At the name of jesus " every" knee will bow!!! Ptl.

Once again jesus supposedly prayed to the real G-D. He even whinned to the real G-D "why have you forsaken me".

Jesus was reciting psalm 22 which reflected perfectly his situation and was an expression of faith, not whining.
Once again jesus supposedly prayed to the real G-D. He even whinned to the real G-D "why have you forsaken me".

Jesus was reciting psalm 22 which reflected perfectly his situation and was an expression of faith, not whining.

Nothing like being stuck up on a crusifix to make a guy want to break out in jewish songs.

The other two dudes could have joined in with harmony.

Most people would be a little bummed out with the nails through the wrists and ankles ...but not the BeeJeeBuss... He feels like singing.

Once again jesus supposedly prayed to the real G-D. He even whinned to the real G-D "why have you forsaken me".

Jesus was reciting psalm 22 which reflected perfectly his situation and was an expression of faith, not whining.

There were the prayers that the great jewish martyrs said like when they proclaimed "Hear O Israel, the Lord is our G-D, the Lord, is One".

"Why have you forsaken me" is what a wuss would say.
Once again jesus supposedly prayed to the real G-D. He even whinned to the real G-D "why have you forsaken me".

Jesus was reciting psalm 22 which reflected perfectly his situation and was an expression of faith, not whining.

There were the prayers that the great jewish martyrs said like when they proclaimed "Hear O Israel, the Lord is our G-D, the Lord, is One".

"Why have you forsaken me" is what a wuss would say.

lol..... who can say? according to the gospels Jesus had several last words.

Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do

Today you will be with me in paradise

Behold your son: behold your mother

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

I thirst

It is finished

Father, into your hands I commit my spirit

If you think that Jesus was a wuss then see how brave you are and go and tell your rabbi that he is a false teacher and an actor and lying fraud to teach other people that the concern of God and the subject of kosher law is about what you eat for dinner.
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The testimony of God is this, that He has testified concerning His Son. 10 The one who believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself; the one who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has given concerning His Son. 11 And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. 1 JOHN 5:9-12
JESUS says==Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” mATTHEW 28:19-20============Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit=GOD!!
The testimony of God is this, that He has testified concerning His Son. 10 The one who believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself; the one who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has given concerning His Son. 11 And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. 1 JOHN 5:9-12

Jesus said that unless you eat the flesh of the son of man you can have no life in you.

Flesh is symbolic of teaching and the teaching of Jesus was the revelation that the law is figurative in nature and the subjects in the law are hidden and not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

You do not have this teaching in you so according to Jesus there is no life in you, not to mention the fact that setting aside the laws of God and teaching other to do the same amounts to murder and the consequence is the death that you so perfectly display in your inability to have an intelligent thought or refrain from what scripture clearly teaches results in complete and permanent destruction.

You perjure yourself in the name of God on a daily basis and by the degenerate state of your perverse mind and the smell of corruption of your addled flesh it is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field that you have your reward already.
Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’ MATTHEW 7:21-23==== “Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels. MATTHEW 25:41

the telling factor is "forgiveness"
where we forgive and receive each other as humble children of God,
we receive Jesus and the Father.

I know this grace is so welcoming, that all people, all humanity will
receive it, and that is why I believe in universal salvation. The power
of love and forgiveness is so great, it transforms anything in its path that cannot block it forever.

In the meantime, while we reject and divide from each other,
God cannot YET enter and heal that relationship with divine grace through Christ
until we agree to let go, give it to God through Christ on the cross,
and let God's will enter in to restore good faith and working relations with neighbors.

This will happen, but it takes time; the steps of the grief process go through stages,
and anger denial and projection are part of that process which is natural; the grievance
process of resolving conflicts also goes through this but multiplied by 2 or 3 where more people are involved
and all have to go through the same healing to come to peace with one another.

We must forgive and love one another with God's UNCONDITIONAL love
(John 13:34 Jesus gave us a NEW commandment that we love one another
as HE loves us, unconditionally as God does, which is different from man's biased and conditioned love)

This unconditional love based on forgiveness in advance (not earned by conditions met)
is where heavenly grace, love and will of God bring salvation to us individually, in relationships, and in society collectively as one humanity.

