At least 6 dead, 9 injured in Sacramento shooting rampage

One does have to wonder if humans are truly CIVILIZED!

SACRAMENTO, Calif (AP) — Police in California say six people are dead and at least nine others have been injured after a shooting in downtown Sacramento.

The Sacramento Police Department says the shooting happened early Sunday morning.

Video posted on Twitter showed people running through the street as the sound of rapid gunfire could be heard in the background. Video showed multiple ambulances had been sent to the scene.

Police provided few details about the circumstances surrounding the shooting but said in a tweet that a “large police presence will remain and the scene remains active.” Phone messages seeking comment were left with the Sacramento police.

Is there a dead or captured suspect....? If not, sounds like a gang shooting.
They still don't have a lot of information about this yet, It's awful that people go on a killing spree like this one. It's just so senseless. What are they putting in the drugs lately to usher in these senseless maulings on the streets in big cities across America. I never thought of Sacramento as a place where something like that is going on.
Prayers up for the families who have losses and injured members to deal with. :hands:

So far, if it was a mass public shooting the suspect would be called out, this sounds more like a gang shooting.
Again, most Western European countries have long embraced the things you all find to be "amoral" and Sodom and Gomorrah like, yet they are not facing the same sorts of problems we have.

Yet.....they suffered the destruction of World War 1 and World War the destruction of their family structure has taken longer.....ours began in the 1960s under the great society, their destruction is finally reaching the point we were at back then....their teens are murdering each other, immigrant drug gangs are becoming more and more violent...
I'm wondering how long it will take 2AGuy to go into full NRA Defense mode after this one?

Two things we always find out after a mass shooting.

Everyone in that person's life knew he was nuts.
It was still way too easy for him to get a gun.

Dipshit....from what it sounds like, since they haven't announced a single shooter, either dead or in custody, and the location and time does not call it a mass public shooting.....nightclub area.......

More likely, two gangs started shooting at each other, in gun free into a fight, that turned into a shooting....
Was the shooting minority gang related?

if so I havent seen that report

of course the headlines did not blame whites so that is a clue that it could have been an oppressed black minority

but at this point I dont want to speculate

in any case liberal culture affects affects everyone, even in the hood

The rule of thumb....

If it is an actual mass public shooting, where an individual or individuals target a public place to murder strangers without any other underlying crime connection..........

1) the longer it takes to identify the shooter, the more likely it isn't a white guy, conservative or Trump supporter....

2) The longer they take to identify the weapon, the less likely it was a rifle of any type, in particular an AR-15.....

3) The longer it takes to identify the shooter, the more likely it is a minority or a muslim.

4) If the shooter is a minority, the news coverage will go away.
That area has dozens of video cameras. No release of any suspect info is quite troubling.

The rule of thumb....

If it is an actual mass public shooting, where an individual or individuals target a public place to murder strangers without any other underlying crime connection..........

1) the longer it takes to identify the shooter, the more likely it isn't a white guy, conservative or Trump supporter....

2) The longer they take to identify the weapon, the less likely it was a rifle of any type, in particular an AR-15.....

3) The longer it takes to identify the shooter, the more likely it is a minority or a muslim.
ohforcryingoutloud...this is going on all over the world...anywhere that there is leftist run gov't.

France: France Sees Large Surge of Rape, Murder and Violence in 2019


Germany sees spike in anti-Semitic crimes — reports | DW ...
Germany sees spike in anti-Semitic crimes — reports The Central Council of Jews in Germany blames coronavirus conspiracy theorists for the recent rise in hate crime. The number of registered anti-Semitic hate crimes in Germany hit a new upward trend in 2020, according to figures released by the German government and seen on Thursday by the ...
Germany Sees Strong Rise in Politically-Motivated Crime ...
Germany Germany Sees Strong Rise in Politically-Motivated Crime. The number of criminal offenses from both the right and left sides of the political spectrum is growing in Germany. But the government says it will continue programs to combat this development.
Germany sees rise in anti-Semitic, political crimes ...

It's all over Europe and the world. you don't want to see it because of the similarities in the gov't of these places. They're leftists if not by name then by policy.
One does have to wonder if humans are truly CIVILIZED!

SACRAMENTO, Calif (AP) — Police in California say six people are dead and at least nine others have been injured after a shooting in downtown Sacramento.

The Sacramento Police Department says the shooting happened early Sunday morning.

Video posted on Twitter showed people running through the street as the sound of rapid gunfire could be heard in the background. Video showed multiple ambulances had been sent to the scene.

Police provided few details about the circumstances surrounding the shooting but said in a tweet that a “large police presence will remain and the scene remains active.” Phone messages seeking comment were left with the Sacramento police.

Shooting was at 2 am, nightclub district....

Yeah, not a mass public shooting, likely gang gun controlled California...

Still no mention of the shooter/shooters, type of guns.......
I think we are going to see more and more of this kind of thing, as of course we already are.
Our society is breaking down. Via social media, media hyping, and people feeling more and more disconnected to others and society in general.
You can bet that a percentage of the illegal immigrants crossing Biden’s open border are members of drug cartels.

Don’t be surprised if in the future our nation is a lot like Mexico. It will be run by drug cartels. If I am right you can thank Joe Biden and the Democrats.


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