucasian) developed by 19th-century anthropologists included peoples whose skin ranged from light (in northern Europe) to dark (in parts of North Africa and India).

Pure black is not a color, "colored people" is a colloquialism.

Actually white is the absence of color and if you mix all colors together you get black.

As for race, you are correct in the fact of there is no such thing. But since whites made it a determining factor and still do, this belief by whites must be eliminated by whites.

True. My comment, People of Color, includes all people, even an albino has some hint of color.

And just to be obtuse, In physics, a color is visible light with a specific wavelength. Black and white are not colors because they do not have specific wavelengths. Instead, white light contains all wavelengths of visible light. Black, on the other hand, is the absence of visible light.

LOL! Fair enough. But we aren't talking about physics.
Ramos - Wikipedia
Ramos is a surname of Spanish or Portuguese origin which means branches.
Wikipedia? Did you just become an editor for a day over there?

Latin ramus, "branch")

Ramos - Italian Family Names Distribution - Italian Last Names Maps

noun: Latin
  1. 1.
    the language of ancient Rome and its empire, widely used historically as a language of scholarship and administration.
Etymology Is a Detective Story

Ramus is related to the English arm. Most European languages derive from one prehistoric common language.

Transposition happens even within English, such as slip and spill. Why is the adjective slippery instead of "slippy"? The same irregularity occurs in its Greek relative, from which we get "asphalt."
Its being reported that his white man, this murderer, simmered for years as his case was dismissed by the courts, for years....I find it very curious that now, during the ERA OF DONALD TRUMP, THE GOP CONGRESS AND TRUMP SUPPORTERS THAT HE CHOSE NOW TO RETALIATE AGAINST THIS PAPER......FOR THE FINAL TIME, TRUMP HAS MADE IT SAFE FOR WHITE MEN TO TAKE THEIR RAGE AND RACISM TO THE FORE FRONT OF THIS COUNTRY'S EDGE. AND ANYBODY NOT SEEING THIS, YOU ARE JUST AS GUILTY.

I'm also disgusted by the MSM, skirting around this blame game, when they know good and gotdamned well, Trump is responsible thus far for every single white male mass shooting we've had so far this year.
We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

I can talk whitebread too. But the ignorance and lack of proper training is reflected by the following comment.

"Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal. Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so."

And anyone else with similar beliefs. So if you are teaching your children in this way you are raising another generation of ignorant inbred white children who grow up to be dumb ass adults calling themselves P@triot.
Are you wearing your meat helmet or tinfoil hat.right now?

Neither but I am saluting the greatest American hero of modern times, Edward Snowden

PS you forgot to answer, if they can they interrupt your TV signal if they choose?
You sound like an idiot. You do realize TV signals are transmitted right?

TV transmissions are subject to government intercept at any time. You do realize this right?

Yawn, go ahead, the masses might not know yet.

We do

Now prove your ignorance by saying that the government can not replace any TV signal at any time......
Hey genius anything that is transmitted is subject to interception. Your posts are subject to interception.
Again the government can replace your TV signal with anything they choose, and they do so with regularity
You must have one of those analog TV's and you sound like an idiot. Prove the government replaces my TV signal. I need you to describe the process. Be careful. I have a background that includes electronic communications.
White and Black are not colors, each is the absence of color. Only a dumb ass would make the claim, "White is also a color".

Much of the base that continues to support Trump, are supporting a megalomaniac; thus they reject democracy and support Authoritarianism; it's really that simple. Of course so is one's understanding that black and white are not colors.

Okay, then why are black people referred to as "people of color"? You just shot yourself in the foot, pardner.

Nice spin, foolish but a good effort. You posted, "White is a color"; it is not. White people is a colloquialism:

The racial classification (Caucasian) developed by 19th-century anthropologists included peoples whose skin ranged from light (in northern Europe) to dark (in parts of North Africa and India).

Pure black is not a color, "colored people" is a colloquialism.

Actually white is the absence of color and if you mix all colors together you get black.

As for race, you are correct in the fact of there is no such thing. But since whites made it a determining factor and still do, this belief by whites must be eliminated by whites.

True. My comment, People of Color, includes all people, even an albino has some hint of color.

And just to be obtuse, In physics, a color is visible light with a specific wavelength. Black and white are not colors because they do not have specific wavelengths. Instead, white light contains all wavelengths of visible light. Black, on the other hand, is the absence of visible light.

LOL! Fair enough. But we aren't talking about physics.