This plan for peace and justice, this path cannot be stopped, it is inevitable as human destiny to reach spiritual maturity, wholeness, and restored health and balance;
but it must be freely chosen: forgiveness and healing can never be forced
but must be accepted and asked so that we agree to the changes that follow naturally.

Thus the Kingdom of God is established among us
where we agree to submit to one another in Christ Jesus. Amen.
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John 10:29-30
29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

30 I and my Father are one.

RE: both are true at the same time, see Jesus' words

A. God the Father is greater than the Son and thus DISTINCT (not the same)
B. Jesus the Son and God the Father are ONE (inseparable in spirit, perfectly synonymous WILL)

God is like the collective whole or source of all universal truth/love/energy in the world

Jesus is like Divine Will or Divine Justice of God EMBODIED in man to bridge the
earthly/physical level of man with the divine/collective/spiritual level of God and heaven.

So Jesus links man by CONSCIENCE -- that is where the spirit of the laws
and justice RESIDE where man can experience them in RELATIONSHIPS.

So this is DISTINCT from God on an infinite level that man cannot fully contain.
but Jesus being one with God means "perfect will" where there is no conflict or separation.

Jesus is perfect Justice, so this is God but manifested in our limited/finite human realm.
Not going to be the same experience or whole of God, but is still one WITH GOD inseparable.

Jesus WILL = perfectly God's will (no other human has this, we all go astray
with biases and emotions and karma/sin from the past affecting us; but Jesus
represents "perfect will or justice" that was NOT BIASED by any personal karma or sin)

That's three gods.

No, those are like three roles or three levels that God manifests in.

The US government is ONE government, not three, but
has judicial, legislative and executive. These are DISTINCT
but INSEPARABLE, and they all make up ONE government.

H2O is one not three
but has three states: gas, liquid, solid.
We call ICE by a different name than WATER
but it is made up of the same substance, just in different form.

I am one person, not three,
but I am of body, mind and spirit as a human being.
My body and mind are distinct, but they affect each other.

Collectively if you add up the
body/mind/spirit levels
individual/relationships/collective human experiences
of all humanity
over all time and space and realms of existence

that is what

Humanity is made in the image of God
or we are individually each a representation of collective humanity

Once again jesus supposedly prayed to the real G-D. He even whinned to the real G-D "why have you forsaken me".

Counting isn't that difficult


G-D said he is only one, and that there is only him.

Hi CMike: Yes, totally agree God is one and all encompassing.
Perfect means WHOLE where God is indivisible.

(A) Note that "Elohim" one of the NAMES of God is PLURAL.
God as Wisdom is a distinct NAME from God as Love or God as divine will/justice/good.

So just because there is ONE GOD
does not mean people don't assign multiple names for all the aspects and
manifestation of God in our world.

The Muslims acknowledge 99 NAMES of the same one true God.
God as Justice, God as Mercy, all these are DIVINE attributes
that we acknowledge and name distinctly to explain, but still ONE GOD.

(B) [Also, 1+1=2 is because you are treating the parts as separate.
The same man (one man in a room by himself) can be both
a father and a son.

So just because you have a "father" and a "son" in a room alone,
doesn't mean you have "two people." What if they are the same man?

In this case, the closest equivalent is one man playing THREE different roles:
as Father, as Son, and as Husband. Three roles, three distinct RELATIONSHIPS,
but the same entity filling all these roles at the same time.

You can also think of this as First, Second and Third Person Perspectives:
The same story can be told in First person, Second or Third
(the person stating their experience directly =first person
the story told by a second character narrating the story = second person
the story told by an outside third party not in the story = third person

It is the SAME STORY but told in three different perspectives
because people experience and understand life from different angles.

Likewise three different ways to RELATE to God are
First person = direct communication and contact with God
Second person = indirectly through a DIRECT RELATIONSHIP with second person acting as intermediary
(level of Conscience where Jesus represents the central conscience connecting all people to God)
Third person = third party INDIRECTLY or Collectively by a Relationship between other people joined in Christ

These are ALL valid ways of EXPERIENCING the love or truth or will of God.
One God, but different levels of manifestation relationship and experience in life]

(C) Note about both being true at the same time
(God is distinct from Jesus AND Jesus and God being one inseparable)

Jesus, himself, acknowledged that God the father was distinct and greater
than he (see John 10:29-30) where in the same passage Jesus still says the father
and son are one.

so CMike BOTH are true AT THE SAME TIME.
The Father and Son are one inseparable
and the Father is greater than the Son which means they are DISTINCT.

