At least two Republican DAs want to prosecute Bidens: Rep. James Comer

Never said anything like that, you little liar. Being in the middle of a trial does not make a man guilty. Google the phrase innocent until proven guilty.

Worked out great, Missy Miss! In spite of the clear wishes of Saturday night live, Hillary lost all chance to ever be president.

Since this wasn’t a criminal trial, Trump is not “innocent until proven guilty”, and the fact that he paid $25 million out of own pocket to make the suit go away, is an admission of guilt.

Nor was this the first suit that Donald Trump settled in relation to claims of fraud or fiscal malfeasance. Trump says he “never settles” because settlement is an admission of fault/guilt. In fact, Trump frequently settles, including two criminal counts of federal racial discrimination in the 1970’s.

Trump was dealing with Deutsches bank because American banks refused to do business with him after his fourth bankruptcy. Now Deutsches bank is cut ties with Trump. Who knows where he’s dealing now.
Trump's business is in New York, and he filed the false business records in New York.

There is also a major financial investigation going on in New York state. Cyrus Vance's investigation which Barr shut down. I don't know what the status of this investigation is, but these are the kinds of things that really didn't come to light until Trump was elected. All these things are local grifts and schemes. New Yorkers are aware of them because they make the local papers, but until Trump became President, the nation at large wasn't really aware of what a crook he is.

While a few Republican DA's are hungry to get Biden, Hunter, et al., seems they are querying Comer for the dirt they can use to indict. Now we shall see if Comer's mouth is bigger than his plate. I suspect there's nothing on it to chew on, but it sure looks nice from a distance.

As my learned colleagues in academia are wont to say, the New York Post, founded by Alexander Hamilton, would not recognize what it has become. While it may not be a full-on tabloid, it bears all the hallmarks of one. Its appearance and style are reminiscent of the best of British tabloids, although it is not the kind of publication that garners awards for excellence in journalism. In fact, it has only managed to lay claim to one Pulitzer Prize, which is hardly an impressive record for any self-respecting journal of record. One might say that the NYPost exists somewhere between a serious news publication and a tabloid, but with its brazen and sensationalistic headlines, it sure looks like a tabloid to me. In the immortal words of that old adage, "if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck,....and you know the rest."

WASHINGTON — At least two local GOP prosecutors are looking at ways to charge President Biden and his family amid Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer revealed Wednesday.

“I had two calls yesterday, one from a county attorney in Kentucky and one from a county attorney in Tennessee,” Comer (R-Ky.) told “Fox & Friends.” “They were Republican, obviously, both states are heavily Republican. They want to know if there are ways they can go after the Bidens now.”

Comer is leading a House Republican investigation into Joe Biden’s role in his family’s international business dealings in countries such as China and Ukraine. The lawmaker’s staff recently reviewed Suspicious Activity Reports filed by banks to the Treasury Department regarding possible criminal activity by the Biden family.
It's coming big boy. Hold on to your pampers
Since this wasn’t a criminal trial, Trump is not “innocent until proven guilty”, and the fact that he paid $25 million out of own pocket to make the suit go away, is an admission of guilt.

Nor was this the first suit that Donald Trump settled in relation to claims of fraud or fiscal malfeasance. Trump says he “never settles” because settlement is an admission of fault/guilt. In fact, Trump frequently settles, including two criminal counts of federal racial discrimination in the 1970’s.

Trump was dealing with Deutsches bank because American banks refused to do business with him after his fourth bankruptcy. Now Deutsches bank is cut ties with Trump. Who knows where he’s dealing now.
NK, Russia and China probably. He’ll sell out to any dictator with a big enough wallet.
Trump's business is in New York, and he filed the false business records in New York.
I'm interested in your proof that Trump entered the records and your proof that they were false.

You may not realize that Trump doesn't sit over his ledgers with a green eyeshade on and make entries into business records. Nor does he direct his accountants and bookkeeper on exactly what to call each entry.

I'll be amazed If you can prove that a payment to his lawyer wasn't a "legal fee."
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Tax fraud. Falsifying business records to claim the hush money paid was a tax deductible business expense. That’s why falsifying business records gets prosecuted in the first place.

