AT&T Spokesgirl, "Lily" Now Shouting Her Abortion. Pathetic.

So who are libs calling the cultists if not anyone who supports trump?

I have no idea who the Libs are calling anything, but for me it is people that make comments like this....My feeling is President Trump is among the top three greatest presidents of all time, quite possibly the greatest.
I have no idea who the Libs are calling anything, but for me it is people that make comments like this....My feeling is President Trump is among the top three greatest presidents of all time, quite possibly the greatest.
I would not go that far

but it can be argued that trump is the most significant president since FDR

because he represents the first successful revolt of common people against the entrenched washinton swamp rats since Roosevelt

but I suppose that just makes me an unwashed cultist
but it can be argued that trump is the most significant president since FDR

I would agree but only due to his actions after the 2020 elections.

because he represents the first successful revolt of common people against the entrenched washinton swamp rats since Roosevelt

I am not sure it was successful. They voted in a man that has spent his life giving money to the swamp rats and who filled his Admin with swamp rats. Ad in the fact that he has pretty much guaranteed we will not have another outsider elected for the next 100 years, I do not find it to be a success.
I would agree but only due to his actions after the 2020 elections.

I am not sure it was successful. They voted in a man that has spent his life giving money to the swamp rats and who filled his Admin with swamp rats. Ad in the fact that he has pretty much guaranteed we will not have another outsider elected for the next 100 years, I do not find it to be a success.
The entrenched washington establishment has lived in fear of the common man for some time

the grassroots Tea Party movement scared the crap out of them so much that obama used the IRS to keep them in check

But the people didnt give up and the next breakout from the reservation was more successful, resulting in Donald Trump in the white house

and for that reason I consider him a significant (and positive) step forward
The entrenched washington establishment has lived in fear of the common man for some time

the grassroots Tea Party movement scared the crap out of them so much that obama used the IRS to keep them in check

But the people didnt give up and the next breakout from the reservation was more successful, resulting in Donald Trump in the white house

and for that reason I consider him a significant (and positive) step forward

I do agree that the entrenched Washington establishment has lived in fear of the common man for some time, it is why they have been working so very hard to divide us so we cannot unite behind such a man.

I find it funny you consider Trump one of the "common folk"

It could have been a significant (and positive) step forward, but Trump himself ensured that that a "common man" will not be elected POTUS again for at least 100 years. It is almost as if his part in the grand Kabuki theater was to ensure it did not happen again.
No, conservatives are not cultists, Trump worshiper are.

And Trump worshipers are not conservatives, or they would not support Trump
No, cultists like a leader because of his personality. I like Trump because he has governed in the most conservative manner than any president in a century. You don't like him because of his personality. I don't care about his personality one way or the other, as long as he governs conservatively and can defeat the left, which Trump has shown he can do. What you see as abrasive an unnecessary behavior, I see as necessary and effective. Case in point: His constant use of "Pocahontas". People say it's mean, racist, unnecessary. I say it was highly effective in making the Marxist Warren irrelevant. That one name reminded people that Warren lied about her ancestry, while the ridicule made her a laughingstock. On top of that, it made her spitting mad, such that all she could do was call Trump the usual; racist, misogynist, etc. The net result is Trump made her a punchline and basically removed her from the presidential race.

When Trump decided to run in 2015, I didn't like him. My choice was Ted Cruz, the proven conservative in the primaries. I didn't think Trump was a conservative. I was angry at Rush Limbaugh for giving Trump so much oxygen during 2016 instead of the conservative Cruz. But the great Rush obviously saw something I didn't. And once Trump won, I was very pleasantly surprised at how conservative he governed, and how he did everything he promised, or at least tried to.

People say "Oh, he had affairs, he hung out with bad women, and he said a few bad words." And to that, I ask "Are you asking me to vote for the Democrat? Someone who decrees babies to be killed in the womb who has enriched themselves while in office? Someone who made a career out of lying and covering it up?" Biden and Hillary have done far worse things than Trump.

If you truly value conservative leadership, you have to like Trump. If you voted against him, you aren't a conservative.
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I have no idea who the Libs are calling anything, but for me it is people that make comments like this....My feeling is President Trump is among the top three greatest presidents of all time, quite possibly the greatest.
What president was greater than Trump in the past century?
Once again, you won't be able to answer.
I find it funny you consider Trump one of the "common folk"
Of course trump is not a common man

but he’s the only leader who was willing to take up their cause against the corrupt establishment in washington

for as long as I can remember 3rd party types like you and and the other 1% tweeners have claimed to be against the corrupt two party system

but then the first time and outsider succeeded in beating the duopoly at its own game you shrieked in horror and attacked him with everything you have

Mac1958 even went so far as to vote for a senile old fool democrat so as to return the establishment to power
Of course trump is not a common man

but he’s the only leader who was willing to take up their cause against the corrupt establishment in washington

While that made for good fodder at his rallies, his actions did not follow up.

for as long as I can remember 3rd party types like you and and the other 1% tweeners have claimed to be against the corrupt two party system

but then the first time and outsider succeeded in beating the duopoly at its own game you shrieked in horror and attacked him with everything you have

But he did not beat them, he is one of them, always has been.
You call him a liberal, but you can't name any president more conservative in the past century.

That is because we have not had a conservative president in the past century. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
That is because we have not had a conservative president in the past century. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

So better to have a Prog shitstool like Biden then?

Perfection when set as an unobtainable goal is a fools quest, taken by fools.

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