There is no conflict in representing God in any number of ways.
Still the same God, even if people express their understanding and applications
of God differently in the real world using real life concepts that only contain
parts of this infinite God.

the color spectrum is one continuum of light, but we identify and distinguish
the different colors for our own practical purposes. it's still coming from one source.
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ALMIGHTY GOD IS GOD THE FATHER,SON AND HOLYSPIRIT======JESUS is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. 17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. 18 He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. 19 For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, 20 and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him. COLOSSIANS 1:15-20
Dear hobelim:
I believe GISMYS has the spirit moving him allright.

The problem is where in his mind he has not fully forgiven
some of the differences or conflicts "separating" him from others such as Gentiles
or people of other faith backgrounds.

This "unforgiven" conflict, from the past, projects forward
and skews the perception, interpretation, speech and spirit of the words and responses from GISMYS.

All people have biases, so GISMYS is no different. Everyone projects online, which seems to be the perfect vehicle for venting and hashing things out openly and freely.

I believe GISMYS, I and others share in the Christian spirit, but we just forgive different things while not forgiving others.

For example:
He can forgive the fact that what he says comes out sounding negative and conflicting to others.
I can forgive that also, but other people can't, and start rejecting GISMYS the same way.

GISMYS cannot seem to forgive the nontheism or atheism of others, but judges this very harshly, even condemning to hell.
I can forgive that, so I can still work differences out with nontheists who don't
believe in a personified God and Jesus. To me the determining factor is forgiveness/unforgiveness, and all people have issues with that equally,
regardless of faith or no faith, so it makes people equal to focus on that.

Where GISMYS cannot "forgive" certain conflicts or differences, it comes out as a bias in the words
and posts.

It is true that where we fail to forgive, and fail to ask God's help with forgiveness,
of course, we all fall short. But that doesn't mean GISMYS isn't committed to Christ
to work through this process. GISMYS wouldn't be here if it weren't for that calling.

With support of fellow believers, I'm sure these issues can be worked out.
We may not change our minds about our differences, but we can forgive them
as we work toward mutual corrections and understanding.

GISMYS is no better or worse than anyone else, but just honest in expressing biases.
Surely that is forgiveable, so we can work on the content where we actually agree on, and not nitpick over the presentation. None of us is perfect, or perfectly forgiving, on that level!

Thanks for sharing, [MENTION=43287]hobelim[/MENTION]. I look forward to seeing more wisdom and insights come forth from these posts, to help all of us to be bigger better people including GISMYS,
to be even more effective in our communications, consistent with our beliefs, and more inclusive in our understanding of the path of other people in life that is different from ours.
Given the same God created us all in one plan for humanity, I trust in God's purpose for why we all have our differences that all work together to serve the greater good.

The testimony of God is this, that He has testified concerning His Son. 10 The one who believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself; the one who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has given concerning His Son. 11 And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. 1 JOHN 5:9-12

Jesus said that unless you eat the flesh of the son of man you can have no life in you.

Flesh is symbolic of teaching and the teaching of Jesus was the revelation that the law is figurative in nature and the subjects in the law are hidden and not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

You do not have this teaching in you so according to Jesus there is no life in you, not to mention the fact that setting aside the laws of God and teaching other to do the same amounts to murder and the consequence is the death that you so perfectly display in your inability to have an intelligent thought or refrain from what scripture clearly teaches results in complete and permanent destruction.

You perjure yourself in the name of God on a daily basis and by the degenerate state of your perverse mind and the smell of corruption of your addled flesh it is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field that you have your reward already.
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BOTTOMLINE= GOD loves and will forgive the sinner but He hates their sin. So it should be with beliervers=forgive and love the sinner but hate his sin. if you condone sin,you have joined the sinner in his sin. BEWARE!!
Ya... seriously. What's up with THAT? If the Beejeebus was so tight with gawd and everything and supposedly did this assisted suicide for man's benefit on purpose and him knowing supposedly that gawd see's all knows all and everything..then

Why all the whining from the cross??????

