AT&T Spokesgirl, "Lily" Now Shouting Her Abortion. Pathetic.

because fetuses aren't babies. They can't live outside the womb, and in most cases, they are smaller than a kidney bean when they are aborted.
Full term babies can't survive outside the womb either. They require medical and parental help.

Uh, guy, the purpose of a business is to make money, not provide jobs and benefits. The best business in the world is one with no employees.

You've never run a business, have you? There are actually other purposes for a business besides making money and, if your purpose is other than making money - enjoyment of the work, personal gratification, helping others, etc., then having no employees can be a great way run a business.

But to make money almost always takes employees.

If you run a business where the work of one person, you, brings in, for example, a hundred dollars an hour on average, then your maximum gross will be about 200K a year, before any expenses. One person can make a living like that but can never make any money. Just getting a cold or flu, or the Fauci, will cost you significantly because no money comes in while you're sick. But if you can get a few employees doing work, and profit a bit off the top of each one of them, then you can make some money.

Not sure how you can encourage people who don't really like each other that much to marry. "Here, I don't really like you and the sex was mediocre, but I'm going to sign away half my stuff to you!" Tell me in what universe that makes sense.

How about people that don't like each other don't have sex? Since making a child is always the risk of having sex, consider before having sex that you might be making a child. You should not have sex with someone you're not willing to consider as a parent for your children and with whom you're not willing to spend much of the rest of your life.

As always, abortion is about just one thing: sex with out consequences - unless of course you're the child product of that sex; the unborn child suffers the consequences.

Um, actually, no. that was the number of RECORDED abortions in states that legalized it. In states where it was illegal, OB/GYN's wrote something else on the charts.

Here's how you can tell there were just as many abortion. The birth rate in 1973 didn't drop. It actually went up in 1974.

The birth rate went up because it was the sexual revolution. Sex outside of marriage was exploding but not every child that resulted from that sex was murdered. If OB/GYNs were doing abortions without recording it then you have no way of knowing they did it; you're making it up.

Uh, no. Making abortion illegal will not save a single fetus, and a lot of women will end up getting maimed. And frankly given what an utter failure the war on drugs has been, I'm not sure why you would make such a retarded comparison.

Making abortion illegal will save most babies. Most women aren't going into the alley with a coat hanger. But for those who do, I'm completely OK if they come out of the alley maimed or in a body bag. Just as I'm OK with an armed robber taking a bullet in the head from a liquor store owner, or a home invader taking a bullet, I'm OK with a mother who would murder her child dying from her (moral) crime.
AT&T Girl Now “Shouting Her Abortion”. Pathetic.

Milana Vayntrub, who plays Lily, the AT&T girl on commercials, looks like the cute wholesome girl next door. She most decidedly is not that. Turns out she is a leftwing activist kook, celebrating her abortion ten years earlier. This was when she was shacked up with a boyfriend. Recently she had a child which she decided not to kill, again out of wedlock (with a different guy, of course). Now she's using this to condemn the current Texas abortion law.

But let's rewind to 2020. This was when I first realized she was a leftwing hypocrite whack.

I used to like Milana. She was very cute, a little quirky. A little irreverent. Appealing. But then I found out in 2020 she was a leftwing nut. Recall she tearfully posted a video on social media about guys commenting about her ample breasts, calling them ‘milkers’. She called it sexual assault. She was “hurtin’”, she exclaimed. Just so traumatized and victimized she didn’t know what to do. Ironically, during her hyper-offended screed, she was sporting a top low enough to expose her cleavage.

The problem for hypocrite Milana and her crocodile tears was that a few years before, she posted an unfunny “comedy” video with a couple of other young women, that featured a song about “her boobies”. These videos were part of her career building which led to TV appearances and ultimately her national AT&T gig.

The hypocrisy is just astounding. She's complaining about being shamed and harassed over something she flouted to help launch her career. In this Marxist society, Jon Gruden loses her career for saying the N word ten years ago, while this woman kills her baby, brags about it, and is celebrated. Something needs to change!

You've never had an abortion, right?
Drunk or sober I shut you down on the border wall lie

Nope. Trump promised Mexico would pay for it, they did not.

I noticed you ignored all the rest of the broken promises by Trump.....I wonder why that would be?
Nope. Trump promised Mexico would pay for it, they did not.

trump argued before the election that mexico would pay indirectly through lost money sent back to mexico

since you refused to build the wall you cant prove he was wrong about that
I noticed you ignored all the rest of the broken promises by Trump.....I wonder why that would be?
You throw so much shit against the wall I dont have time to expose all of it

but when your list begins with liberal spin and misinformation I need go no farther than the wall
You throw so much shit against the wall I dont have time to expose all of it

but when your list begins with liberal spin and misinformation I need go no farther than the wall

I accept your surrender.
No surrender

you are the one who cant defend the first lie on your list

It is not a lie, Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall. But instead he took money away from the US Military to build what got built. Those are the facts. No spinning in the world will change those facts
I dont know the date but its obviously before the election

Not sure an article from 2019 really helps you.

But since Trump said it, you believe it so this is just a silly thing.

So, here I will take the high ground and take back that Trump said Mexico was paying for the wall.
Not sure an article from 2019 really helps you.

But since Trump said it, you believe it so this is just a silly thing.

So, here I will take the high ground and take back that Trump said Mexico was paying for the wall.
And the link you asked for backs up what I said

what libs have been unable to do id persuade trump voters to do is believe you instead of their own lying eyes
And the link you asked for backs up what I said

what libs have been unable to do id persuade trump voters to do is believe you instead of their own lying eyes

Most Trump voters I know think that Mexico paid for the wall. Lets face it, you all are not the brightest group on the planet.
Most Trump voters I know think that Mexico paid for the wall. Lets face it, you all are not the brightest group on the planet.
Since the wall was prevented from being built, I don’t know anyone who thinks what you claim they think. You’re not off to a good start in spewing this line of horse shit, Double Bogey.
Since the wall was prevented from being built, I don’t know anyone who thinks what you claim they think.

How was it prevented? Trump took the money from the DOD to pay for it. According to CPB there was 452 miles built during the Trump Admin.

How do you not know these things?

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