I know, it just seemed to me that the color of one's skin, or tint of their hair has nothing to do with the character of their soul.
Donald J. Trump is a traitor to the American people and this mass shooting along with the rest, all stem from this man and his antics and he has to atone for this someday. Trump has real blood on his hands and no amount of deflection or pointing fingers at others will erase the shame and blame he has bestowed on this country and its fucked up that the GOP congress continues to allow this mad man to govern this nation. The GOP congress, Donald Trump and his supporters, all will have the wrath of God to deal with someday .... I just hope its soon
Blaming Trump for the shooting is as insane as the what the shooter did. Congratulations.
They are blaming Trump for ramping up disrespect and violence. His words and actions contribute to people like the shooter believing they have a legitimate way to argue - with violence

Trump is a contributor

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

and stop being a hypocrite

After shooting, some in GOP blame incitement by Democrats
Dirtbags Need to Be Dirtnapped

Vicious limp-wristed Liberals vindictively turn loose subhumans and demand that we coddle their pet monsters
Wow, so you're a Native American (which Tribe? ***). Did they cross the land bridge from Asia to N. America as free men? Or do you claim to be here since you were born here? In which case you are no different than any person of color born here, i.e. a native.

***Your tribe, based on your post, is that of the White Nationalist, aka neo fascist.

Oh, for sure....every American that supports Trump is a racist, nazi, homophobic, islamophobic, bigoted, poopy pants, huh. Moron. Every person is a "person of color", you idiot. White is also a color. Dumb ass.

White and Black are not colors, each is the absence of color. Only a dumb ass would make the claim, "White is also a color".

Much of the base that continues to support Trump, are supporting a megalomaniac; thus they reject democracy and support Authoritarianism; it's really that simple. Of course so is one's understanding that black and white are not colors.

Okay, then why are black people referred to as "people of color"? You just shot yourself in the foot, pardner.

Nice spin, foolish but a good effort. You posted, "White is a color"; it is not. White people is a colloquialism:

The racial classification (Caucasian) developed by 19th-century anthropologists included peoples whose skin ranged from light (in northern Europe) to dark (in parts of North Africa and India).

Pure black is not a color, "colored people" is a colloquialism.

Actually white is the absence of color and if you mix all colors together you get black.

As for race, you are correct in the fact of there is no such thing. But since whites made it a determining factor and still do, this belief by whites must be eliminated by whites.
White is made up of all colors, and if you mix all colors together you get brown.

Neither but I am saluting the greatest American hero of modern times, Edward Snowden

PS you forgot to answer, if they can they interrupt your TV signal if they choose?
You sound like an idiot. You do realize TV signals are transmitted right?

TV transmissions are subject to government intercept at any time. You do realize this right?

Yawn, go ahead, the masses might not know yet.

We do

Now prove your ignorance by saying that the government can not replace any TV signal at any time......
Hey genius anything that is transmitted is subject to interception. Your posts are subject to interception.
Again the government can replace your TV signal with anything they choose, and they do so with regularity
You must have one of those analog TV's and you sound like an idiot. Prove the government replaces my TV signal. I need you to describe the process. Be careful. I have a background that includes electronic communications.
Lol stupid, your digital signal can be replaced at wish by the government. They did it to me once calling an amber alert for a Toyota with a kidnapped child. They do it all the time, think you can be the first to prove me wrong

PS how many people at home watching TV are on the road with that toyota?

moronic but they do this krap

We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

I can talk whitebread too. But the ignorance and lack of proper training is reflected by the following comment.

"Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal. Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so."

And anyone else with similar beliefs. So if you are teaching your children in this way you are raising another generation of ignorant inbred white children who grow up to be dumb ass adults calling themselves P@triot.
Teach them the truth. Democrats fought a war to keep their human trafficking alive and are hellbent on doing so again.
As it turns out this is the fault of the paper itself. T
Just like the GOP Congressmen who got shot playing softball were at fault for angering the shooter?

wow! you're seriously consistent
Dhimmicrat Doormats Are an Existential Threat to the Nation

That's not what TCL implied at all, but I'm sure it will get you giggles of applause at your cult's safe space.
You sound like an idiot. You do realize TV signals are transmitted right?

TV transmissions are subject to government intercept at any time. You do realize this right?

Yawn, go ahead, the masses might not know yet.

We do

Now prove your ignorance by saying that the government can not replace any TV signal at any time......
Hey genius anything that is transmitted is subject to interception. Your posts are subject to interception.
Again the government can replace your TV signal with anything they choose, and they do so with regularity
You must have one of those analog TV's and you sound like an idiot. Prove the government replaces my TV signal. I need you to describe the process. Be careful. I have a background that includes electronic communications.
Lol stupid, your digital signal can be replaced at wish by the government. They did it to me once calling an amber alert for a Toyota with a kidnapped child. They do it all the time, think you can be the first to prove me wrong

PS how many people at home watching TV are on the road with that toyota?

moronic but they do this krap

So you think an Amber alert proves the government takes over our tv signal and brainwashes us? Youre a bigger idiot than I thought.

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