There is just SOOOooo.. much about the BUYBULL that is so much a steaming pile of crap!!!

Jizzy... you are such an idiot.

Hi Huggy: if you look at what Jesus represents:
all people go through a spiritual process of personal/social development.

We don't learn from experience without failures and falling out or setbacks.
As we RECOVER from setbacks from the past, we progress.
Both individually and collectively as society, we accelerate our learning curve
by studying and not repeating the past, but figuring out how to prevent problems.

All this takes "forgiveness" to let go of the past
so we can make corrections and move forward.

What Jesus represents is the "intervention of divine forgiveness"
to collectively break through all the injustice and past karma in a vicious cycle
(otherwise repeating by passing from previous generations onto future generations),
so that we as humanity can recover and start anew and freed from the problems inherited from the past.

So instead of carrying all that from the past, and projecting it forward as retribution,
what Jesus represents is NOT owing any karmic debts, so when the injustice is paid back for his sacrifice, it does NOT apply to any personal debts Jesus incurred.

it pays FORWARD to cover ALL the uncovered debts of humanity that
were projected onto Jesus where the blame and punishment was concentrated there.

So as that is forgiven, then all restitution is done voluntarily out of charity.
We all owe for what we are blessed to have in life that we didn't earn.
instead of enslaving ourselves to religion to "earn" salvation or grace,
it is given freely, so all the charity we do is by free will for charity and lovesake alone.

Where we forgive all the conditions or karma and "sins" of the past,
we are free to live and share for the love of humanity and enjoy life unconditionally.

We CHOOSE to live and act responsibly out of love, not out of "fear of punishment
from the past" from which we are liberated. The ways of justice will take care of themselves, and work their ways THROUGH us where we agree to follow
the path of good will in life for all people and society equally.

This is what it means to forgive and to submit to "God's will" by faith in truth and justice
to guide humanity. The divine sacrifice, forgiveness and grace that Christ represents
allows this individual and collective healing so all people can be united in this one spirit.

Jesus in the Bible collectively represents this process that each person goes through individually in life, and all people, all society and all humanity goes through as a group.
It is coming to terms with Justice so we find spiritual peace inside and outside in the world.
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GOD rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. 17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. 18 He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. 19 For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, 20 and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.

21 And although you were formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds, 22 yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach. Colossians 1:13-21
Ya... seriously. What's up with THAT? If the Beejeebus was so tight with gawd and everything and supposedly did this assisted suicide for man's benefit on purpose and him knowing supposedly that gawd see's all knows all and everything..then

Why all the whining from the cross??????

There is just SOOOooo.. much about the BUYBULL that is so much a steaming pile of crap!!!

Jizzy... you are such an idiot.

Hi Huggy: if you look at what Jesus represents:
all people go through a spiritual process of personal/social development.

We don't learn from experience without failures and falling out or setbacks.
As we RECOVER from setbacks from the past, we progress.
Both individually and collectively as society, we accelerate our learning curve
by studying and not repeating the past, but figuring out how to prevent problems.

All this takes "forgiveness" to let go of the past
so we can make corrections and move forward.

What Jesus represents is the "intervention of divine forgiveness"
to collectively break through all the injustice and past karma in a vicious cycle
(otherwise repeating by passing from previous generations onto future generations),
so that we as humanity can recover and start anew and freed from the problems inherited from the past.

So instead of carrying all that from the past, and projecting it forward as retribution,
what Jesus represents is NOT owing any karmic debts, so when the injustice is paid back for his sacrifice, it does NOT apply to any personal debts Jesus incurred.

it pays FORWARD to cover ALL the uncovered debts of humanity that
were projected onto Jesus where the blame and punishment was concentrated there.

So as that is forgiven, then all restitution is done voluntarily out of charity.
We all owe for what we are blessed to have in life that we didn't earn.
instead of enslaving ourselves to religion to "earn" salvation or grace,
it is given freely, so all the charity we do is by free will for charity and lovesake alone.