It’s one of the charges they convicted Cohen on.

Trump’s lifelong history of tax evasion is coming back to bite him. I started following trumps financial schemes and scams back in the 1990s when he bragged that he walked away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million in his own pocket.

One of his schemes involved, making claims that municipal tax assessors were overvaluing his properties, and he was being overtaxed. The property tax assessment was double the actual value of the property. This was SOP at every Trump property.

Then he used all of the delay tactics on the assessment possible and when he lost, he appealed to a higher authority.

The appeals process grinds slowly at the best of times and Trump frequently stretched out these battles for 10 years, during which time, Trump paid nothing in taxes, and the municipalities spent hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting these appeals in court. At which time, Trump negotiates a settlement with the municipality for 25 cents on the dollar.

At the same time that Trump was telling taxing authorities that the property was worth far less than he paid for it, he was telling his banks insurance companies that it was worth double and triple what he paid for it and taking out loans on the higher values. That’s the illegal part.
Falsifying business records isn't tax fraud the other crime that Bragg won't tell us about?

where is all that stuff in the indictment that you are talking about?
Since this wasn’t a criminal trial, Trump is not “innocent until proven guilty”, and the fact that he paid $25 million out of own pocket to make the suit go away, is an admission of guilt.

Nor was this the first suit that Donald Trump settled in relation to claims of fraud or fiscal malfeasance. Trump says he “never settles” because settlement is an admission of fault/guilt. In fact, Trump frequently settles, including two criminal counts of federal racial discrimination in the 1970’s.

Trump was dealing with Deutsches bank because American banks refused to do business with him after his fourth bankruptcy. Now Deutsches bank is cut ties with Trump. Who knows where he’s dealing now.
Multi billionaires have gold diggers and shysters hounding them constantly. They often settle to have such nuisances go away. Months of Trump's time spent fighting a lawsuit would be more costly for his organization than 25 mil.

Trump has thousands of people relying on him. It's not like you and your cats.
I'm interested in your proof that Trump entered the records and your proof that they were false.

You may not realize that Trump doesn't sit over his ledgers with a green eyeshadow on and make entries into business records. Nor does he direct his accountants and bookkeeper on exactly what to call each entry.

I'll be amazed If you can prove that a payment to his lawyer wasn't a "legal fee."

it takes a few seconds to find this.
are you that lazy.
The Dems have been investigating Donald Trump for more than seven years, and only weeks ago finally indicted him on charges so week, that even
When it comes to the office of the Presidency, for which there is no historical precedent, for which prosecutors will need to have thousands of ducks aligned precisely in a meticulous row, that sounds about right.
Democratic activist lawyers are laughing at them.
Well, laugh at this: He is now 'Defendant Trump' (the first of more to come) Ha ha hah!
Yes, of course he would share it. I meant to say "no reason for him not to share it."
good, then try a bit harder to say what you mean, I have a rather pesky habit of taking what people say at face value.
Anyway, I assume your answer is that you have no problem with elected state prosecutors going after national political figures from the other party,
If there are crimes, 'justice is blind'. So, yes, of course.
so I'm not sure why you so vigorously object when it is the Biden get-lots-of-money-from-corrupt-foreign-governments family who is the subject. (I hope that is less triggering than "Biden Crime Family")

Well, Seymour Flops, if you have evidence on that point, provide it. Until then, know that I don't mind congress conducting an investigation (if there is sufficient predication for an inquiry), but no prosecutor is going to indict without actionable evidence , though the jackals in the peanut gallery who are foaming at the mouth might clamour for blood on the sidelines, but their view has no bearing on the plight of the prosecutor, who, indeed, needs actionable evidence and probable cause.

To date, I haven't seen it, and so, if you have it, US Attorney David Weiss, who has been investigating for over 3 years, who has yet to find it, most certainly would be interested. So, after you present it to this forum, I suggest you communicate to him on this historically important matter.

When it comes to the office of the Presidency, for which there is no historical precedent, for which prosecutors will need to have thousands of ducks aligned precisely in a meticulous row, that sounds about right.
If the ducks are in a row, why are so many Democrat legal experts ridiculing the case?