Where we forgive all the conditions or karma and "sins" of the past,
we are free to live and share for the love of humanity and enjoy life unconditionally.

We CHOOSE to live and act responsibly out of love, not out of "fear of punishment
from the past" from which we are liberated. The ways of justice will take care of themselves, and work their ways THROUGH us where we agree to follow
the path of good will in life for all people and society equally.

This is what it means to forgive and to submit to "God's will" by faith in truth and justice
to guide humanity. The divine sacrifice, forgiveness and grace that Christ represents
allows this individual and collective healing so all people can be united in this one spirit.

Jesus in the Bible collectively represents this process that each person goes through individually in life, and all people, all society and all humanity goes through as a group.
It is coming to terms with Justice so we find spiritual peace inside and outside in the world.

Hey There !

I'll just work on your first sentence..

"all people go through a spiritual process of personal/social development"

Patently untrue. Many people go through too much from birth to whenever and are damaged past any point of return to normal let alone any special spiritual process.

This assumption of some religists that people are all this or all that is hogwash. Some people do seem to fall into catagories allowing them to be good candidates for groupthink and following anything or anyone to whatever end among those paths yes certainly christianity. Some people seem to need this association.

Many function and thrive without joining a group which prescribes how one is supposed to be.

Some are so dysfunctional that no system of beliefs can be adopted or adapted to have any positive effect.

This "all people" cookie cutter jesus is right for everyone strategy by christians is one of the aspects of your particular religion I have trouble with.

I'm sure you believe this covenant laid out in scripture and are sincere. I can only speak 100% for myself but can assure you that in my case you are in error.

I believe that my happiness is not incumbant on your belief system. When I finally die that will be the end of my participation in life other than to feed worms or give back my biological composition to the elements.

I am not comfortable in the fact I won't live forever because I enjoy being alive. My wanting it won't change anything in that regards.

I am not angry at your god because I do not beloieve your god exists anywhere but in yours and your fellow christian's imaginations.

I am a little pissed at Billy Gates and Paul Allen that they didn't invest more in cloning which could have extended mine and others lives indefinitly.

Only a handfull of very wealthy people could ever embark on such an ambitious project. They wasted their opportunity.

In Paul Allen's defense he did bring a Lombardi Trophy to my city so he is a little more off the hook than Gates.
Ya... seriously. What's up with THAT? If the Beejeebus was so tight with gawd and everything and supposedly did this assisted suicide for man's benefit on purpose and him knowing supposedly that gawd see's all knows all and everything..then

Why all the whining from the cross??????

There is just SOOOooo.. much about the BUYBULL that is so much a steaming pile of crap!!!

Jizzy... you are such an idiot.

Hi Huggy: if you look at what Jesus represents:
all people go through a spiritual process of personal/social development.

We don't learn from experience without failures and falling out or setbacks.
As we RECOVER from setbacks from the past, we progress.
Both individually and collectively as society, we accelerate our learning curve
by studying and not repeating the past, but figuring out how to prevent problems.

All this takes "forgiveness" to let go of the past
so we can make corrections and move forward.

What Jesus represents is the "intervention of divine forgiveness"
to collectively break through all the injustice and past karma in a vicious cycle
(otherwise repeating by passing from previous generations onto future generations),
so that we as humanity can recover and start anew and freed from the problems inherited from the past.

So instead of carrying all that from the past, and projecting it forward as retribution,
what Jesus represents is NOT owing any karmic debts, so when the injustice is paid back for his sacrifice, it does NOT apply to any personal debts Jesus incurred.

it pays FORWARD to cover ALL the uncovered debts of humanity that
were projected onto Jesus where the blame and punishment was concentrated there.

So as that is forgiven, then all restitution is done voluntarily out of charity.
We all owe for what we are blessed to have in life that we didn't earn.
instead of enslaving ourselves to religion to "earn" salvation or grace,
it is given freely, so all the charity we do is by free will for charity and lovesake alone.

Where we forgive all the conditions or karma and "sins" of the past,
we are free to live and share for the love of humanity and enjoy life unconditionally.

We CHOOSE to live and act responsibly out of love, not out of "fear of punishment
from the past" from which we are liberated. The ways of justice will take care of themselves, and work their ways THROUGH us where we agree to follow
the path of good will in life for all people and society equally.

This is what it means to forgive and to submit to "God's will" by faith in truth and justice
to guide humanity. The divine sacrifice, forgiveness and grace that Christ represents
allows this individual and collective healing so all people can be united in this one spirit.

Jesus in the Bible collectively represents this process that each person goes through individually in life, and all people, all society and all humanity goes through as a group.
It is coming to terms with Justice so we find spiritual peace inside and outside in the world.

Hey There !

I'll just work on your first sentence..

"all people go through a spiritual process of personal/social development"

Patently untrue. Many people go through too much from birth to whenever and are damaged past any point of return to normal let alone any special spiritual process.

This assumption of some religists that people are all this or all that is hogwash. Some people do seem to fall into catagories allowing them to be good candidates for groupthink and following anything or anyone to whatever end among those paths yes certainly christianity. Some people seem to need this association.

Many function and thrive without joining a group which prescribes how one is supposed to be.

Some are so dysfunctional that no system of beliefs can be adopted or adapted to have any positive effect.

This "all people" cookie cutter jesus is right for everyone strategy by christians is one of the aspects of your particular religion I have trouble with.

I'm sure you believe this covenant laid out in scripture and are sincere. I can only speak 100% for myself but can assure you that in my case you are in error.

I believe that my happiness is not incumbant on your belief system. When I finally die that will be the end of my participation in life other than to feed worms or give back my biological composition to the elements.

I am not comfortable in the fact I won't live forever because I enjoy being alive. My wanting it won't change anything in that regards.

I am not angry at your god because I do not beloieve your god exists anywhere but in yours and your fellow christian's imaginations.

I am a little pissed at Billy Gates and Paul Allen that they didn't invest more in cloning which could have extended mine and others lives indefinitly.

Only a handfull of very wealthy people could ever embark on such an ambitious project. They wasted their opportunity.

In Paul Allen's defense he did bring a Lombardi Trophy to my city so he is a little more off the hook than Gates.

This little life even if over 100 years long is but a drop in the oceans of eternity.
Jesus was reciting psalm 22 which reflected perfectly his situation and was an expression of faith, not whining.

There were the prayers that the great jewish martyrs said like when they proclaimed "Hear O Israel, the Lord is our G-D, the Lord, is One".

"Why have you forsaken me" is what a wuss would say.

lol..... who can say? according to the gospels Jesus had several last words.

Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do

Today you will be with me in paradise

Behold your son: behold your mother

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

I thirst

It is finished

Father, into your hands I commit my spirit

If you think that Jesus was a wuss then see how brave you are and go and tell your rabbi that he is a false teacher and an actor and lying fraud to teach other people that the concern of God and the subject of kosher law is about what you eat for dinner.

What does the rabbi have to do with it?

We can read for ourselves what G-D commanded in the Torah.
There were the prayers that the great jewish martyrs said like when they proclaimed "Hear O Israel, the Lord is our G-D, the Lord, is One".

"Why have you forsaken me" is what a wuss would say.

lol..... who can say? according to the gospels Jesus had several last words.

Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do

Today you will be with me in paradise

Behold your son: behold your mother

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

I thirst

It is finished

Father, into your hands I commit my spirit

If you think that Jesus was a wuss then see how brave you are and go and tell your rabbi that he is a false teacher and an actor and lying fraud to teach other people that the concern of God and the subject of kosher law is about what you eat for dinner.

What does the rabbi have to do with it?

We can read for ourselves what G-D commanded in the Torah.

We can can we?

How many of you are there?
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lol..... who can say? according to the gospels Jesus had several last words.

Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do

Today you will be with me in paradise

Behold your son: behold your mother

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

I thirst

It is finished

Father, into your hands I commit my spirit

If you think that Jesus was a wuss then see how brave you are and go and tell your rabbi that he is a false teacher and an actor and lying fraud to teach other people that the concern of God and the subject of kosher law is about what you eat for dinner.

What does the rabbi have to do with it?

We can read for ourselves what G-D commanded in the Torah.