Maybe you know: according to Bragg's indictment, what is the secondary crime that makes falsification of records a felony?
Well, laugh at this: He is now 'Defendant Trump' (the first of more to come) Ha ha hah!
He's beaten you every time so far. You think you finally got him?
good, then try a bit harder to say what you mean, I have a rather pesky habit of taking what people say at face value.
Don't like my posts don't read them.
If there are crimes, 'justice is blind'. So, yes, of course.

Well, Seymour Flops, if you have evidence on that point, provide it.

Why? Are you seriously denying that the Biden's get millions from corrupt foreignors?
Until then, know that I don't mind congress conducting an investigation (if there is sufficient predication for an inquiry), but no prosecutor is going to indict without actionable evidence , though the jackals in the peanut gallery who are foaming at the mouth might clamour for blood on the sidelines, but their view has no bearing on the plight of the prosecutor, who, indeed, needs actionable evidence and probable cause.
Seems the investigation paid off if state prosecutors are ready to move ahead.
To date, I haven't seen it, and so, if you have it, US Attorney David Weiss, who has been investigating for over 3 years, who has yet to find it, most certainly would be interested. So, after you present it to this forum, I suggest you communicate to him on this historically important matter.
Once the indictments are handed down we'll see the evidence as the jury does.

Local partisan elected prosecutors have always had this power to prosecute national political figures of the other party. Grand juries are noted for following the prosecutors lead in those one sided procedures.

Until now that didn't happen because both sides knew it would start a lengthy exchange of tot-for-tat. Even Bragg knew that. He was reluctant to prosecute Donald Trump, but the other Dems pushed him into it. No coincidence their chosen kamikaze is black.
They can certainly investigate to determine whether they might have jurisdiction over crimes that may have been committed in their states. They won't be able to say much about an ongoing investigation, no matter how long it goes on. But leaks happen . . .

Since you have no objection at all to local elected prosecutors prosecuting national political figures from the opposite party, I don't know what your concern is.

OMG! Can't we allow Professor Rumpole to have his thread without de-railing it with more Trump obsession?

They have no jurisdiction. They cannot subpoena any records so they will have nothing to go on.

Bragg does have jurisdiction because Trump's corporation is domiciled in NY and he falsified information on reports sent to the state of NY.
They have no jurisdiction. They cannot subpoena any records so they will have nothing to go on.
How do you know?

You don't even know what crimes they will find yet. Comer can give them all the records that they need to at least get started.

They will not necessarily need to get subpoenas for everything. Freedom of Information Act will cover volumes. Easy to get cooperation when you are trying to stop a vicious crime family like the bidens.
Bragg does have jurisdiction because Trump's corporation is domiciled in NY and he falsified information on reports sent to the state of NY.
Yes, and Republican prosecutors are just as capable of being creative like that. Anything that a national political figure does affects all 50 states. That's the whole point of the federal government. So they will come up with something , I assure you.

The only reason they haven't done it before is due to the unspoken gentleman's agreement that local prosecutors don't go after National political figures.

It was an incredibly stupid move on Bragg's part. To his credit he was very reluctant to do it, until fellow Democrats pushed him into it.

It was stupid because it is bound to lead to tit for tat. Can't blame the Republicans. If they don't respond, the Democrats will just keep doing this. Maybe this will lead to some kind of truce, some formalization of the prior unspoken agreement.

In my opinion the best strategy will be to go for an indictment of Joe Biden now and at the same time make a motion to delay the trial until Biden is out of the white house. Meanwhile, indict and jail Hunter Biden. Leak that Hunter is considering a deal to talk. That should make creepy Joe jumpy as a cat.

Bread and circuses . . .
I just saw on Fox that House Republicans are going to invite testimony from Manhattan Crime Victims who are victims of criminals that Alvin Bragg has refused to prosecute. That will make a stark contrast to Bragg's enthusiasm for prosecuting a guy who supposedly wrote two false words in his own business records.

Not that Trump actually wrote the words, nor were they false, of course. The whole case is absurd.

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