We can can we?

How many of you are there?

You lost me?
JESUS=GOD =JESUS our Lord shares the Godhead coequally with His Father. Yes, "God sent forth His Son," from His throne on high, from His position of heavenly glory. God did not send one forth who, in His birth, became His Son, but He sent One who, through all eternity, was His Son. Centuries before Christ was born, the Prophet Isaiah wrote of Him, ''For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given . . . '' (Isaiah 9:6). The Son was given in eternity past before we knew Him. His human birth was merely the method of coming to us. Before His Incarnation Jesus Christ was ''in the form of God'' (vs. 6). From the beginning He had the nature of God, He existed (or subsisted) as God, and that essential Deity which He once was could never cease to be. If He seems Divine, it is only because He is Divine. He is God.

He ''thought it not robbery to be equal with God'' (vs. 6). The eternal Son did not consider it a thing to be seized unlawfully to be equal with the Father. Equality with God was not something He retained by force or by farce. He possessed it in eternity past and no power could take it from Him. But in the Incarnation He laid aside, not His possession of Deity, but His position in and expression of the heavenly glory.
''He made Himself of no reputation." God emptied Himself! He did not lose His Deity when He became Man, for God is immutable and therefore cannot cease to be God. He always was God the Son; He continued to be God the Son in His earthly sojourn as Man; He is God the Son in heaven today as He will remain throughout eternity. He is ''Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).

(2) ''He took upon Him the form of a servant.'' His was a voluntary act of amazing grace, the almighty Sovereign stooping to become earth's lowly Servant. Instead of expressing Himself as one deserving to be served, He revealed Himself as one desiring to serve others. He did not boast His eternal glory and right to be ministered to, but instead evinced His humility and desire to minister. ''The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many'' (Matthew 20:28).

(3) "He was made in the likeness of men." This phrase expresses the full reality of His humanity. He participated in the same flesh and blood as man (Hebrews 2:14). Although He entered into a new state of being, His becoming Man did not exclude His possession of Deity, for He was and is today a Person who is both God and Man, Divine and human, perfect in His Deity and perfect in His humanity.

(4) ''And being found in fashion as a man." When He came into the world, Christ associated with His contemporaries and did not hold Himself aloof. Thus He manifested to all that He was a real Man. One obvious distinction marked our Lord's humanity; His perfection and sinlessness. As a Man He was made under the law, yet He never violated the law. As a Man He was tempted in all three points in which we are tempted (I John 2:16), yet His temptation was apart from any thought, word, or act of sin.

(5) "He humbled Himself." The world has never witnessed a more genuine act of self-humbling. So completely did our Lord humble Himself that He surrendered His will to the will of His Father in heaven. His desire was to do the will of the Father, therefore He could testify, "I do always those things that please Him" (John 8:29). It was humiliation for the eternal Son of God to become flesh in a stable, and then to dwell in a humble home in subjection to a human parent. God was ''sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin'' (Romans 8:30). Only eternity will reveal the depth of meaning for Him and for us found in those words, " He humbled Himself."

(6) "He became obedient unto death." Remarkable indeed! Here the God-man dies. Did He die as God, or did He die as Man? He died as the God-Man. The first Adam's obedience would have been unto life, but because he disobeyed unto death, the last Adam must now obey unto death in order that He might deliver the first Adam's posterity ''out of death into life'' (John 5:24 R.V.). ''For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive" (1 Corinthians 15:22). To subject Himself to the cruel death of a criminal on the cross was a necessary part of God's plan of salvation for men, and to such a death our Lord voluntarily submitted. Implicit obedience!

(7) '' . . . even the death of the cross." Our Lord died as no other person died or ever will die. Other men had died on crosses, but this Man, the eternal Son of God, voluntarily and willingly died the kind of death meted out to criminals, even the death upon a cross. His own countrymen considered crucifixion the worst kind of disgrace. In their law it was written, "For he that is hanged is accursed of God'' (Deuteronomy 21:23; cf. Galatians 3:13). Not only did our Lord die, but He died bearing the burden of the worst of criminals and the guiltiest of sinners. Down He came from heaven's glory to earth's sin and shame through His Incarnation.

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